Marinha da Ucrânia

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Marinha da Ucrânia

#1 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Jan 18, 2007 12:30 pm

Ukrainian Navy History

The Ukrainian navy has a history of over a thousand years. Historical sources have well established that Kievan princes had carried out successful naval campaigns against Byzantium, Khazaria, Volga Bulgaria. And the ancient name of the Black Sea - Ruthenian - is yet another indicator that the country of the ancient ancestors, Kievan Rus', ruled the waves of that sea. In the centuries during and following the Middle Ages the name of Ukraine had been glorified by the victoriuos naval campaigns of such Cossack Hetmans of the Zaporizhian Sich as Baida Vyshnevetsky, Samiylo Kishka, Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny, ... During the Crimean War (1853-1856) the squadron under the command of Admiral Nakhimov, himself a descendant of the Cossacks from Zaporizhya, won a brilliant victory at the battle of Sinop. The unfaded honor, valor and glory were earned by such defenders of Sevastopol as, for example, sailor Ihnatiy Shevchenko who used his own body to protect lieutenant Birilev from the enemy's bullet; or the legendary sailor Petro Kishka who received numerous decorations for his courage, gallantry and ingenuity in combat... The names of Ivan Holubets, Ludmyla Pavlychenko, Vasyl Tsybulko, Volodymyr Pylypenko and many hundreds upon hundreds of other World War II heroes were inscribed in gold into the pages of naval history. The Ukrainian Navy has a glorious past and a bright future. To build the national Navy is one of the most important missions of the country.

In September 1991 at Sevastopol the Union of Ukrainian officers was organised with initiative of major V.V. Kholoduk, captain-liatenant I.O. Tenukha, M.P. Guk. This union become the initiator and nucleus of organization group of the Navy of Ukraine. On 05 April 1992 the edikt of the president of Ukraine about the formation of the Naval Forces was published. In Hune the Press Center of the Naval Forces of Ukraine was established. The first edition of the newspaper "The Fleet of Ukrain" was created.

Conditions for the creation of the present-day Ukrainian Navy emerged only in the early 1992. It was then that the nation-conscious part of the Black Sea Fleet personnel had begun to swear allegeance to the people of Ukraine. During the period from January 13 to April 7, 1992, the Ukrainian oath was taken by the personnel of the Training Company at the Naval Diving School, 17th Patrol Ships Brigade of the Naval Station Crimea, the 880th Detached Battalion of the Naval Infantry (Marines) Brigade, crews of cruiser "Kutuzov", minesweeper "Syhnalschyk", submarine B-371, Naval Station Crimea under the command of officers Kluyev, Shalyt, Rozhmanov, Shishov, Salimanov, Lupakov, Petrenko. The dedicated and efficient work for the establishment and further development of the Ukrainian Navy began after Rear-Admiral Borys B. Kozhyn was appointed the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Navy.

On 21 July 1992 the 112th brigade of patrol ship of the Crimea's naval base (the captaine of the ship - S.Nastenko) left the base "Donyslav", and lifted the National Flag of Ukraine and made depth voyage to Odessa. On 28 July the spetial purpose ship "Slavutich" solemnly lifted the National Flag of Ukraine.

In April 1993 the Navy of Ukraine was armed by the ship on the air cushion "Doneck". From May to June 1993 the small antisubmarine ship "Luck" was unchained at the shipbuilding factory. In July the Naval Flag was solemnly lifted on the patrol ship " Getman Sagaidachnyi". The first batallion of naval infantry was formed.

In June 1994 the patrol ship "Getman Sagaidachnyi" visited French port Ruan. In September the trainings of the ships of the Naval Forces of Ukraine, France, Rumania in the frames of program "Partnership for Peace" in the north-western part of the Black Sea. The small anyisubmarine ship "Luck" was recognized the best one. In November 1994 the special purpose ship "Slavutich" took part in joint trainings "Maritime partner - 94".

In April 1995 the patrol ship "Getman Sagaidachnyi" made a long voyage to the shores of UAE. In July 1995 the joint Ukrainian-American peacefull trainings of the naval infantry brigade of Ukraine and the US Expeditional Naval Infantry Corps. In September 1995 the joint trainings of infantrymen and USA "Autumn allies - 95" which were on the base of the US Naval Infantry in Kemp-Lezhun, were finished. The patrol ship "Getman Sagaidachnyi" visited Bolgary. In November 1995 the patrol ship "Getman Sagaidachnyi" took part in the naval multinational trainings of NATO's countries "Classica-95" in the waterways of Italy.

During August and Septmeber 1996, near the seashores of Rumania, Ukraine took part international trainings "Classica-96" with participation of the Naval FOrce of Ukreaine. Ships "Chernigov" and the small antisubmarineship "Vinnica". From 20 August through 18 October 1996 the transatlantic ocean camnpaign of the formations of naval ships in composition with the patrol ship "Getman Sagaidachnyi" and the large decant ship "Konstantin Olshanskiy" with naval infantry company aboard to the US seashores.

In July 1997 the corvette "Luck" took part in the international trainings near the seashores of Bulgaria "Cooperative partner - 96" in the frames of program "Partnership for peace". And in August 1997 the joint Ukrainian-American training "Sea-Breeze-97" in the regions of the lake Donyzlav and the firing ground "Wide field".

In November 2003 Prime Minister Victor Yanukovich approved plans to commission the sub “Zaporozhye” and the warship “Donbass” with the national navy. Ukrainian Defense minister Eugeny Marchuk said the matters of financing the maintenance of both in the future had yet to be resolved. “Zaporozhye” is the only sub of the Ukrainian navy and its prime task will be training. There are no known plans in the Ukraine to develop own submarine fleet. “Donbass” was built in 1970 and is one of the oldest ships of the Ukrainian border guards.

The missile cruiser Ukraine was started by the 61 Communards Shipyard in 1984 at the order of the Soviet MoD. Since 1992 this vessel was under the order of the Ukrainian MoD. According to the administration of the shipyard at least 150 million hryvnas ($1 = about 5 hryvnas) is required for completing the ship. Although the ship is 95% complete there is no final decision about its fate. Russia and Ukraine discussed the possible joint sale to a third country, or obtaining of the ship by Russia under the schemes of writing off Ukrainian debts. However, the Russian navy thinks that it is “not reasonable to obtain a ship of this age of building”. Possibly “Ukraine” will follow the fate of the aircraft carrier Varyag, which was sold unfinished by Ukraine.


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#2 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Fev 23, 2007 10:36 am


Russia, Ukraine Plan to Export Uncompleted Missile Cruiser

Russia and Ukraine agreed to cooperate in an effort to export the missile cruiser Ukraina. Two potential clients are considered - India and China. 'Ukraina', a Project 1164 (Slava Class) cruiser was launched in 1984 at the Nikolayev shipyards during the time of the former Soviet Union. However, construction was stalled at the final stage in the late 1980s. Initially, the government of Ukraine planned to complete construction and induct the ship to its navy but this endeavor was never completed and the shuip was left to rust at the shipyard. According to the latest agreement, the two countries will jointly complete construction. Russia will be required to supply the mission systems and weaponry to the vessel, necessary to prepare the vessel for export. ... .htm#slava

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#3 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Fev 08, 2008 1:52 pm


Fragata Ucraniana tipo "Krivak"

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Re: Marinha da Ucrânia

#4 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Mar 26, 2009 6:31 pm

Source: U.S. military to discuss supply of warships to Ukraine in Sevastopol

MOSCOW - The U.S. and Ukrainian military plan to discuss deliveries of American warships to Ukraine during a visit to Sevastopol of the U.S. guided missile frigate Klakring, a military-diplomatic source in Moscow told Interfax on Tuesday.

"The transfer of U.S. warships to Ukraine - missile carrying frigates of the Oliver Perry type - could be discussed," the source said.

The Klakring is one of such frigates, he said, noting that, "the U.S. military will probably inform the Ukrainian side about the frigate's combat capabilities."
pobres ucranianos, já não bastava a crise económica, o pedido de ajuda ao FMI....e agora ISTO :!: :mrgreen:

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Re: Marinha da Ucrânia

#5 Mensagem por WalterGaudério » Qui Mar 26, 2009 6:48 pm

P44 escreveu:
Source: U.S. military to discuss supply of warships to Ukraine in Sevastopol

MOSCOW - The U.S. and Ukrainian military plan to discuss deliveries of American warships to Ukraine during a visit to Sevastopol of the U.S. guided missile frigate Klakring, a military-diplomatic source in Moscow told Interfax on Tuesday.

"The transfer of U.S. warships to Ukraine - missile carrying frigates of the Oliver Perry type - could be discussed," the source said.

The Klakring is one of such frigates, he said, noting that, "the U.S. military will probably inform the Ukrainian side about the frigate's combat capabilities."
pobres ucranianos, já não bastava a crise económica, o pedido de ajuda ao FMI....e agora ISTO :!: :mrgreen:
Quem não tem Urso caça com a águia... [002] [002] [002] [003] [003] [003] [003] :?

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Re: Marinha da Ucrânia

#6 Mensagem por talharim » Sex Mar 27, 2009 8:38 am

É capaz de o Chavito levar esse Slava.

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one behind me."

General George S. Patton.
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Re: Marinha da Ucrânia

#7 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Mar 21, 2012 9:35 am

O "Zaparozhye", único submarino ucraniano, pelos vistos ainda navega



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The Zaparozhye, the only submarine of the Ukranian Navy, seems to be moving around under its own power, after repairs at a Russian dry dock.

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Re: Marinha da Ucrânia

#8 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Jun 01, 2012 2:10 pm


Zaporizhzhia (U-01) o único submarino da marinha ucraniana sai para o mar pela 1ª vez desde 1994.. ... ost6148150

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Re: Marinha da Ucrânia

#9 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Sex Jun 01, 2012 10:22 pm

Interessante ver como uma das consequências do desmonte da URSS foi também o desmonte das ffaa's ucranianas, que mal ou bem, tem se sustentado a pão e água dos recursos de apoio dos russos. Isso, quando, obviamente, estes se dispõe a ajudar.

Não sei se os vizinhos vão aceitar tão passivelmente esta possíbilidade de ver navios americanos na marinha ucraniana. Talvez saia em tempo uma nova ajudinha para eles continuarem com a sucataria vermelha dos tempos de outrora.

Pensamento. Se os americanos começarem a doar/ceder navios de guerra a Ucrânia - e outras "quinquilharias"- que se dirá daqui a algum tempo se os mesmo não aparecerem com um contrato nas mãos com a cessão da base de Sebastopol?


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Re: Marinha da Ucrânia

#10 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Jun 02, 2012 7:42 am

FCarvalho escreveu:Interessante ver como uma das consequências do desmonte da URSS foi também o desmonte das ffaa's ucranianas, que mal ou bem, tem se sustentado a pão e água dos recursos de apoio dos russos. Isso, quando, obviamente, estes se dispõe a ajudar.

Não sei se os vizinhos vão aceitar tão passivelmente esta possíbilidade de ver navios americanos na marinha ucraniana. Talvez saia em tempo uma nova ajudinha para eles continuarem com a sucataria vermelha dos tempos de outrora.

Pensamento. Se os americanos começarem a doar/ceder navios de guerra a Ucrânia - e outras "quinquilharias"- que se dirá daqui a algum tempo se os mesmo não aparecerem com um contrato nas mãos com a cessão da base de Sebastopol?

Não aconteceu quando a Ucrânia tinha presidentes e governantes pró-ocidentais, não irá acontecer agora que tem governantes pró-russos.

ps- aquele artigo mais acima (a que vc se deve estar referindo) é de 2009 ;)

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Re: Marinha da Ucrânia

#11 Mensagem por tflash » Sáb Jun 02, 2012 8:16 am

Entre as Perry e a sucata que eles tem, não sei o que será melhor. O problema é mudar uma matriz industrial do modelo soviético para o norte-americano. Também não é preciso bater tanto nas Perry. Foi daquelas coisas que se fizeram nos EUA sem escala e manutenção megalómana. Há opções melhores na Europa. O que temos que analisar é que ali o imperialismo é russo. Optar por aliar com os EUA naquele lugar é o mesmo que um país da América latina se "encostar" aos russos ou chineses.

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Re: Marinha da Ucrânia

#12 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Jun 02, 2012 8:26 am

A Ucrânia tem como único grande navio de superficie, uma fragata Krivak*. Ficaram com outra aquando da repartição da Frota do Mar Negro mas nem essa conseguiram colocar operacional, não os vejo sinceramente a terem meios ($$$$$) para operar fragatas ao nivel das OHP

para mais infos


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Re: Marinha da Ucrânia

#13 Mensagem por tflash » Sáb Jun 02, 2012 10:00 am

Também acho que é mais custoso. Eventualmente isso será para deixar de depender da Rússia mas os custos devem ser mais elevados. O mais provável é que as Perry sejam usadas apenas como patrulha gigante!

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Re: Marinha da Ucrânia

#14 Mensagem por mmatuso » Sáb Jun 02, 2012 10:28 am

A maior ameaça da Ucrânia é o tétano.

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Re: Marinha da Ucrânia

#15 Mensagem por talharim » Sáb Jun 02, 2012 11:42 am

A Ucrania nao é um pais pobre tem condiçoes de manter pelo menos uma marinha do porte da portuguesa .

Poderiam fazer um misto de equipamento russo e ocidental .

Mas parece que ele dao total prioridade ao seu Exercito . A sua marinha é relegada sempre a segundo plano .

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French

one behind me."

General George S. Patton.