Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

Qual o caça ideal para o FX?

F/A-18 Super Hornet
Gripen NG
Total de votos: 1320

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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39811 Mensagem por czarccc » Qui Mai 06, 2010 7:41 am

czarccc escreveu:
Santiago escreveu: Imagem

T/W sem PC: 5,91
T/W com PC: 8,77

T/W sem PC: 5,70
T/W com PC: 8,62

T/W sem PC: 6,57
T/W com PC: 9,64

T/W sem PC: 4,83
T/W com PC: 7,86

T/W sem PC: 4,30
T/W com PC: 7,28

Informação sobre consumo (quando disponível) muito ser encontrado aqui:
http://books.google.com.br/books?id=_5v ... &q&f=false
Olá Santiago,

Estava pesquisando o link que você me mandou, além site da GE e outros e notei umas discrepâncias. No site da GE não mostra o peso da F414, mas mostra o da F404, que é exatamente este atribuido à F414 na figura, isto é, 2282 lb. É provavelmente um erro. No mesmo link do livro tem um peso de 2447 lb para a F414. No deagel diz que o peso é 2445 lb, amesma coisa. Tanto que as informações de T/W ratio são dadas como da "classe" 9:1, o que pode ser qualquer coisa entre 8,5 e 9,5. Além disso, onde havia tal informação, a potencia a seco era sempre reportada como sendo de 14,000 lb. Dessa forma os novos valores ficariam:

T/W sem PC: 5,72
T/W com PC: 8,99

O que não deixa de ser excelente, a maior relação em PC e a segunda a seco da lista.

Links que pesquisei:

http://www.geae.com/engines/military/co ... bofan.html
http://www.deagel.com/Fighter-Aircraft- ... 33001.aspx
http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ ... -specs.htm
Caramba! Esqueci do principal. Fala pro cara que fez essa figura (se você tiver contato com ele) sumir com esse P&W! :mrgreen:

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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39812 Mensagem por talharim » Qui Mai 06, 2010 8:14 am

Nº Processo: PAG 024-03/SDDP. Espécie: Termo Aditivo de Contrato.
Contratante: União, Ministério da Defesa, por intermédio do
Comando da Aeronáutica - COMAER, representado pelo Departamento
de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial - DCTA e pelo Subdepartamento
de Desenvolvimento e Programas - SDDP. Contratada:
Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica - EMBRAER. Nº do Termo Aditivo
e Contrato Original: 4º Termo Aditivo ao Contrato de Despesa nº
002/DEPED-SDDP/01. Finalidade: a) Alterar o Item II - Convenções;
b) Alterar a Cláusula Quarta - Custeio; c) Alterar a Cláusula Décima-
Segunda - Prazo de Execução; d) Ajustar a Cláusula Décima-Terceira
- Início e Término da Vigência; e e) Adequar o Anexo I - Cronograma
Físico-Financeiro. Amparo Legal: Art. 57, §1º, Inciso II , da Lei nº
8.666, de 21 jun. 1993. Valor: não houve alteração no valor do Contrato.
Programa/Natureza de Despesa: 05.151.0632.8969/
Data de Assinatura: 21 mar. 2010. Vigência: 21 mar. 2011.

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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39813 Mensagem por Enlil » Qui Mai 06, 2010 8:21 am

Significa :?:...

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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39814 Mensagem por talharim » Qui Mai 06, 2010 8:28 am

...........que a Embraer tá no rolo..........

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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39816 Mensagem por Loki » Qui Mai 06, 2010 8:47 am

brisa escreveu::shock: :shock: :shock:

X 2

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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39817 Mensagem por talharim » Qui Mai 06, 2010 8:47 am

Mas é lógico que a Embraer vai estar no rolo pq é a única empresa brasileira que poderia absorver tecnologia de off-sets efetivamente e não apenas no papel.

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French

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General George S. Patton.
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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39818 Mensagem por soultrain » Qui Mai 06, 2010 8:49 am

Quando chega o primeiro Rafale?

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39819 Mensagem por FIGHTERCOM » Qui Mai 06, 2010 8:51 am

Isso daí não poderia ser referente ao AMX?



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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39820 Mensagem por Bourne » Qui Mai 06, 2010 8:53 am

soultrain escreveu:Quando chega o primeiro Rafale?
No mesmo que chegar a minha Mclaren 8-]

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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39821 Mensagem por guilhermecn » Qui Mai 06, 2010 8:59 am

:shock: Já estão sendo feitas as negociações então???

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."
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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39822 Mensagem por hbfontes » Qui Mai 06, 2010 9:00 am

Eh vai dar Gripen.

"O que mais preocupa não é o grito dos violentos, dos corruptos, dos desonestos, dos sem-caráter, dos sem-ética. O que mais preocupa é o silêncio dos bons." (Martin Luther King)
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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39823 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Mai 06, 2010 9:04 am

First Test Flight of Rafale Fighter Powered by Upgraded M88-4E Engine

(Source: Snecma; dated May 4, web-posted May 5, 2010)

COURCOURONNES, France --- The first test flight of a Rafale fighter powered by the Snecma (Safran group) M88-4E engine (formerly designated the “TCO Pack”, for total cost of ownership) took place on March 22 at the Istres air base in southern France.

Lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes, the flight was a total success, and was used to expand the flight envelope. The complete test campaign for the M88-4E engine comprises some 70 flights in 2010, with different engine configurations. Ten test flights have been carried out to date.

“We are satisfied with the successful initial flights of the M88-4E, the third major engine upgrade, reflecting our continuing focus on research & development. The latest evolution of the engine enables us to better meet the expectations of our customer, by helping decrease the Rafale’s maintenance costs,” said Didier Desnoyer, Snecma’s Vice President Military Engines.

The development of the M88-4E is proceeding very satisfactorily. The first ground test of the engine was performed in September 2009. Development engines are now undergoing ground performance and endurance tests, and a series of altitude chamber tests was completed in late February. Qualification and delivery of the first production-standard M88-4E is now slated for the end of 2011.

In January 2008, French defense procurement agency DGA awarded Snecma the “TCO Pack” contract for the M88-2 engine. The aim of this contract was to extend the service life and time between inspections for several parts of the engine. Modifications mainly concern the high-pressure compressor and turbine.

Designed for the Rafale multirole fighter, the M88 is the first member of a family of new-generation engines intended for 21st century combat and advanced training aircraft. The M88-2 now powers all air force and naval versions of the Rafale. It is particularly well suited to low-altitude penetration and high-altitude interception missions.

Snecma, a Safran group company, is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of aircraft and space engines, with a wide range of propulsion systems on offer. The company designs and builds commercial aircraft engines – including the CFM56* world’s leader - that are powerful, reliable, economical and environmentally friendly, along with military aircraft engines that have always delivered world-class performance. Snecma also develops and produces propulsion systems and equipment for launch vehicles and satellites. Snecma also offers a complete range of engine maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services to airlines, armed forces and operators.


http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... ngine.html

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39824 Mensagem por talharim » Qui Mai 06, 2010 9:07 am

Mas tá certo tem que botar o nome da Embraer no contrato mesmo............especificar que tal tecnologia vai ser transferida para a Embraer...........pq se não der nomes aos bois os francesinhos depois acham brecha para não mandar nada.

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French

one behind me."

General George S. Patton.
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Franz Luiz
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Re: [Edit] F-X-2 agora é OFICIAL, confira a partir da Pg 310!

#39825 Mensagem por Franz Luiz » Qui Mai 06, 2010 9:33 am

P44 escreveu:First Test Flight of Rafale Fighter Powered by Upgraded M88-4E Engine

(Source: Snecma; dated May 4, web-posted May 5, 2010)

COURCOURONNES, France --- The first test flight of a Rafale fighter powered by the Snecma (Safran group) M88-4E engine (formerly designated the “TCO Pack”, for total cost of ownership) took place on March 22 at the Istres air base in southern France.

Lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes, the flight was a total success, and was used to expand the flight envelope. The complete test campaign for the M88-4E engine comprises some 70 flights in 2010, with different engine configurations. Ten test flights have been carried out to date.

“We are satisfied with the successful initial flights of the M88-4E, the third major engine upgrade, reflecting our continuing focus on research & development. The latest evolution of the engine enables us to better meet the expectations of our customer, by helping decrease the Rafale’s maintenance costs,” said Didier Desnoyer, Snecma’s Vice President Military Engines.

The development of the M88-4E is proceeding very satisfactorily. The first ground test of the engine was performed in September 2009. Development engines are now undergoing ground performance and endurance tests, and a series of altitude chamber tests was completed in late February. Qualification and delivery of the first production-standard M88-4E is now slated for the end of 2011.

In January 2008, French defense procurement agency DGA awarded Snecma the “TCO Pack” contract for the M88-2 engine. The aim of this contract was to extend the service life and time between inspections for several parts of the engine. Modifications mainly concern the high-pressure compressor and turbine.

Designed for the Rafale multirole fighter, the M88 is the first member of a family of new-generation engines intended for 21st century combat and advanced training aircraft. The M88-2 now powers all air force and naval versions of the Rafale. It is particularly well suited to low-altitude penetration and high-altitude interception missions.

Snecma, a Safran group company, is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of aircraft and space engines, with a wide range of propulsion systems on offer. The company designs and builds commercial aircraft engines – including the CFM56* world’s leader - that are powerful, reliable, economical and environmentally friendly, along with military aircraft engines that have always delivered world-class performance. Snecma also develops and produces propulsion systems and equipment for launch vehicles and satellites. Snecma also offers a complete range of engine maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services to airlines, armed forces and operators.


http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... ngine.html
Olá amigo P44,
já foi divulgado algo sobre a potência desta nova versão do M88?
Franz Luiz
