Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.
Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação
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- Registrado em: Dom Fev 15, 2004 9:28 pm
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por Sniper » Sáb Jul 21, 2007 7:06 pm
piratadabaixada escreveu:Italian Typhoons will not be multirole, says air force chief
Italy has no plans to field its Eurofighter Typhoons as true multirole fighters and will not acquire air-to-surface weapons to equip its fleet, according to General Vincenzo Camporini, Italy's chief of the air staff. The general told Jane's that the Typhoons would be restricted to the air-to-air role while attack missions would be handled by Tornado and AMX aircraft, as well as their coming replacement, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)
Quem pode, pode... Typhoon + Lightning II
![Cool 8-]](./images/smilies/icon_cool.gif)
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por piratadabaixada » Sáb Jul 21, 2007 8:12 pm
Agora falta aguardar Alemanha e Inglaterra, pois acho que a Espanha seguira o mesmo caminho.
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- Registrado em: Seg Nov 14, 2005 7:55 am
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por old » Seg Jul 23, 2007 4:48 am
piratadabaixada escreveu:Agora falta aguardar Alemanha e Inglaterra, pois acho que a Espanha seguira o mesmo caminho.
Eso no se sabe de momento.
Lo unico cierto es que Italia e Inglaterra tendran
seguro Thypoon+Lightning II. Lo demas especulaciones.
Espanha tiene recien modernizados casi 100 F18 y Alemania 85 Tornado IDS tambien recien modernizados y 30 Tornado ECR. No tienen prisa.
Ninguno forma parte del consorcio que fabrica el F35 y si no obtienen importantes contrapartidas industriales (cosa muy dificil) no se gastaran una fortuna en un avion que no van a fabricar.
Asi que probablemente sean fuerzas aereas de solo Thypoons+ Uav avanzados. A saber...
Noticia relacionada:
Entrega del primer motor EJ2000 de la Trance II
HALLBERGMOOS, Alemania /PRNewswire.- Ayer se envió el primer motor Tranche II EJ200 después de que el cliente italiano aceptara oficialmente el motor el pasado viernes. Este primer motor Tranche II se instalará y volará en un avión IPA 2 (Instrumented Production Aircraft). El motor Tranche II EJ200 estándar incorpora una Digital Engine Control Monitoring Unit (Unidad Digital de Monitorización de Control de Motor, DECMU), que integra el control del motor y el sistema de monitorización en una sola unidad, proporcionando beneficios en lo que respecta a los costes, masas y funcionalidad. Está previsto que se entreguen 519 motores Tranche II en los próximos cinco años. ... icia=48751
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- Mensagens: 4056
- Registrado em: Seg Set 12, 2005 11:25 am
- Localização: Vigo - Espanha
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por manuel.liste » Seg Jul 23, 2007 4:56 am
Lo más normal es que el F-35 sólo sea comprado para operar en los buques de la Armada, para el Ejército del Aire será más difícil.
Yo apuesto por seguir en el programa del Eurofighter. Pedidos suplementarios de unidades mejoradas serían lo ideal. En caso contrario, producir el F-35 en España.
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- Mensagens: 1677
- Registrado em: Qua Nov 09, 2005 12:03 pm
por piratadabaixada » Seg Jul 23, 2007 10:07 am
Não estou dizendo que o Typhoon será cancelado na Espanha, Alemanha ou Inglaterra, questiono o investimento em armamento.
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- Mensagens: 4056
- Registrado em: Seg Set 12, 2005 11:25 am
- Localização: Vigo - Espanha
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por manuel.liste » Seg Jul 23, 2007 11:00 am
Nao será cancelado, pode ter novas encomendas pelo Ejército del Aire a sumar ás confirmadas.
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- Mensagens: 12154
- Registrado em: Dom Jun 19, 2005 7:39 pm
- Localização: Almada- Portugal
por soultrain » Qua Ago 01, 2007 3:35 pm
Aircraft Carriers may use Typhoon
By Tom McGhie
Financial Mail
29th July 2007
The Typhoon jet fighter may be converted to opertate from two new aircraft carriers amid fears that the Joint Strike Fighter will not be ready when the ships are launched.
The JSF is being built in America by Lockhead Martin but the project has been dogged by disputes over the use of US Technology.
The Ministry of Defence is afraid that after spending £3.8 billion on the vessels due to be built by 2012, there will be no planes fit to fly on them.
It was formally announced last week that the 65,000 ton carriers would be commissioned for the Royal Navy after an agreement to set up a joint venture between BAE systems and VT revealed by Financial Mail in May last year.
Faced by the potentially embarrasing lack of planes to operate from the carriers - to be called Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales - the MoD is considering using Typhoons or adapting the 40 - year - old Harrier jump jet.
An option to buy the French Rafale Matine jet is believed to have been rejected after complaints from the Royal Navy.
Financial Mail understands that BAe Systems has already begun work on converting the Typhoons.
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- Mensagens: 9831
- Registrado em: Sex Mai 07, 2004 11:40 pm
- Localização: Santos-SP
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por talharim » Qua Ago 01, 2007 4:18 pm
Comprador para esses F-18 Espanhóis recentemente modernizados não vai faltar.
"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French
one behind me."
General George S. Patton.
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- Mensagens: 7163
- Registrado em: Sex Out 07, 2005 8:20 pm
- Localização: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
por AlbertoRJ » Qua Ago 01, 2007 4:26 pm
E navalizar o Typhoon, ou qualquer avião, não é nada trivial $$$...
Alberto -
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- Mensagens: 18983
- Registrado em: Seg Mai 19, 2003 10:07 pm
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por Penguin » Qua Ago 01, 2007 5:47 pm
soultrain escreveu:Aircraft Carriers may use Typhoon
By Tom McGhie
Financial Mail
29th July 2007
The Typhoon jet fighter may be converted to opertate from two new aircraft carriers amid fears that the Joint Strike Fighter will not be ready when the ships are launched.
The JSF is being built in America by Lockhead Martin but the project has been dogged by disputes over the use of US Technology.
The Ministry of Defence is afraid that after spending £3.8 billion on the vessels due to be built by 2012, there will be no planes fit to fly on them.
It was formally announced last week that the 65,000 ton carriers would be commissioned for the Royal Navy after an agreement to set up a joint venture between BAE systems and VT revealed by Financial Mail in May last year.
Faced by the potentially embarrasing lack of planes to operate from the carriers - to be called Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales - the MoD is considering using Typhoons or adapting the 40 - year - old Harrier jump jet.
An option to buy the French Rafale Matine jet is believed to have been rejected after complaints from the Royal Navy.
Financial Mail understands that BAe Systems has already begun work on converting the Typhoons.
O artigo abaixo, da Flight International diz que a decisão britânica com relação ao porta-aviões fortalece o comprometimento com o F-35.
Por outro lado, o Diretor de Finanças do Ministerio da Defesa, Trevor Woolley, diz que o Typhoon Tranche 3 ainda não está certo e que "sempre há escolhas difíceis a serem feitas no setor de defesa..."
SOURCE:Flight International
Carrier decision cements UK JSF commitment By Craig Hoyle UK's acquisition of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter has moved a step closer to reality, with the Ministry of Defence having given its so-called Main Gate approval for the construction of two Future Aircraft Carriers (CVF) worth up to £3.9 billion ($8 billion).To weigh 65,000t, each CVF vessel will deploy an air wing of up to 40 aircraft, typically including 36 short take-off and vertical landing F-35Bs, plus organic airborne early-warning aircraft - currently the Westland Sea King 7 airborne surveillance and control system - and AgustaWestland EH101 Merlin HM1 multi-mission helicopters.
The MoD is expected to later this year sign a manufacturing-phase contract with the Aircraft Carrier Alliance, which comprises companies including BAE Systems and Thales UK.
The vessels are planned to enter service in 2014 and 2016, respectively, with first steel to be cut in August 2008. While this represents a two-year slippage on earlier projections for the type's availability,
Rear Adm Bob Love, CVF team leader for the UK Defence Equipment and Support organisation, says: "The current CVS [ships] will run on, and there will be no capability gap."
The new schedule also matches more effectively the likely introduction of the short take-off and vertical landing F-35B, with the UK expected to reach initial operational capability with the aircraft in 2014-15.
The UK must make an investment decision next year on ordering its first JSFs, and also to meet its commitment to the Tranche 3 production phase of the four-nation Eurofighter Typhoon programme.
However, MoD finance director Trevor Woolley says "no decisions have yet been made" on the final phase of the Eurofighter project. "We have to make decisions on where our priorities lie," he says, adding: "There are always hard choices to be made in defence."
The carrier announcement coincided with the results of a UK government-wide comprehensive spending review announced on 25 July. The MoD will receive funding worth £106 billion over the three financial years starting from April 2008, with spending to peak at £36.9 billion in 2010-11: equating to 2.1% of the UK's gross domestic product.
The nation's Treasury will continue to support the additional costs of conducting operations in Afghanistan and Iraq: a commitment which has already totalled £6.6 billion since 2001.
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- Mensagens: 4327
- Registrado em: Dom Abr 04, 2004 9:35 pm
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por Alitson » Qui Ago 02, 2007 10:23 am
1 de agosto de 2007
Entregue à Itália o primeiro Eurofighter Block 5
Entrou em serviço com a Força Aérea Italiana o primeiro de cinco Eurofighter Block 5 (foto), última versão das aeronaves do Tranche 1. A configuração desses aviões representa um progresso em termos de funcionalidade e capacidade operacional, e a entrega dos quatro restantes, a ser completada durante 2007, completará o total de 29 aeronaves Tranche 1 destinadas àquela Força. Os aviões do Block 5 são os primeiros equipados com o sistema Pirate (Passive Infra-Red Airborne Tracking Equipment) que, combinando as funções dos sistemas FLIR (Forward-Looking Infra-Red) e IRST (Infra-Red Search and Track) busca, detecta e rastreia alvos potenciais, em modo passivo. O Block 5 também inclui a instalação de um sistema de pouso por instrumentos e um sistema integrado de treinamento no cockpit (Enhanced Weapons Training Facilities) que permite a simulação da presença de cargas externas para missões ar-ar e ar-solo. Os aviões do Block 5 poderão usar 100% da capacidade de manobra da aeronave, e seu envelope de vôo é estendido para acelerações de até 9g em vôo subsônico e 7g em vôo supersônico. Outras características importantes do Block 5 são uma maior integração com o míssil ar-ar ASRAAM, a capacidade do radar de operar também na função ar-solo e a possibilidade (embora isso não se refira às aeronaves italianas) de usar bombas GBU-10, GBU-16 e Paveway II. A partir de 2008 serão iniciadas as entregas dos Eurofighters do Tranche 2, novo padrão de produção. (Foto: Alenia)

A&K M249 MK.I
G&P M4A1
G&P M16A3+M203
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- Mensagens: 3902
- Registrado em: Sex Jun 02, 2006 3:20 pm
- Localização: Emirado de Al-Guheirão que fica no Califado de AL-Sintra
por Sintra » Qui Ago 02, 2007 3:06 pm
piratadabaixada escreveu:Pois é, num mudo de incertezas até que o Rafale se sai bem...
Os Franceses acabaram de cancelar a integração do capacete designador "Gerfaut"
Os Rafales da Adla e da MN vão voar sem capacete designador... Idiotas.

Budweiser 'beer' is like making love in a canoe - 'F***** close to water'...
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- Mensagens: 18983
- Registrado em: Seg Mai 19, 2003 10:07 pm
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por Penguin » Qui Ago 02, 2007 4:41 pm
Sintra escreveu:piratadabaixada escreveu:Pois é, num mudo de incertezas até que o Rafale se sai bem...
Os Franceses acabaram de cancelar a integração do capacete designador "Gerfaut"
Os Rafales da Adla e da MN vão voar sem capacete designador... Idiotas.

Curiosamente a USAF tb atrasou a integração do HMD no F-22.
Não devem estar considerando seriamente a possibilidade de combates WVR ou WVR de oportunidade ou será devido a outras prioridades...
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- Mensagens: 1677
- Registrado em: Qua Nov 09, 2005 12:03 pm
por piratadabaixada » Qui Ago 02, 2007 5:17 pm
jacquessantiago escreveu:Sintra escreveu:piratadabaixada escreveu:Pois é, num mudo de incertezas até que o Rafale se sai bem...
Os Franceses acabaram de cancelar a integração do capacete designador "Gerfaut"
Os Rafales da Adla e da MN vão voar sem capacete designador... Idiotas.

Curiosamente a USAF tb atrasou a integração do HMD no F-22.
Não devem estar considerando seriamente a possibilidade de combates WVR ou WVR de oportunidade ou será devido a outras prioridades...
Acho que a coisa vai por aí...