Exército europeu
Moderadores: J.Ricardo, Conselho de Moderação
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- Mensagens: 2513
- Registrado em: Qui Dez 09, 2004 11:33 am
- Localização: Almada-Portugal
- Agradeceram: 1 vez
Exército europeu
MOU on Nordic-Estonian Battle Group Signed
(Source: Finnish Ministry of Defence; issued May 23, 2005)
The Memorandum of Understanding between Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Norway concerning the EU Battle Group formed by has been signed by their Defence Ministers in Brussels on May 23, 2005. The Memorandum is not a treaty.
The preparations for the battle group are led by Sweden as a framework nation. The basis of the cooperation is stated in the Memorandum of Understanding, where the principles concerning the establishment and operation of the battle group are defined. The aim, structure, working principles, decision- making procedures and security arrangements for the battle group cooperation are defined.
The decision-making concerning a battle group cooperation is based on consensus between the participants. Each country makes a separate national decision on sending troops to an operation.
In preparing the battle group, the Nordic NORDCAPS -cooperation structure has and will be used.
Estonia is expected to take part in NORDCAPS meetings when battle groups are discussed.
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(Source: Finnish Ministry of Defence; issued May 23, 2005)
The Memorandum of Understanding between Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Norway concerning the EU Battle Group formed by has been signed by their Defence Ministers in Brussels on May 23, 2005. The Memorandum is not a treaty.
The preparations for the battle group are led by Sweden as a framework nation. The basis of the cooperation is stated in the Memorandum of Understanding, where the principles concerning the establishment and operation of the battle group are defined. The aim, structure, working principles, decision- making procedures and security arrangements for the battle group cooperation are defined.
The decision-making concerning a battle group cooperation is based on consensus between the participants. Each country makes a separate national decision on sending troops to an operation.
In preparing the battle group, the Nordic NORDCAPS -cooperation structure has and will be used.
Estonia is expected to take part in NORDCAPS meetings when battle groups are discussed.
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- Mensagens: 2513
- Registrado em: Qui Dez 09, 2004 11:33 am
- Localização: Almada-Portugal
- Agradeceram: 1 vez
Lithuania to Contribute to the Development of EU Rapid Response Force
(Source: Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence; issued May 23, 2005)
On Monday, 23 May a political declaration concerning the intent to establish a joint Lithuanian-Polish-German-Slovak-Latvian battle group, which will operate as part of the European Union’s Rapid Response Force, was signed in Brussels, Belgium.
The declaration was signed by Lithuanian Minister of National Defence Gediminas Kirkilas, Polish Minister of National Defence Jerzy Szmajdzinski, State Secretary of the German Ministry of Defence Dr Peter Eickenboom, Slovak Minister of Defence Juraj Liska and Latvian Minister of Defence Einars Repse.
At the Military Capability Commitment Conference in November 2004, EU Ministers of Defence agreed to develop EU Rapid Response Force that will consist of 13 battle groups.
The initial Battle group capability was achieved in early 2005.
(Source: Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence; issued May 23, 2005)
On Monday, 23 May a political declaration concerning the intent to establish a joint Lithuanian-Polish-German-Slovak-Latvian battle group, which will operate as part of the European Union’s Rapid Response Force, was signed in Brussels, Belgium.
The declaration was signed by Lithuanian Minister of National Defence Gediminas Kirkilas, Polish Minister of National Defence Jerzy Szmajdzinski, State Secretary of the German Ministry of Defence Dr Peter Eickenboom, Slovak Minister of Defence Juraj Liska and Latvian Minister of Defence Einars Repse.
At the Military Capability Commitment Conference in November 2004, EU Ministers of Defence agreed to develop EU Rapid Response Force that will consist of 13 battle groups.
The initial Battle group capability was achieved in early 2005.
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- Mensagens: 2513
- Registrado em: Qui Dez 09, 2004 11:33 am
- Localização: Almada-Portugal
- Agradeceram: 1 vez
Os EU Battlegroups são agrupamentos de cerca de 1.500 homens da mesma ou de várias nações.
O Battlegroup que Portugal vai integrar é formado por fuzileiros navais de Portugal, Espanha, Itália e Grécia. Segue-se o comunicado que deu a conhecer a constituição dos vários Battlegroups:
General Affairs and External Relations Council
(Source: Dutch Presidency of the European Union; issued Nov. 22, 2004)
This is the final communique issued by the European Union’s General Affairs and External Relations Council, chaired by Dutch Minister of Defence Henk Kamp, at the conclusion of its Nov. 22 meeting in Brussels:
1. The European Union has entered a new stage in the process of strengthening military capabilities for crisis management, launching initiatives such as on the Headline Goal 2010, the EU Battlegroups, the civil-military cell and establishing the European Defence Agency (EDA). These initiatives contribute to the implementation of the European Security Strategy, enabling the European Union to deal better with threats and global challenges and realising a more effective Common Foreign and Security Policy.
2. Today the EU-member states have committed themselves to implement the new Headline Goal 2010. Commitments have been made to the EU battlegroups – a key element of the Headline Goal 2010 – thus ensuring Initial Operational Capability in 2005 and 2006 an paving the way for Full Operational Capability in 2007.
3. The Battlegroups are at the forefront of capability improvement, providing the Union with credible, rapidly deployable, coherent force packages capable of stand-alone operations, or for the initial phase of larger operations. A Battlegroup will be associated with force headquarters and operational and strategic enablers, such as strategic lift. Interoperability and military effectiveness will be key criteria.
4. The following Member States have indicated to commit to EU Battlegroups, formed as follows:
-- France
-- Italy
-- Spain
-- United Kingdom
-- France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and Spain
-- France and Belgium
-- Germany, the Netherlands and Finland
-- Germany, Czech Republic and Austria
-- Italy, Hungary and Slovenia
-- Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal
-- Poland, Germany, Slovakia, Latvia and Lithuania
-- Sweden, Finland and including Norway as a third State
-- United Kingdom and the Netherlands
Niche capabilities: So far, the following Member States have offered niche capabilities in support of the EU Battlegroups:
-- Cyprus (medical group)
-- Lithuania (a water purification unit)
-- Greece (the Athens Sealift Co-ordination Centre)
-- France (structure of a multinational and deployable Force Headquarter)
5. Member states are welcome to include the non EU European NATO countries, candidates for accesion and other potential partners in their Battlegroups.
6. The EU Battlegroups Concept is complementary and mutually reinforcing with the NATO Response Force.
7. The member states have commited themselves to address the remaining military shortfalls and to improve the capability development process, taking into account the role of the European Defence Agency and building on the ECAP evaluation.
8. The member states also committed themselves to the use of the available assets, mechanisms and initiatives for strategic transport more effectively through the Global Approach on Deployability.
9. Finally they have agreed to intensify the international military cooperation in order to improve European military capabilities.
The background to the agreement lies in the EU’s decision to establish 13 so-called battlegroups, each consisting of about 1500 military personnel. The aim is to establish flexible rapid reaction forces capable of deploying at short notice to take part in operations to maintain or re-establish peace and security. The concept has been developed in conjunction with the UN and the forces are intended to reinforce the UN’s crisis management capability. Participation in an EU operation presupposes that a clear mandate has been established under international law.
O Battlegroup que Portugal vai integrar é formado por fuzileiros navais de Portugal, Espanha, Itália e Grécia. Segue-se o comunicado que deu a conhecer a constituição dos vários Battlegroups:
General Affairs and External Relations Council
(Source: Dutch Presidency of the European Union; issued Nov. 22, 2004)
This is the final communique issued by the European Union’s General Affairs and External Relations Council, chaired by Dutch Minister of Defence Henk Kamp, at the conclusion of its Nov. 22 meeting in Brussels:
1. The European Union has entered a new stage in the process of strengthening military capabilities for crisis management, launching initiatives such as on the Headline Goal 2010, the EU Battlegroups, the civil-military cell and establishing the European Defence Agency (EDA). These initiatives contribute to the implementation of the European Security Strategy, enabling the European Union to deal better with threats and global challenges and realising a more effective Common Foreign and Security Policy.
2. Today the EU-member states have committed themselves to implement the new Headline Goal 2010. Commitments have been made to the EU battlegroups – a key element of the Headline Goal 2010 – thus ensuring Initial Operational Capability in 2005 and 2006 an paving the way for Full Operational Capability in 2007.
3. The Battlegroups are at the forefront of capability improvement, providing the Union with credible, rapidly deployable, coherent force packages capable of stand-alone operations, or for the initial phase of larger operations. A Battlegroup will be associated with force headquarters and operational and strategic enablers, such as strategic lift. Interoperability and military effectiveness will be key criteria.
4. The following Member States have indicated to commit to EU Battlegroups, formed as follows:
-- France
-- Italy
-- Spain
-- United Kingdom
-- France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and Spain
-- France and Belgium
-- Germany, the Netherlands and Finland
-- Germany, Czech Republic and Austria
-- Italy, Hungary and Slovenia
-- Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal
-- Poland, Germany, Slovakia, Latvia and Lithuania
-- Sweden, Finland and including Norway as a third State
-- United Kingdom and the Netherlands
Niche capabilities: So far, the following Member States have offered niche capabilities in support of the EU Battlegroups:
-- Cyprus (medical group)
-- Lithuania (a water purification unit)
-- Greece (the Athens Sealift Co-ordination Centre)
-- France (structure of a multinational and deployable Force Headquarter)
5. Member states are welcome to include the non EU European NATO countries, candidates for accesion and other potential partners in their Battlegroups.
6. The EU Battlegroups Concept is complementary and mutually reinforcing with the NATO Response Force.
7. The member states have commited themselves to address the remaining military shortfalls and to improve the capability development process, taking into account the role of the European Defence Agency and building on the ECAP evaluation.
8. The member states also committed themselves to the use of the available assets, mechanisms and initiatives for strategic transport more effectively through the Global Approach on Deployability.
9. Finally they have agreed to intensify the international military cooperation in order to improve European military capabilities.
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- Mensagens: 9042
- Registrado em: Seg Mai 02, 2005 10:02 pm
- Localização: Eu sou do Sul, é so olhar pra ver que eu sou do Sul, A minha terra tem um cel azul, é so olhar e ver
Sprache Deutsch. Deutsch ist wunderbar mein freund, komme nach blumenau. komme hier , Komme hier scheiss, fick dich und kommeee
ahaha ich bin faruckt.
Ein prost blumenau, lalalaalalaaaa
ahaha ich bin faruckt.
Ein prost blumenau, lalalaalalaaaa
Somos memórias de lobos que rasgam a pele
Lobos que foram homens e o tornarão a ser
ou talvez memórias de homens.
que insistem em não rasgar a pele
Homens que procuram ser lobos
mas que jamais o tornarão a ser...
Moonspell - Full Moon Madness
Lobos que foram homens e o tornarão a ser
ou talvez memórias de homens.
que insistem em não rasgar a pele
Homens que procuram ser lobos
mas que jamais o tornarão a ser...
Moonspell - Full Moon Madness
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- Mensagens: 8789
- Registrado em: Qua Set 10, 2003 8:28 pm
- Agradeceu: 1 vez
- Agradeceram: 419 vezes
- Einsamkeit
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 9042
- Registrado em: Seg Mai 02, 2005 10:02 pm
- Localização: Eu sou do Sul, é so olhar pra ver que eu sou do Sul, A minha terra tem um cel azul, é so olhar e ver
hahah quem entendeu sabe que foi uma brincadeira herr marschall, bitte entschuldigung mich.
Isso é um forum e nao uma sessao de interrogatorio, o forum tem que ser descontraido.
So falei em alemao porque eles falaram que precisam saber falar ingles, mais eu falei para falarem alemao, e ingles cujo eu tambem nao sei nothing about this language.
Isso é um forum e nao uma sessao de interrogatorio, o forum tem que ser descontraido.
So falei em alemao porque eles falaram que precisam saber falar ingles, mais eu falei para falarem alemao, e ingles cujo eu tambem nao sei nothing about this language.
Somos memórias de lobos que rasgam a pele
Lobos que foram homens e o tornarão a ser
ou talvez memórias de homens.
que insistem em não rasgar a pele
Homens que procuram ser lobos
mas que jamais o tornarão a ser...
Moonspell - Full Moon Madness
Lobos que foram homens e o tornarão a ser
ou talvez memórias de homens.
que insistem em não rasgar a pele
Homens que procuram ser lobos
mas que jamais o tornarão a ser...
Moonspell - Full Moon Madness
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 8789
- Registrado em: Qua Set 10, 2003 8:28 pm
- Agradeceu: 1 vez
- Agradeceram: 419 vezes
- Einsamkeit
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 9042
- Registrado em: Seg Mai 02, 2005 10:02 pm
- Localização: Eu sou do Sul, é so olhar pra ver que eu sou do Sul, A minha terra tem um cel azul, é so olhar e ver
calma marechal, sei que muitos aqui falam alemao, como o P44 e quem quizesse saber eu prontamente falaria, nao estou aqui para humilhar ninguem, meu conhecimento dos assuntos militares perto de muitos aqui é pifio, estou para aprender e ensinar.
Somos memórias de lobos que rasgam a pele
Lobos que foram homens e o tornarão a ser
ou talvez memórias de homens.
que insistem em não rasgar a pele
Homens que procuram ser lobos
mas que jamais o tornarão a ser...
Moonspell - Full Moon Madness
Lobos que foram homens e o tornarão a ser
ou talvez memórias de homens.
que insistem em não rasgar a pele
Homens que procuram ser lobos
mas que jamais o tornarão a ser...
Moonspell - Full Moon Madness
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 8789
- Registrado em: Qua Set 10, 2003 8:28 pm
- Agradeceu: 1 vez
- Agradeceram: 419 vezes
- Einsamkeit
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 9042
- Registrado em: Seg Mai 02, 2005 10:02 pm
- Localização: Eu sou do Sul, é so olhar pra ver que eu sou do Sul, A minha terra tem um cel azul, é so olhar e ver
Manda o Moderador apagar tudo, haha realmente nao importa, mais como eu falei quem quizesse saber eu falaria, aposto como esta escrito errado tambem.
Somos memórias de lobos que rasgam a pele
Lobos que foram homens e o tornarão a ser
ou talvez memórias de homens.
que insistem em não rasgar a pele
Homens que procuram ser lobos
mas que jamais o tornarão a ser...
Moonspell - Full Moon Madness
Lobos que foram homens e o tornarão a ser
ou talvez memórias de homens.
que insistem em não rasgar a pele
Homens que procuram ser lobos
mas que jamais o tornarão a ser...
Moonspell - Full Moon Madness
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 8789
- Registrado em: Qua Set 10, 2003 8:28 pm
- Agradeceu: 1 vez
- Agradeceram: 419 vezes