
Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

Carlos Mathias

Re: Eurofighter

#436 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Sáb Jan 31, 2009 1:17 am

Se você está num avião menos manobrável, sim, mas...

A uva está verde mesmo. :lol:

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Re: Eurofighter

#437 Mensagem por Roberto » Sáb Jan 31, 2009 11:43 am

So por curiosidade...
Quais as taxas de giros instantaneas e sustentadas subsonica e supersonica do Su-35? do Su-30? so Su-27?
Limites de AoA? E do Typhoon?

Voltando à pergunta feita pelo Santiago. Alguém aqui no DB teria de fontes que fossem pouco imparciais (coisa difícil, eu sei) que mostrassem as taxas de giro e limites AoA dos principais caças da atualidade?

Typhoon, Rafale, Su-27, Su-30, Raptor, e caças mais antigos F-15, F-16, Mirage 2000

:?: :?: :?:

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Re: Eurofighter

#438 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Fev 07, 2009 9:49 am

German Air Force Successfully Deployed to AERO INDIA 2009

(Source: Eurofighter GmbH; issued Feb. 5, 2009)

Three Luftwaffe Eurofighters have arrived in India for the Aero India 2009 show, where they will make a daily flight display. (Luftwaffe photo)Eurofighter and tanker aircraft landed at Yelahanka Air Force Station today

German Air Force delegation safely landed at Air Force Station of Yelahanka, near Bangalore/India, at 1340 h CET, today. After a stop-over at Abu Dhabi Air Force Base, United Arab Emirates, three Eurofighter, Germany’s most advanced fighter aircraft, along with an Airbus A310 MRTT (Multi Role Transport Tanker) successfully completed their first-time deployment to an Asian country to participate in the bi-annual air show.

After start-off at their home-bases in Germany on 4 February, 2009, all fighter airplanes were refuelled by Germany’s new tanker aircraft, A310 MRTT. This was the first time, A-310 MRTT air-to-air refuelling was conducted during an operational deployment marking another important milestone in its introduction phase.

German Air Force is scheduled to participate in AERO INDIA 2009 with Eurofighter (30+23, 30+25, 30+38), of which one will provide a daily flying display, and Airbus A310 MRTT (10+27) from 11 through 15 February, 2009.

After conclusion of the air show, the German aircraft will be re-deploying to their respective home-bases by 16 February, 2009.


*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: Eurofighter

#439 Mensagem por AMRAAM » Sex Fev 20, 2009 5:17 pm

Aquí dejo este bonito e interesante documental acerca de la construcción de los aviones Eurofighters. :wink:

:arrow: ... re=related
:arrow: ... re=related


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Re: Eurofighter

#440 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sex Fev 27, 2009 1:45 pm

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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Re: Eurofighter

#441 Mensagem por crubens » Sáb Fev 28, 2009 10:40 pm

O Tufão é o cara !! :mrgreen:

"Tudo que é necessário para que o mal triunfe, é que os homens de bem nada façam". Edmund Burke

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Re: Eurofighter

#442 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Ter Mar 10, 2009 11:47 am

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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Re: Eurofighter

#443 Mensagem por soultrain » Dom Mar 22, 2009 7:31 pm

SOURCE:Flight International
Eurofighter nations edge closer to Tranche 3A agreement
By Craig Hoyle

Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK will in late March resume negotiations with the Eurofighter industry consortium over Tranche 3 production of the multirole type.
The partner nations earlier this month tasked the NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency with seeking "significant life cost reductions" before agreeing a delayed deal. The nations say a satisfactory outcome will enable them to sign a "Tranche 3A" contract covering the first 107 of the remaining 236 Eurofighters from their umbrella commitment for 620 aircraft.
Meanwhile, the German air force has logged its 10,000th flight hour with the Eurofighter, marking the milestone during a 16 March ceremony at its Neuburg air base near Munich (below). The type entered air force service in April 2004 with Fighter Wing 73 at Rostock-Laage air base, and this unit has accounted for around 75% of the total German fleet hours, the service says.

Imagem© Eurofighter

A recent operational highlight involved the deployment of four FW73 aircraft to the Aero India 2009 show in Bangalore to support Eurofighter's EADS-led sales campaign in the nation. Supported by a German air force Airbus A310 multirole tanker transport (below), the aircraft performed individual sorties lasting up to 8.5h.

© Marc Thoene/Eurofighter

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: Eurofighter

#444 Mensagem por old » Sex Jul 31, 2009 12:43 pm

Firmada la tranche III/A del Eurofighter por 9.000 mill de Euros.

112 Aviones y 241 motores Ej2000. A entregar a partir del 2013

40 UK
30 Alemania
21 Italia
21 España

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Re: Eurofighter

#445 Mensagem por Adriano » Sex Jul 31, 2009 2:03 pm

old escreveu:Firmada la tranche III/A del Eurofighter por 9.000 mill de Euros.

112 Aviones y 241 motores Ej2000. A entregar a partir del 2013

40 UK
30 Alemania
21 Italia
21 España
Afinal de contas, quando o Typhoon deve receber um AESA? Terá mesmo uma antena "swachplate" como a do Gripen, da Selex?



O rio da minha aldeia não faz pensar em nada.
Quem está ao pé dele está só ao pé dele.
(Fernando Pessoa)

Re: Eurofighter

#446 Mensagem por PRick » Sex Jul 31, 2009 2:13 pm

Adriano escreveu:
old escreveu:Firmada la tranche III/A del Eurofighter por 9.000 mill de Euros.

112 Aviones y 241 motores Ej2000. A entregar a partir del 2013

40 UK
30 Alemania
21 Italia
21 España
Afinal de contas, quando o Typhoon deve receber um AESA? Terá mesmo uma antena "swachplate" como a do Gripen, da Selex?


Algum dia quando os sócios pararem de brigar entre si. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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Re: Eurofighter

#447 Mensagem por kekosam » Sex Jul 31, 2009 4:59 pm

Contrato para produção dos Eurofighter 'Tranche 3' deverá ser assinado nesta sexta

Uma fonte do Ministério da Defesa Italiano revelou à AFP (Agence France Presse) que o contrato para a produção de 112 aeronaves da mais nova versão do Eurofighter Typhoon, a 'Tranche 3', deverá ser assinado pelos quatro parceiros do consórcio nesta sexta-feira, dia 31 de julho.

Representantes da Inglaterra, Espanha, Alemanha e Itália deverão assinar o contrato no ‘quartel-general’ do consórcio Eurofighter, em Hallbergmoos, Alemanha (localidade próxima a Munique). O valor para a produção das 112 aeronaves (de 236 planejadas para o Tranche 3) é estimado em 8 bilhões de euros (11,2 bilhões de dólares), segundo a mesma fonte.

As quatro nações decidiram dividir a encomenda da nova versão em duas partes por razões orçamentárias após um aumento do custo de materiais. Esta primeira parte deverá ser denominada 'Tranche 3A' e a segunda, 'Tranche 3B'.

Espera-se que 620 aeronaves Eurofighter Typhoon, somando-se as três fases do programa, sejam adquiridas pelos quatro países do consórcio até 2017.


FONTE: AFP, via googlenews FOTOS: Eurofighter

Assinatura? Estou vendo com meu advogado...
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Re: Eurofighter

#448 Mensagem por AlbertoRJ » Qua Abr 20, 2011 12:23 am

The Eurofighter's 'Ground' Realities

It's a thumping irony. On the one hand, you have this overwhelming sense -- yoked along by literally unanimous Indian press leaks -- that the Eurofighter Typhoon leads the pack in India's $12-billion MMRCA fighter aircraft competition. On the other hand -- and you couldn't have missed them -- reports in the British press mercilessly pillorying the airplane programme. A brilliant headline in The Register goes "RAF Eurofighters Make Devastating Attack - on Parliament".

I don't think it is remotely far-fetched or cynical to suggest that the application of the Eurofighter over Libya (or for that matter, the Rafale), and the carefully calculated release of information about its achievements, has as much, if not more, to do with proving a point to its customers, both current and potential, as it does supporting operational alliance commitments (it was only last week that the Typhoon, previously confined to air-to-air operations over Libya, joined RAF Tornados for air interdiction duties).

The Typhoon programme, rather like the Tejas programme here in India, is and has been a deeply polarizing programme, buffeted for years in equal measure by staunch supporters and ruthless detractors. Operations in Libya only happened to cast into stark relief the findings of two reports, one by the British Parliamentary Accounts Committee, and an earlier one by the National Audit Office. Supporters call it a modern, multirole jet that's easy to maintain, has a low logistics footprint, and is one bad-ass in the sky. Critics say it's an expensive, hard to support air superiority fighter with manoeuverability that nobody needs in a BVR paradigm anyway.

Eurofighter hates the "ground attack" debate. And why not? It remembers how Singapore, which had shown healthy interest in the Typhoon in 2005, bailed and ordered Boeing Super Hornets instead. All because of questions that swirled incessantly around the Typhoon's efficacy as a strike platform. In 2008, the RAF got one of its Typhoons to light up a tent full of British defence journalists with its laser pod in a decidedly dramatic PR exercise to reassure the press about the aircraft's precision strike abilities.

But that apart, here's what reports, especially the recent ones, suggest: despite all the increments, the Eurofighter does not have mature ground attack capabilities. It's current strike ability is via a LITENING laser designator pod, and its last capability increment was the addition of EGBU-16 bomb avionic release capability. Finally, it will only truly emerge as a full-blown fighter-bomber at some future point this decade. That's the drift.

As far as the Indian fighter competition is concerned, the Eurofighter was put through weapons trials both in Germany and the UK. While EADS obviously won't discuss the details of the trials, Eurofighter boss Bernhard Gerwert says, "Eurofighter Typhoons delivered to the IAF will be the latest Tranche 3 aircraft with state-of-the-art electronic warfare sensors and communication systems. With its proven multi-role combat capability, this aircraft will provide the IAF with unrivalled air superiority and with sophisticated ground attack capabilities."

So where do things stand? What did the Eurofighter demonstrate to the Indian FET team? Did strike trials meet requirements? Obviously, these questions are strictly in the context of what we've been hearing in the last few weeks. I'll update this post once I hear from the folks at EF. As always, let me know what you think.

Alberto -
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Re: Eurofighter

#449 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Qua Abr 20, 2011 1:34 am

Bom... essa história do Typhoon não ter todas as capacidades de ataque ainda maduras não deveria ser novidade :) .

Acho que ninguém estava com pressa de adicionar essas capacidades ao Typhoon com Tornados / F-18 / e afins já fazendo esse trabalho e muito bem obrigado nos seus operadores.

A correria sempre foi pelo ar-ar mesmo :)

Bom... mais um capítulo da "Guerra" na Líbia.



CB_Lima = Carlos Lima :)
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Re: Eurofighter

#450 Mensagem por soultrain » Qua Abr 20, 2011 11:08 am

Ai o caminho foi diferente para o EF e para o Rafa, os Franceses deram prioridade ao ataque ao solo e só recentemente houve esquadrões ar-ar a receber Rafas.


"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:
