Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#211 Mensagem por Rui Elias Maltez » Qua Mar 17, 2010 11:50 am

tentaram enganar?

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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#212 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Mar 17, 2010 11:51 am

epa, os detalhes estão para aí algures, já não me lembro o que era ao certo

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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#213 Mensagem por Corsário01 » Qua Mar 17, 2010 8:54 pm

É só pesquisar aqui no DB que encontrarás!


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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#214 Mensagem por Quiron » Qui Mar 18, 2010 8:50 am

Greece to resell German submarine: minister

by Staff Writers
Athens (AFP) March 17, 2010

Greece hopes to earn some 350 million euros (480 million dollars) by reselling a German-built submarine whose delivery was dogged by technical concerns, the Greek defence minister said on Wednesday.
"The Germans are pricing the Papanikolis submarine at 300 million, let us calculate 350 million without being over-optimistic," Defence Minister Evangelos Venizelos told a news conference.

Athens in 2006 had refused to accept delivery of the submarine built by German contractors ThyssenKrupp after Greek Navy inspectors declared it defective during test runs off the port of Kiel.

But Venizelos on Wednesday insisted that "improvements" had been carried out at ThyssenKrupp's HDW shipyards and that the Greek Navy was now prepared to declare the vessel seaworthy.

"This is what (the Navy) have told us, this is what they will tell Greek parliament as well," he said

He added: "This discussion about a listing submarine which we are trying to sell... is harmful to the public interest."

Greece in 2000 had ordered four new 214-class submarines and an overhaul for three of its older 209-class submarines from HDW. Most of the order was to have been carried out at Hellenic Shipyards near Athens, which were acquired by HDW in 2002, three years before it merged with ThyssenKrupp.

Athens has already paid out 2.03 billion euros on the project out of a total estimated cost of 2.84 billion in current prices with nothing to show for it, the minister said.

Venizelos on Wednesday said plans to overhaul two of the older submarines would now be scrapped and that two new submarines would be ordered instead at a cost of 500 million euros apiece.

The Greek government, struggling with a debt crisis and facing a huge effort to restructure the economy, hopes that the submarine deal will smooth the way for ThyssenKrupp to shed 75 percent of its stake in the struggling Greek shipyards to the Abu Dhabi Mar group.

It has said the sale offers a chance to save the jobs of 1,300 workers.

Venizelos also said another "major" project to purchase French frigates would also be carried out.

"A difficult and long negotiation at state and commercial level is ongoing (on the issue)," he said.

------ ... r_999.html

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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#215 Mensagem por WalterGaudério » Qui Mar 18, 2010 7:59 pm

Quiron escreveu:Greece to resell German submarine: minister

by Staff Writers
Athens (AFP) March 17, 2010

Greece hopes to earn some 350 million euros (480 million dollars) by reselling a German-built submarine whose delivery was dogged by technical concerns, the Greek defence minister said on Wednesday.
"The Germans are pricing the Papanikolis submarine at 300 million, let us calculate 350 million without being over-optimistic," Defence Minister Evangelos Venizelos told a news conference.

Athens in 2006 had refused to accept delivery of the submarine built by German contractors ThyssenKrupp after Greek Navy inspectors declared it defective during test runs off the port of Kiel.

But Venizelos on Wednesday insisted that "improvements" had been carried out at ThyssenKrupp's HDW shipyards and that the Greek Navy was now prepared to declare the vessel seaworthy.

"This is what (the Navy) have told us, this is what they will tell Greek parliament as well," he said

He added: "This discussion about a listing submarine which we are trying to sell... is harmful to the public interest."

Greece in 2000 had ordered four new 214-class submarines and an overhaul for three of its older 209-class submarines from HDW. Most of the order was to have been carried out at Hellenic Shipyards near Athens, which were acquired by HDW in 2002, three years before it merged with ThyssenKrupp.

Athens has already paid out 2.03 billion euros on the project out of a total estimated cost of 2.84 billion in current prices with nothing to show for it, the minister said.

Venizelos on Wednesday said plans to overhaul two of the older submarines would now be scrapped and that two new submarines would be ordered instead at a cost of 500 million euros apiece.

The Greek government, struggling with a debt crisis and facing a huge effort to restructure the economy, hopes that the submarine deal will smooth the way for ThyssenKrupp to shed 75 percent of its stake in the struggling Greek shipyards to the Abu Dhabi Mar group.

It has said the sale offers a chance to save the jobs of 1,300 workers.

Venizelos also said another "major" project to purchase French frigates would also be carried out.

"A difficult and long negotiation at state and commercial level is ongoing (on the issue)," he said.

------ ... r_999.html

Eu fico imaginando qual é o estado de espírito dos submarinistas gregos. ter 4 IKL 214 escapando dos dedos...

Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...

Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.

Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#216 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Mar 19, 2010 5:21 am

não há $$$$$$$$$$$$$

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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#217 Mensagem por PRick » Sáb Mar 20, 2010 5:09 pm

Existe aqui uma certa vingança grega, os alemonios se queixas dos gastos gregos e não querem ajudar, pois então, os gregos devolvem os submarinos alemães sem pagar nada, dizendo, precisamos controlar os gastos!! :twisted: :twisted:


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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#218 Mensagem por tflash » Sáb Mar 20, 2010 5:52 pm

finalmente compreendi como é que nasceu na língua portuguesa, a expressão "eu vou-me ver grego..."

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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#219 Mensagem por Corsário01 » Sáb Mar 20, 2010 6:45 pm

Calma que a coisa ainda não está 100% arrumada.


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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#220 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Out 18, 2010 8:59 am

Tanta polémica, tanta polémica, e no fim vão "levar" com ele!!!!!
Friday, 8 October 2010

Papanikolis To Be Commissioned in 15th October 2010

If Greek internet news portals and blog are correct then, Greek Navy will commission its first Type 214 class submarine HS Papanikolis on 15th October 2010, after ten years of the signing of her contract. Her sisters will follow Papanikolis in 18, 28 and 38 months intervals.

On 30th September, TKMS the maker of the submarine, Abu Dhabi Mar the owner of the biggest naval yard in Greece and the Greek government ratified an agreement to settle all remaining disputes of Archimedes and Neptune 2 programs.

Archimedes program covered the construction of 4 Type 214 AIP submarines and Neptune 2 program covered the conversion of 3 existing Type 209 class submarines with AIP. The details of these and the problems experienced are well documented here and here.

With the new contract Greek government pledged to pay 1.321 million euros to the TKMS and Abu Dhabi Mar for the outstanding debts and ordered 2 more Type 214 class submarines.

Scheduled commissioning date
October 2010
March 2012
January 2013
November 2013
5th Submarine
June 2018
6th Submarine
June 2018

The unit cost of the 5th and 6th Type 214 class submarines is 500 million euro each. This is almost the double what Greek government paid for the first, four Type 214’s. The average unit cost of these submarines was 375 million euro.

1.321 million euro is quite a lot of money in a time when the Greek government is trying hard to sell its austerity reforms in country. It seems that the rumors about the strings attached to German and French economic aids to Greece were true.


Amount to be Paid
(million €)









1.321 ... -15th.html

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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#221 Mensagem por tflash » Seg Out 18, 2010 9:53 am

Depois de o "irmão" entrar ao serviço em Portugal com um desempenho excelente, segundo o que transpirou cá para fora, fica dificil os gregos dizerem que ele tem defeitos de projecto.

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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#222 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Out 18, 2010 1:59 pm

Eu li, acho que foi no FD, que poucos dias após a cerimónia oficial de 8 de Setembro , o Tridente ia sair para o mar. Sabes de algo?

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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#223 Mensagem por tflash » Seg Out 18, 2010 2:11 pm

Nop, mas nada mais natural. Há algum Porta aviões nuclear americano a passar ao largo da costa? :twisted:

Penso que devam testar a furtividade do navio na nossa ZEE. Tem aqueles ligeiros parâmetros de salinidade, profundidade e temperatura característicos de cada zona que um submarinista saberá explicar e que convém serem testadas.

Treinos conjuntos com os P3 Orion e que podem incluir também a formação/teste dos P3 brasileiros que estão a ser modernizados na Espanha. Eles tem andado por cá, pode ser uma hipótese também.

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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#224 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Out 18, 2010 2:12 pm


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Re: Noticias do IKL-214 da Grécia.

#225 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Out 20, 2010 8:03 am

Um comentário interessante 8-] acerca da aceitação do Papanikolis, que me responderam no keypublishings...

"Naaah. Financial wheeling-dealing. Now the Greek have Chinese money to pay the Germans for the subs. And paying the Chinese with sub-secrets.
Not sure I'm funny here ..."

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