Marinha da Federação Russa

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#781 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Fev 10, 2010 2:08 pm

Russia began construction of the fourth submarine of the project "Borei"

Construction of the fourth strategic nuclear submarine "Saint Nicholas" Project 955/955A Borei began in December 2009. This RIA Novosti reported with reference to a source in the administration of Severodvinsk, where there are "Sevmashpredpriyatie" engaged in the construction of nuclear submarine project.
The source said the agency currently shipbuilders hold stacker work on the first sections of future submarines. This official ceremony of the submarine could go behind closed doors. "Most likely, it will be timed to the submariner, which is celebrated annually on March 19," - said the source of RIA Novosti.

In mid-December 2009 the Ministry of Defense of Russia has decided to postpone the fourth favorite cruiser project "Borei" from 22 December for the first quarter of 2010. The reason for the postponement were organizational and technical reasons, the essence of which is not specified.

It is possible that the postponement was made because of the unsuccessful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile Bulava, which should be a main armament of the submarine project "Borei". Unsuccessful launches of the Bulava was held on 9 December last year.

Now "Sevmashpredpriyatie" in various stages of completion are three submarines of "Borei": "Yuri Dolgoruky, Alexander Nevsky and Vladimir Monomakh. Total plans to build eight submarines of the project "Borei", which can reach speeds of up to 26 knots. Displacement of nuclear submarines will be 17 thousand tons.

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#782 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Fev 10, 2010 2:10 pm

French-Russian Warship Deal Making Waves Among NATO Allies

A French Navy Mistral amphibious assault ship, docked on the Neva River in central St. Petersburg in November 2009.
February 09, 2010
By Ahto Lobjakas
BRUSSELS -- The French daily "Le Monde" broke the news on February 9: Paris had "agreed in principle" to negotiate the sale of one or more Mistral-class ships to Russia.

If the sale goes through, it will be the first deal of its kind between a member of NATO and Russia.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin first voiced Russian interest in buying a Mistral-class ship during a trip to Paris in late November. As he spoke, a Mistral was docked in St Petersburg -- part of a carefully choreographed move -- playing host to Russian combat helicopters.

Feeling vulnerable, a number of Russia's former satellites have mounted a bid to derail the sale. Georgia is particularly bothered, as memories of its August 2008 war with Russia are still very fresh.

NATO's new Eastern allies along the Baltic Sea are also unsettled, however, and have taken their concerns not only to Paris but to Washington and NATO headquarters in Brussels.

Undermine Security

Harri Tiido, the undersecretary for political affairs at the Estonian Foreign Ministry, tells RFE/RL that the Baltic states believe the sale of the Mistrals could undermine their security. "Definitely, it would not add to the security of the region. And I think the nations around the Baltic Sea in that case would have to see what they have to do to change their defense planning, maybe," Tiido says. "But also, it could influence the defense planning of NATO."

The Mistral is a 200-meter vessel capable of carrying 900 troops, 35 helicopters, four landing barges, and 70 land-going vehicles. It also has facilities for carrying refugees, supplies, and hospitals.

Although it has often been deployed by France in humanitarian missions, Russia seems to have military applications uppermost in its mind. In September, the chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky, said a Mistral-type vessel would have allowed Russia to defeat Georgia in 2008 "in 40 minutes instead of 26 hours."

Estonians and the other Baltic states take some solace from the fact that the Mistral is not designed to operate in icy conditions.

Russian defense analyst Pavel Felgenhauer says that Russia is planning to deploy the Mistrals in the Black Sea. "The most obvious application is to have the capability to perform large-scale landing operations in the Black Sea. And I believe that's first and foremost in the western half of Crimea," he says. "We have quite a number of large landing ships, but they're not new, and they were all built abroad, in Poland, at the Gdansk shipyard. They don't have helicopter landing capabilities.

"So, if by 2017, we would have some kind of problem with Sevastopol, having such a capability would be very important."

Felgenhauer says he doesn't believe the Mistrals would be used against Georgia.

Lobbying The United States

The chairman of Russia's national Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, said on February 9 that Moscow has not yet made a decision on whether to buy the Mistrals.

In an attempt to make the sale an issue of NATO solidarity, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have jointly lobbied the United States to intervene.

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates met with French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris today and said afterward, "It is more a problem of the message being sent than a military issue."

So now [France has] decided to make a step forward and give the green light to a project that is removing many taboos in Russia and the West.
At NATO headquarters, officials appear to assume it is now a matter of when and not whether the deal will materialize. NATO spokesman James Appathurai says that the alliance has no objections.

"NATO has no formal role at all in this sale," he says. "Of course, allies talk to each other, including on this issue. We are quite confident that the sale would be -- when it takes place -- perfectly legal, within all the relevant frameworks. But, of course, some allies have expressed concern about the sale, and we are aware of it."

Heavy With Irony

The whole affair is heavy with irony for both NATO and France. Experts point out that Russia is seeking to buy the Mistrals in order to address some its naval weaknesses that were exposed by the Georgian campaign.

Georgia itself now feels threatened and its leaders are warning NATO that Russia intends to use the Mistrals against it.

Four months before the war, in April 2008, NATO turned down Georgia's bid to join the alliance's membership track after France and Germany voiced their opposition. France, acting as EU president, negotiated the war's August 12 cease-fire -- the full terms of which Russia has refused to honor.

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner has said that only French intervention prevented Russia from capturing Tbilisi. Both the EU and NATO temporarily broke off relations with Russia after the war.

Last year, France rejoined NATO's military command structure after an absence of 43 years. But Paris also vowed to pursue a European axis within the alliance. Its leaders have repeatedly argued that the alliance can't continue treating Moscow as simultaneously an ally and an enemy, a position Germany agrees with.

Both countries opposed the U.S. plan to site part of its missile shield in Eastern Europe, as well as drawing up NATO defense plans for the three Baltic countries.

Broader Agenda

Arnaud Dubien, a Russia expert at the French Institute of International and Strategic Relations (IRIS), says that France's pursuit of better relations with Russia is part of a broader national agenda.

"France wants a more ambitious relation with Russia, notably in the economic sphere, but also on the political sphere. France wants to be present in important sectors: energy, aeronautics, railways," Dubien says. "So now [it] decided to make a step forward and give the green light to a project that is removing many taboos in Russia and the West."

Under President Barack Obama, the United States has sought to "reset" its fraught relationship with Russia. NATO, under Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, has followed suit. Russia plays an increasingly vital role in NATO's efforts to stabilize Afghanistan.

Dubien also points out that the Mistral deal has a significant domestic dimension for France, which, like other developed nations, is grappling with the effects of the global economic downturn.

"The shipyards of Saint-Nazaire are currently building a third Mistral for the French Navy, but starting from next year, there are no [new] orders," Dubien says. "Building a Mistral employs about 1,500 people for nearly two years, and it would have been very difficult for the French government to explain to the future unemployed that there was an order, but that we refused to honor it."

Potential competition from shipyards in Spain and the Netherlands, both of which have been quietly approached by Moscow, raises the stakes. But Russia, like France, appears to have the bigger picture in mind. Moscow views France as a crucial bridgehead in Europe. Russia's sights are set on Paris: 2010 is "The Year of France" in Russia, and "The Year of Russia" in France.

French officials expect the sale of the Mistrals to be officially announced during Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's visit to Paris in early March.

RFE/RL correspondent Antoine Blua contributed to this story ... 53455.html

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#783 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Fev 11, 2010 1:32 pm

NATO Head Does Not Object French Warship Sale To Russia

February 10, 2010
A spokesman for NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen says the alliance head does not object to the proposed sale of a French warship to Russia.

Spokesman James Appathurai also described Rasmussen as not considering Russia "a threat," adding that the secretary-general "hopes that Russia does not consider NATO a threat."

The comments follow recent Kremlin criticism that NATO efforts were undermining Russian sovereignty. Appathurai said Rasmussen is aware of the anxiety expressed by some NATO countries over the proposed warship sale.

If the deal goes through, France's sale of the advanced warship -- which can carry up to 16 helicopters and a 750-strong landing force -- would be Russia's first purchase of sophisticated military technology from a NATO country. ... 54560.html

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#784 Mensagem por gaitero » Qui Fev 11, 2010 1:34 pm

Russia - França - Brasil...

Depois de 2 anos.. :wink:

Aonde estão as Ogivas Nucleares do Brasil???
Carlos Mathias

Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#785 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Fev 11, 2010 7:00 pm

Tem gente aqui se rasgando por causa disso.

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#786 Mensagem por irlan » Qui Fev 11, 2010 7:14 pm

Oque nós podemos ganhar nessa cooperação entre Brasil-França e Rússia?

Na União Soviética, o político é roubado por VOCÊ!!
Carlos Mathias

Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#787 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Fev 11, 2010 7:19 pm

Quem sabe?
Três pontos de apoio de um política externa conjunta?

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#788 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Fev 12, 2010 7:07 am

Submarine forces in the Northern Fleet reorganized

All nuclear submarines in Russia’s Northern Fleet have been united in one unit – the submarine forces. The forces’ headquartes will be located in the closed town of Gadzhiyevo on the Barents Sea coast.

The two squadrons the submarines in the Northern Fleet earlier were organized in have now been merged into one structure, GTRK Murman reports. The forces are organized in four divisions, all under the leadership of Rear Admiral Andrey Volozhinsky.

Admiral Volozhinsky said after a ceremony in the closed military town Zaozersk that the Northern Fleet’s submarine forces will have the same tasks as before and that there will be no changes in the number of personnel.

According to Chief of Staff in the Northern Fleet Vladmir Korolev solving social issues will be easier under consolidated leadership: - History has shown this. We are now returning to the structure the submarine forces had in the 1950’s and 60’s.

Read also: We never stopped patrolling the world’s oceans

The Northern Fleet’s submarine forces will have their headquarters in Gadzhiyevo, and the submarines will be based in Gadzhiyevo, Vidyayevo and Zaozersk. These three towns are all located on the Barents Sea coast between the town of Murmansk and the border to Norway.

Murmansk Oblast has seven closed towns – Severomorsk, Vidayevo, Gadzhiyego, Zaozersk, Skalisty, Ostrovnoy and Snezhnogorsk. They either host naval bases or defense related industry like ship repair yards.

Watch video: From the ceremony in Zaozersk on TV21 ... 16320.html

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#789 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Fev 18, 2010 3:53 pm

Russia Considers French Armoured Vehicles

Informal talks have begun between Russia and France for the acquisition of armoured amphibious vehicles for Russian forces, according to French company Panhard.

Panhard said it was discussing selling "less than a dozen" of the four-person amphibious personnel carriers (VBL).

A company spokesman said the talks were informal and there have not yet been any official discussions, according to Reuters.

The French army has around 1,600 VBLs in service and an additional 700 vehicles have been sold to other countries.

Last week, France announced that it was ready to sell a 21,300t Mistral class helicopter carrier to Russia as part of its military modernisation programme.

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#790 Mensagem por saullo » Qui Fev 18, 2010 10:33 pm

Daqui a pouco os russos vão comprar o Rafale também. :twisted:


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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#791 Mensagem por Luís Henrique » Qui Fev 18, 2010 10:44 pm

saullo escreveu:Daqui a pouco os russos vão comprar o Rafale também. :twisted:

[082] [082] [082] [082]
Na boa, se os russos comprarem os navios franceses, eu diria que existe uma boa chance da França participar do Pac-Fa. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Su-35BM - 4ª++ Geração.
Simplesmente um GRANDE caça.
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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#792 Mensagem por saullo » Qui Fev 18, 2010 10:51 pm

E a Helibras montar Hind em Itajubá. :mrgreen:


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#793 Mensagem por suntsé » Sex Fev 19, 2010 1:20 am

P44 escreveu:A vontade de dizer mal não tem limites :roll:

Eu visitei 2 Navios Russos em 2004 e quem me dera ter "sucata" daquelas.

O problema da Rússia não é ter bons navios (que os tem), é não os ter em número suficiente
A sim.

BEm que eu desconfiava, você mora na Russia :mrgreen:

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Re: Re:

#794 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sex Fev 19, 2010 9:52 am

suntsé escreveu:
P44 escreveu:A vontade de dizer mal não tem limites :roll:

Eu visitei 2 Navios Russos em 2004 e quem me dera ter "sucata" daquelas.

O problema da Rússia não é ter bons navios (que os tem), é não os ter em número suficiente
A sim.

BEm que eu desconfiava, você mora na Russia :mrgreen:
Nã, os Russos gostam de cá vir:

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#795 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Fev 19, 2010 12:40 pm

Esse daí do video também estive ao pé dele, só não entrei a bordo porque a fila de Russos (e Russas [037] ) dava a volta ao quarteirão 8-]

estas fotos foram tiradas aqui pelo JE :mrgreen:




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