Marinha Francesa
Moderador: Conselho de Moderação
- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55707
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2895 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2558 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
Order for Three FREMM Multimission Frigates
(Source: French Ministry of Defence; issued Oct. 8, 2009)
(Issued in French; unofficial translation by
Hervé Morin, Minister of Defense, today conducted in Lorient the ceremonial cutting of the first steel for Normandy, the French navy’s second FREMM multimission frigate. On this occasion he made public the recent order for three additional FREMM ships. The FREMM program about fifty million man-hours of work to several thousand French workers until 2022.
On September 30, 2009 the Organization for Joint Cooperation in Armaments (Occar), acting on behalf of the French defence procurement agency, DGA, awarded DCNS an order for one FREMM frigate in Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) configuration, and two other ships in air-defence configuration (FREDA).
This latest order brings to eleven the number of FREMM frigates ordered for the French navy, the first eight having been ordered in November 2005. All ships of this class will be named after French provinces. The first FREMM, Aquitaine, will be delivered in 2012. This Franco-Italian program provides for the delivery of 21 frigates for both countries.
The multimission frigates will eventually constitute the backbone of the surface fleet in the various segments of naval warfare (anti-submarine, anti-aircraft, anti-ship and asymmetrical).
Displacing 6,000 tons and 142 meters long, these ships will be capable of reaching a top speed of 27 knots, and will be crewed by only 108 officers and ratings. They will be heavily armed, with MM-40 Exocet anti-ship missiles, Aster air-defence missiles and MU-90 torpedoes. The French navy’s first nine frigates, configured for ASW operations, will in addition have a deep strike role thanks to the future naval cruise missile due to enter service in 2014.
The two FREDA air-defence variants are designed to protect a carrier battle group or an amphibious task force against aircraft and missiles. All FREMM ships will operate an NH90 helicopter and carry a special forces detachment and its equipment.
Building eleven FREMM ships by 2022 will provide a very significant proportion of the workload of DCNs, mainly at its Lorient shipyard but also at its facilities at Brest and Cherbourg and at numerous sub-contractors, mainly SMEs.
Regarding exports, a frigate sold to Morocco is currently being built in Lorient and other countries have expressed interest in the innovative FREMM concept. (ends)
FREMM Multimission Frigates: DCNS Prime Contractor for Europe’s Largest Naval Defence Programme
(Source: DCNS; issued Oct. 8, 2009)
DCNS has signed an order supplement for three new vessels under the European FREMM multimission frigate programme. This brings France’s total order to 11 vessels, scheduled for delivery from 2012 to 2022.
Contract confirmation was announced today by the French Minister for Defence, Mr Hervé Morin, at the production launch of France’s second multimission frigate in the series, the Normandie.
This amendment to the FREMM multimission frigate contract calls for the development and construction of three additional vessels, [of which] two in air defence configuration, as well as capability enhancements for all frigates in the series and a delivery schedule of one vessel every 10 months. It also calls for operational support for these state-of-the-art vessels in their first years of service.
“I would like to thank the French defence procurement agency and the Navy for their support and the confidence they have placed in us,” said Patrick Boissier, Chairman & CEO of DCNS. “DCNS is proud to be part of Europe’s most ambitious naval cooperation programme and contribute to this new chapter in the construction of a Europe-wide naval defence community. A project on this scale is a remarkable human adventure as well as an industrial challenge and shows what our teams are able to design and build to meet the emerging requirements of our customers.”
With one vessel delivered every 10 months, the programme represents a significant increase in workload for DCNS and its industrial partners. The Brittany region of France will be the main beneficiaries in terms of employment. The FREMM project provides 3 million hours of employment each year and almost 50 million hours over the duration of the programme, which runs from 2006 to 2022. Each frigate is equivalent to the construction of two Millau viaducts.
The FREMM frigates are the most technologically advanced as well as the most competitive vessels on the market. Built under DCNS prime contractorship, they are heavily armed and carry state-of-the-art weapon systems and equipment, including the Herakles multifunction radar, MU90 torpedoes and Aster and Exocet MM40 missiles.
The FREMM frigates are highly automated to allow reduced crewing. They are inherently versatile to provide a response to all types of threats. World-leading innovation ensures that they offer unparalleled levels of interoperability and readiness. And with their intrinsic flexibility, they can match the requirements of most DCNS customers around the world, as demonstrated by our recent success in Morocco.
DCNS is a leading European player on the world market for naval defence systems. The Group designs, builds and supports surface combatants, submarines and mission-critical systems and equipment incorporating the most advanced technologies. The Group employs 12,000 staff and generates annual revenues of around EUR 2.5 billion.
Ordem de Três Fragatas FREMM Multimissão
(Fonte: Ministério da Defesa francês, emitido 8 de outubro de 2009)
(Publicado em francês, tradução não oficial de defesa
Hervé Morin, ministro da Defesa, hoje realizado em Lorient a cerimônia de corte do aço para o primeiro Normandia, fragata da Marinha francesa de multimissão segundo FREMM. Nesta ocasião ele fez público a ordem recente de três navios adicionais FREMM. O programa FREMM sobre o homem de cinqüenta milhões de horas de trabalho para milhares de trabalhadores franceses até 2022.
Em 30 de setembro de 2009, a Organização para a Cooperação Conjunta de Armamento (OCCAR), agindo em nome da agência francesa de defesa de contratos, DGA, concedido DCNS um despacho de uma fragata FREMM na Guerra Anti-Submarina (ASW) configuração, e dois outros navios no ar-configuração da defesa (Freda).
Este último fim traz a onze o número de fragatas FREMM ordenados para a Marinha francesa, os oito primeiros tendo sido ordenado em novembro de 2005. Todos os navios desta classe será nomeado após províncias francesas. A primeira FREMM, Aquitaine, será entregue em 2012. Este programa franco-italiano, prevê a entrega de 21 fragatas para ambos os países.
As fragatas multimissão acabará por constituir a espinha dorsal da frota de superfície em diversos segmentos da guerra naval (anti-submarina, anti-aviões, o anti-navio e assimétricas).
Deslocando 6.000 toneladas e 142 metros de comprimento, estes navios será capaz de atingir uma velocidade máxima de 27 nós, e será tripulado por apenas 108 funcionários e classificações. Eles serão fortemente armados, com MM-40 Exocet mísseis anti-navio, o ar Aster-mísseis de defesa e MU-90 torpedos. A marinha francesa primeiros nove fragatas, configurado para operações ASW, irá também ter um papel greve profundos agradecimentos ao futuro míssil de cruzeiro naval devido a entrar em serviço em 2014.
As duas variantes do ar FREDA defesa são concebidas para proteger um grupo de batalha ou uma força-tarefa anfíbia contra aeronaves e mísseis. Todos os navios FREMM vai operar um helicóptero NH90 e realizar um destacamento de forças especiais e seus equipamentos.
Construindo onze navios FREMM até 2022 irá fornecer uma parte muito significativa da carga de trabalho de DCNs, principalmente em seu estaleiro Lorient, mas também em suas instalações em Brest e Cherbourg e em numerosos sub-contratantes, principalmente as PME.
Quanto às exportações, uma fragata foi vendido para o Marrocos está sendo construído, em Lorient e outros países expressaram interesse no conceito FREMM inovadoras. (Fim)
Fragatas FREMM Multimissão: DCNS Prime Contractor for maior da Europa da Defesa Naval Programa
(Fonte: DCNS; emitidos 8 de outubro de 2009)
DCNS assinou um suplemento de fim de três novas embarcações no âmbito do programa europeu de multimissão fragata FREMM. Isso traz ordem total da França de 11 navios, prevista para a entrega de 2012-2022.
Confirmação do contrato foi anunciada hoje pelo ministro francês da Defesa, Hervé Morin, no lançamento da produção de fragata da França multimissão segundo da série, o Normandie.
Esta alteração ao contrato fragata FREMM multimissão apela para o desenvolvimento e construção de três navios adicionais, [de que] dois na configuração de defesa aérea, bem como melhorias de capacidade para todas as fragatas da série e um cronograma de entrega de um navio a cada 10 meses . Ele também solicita o apoio operacional para estes state-of-the-art navios nos seus primeiros anos de serviço.
"Eu gostaria de agradecer a agência de aprovisionamento francês da Defesa e da Marinha, pelo apoio e pela confiança que depositou em nós", disse Patrick Boissier, Chairman & CEO da DCNS. "DCNS está orgulhosa de ser parte do programa europeu de cooperação mais ambiciosa navais e contribuir para este novo capítulo na construção de uma Europa ampla comunidade de defesa naval. Um projecto desta envergadura é uma notável aventura humana, bem como um desafio industrial e mostra o que as nossas equipas são capazes de projetar e construir para satisfazer as necessidades emergentes dos nossos clientes. "
Com um navio entregue a cada 10 meses, o programa representa um aumento significativo na carga de trabalho para DCNS e os seus parceiros industriais. A região da Bretanha França serão os principais beneficiários em termos de emprego. O projecto FREMM fornece 3 milhões de horas de trabalho a cada ano e quase 50 milhões de horas ao longo do período de vigência do programa, que termina 2006-2022. Cada fragata é equivalente à construção de dois viadutos de Millau.
As fragatas FREMM são os mais avançados tecnologicamente, bem como as embarcações mais competitivas no mercado. Built under DCNS prime contractorship, they are heavily armed and carry state-of-the-art weapon systems and equipment, including the Herakles multifunction radar, MU90 torpedoes and Aster and Exocet MM40 missiles.
As fragatas FREMM são altamente automatizado para permitir que tripulação reduzida. Eles são inerentemente versátil para dar uma resposta a todos os tipos de ameaças. Mundo inovação líder garante que eles oferecem incomparáveis níveis de interoperabilidade e disponibilidade. E com a sua flexibilidade intrínseca, eles podem corresponder à necessidade de a maioria dos clientes DCNS em todo o mundo, como demonstrado por nosso recente sucesso em Marrocos.
DCNS é uma empresa líder europeia no mercado mundial de sistemas de defesa naval. Os projetos do grupo, desenvolve e apoia os combatentes de superfície, submarinos e sistemas de missão crítica e equipamentos que incorporam as mais avançadas tecnologias. O grupo emprega 12.000 funcionários e gera receitas anuais de cerca de EUR 2,5 bilhões.
(Source: French Ministry of Defence; issued Oct. 8, 2009)
(Issued in French; unofficial translation by
Hervé Morin, Minister of Defense, today conducted in Lorient the ceremonial cutting of the first steel for Normandy, the French navy’s second FREMM multimission frigate. On this occasion he made public the recent order for three additional FREMM ships. The FREMM program about fifty million man-hours of work to several thousand French workers until 2022.
On September 30, 2009 the Organization for Joint Cooperation in Armaments (Occar), acting on behalf of the French defence procurement agency, DGA, awarded DCNS an order for one FREMM frigate in Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) configuration, and two other ships in air-defence configuration (FREDA).
This latest order brings to eleven the number of FREMM frigates ordered for the French navy, the first eight having been ordered in November 2005. All ships of this class will be named after French provinces. The first FREMM, Aquitaine, will be delivered in 2012. This Franco-Italian program provides for the delivery of 21 frigates for both countries.
The multimission frigates will eventually constitute the backbone of the surface fleet in the various segments of naval warfare (anti-submarine, anti-aircraft, anti-ship and asymmetrical).
Displacing 6,000 tons and 142 meters long, these ships will be capable of reaching a top speed of 27 knots, and will be crewed by only 108 officers and ratings. They will be heavily armed, with MM-40 Exocet anti-ship missiles, Aster air-defence missiles and MU-90 torpedoes. The French navy’s first nine frigates, configured for ASW operations, will in addition have a deep strike role thanks to the future naval cruise missile due to enter service in 2014.
The two FREDA air-defence variants are designed to protect a carrier battle group or an amphibious task force against aircraft and missiles. All FREMM ships will operate an NH90 helicopter and carry a special forces detachment and its equipment.
Building eleven FREMM ships by 2022 will provide a very significant proportion of the workload of DCNs, mainly at its Lorient shipyard but also at its facilities at Brest and Cherbourg and at numerous sub-contractors, mainly SMEs.
Regarding exports, a frigate sold to Morocco is currently being built in Lorient and other countries have expressed interest in the innovative FREMM concept. (ends)
FREMM Multimission Frigates: DCNS Prime Contractor for Europe’s Largest Naval Defence Programme
(Source: DCNS; issued Oct. 8, 2009)
DCNS has signed an order supplement for three new vessels under the European FREMM multimission frigate programme. This brings France’s total order to 11 vessels, scheduled for delivery from 2012 to 2022.
Contract confirmation was announced today by the French Minister for Defence, Mr Hervé Morin, at the production launch of France’s second multimission frigate in the series, the Normandie.
This amendment to the FREMM multimission frigate contract calls for the development and construction of three additional vessels, [of which] two in air defence configuration, as well as capability enhancements for all frigates in the series and a delivery schedule of one vessel every 10 months. It also calls for operational support for these state-of-the-art vessels in their first years of service.
“I would like to thank the French defence procurement agency and the Navy for their support and the confidence they have placed in us,” said Patrick Boissier, Chairman & CEO of DCNS. “DCNS is proud to be part of Europe’s most ambitious naval cooperation programme and contribute to this new chapter in the construction of a Europe-wide naval defence community. A project on this scale is a remarkable human adventure as well as an industrial challenge and shows what our teams are able to design and build to meet the emerging requirements of our customers.”
With one vessel delivered every 10 months, the programme represents a significant increase in workload for DCNS and its industrial partners. The Brittany region of France will be the main beneficiaries in terms of employment. The FREMM project provides 3 million hours of employment each year and almost 50 million hours over the duration of the programme, which runs from 2006 to 2022. Each frigate is equivalent to the construction of two Millau viaducts.
The FREMM frigates are the most technologically advanced as well as the most competitive vessels on the market. Built under DCNS prime contractorship, they are heavily armed and carry state-of-the-art weapon systems and equipment, including the Herakles multifunction radar, MU90 torpedoes and Aster and Exocet MM40 missiles.
The FREMM frigates are highly automated to allow reduced crewing. They are inherently versatile to provide a response to all types of threats. World-leading innovation ensures that they offer unparalleled levels of interoperability and readiness. And with their intrinsic flexibility, they can match the requirements of most DCNS customers around the world, as demonstrated by our recent success in Morocco.
DCNS is a leading European player on the world market for naval defence systems. The Group designs, builds and supports surface combatants, submarines and mission-critical systems and equipment incorporating the most advanced technologies. The Group employs 12,000 staff and generates annual revenues of around EUR 2.5 billion.
Ordem de Três Fragatas FREMM Multimissão
(Fonte: Ministério da Defesa francês, emitido 8 de outubro de 2009)
(Publicado em francês, tradução não oficial de defesa
Hervé Morin, ministro da Defesa, hoje realizado em Lorient a cerimônia de corte do aço para o primeiro Normandia, fragata da Marinha francesa de multimissão segundo FREMM. Nesta ocasião ele fez público a ordem recente de três navios adicionais FREMM. O programa FREMM sobre o homem de cinqüenta milhões de horas de trabalho para milhares de trabalhadores franceses até 2022.
Em 30 de setembro de 2009, a Organização para a Cooperação Conjunta de Armamento (OCCAR), agindo em nome da agência francesa de defesa de contratos, DGA, concedido DCNS um despacho de uma fragata FREMM na Guerra Anti-Submarina (ASW) configuração, e dois outros navios no ar-configuração da defesa (Freda).
Este último fim traz a onze o número de fragatas FREMM ordenados para a Marinha francesa, os oito primeiros tendo sido ordenado em novembro de 2005. Todos os navios desta classe será nomeado após províncias francesas. A primeira FREMM, Aquitaine, será entregue em 2012. Este programa franco-italiano, prevê a entrega de 21 fragatas para ambos os países.
As fragatas multimissão acabará por constituir a espinha dorsal da frota de superfície em diversos segmentos da guerra naval (anti-submarina, anti-aviões, o anti-navio e assimétricas).
Deslocando 6.000 toneladas e 142 metros de comprimento, estes navios será capaz de atingir uma velocidade máxima de 27 nós, e será tripulado por apenas 108 funcionários e classificações. Eles serão fortemente armados, com MM-40 Exocet mísseis anti-navio, o ar Aster-mísseis de defesa e MU-90 torpedos. A marinha francesa primeiros nove fragatas, configurado para operações ASW, irá também ter um papel greve profundos agradecimentos ao futuro míssil de cruzeiro naval devido a entrar em serviço em 2014.
As duas variantes do ar FREDA defesa são concebidas para proteger um grupo de batalha ou uma força-tarefa anfíbia contra aeronaves e mísseis. Todos os navios FREMM vai operar um helicóptero NH90 e realizar um destacamento de forças especiais e seus equipamentos.
Construindo onze navios FREMM até 2022 irá fornecer uma parte muito significativa da carga de trabalho de DCNs, principalmente em seu estaleiro Lorient, mas também em suas instalações em Brest e Cherbourg e em numerosos sub-contratantes, principalmente as PME.
Quanto às exportações, uma fragata foi vendido para o Marrocos está sendo construído, em Lorient e outros países expressaram interesse no conceito FREMM inovadoras. (Fim)
Fragatas FREMM Multimissão: DCNS Prime Contractor for maior da Europa da Defesa Naval Programa
(Fonte: DCNS; emitidos 8 de outubro de 2009)
DCNS assinou um suplemento de fim de três novas embarcações no âmbito do programa europeu de multimissão fragata FREMM. Isso traz ordem total da França de 11 navios, prevista para a entrega de 2012-2022.
Confirmação do contrato foi anunciada hoje pelo ministro francês da Defesa, Hervé Morin, no lançamento da produção de fragata da França multimissão segundo da série, o Normandie.
Esta alteração ao contrato fragata FREMM multimissão apela para o desenvolvimento e construção de três navios adicionais, [de que] dois na configuração de defesa aérea, bem como melhorias de capacidade para todas as fragatas da série e um cronograma de entrega de um navio a cada 10 meses . Ele também solicita o apoio operacional para estes state-of-the-art navios nos seus primeiros anos de serviço.
"Eu gostaria de agradecer a agência de aprovisionamento francês da Defesa e da Marinha, pelo apoio e pela confiança que depositou em nós", disse Patrick Boissier, Chairman & CEO da DCNS. "DCNS está orgulhosa de ser parte do programa europeu de cooperação mais ambiciosa navais e contribuir para este novo capítulo na construção de uma Europa ampla comunidade de defesa naval. Um projecto desta envergadura é uma notável aventura humana, bem como um desafio industrial e mostra o que as nossas equipas são capazes de projetar e construir para satisfazer as necessidades emergentes dos nossos clientes. "
Com um navio entregue a cada 10 meses, o programa representa um aumento significativo na carga de trabalho para DCNS e os seus parceiros industriais. A região da Bretanha França serão os principais beneficiários em termos de emprego. O projecto FREMM fornece 3 milhões de horas de trabalho a cada ano e quase 50 milhões de horas ao longo do período de vigência do programa, que termina 2006-2022. Cada fragata é equivalente à construção de dois viadutos de Millau.
As fragatas FREMM são os mais avançados tecnologicamente, bem como as embarcações mais competitivas no mercado. Built under DCNS prime contractorship, they are heavily armed and carry state-of-the-art weapon systems and equipment, including the Herakles multifunction radar, MU90 torpedoes and Aster and Exocet MM40 missiles.
As fragatas FREMM são altamente automatizado para permitir que tripulação reduzida. Eles são inerentemente versátil para dar uma resposta a todos os tipos de ameaças. Mundo inovação líder garante que eles oferecem incomparáveis níveis de interoperabilidade e disponibilidade. E com a sua flexibilidade intrínseca, eles podem corresponder à necessidade de a maioria dos clientes DCNS em todo o mundo, como demonstrado por nosso recente sucesso em Marrocos.
DCNS é uma empresa líder europeia no mercado mundial de sistemas de defesa naval. Os projetos do grupo, desenvolve e apoia os combatentes de superfície, submarinos e sistemas de missão crítica e equipamentos que incorporam as mais avançadas tecnologias. O grupo emprega 12.000 funcionários e gera receitas anuais de cerca de EUR 2,5 bilhões.
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55707
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2895 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2558 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
Communiqué of Hervé Morin, Minister of Defence
(Source: French Ministry of Defence; issued Oct. 12, 2009)
(Issued in French only; unofficial translation by
PARIS --- Hervé Morin, the minister of defence, chaired a meeting of the Ministerial Defence Investment Committee on October 12, 2009. The minister decided to launch:
-- design studies of the “logistical fleet” program, which aims to equip the French navy by 2020 with four multipurpose resupply ships capable of sustaining operations of an aircraft carrier task force and of an amphibious task force;
-- design studies for Phase 4 of the Système de Commandement et de Conduite des Opérations Aériennes (Air operations command and management system, SCCOA) program. This version of the SCCOA system will allow a significant improvement of national radar coverage in Metropolitan France, achievement of a permanent space surveillance capability, and the rationalisation of France’s detection and control centers, which will be made interoperable to NATO standards.
The minister also decided to award a framework, multiyear contract for the operational sustainment of the Leclerc main battle tank for a period of 10 years. This contract, which will be awarded in the coming weeks to Nexter, as prime contractor, contains several innovations:
-- it combines, for the first time, industrial sustainment services under the overall responsibility of a single prime contractor;
-- it includes performance committments guaranteed by the prime contractor; as a multiyear contract vehicle, it will provide Nexter and its subcontractors with long-term visibility of their industrial work schedule, allowing them to optimize their organization.
(Source: French Ministry of Defence; issued Oct. 12, 2009)
(Issued in French only; unofficial translation by
PARIS --- Hervé Morin, the minister of defence, chaired a meeting of the Ministerial Defence Investment Committee on October 12, 2009. The minister decided to launch:
-- design studies of the “logistical fleet” program, which aims to equip the French navy by 2020 with four multipurpose resupply ships capable of sustaining operations of an aircraft carrier task force and of an amphibious task force;
-- design studies for Phase 4 of the Système de Commandement et de Conduite des Opérations Aériennes (Air operations command and management system, SCCOA) program. This version of the SCCOA system will allow a significant improvement of national radar coverage in Metropolitan France, achievement of a permanent space surveillance capability, and the rationalisation of France’s detection and control centers, which will be made interoperable to NATO standards.
The minister also decided to award a framework, multiyear contract for the operational sustainment of the Leclerc main battle tank for a period of 10 years. This contract, which will be awarded in the coming weeks to Nexter, as prime contractor, contains several innovations:
-- it combines, for the first time, industrial sustainment services under the overall responsibility of a single prime contractor;
-- it includes performance committments guaranteed by the prime contractor; as a multiyear contract vehicle, it will provide Nexter and its subcontractors with long-term visibility of their industrial work schedule, allowing them to optimize their organization.
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 5921
- Registrado em: Sex Set 09, 2005 2:38 am
- Agradeceu: 29 vezes
- Agradeceram: 5 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
Dois desses para a MB ...
Ou mais ? 

"Em geral, as instituições políticas nascem empiricamente na Inglaterra, são sistematizadas na França, aplicadas pragmaticamente nos Estados Unidos e esculhambadas no Brasil"
- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55707
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2895 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2558 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
DCNS Awarded Contracts Worth EUR 1bn to Maintain French Navy’s SSNs and SSBNs
(Source: DCNS; issued November 23, 2009)
The French Navy has formally awarded DCNS two major contracts for through-life support services for its nuclear-powered submarine fleets. The first is for TLS for six nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSNs) for five years; the second for TLS for nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines (SSBNs) for five-and-a-half years.
“The signing of these TLS contracts for the French Navy’s submarines once again highlights our prime customer’s confidence in DCNS services,” says DCNS Chairman & CEO Patrick Boissier. “The maintenance of these submarines calls for industrial resources and know-how that only DCNS can offer the French Navy. We are proud to contribute to the unbroken support of our country’s standing sea-based nuclear deterrent force.”
The SSN contract, worth over EUR 500 million, calls for Toulon-based TLS services from 2010 to 2014, including:
-- routine maintenance for six Rubis-type SSNs (Rubis, Saphir, Casabianca, Émeraude, Améthyste and Perle), including engineering and logistic support;
-- major refits, or complete overhauls lasting 18 months, for three (Casabianca, Rubis and Émeraude), including the removal, refurbishment and refitting of all subsystems and equipment;
-- intermediate refit, including reactor refuelling, lasting nine months, for SSN Saphir.
This contract also requires that DCNS upgrade and provide TLS services for key French Navy facilities, specifically the INBS nuclear facility in the Toulon naval base’s Missiessy zone and the tactical simulator at the ENSM (École de Navigation Sous-Marine) naval school.
The second contract is for TLS services for SSBNs operated by the Navy’s Strategic Ocean Force (FOST). This contract, worth some EUR 500 million, calls for Brest-based services from November 2009 to December 2015, including:
-- routine maintenance for Le Triomphant-class SSBNs Le Triomphant, Le Téméraire, Le Vigilant, and Le Terrible, including engineering and logistic support and outfitting SSBN Le Terrible for the new M51 ballistic missile;
-- TLS services for crew training facilities;
-- TLS services for specific French Navy systems;
-- TLS services for shore-based facilities, including FOST relay antenna stations.
DCNS is a leading European player on the world market for naval defence systems. The Group designs, builds and supports surface combatants, submarines and mission-critical systems and equipment incorporating the most advanced technologies. The Group employs 12,000 staff and generates annual revenues of around EUR 2.5 billion.
(Source: DCNS; issued November 23, 2009)
The French Navy has formally awarded DCNS two major contracts for through-life support services for its nuclear-powered submarine fleets. The first is for TLS for six nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSNs) for five years; the second for TLS for nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines (SSBNs) for five-and-a-half years.
“The signing of these TLS contracts for the French Navy’s submarines once again highlights our prime customer’s confidence in DCNS services,” says DCNS Chairman & CEO Patrick Boissier. “The maintenance of these submarines calls for industrial resources and know-how that only DCNS can offer the French Navy. We are proud to contribute to the unbroken support of our country’s standing sea-based nuclear deterrent force.”
The SSN contract, worth over EUR 500 million, calls for Toulon-based TLS services from 2010 to 2014, including:
-- routine maintenance for six Rubis-type SSNs (Rubis, Saphir, Casabianca, Émeraude, Améthyste and Perle), including engineering and logistic support;
-- major refits, or complete overhauls lasting 18 months, for three (Casabianca, Rubis and Émeraude), including the removal, refurbishment and refitting of all subsystems and equipment;
-- intermediate refit, including reactor refuelling, lasting nine months, for SSN Saphir.
This contract also requires that DCNS upgrade and provide TLS services for key French Navy facilities, specifically the INBS nuclear facility in the Toulon naval base’s Missiessy zone and the tactical simulator at the ENSM (École de Navigation Sous-Marine) naval school.
The second contract is for TLS services for SSBNs operated by the Navy’s Strategic Ocean Force (FOST). This contract, worth some EUR 500 million, calls for Brest-based services from November 2009 to December 2015, including:
-- routine maintenance for Le Triomphant-class SSBNs Le Triomphant, Le Téméraire, Le Vigilant, and Le Terrible, including engineering and logistic support and outfitting SSBN Le Terrible for the new M51 ballistic missile;
-- TLS services for crew training facilities;
-- TLS services for specific French Navy systems;
-- TLS services for shore-based facilities, including FOST relay antenna stations.
DCNS is a leading European player on the world market for naval defence systems. The Group designs, builds and supports surface combatants, submarines and mission-critical systems and equipment incorporating the most advanced technologies. The Group employs 12,000 staff and generates annual revenues of around EUR 2.5 billion.
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55707
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2895 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2558 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
France Lays Keel of Third Mistral-class BPC
(Source: French Navy; issued Jan. 20, 2010)
(Issued in French; unofficial translation by
The keel-laying ceremony for Dixmude, the third Mistral-class Bâtiment de Projection et de Commandement (Projection and Command Ship, BPC) ship ordered by the French Navy, took place January 20 in Saint Nazaire, eastern France.
Admiral Pierre François Forissier, the chief of the naval staff, kicked off the proceedings by moving the keel into position. Following an ancient custom, several coins were dropped into the keel’s central section, whose 439 tonnes dwarfed the attendees representing the Navy staff and the DCNS and STX shipyards.
The BPC ships are new-generation vessels that have demonstrated their operational relevance during Operation Baliste off Lebanon. They are nicknamed the Navy’s "Swiss army knife” because of their versatility and their joint mission.
Dixmude is the third ship of the BPC class, and was ordered as part of the French government’s economic recovery plan. Awarded by DGA (Directorate General of Armaments), its construction contract involves STX France as prime contractor for the hull and for equipment installation, as well as DCNS, the co-contractor, which is responsible for the combat system.
The ship’s name was chosen by Defence Minister Hervé Morin last December, and refers to the 1914 victory by French marine infantry during a battle in the eponymous town in Belgium.
The acquisition contract for Dixmude was awarded in April 2009. Designed to replace the Landing Craft Transport Foudre, Dixmude will be launched in late 2010. It will then take on its crew and steam to its home port of Toulon, on the Mediterranean, in mid 2011 to complete its sea trials. Its commissioning is planned for 2012.
-ends- ... -ship.html
(Source: French Navy; issued Jan. 20, 2010)
(Issued in French; unofficial translation by
The keel-laying ceremony for Dixmude, the third Mistral-class Bâtiment de Projection et de Commandement (Projection and Command Ship, BPC) ship ordered by the French Navy, took place January 20 in Saint Nazaire, eastern France.
Admiral Pierre François Forissier, the chief of the naval staff, kicked off the proceedings by moving the keel into position. Following an ancient custom, several coins were dropped into the keel’s central section, whose 439 tonnes dwarfed the attendees representing the Navy staff and the DCNS and STX shipyards.
The BPC ships are new-generation vessels that have demonstrated their operational relevance during Operation Baliste off Lebanon. They are nicknamed the Navy’s "Swiss army knife” because of their versatility and their joint mission.
Dixmude is the third ship of the BPC class, and was ordered as part of the French government’s economic recovery plan. Awarded by DGA (Directorate General of Armaments), its construction contract involves STX France as prime contractor for the hull and for equipment installation, as well as DCNS, the co-contractor, which is responsible for the combat system.
The ship’s name was chosen by Defence Minister Hervé Morin last December, and refers to the 1914 victory by French marine infantry during a battle in the eponymous town in Belgium.
The acquisition contract for Dixmude was awarded in April 2009. Designed to replace the Landing Craft Transport Foudre, Dixmude will be launched in late 2010. It will then take on its crew and steam to its home port of Toulon, on the Mediterranean, in mid 2011 to complete its sea trials. Its commissioning is planned for 2012.
-ends- ... -ship.html
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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- Mensagens: 3584
- Registrado em: Dom Jul 31, 2005 7:34 am
- Localização: Rio Claro/SP
- Agradeceu: 7 vezes
- Agradeceram: 98 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
R 91 - Nae Charles de Gaulle


att, binfa
REgistro Nacional de DOadores de MEdula nº 1.256.762
Depoimento ABRALE ... php?id=771
REgistro Nacional de DOadores de MEdula nº 1.256.762
Depoimento ABRALE

- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55707
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2895 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2558 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
France to test new generation SLBM this weekend
M-51 test launch in preparation
According to corroborating sources, a strategic missile M-51 from a submerged submarine should take place very soon. From the latest SSBN Le Terrible. These tests are never advertised and are usually subject to a minimalistic report from MoD when they occurr.
The shooting area is usually located in the south of Finistere. The missiles go west to fall back into a square located off Canada or Brazil, about 4000 kilometers away.
The test firing of an M-51 would be the first made from a submarine submerged. This is an extremely complex technology that only the United States and France fully mastered. Uh I personnaly don't think so but whatever...
The M-51, which has already been launched successfully from the test center of the Landes, is far superior to the M-45 to replace it, with range more than 8000 kilometers.
http://secretdefense.blogs.liberation.f ... l#comments
M-51 test launch in preparation
According to corroborating sources, a strategic missile M-51 from a submerged submarine should take place very soon. From the latest SSBN Le Terrible. These tests are never advertised and are usually subject to a minimalistic report from MoD when they occurr.
The shooting area is usually located in the south of Finistere. The missiles go west to fall back into a square located off Canada or Brazil, about 4000 kilometers away.
The test firing of an M-51 would be the first made from a submarine submerged. This is an extremely complex technology that only the United States and France fully mastered. Uh I personnaly don't think so but whatever...
The M-51, which has already been launched successfully from the test center of the Landes, is far superior to the M-45 to replace it, with range more than 8000 kilometers.
http://secretdefense.blogs.liberation.f ... l#comments
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 4579
- Registrado em: Dom Jul 15, 2007 4:29 pm
- Agradeceram: 455 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
binfa escreveu:R 91 - Nae Charles de Gaulle
Prezados Amigos
Esta foto pode ser uma antevisão dos futuros NAe's da Marinha do Brasil!
Lord Nauta
- Grifon
- Avançado
- Mensagens: 492
- Registrado em: Ter Out 21, 2008 10:41 pm
- Agradeceu: 1 vez
- Agradeceram: 3 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
provavel local da queda do slbm:P44 escreveu: France to test new generation SLBM this weekend
M-51 test launch in preparation
According to corroborating sources, a strategic missile M-51 from a submerged submarine should take place very soon. From the latest SSBN Le Terrible. These tests are never advertised and are usually subject to a minimalistic report from MoD when they occurr.
The shooting area is usually located in the south of Finistere. The missiles go west to fall back into a square located off Canada or Brazil, about 4000 kilometers away.
The test firing of an M-51 would be the first made from a submarine submerged. This is an extremely complex technology that only the United States and France fully mastered. Uh I personnaly don't think so but whatever...
The M-51, which has already been launched successfully from the test center of the Landes, is far superior to the M-45 to replace it, with range more than 8000 kilometers.
http://secretdefense.blogs.liberation.f ... l#comments

- irlan
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 2757
- Registrado em: Qua Out 08, 2008 8:26 pm
- Agradeceu: 4 vezes
- Agradeceram: 40 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
Opa Nauta!, incluindo TODOS os meios embarcados na foto? 

Na União Soviética, o político é roubado por VOCÊ!!
- Izaias Maia
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 843
- Registrado em: Seg Fev 12, 2007 5:51 am
- Localização: Eusébio -CE
- Agradeceu: 9 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
Exceto os SUE, Panthers e Hawkeyes... acho.
A morte do homem começa no instante em que ele desiste de aprender. (Albino Teixeira)
- irlan
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 2757
- Registrado em: Qua Out 08, 2008 8:26 pm
- Agradeceu: 4 vezes
- Agradeceram: 40 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
não há algums Super Etendard ali na foto?
Na União Soviética, o político é roubado por VOCÊ!!
- Izaias Maia
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 843
- Registrado em: Seg Fev 12, 2007 5:51 am
- Localização: Eusébio -CE
- Agradeceu: 9 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
Sim. Abreviei: SUE.
A morte do homem começa no instante em que ele desiste de aprender. (Albino Teixeira)
- Bolovo
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 28558
- Registrado em: Ter Jul 12, 2005 11:31 pm
- Agradeceu: 547 vezes
- Agradeceram: 442 vezes
Re: Marinha Francesa
Vixe, franceses testando mísseis.Grifon escreveu:provavel local da queda do slbm:P44 escreveu: France to test new generation SLBM this weekend
M-51 test launch in preparation
According to corroborating sources, a strategic missile M-51 from a submerged submarine should take place very soon. From the latest SSBN Le Terrible. These tests are never advertised and are usually subject to a minimalistic report from MoD when they occurr.
The shooting area is usually located in the south of Finistere. The missiles go west to fall back into a square located off Canada or Brazil, about 4000 kilometers away.
The test firing of an M-51 would be the first made from a submarine submerged. This is an extremely complex technology that only the United States and France fully mastered. Uh I personnaly don't think so but whatever...
The M-51, which has already been launched successfully from the test center of the Landes, is far superior to the M-45 to replace it, with range more than 8000 kilometers.
http://secretdefense.blogs.liberation.f ... l#comments





"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)