S. Puma e Cougar são da mesma classe do UH-60L.PRick escreveu:Santiago,Santiago escreveu:Dutch team criticises Cougar/Black Hawk
Dutch objections
The Dutch-commissioned report claims that the Cougar:
• Fails to meet military crash-worthiness standards
• Does not meet operational requirements in icing conditions
• The flight-information system is based on civil data-communications
protocol, causing concern over the integration of military equipment
• The navigation system lacks redundancy and ballistic protection
• The fuel system is unable to cross feed, meaning that ballistic
damage to a fuel line would cause the loss of an engine
• The use of a pressure-feed pump system is considered a fire hazard
• The tail-rotor drive-shaft is vulnerable even to 7.62mm fire
• Raises concern over crash survivability, in that fuselage deformation
would potentially rupture fuel tanks located underneath the cabin
The report says of the Black Hawk:
• Vertical stabiliser is rather small, and tail-rotor failure would
decrease the helicopter's navigability
Fonte: http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/ ... 01957.html
Esse texto é de 1993, trata-se de Cougar, e não EC-725, como já falei acima, o EC-725 surgir porque as FA´s francesas queriam um helo C-SAR, e não aprovaram o Cougar comum para tal. Fizeram o requerimento para um Helo baseado no Cougar, porém, que cumprisse os requisitos das FA´s, depois a Eurocopter ainda melhorou o produto, com o novo rotor.
Pq a Frota não foi padronizada com S. Puma e Cougar (suporte da Helibrás)?