Russia May Export Up To 40 New Diesel Submarines By 2015
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Russia May Export Up To 40 New Diesel Submarines By 2015
Moscow (RIA Novosti) Jun 27, 2007
Russia could sell up to 40 fourth-generation diesel submarines to foreign customers in the next seven and a half years, the state-run arms exporter said Wednesday. "Analysis of the demand on foreign markets shows that 30 to 40 new Russian submarines could be sold by 2015," Rosoboronexport said in a statement posted on its Web site. Russia has ensured high export potential in this segment of the submarine market by developing state-of-the-art Project 636 and Project 677 diesel submarines.
The Project 636 Kilo-class submarine is thought to be one of the most silent submarine classes in the world. It has been specifically designed for anti-shipping and anti-submarine operations in relatively shallow waters.
Russia has built Kilo-class submarines for India, China and Iran.
The Project-677 or Lada-class diesel submarine, developed by the Rubin design bureau, whose export version is known as the Amur 1650, features a new anti-sonar coating for its hull, an extended cruising range, and advanced anti-ship and anti-submarine weaponry.
Both submarines are equipped with highly-acclaimed Club-S integrated missile systems.
The Club-S submarine cruise missile family includes the 3M-54E1 anti-ship missile and the 3M-14E land-attack versions, with a flight range of 275km (about 170 miles). The missile can be launched from standard torpedo tubes from a depth of 35 to 40 meters (130 feet).
Indonesia said last year it was planning to acquire to acquire four Kilo-class and two Amur 950 (a smaller version of Lada-class) submarines.
Russian daily Kommersant recently reported that Venezuela had approached Russia with a request to build nine diesel submarines, five of the Project 636 and four of the project 677.
Source: RIA Novosti
Russia's naval arms exports estimated at $2 bln in 2007
St. Petersburg, June 27 (RIA Novosti) -
Russian state-run arms exporter Rosoboronexport said that exports of naval technology and equipment are predicted to reach $2 billion in 2007, which is less than in 2006. "It is less than last year," said Vladimir Pakhomov, Rosoboronexport's first deputy director general. "Last year we saw a higher figure because we have completed a number of large contracts." Russia exported $8 billion worth of weapons and hardware in 2006. Arms exports amounted to $6.5 billion and spare parts and military services to $1.5 billion. Naval technology and equipment accounted for 39% of total arms sales, or about $2.5 billion. China imported one Project 636 diesel submarine and one Project 956EM destroyer, Rif-M (NATO designation SA-N-6) naval air defense system, and a number of anti-ship missiles. Russia agreed last year to build three more Talwar Class frigates for India at about $1.1 billion, and is expected to finish the modernization of the Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier, which Russia has sold to India for $1.5 billion. Pakhomov said Rosoboronexport expected further increases in naval arms exports in 2008 through expanding its sales distribution. "We have rearmed India and China, and now it is time to deal with other countries," he said. Rosoboronexport earlier highlighted its strengthening cooperation with traditional African importers of Russian weapons - Algeria, Libya, Angola, Ethiopia, and Uganda - as well as progress in cooperation with Morocco, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, and Burkina-Faso. Recent years have also seen a dramatic rise in military technical cooperation with Latin America and Southeast Asia. Indonesia said it had plans to buy four Kilo-class and two Amur 950 (Lada-class) diesel submarines from Russia because they are superior to their German and French equivalents in terms of reliability and cost. Venezuela could sign a contract for the supply of five Project 636 Kilo-class diesel submarines and four state-of-the-art Project 677 Amur submarines during President Hugo Chavez's visit to Russia this week.
by Staff Writers
Russia could sell up to 40 fourth-generation diesel submarines to foreign customers in the next seven and a half years, the state-run arms exporter said Wednesday. "Analysis of the demand on foreign markets shows that 30 to 40 new Russian submarines could be sold by 2015," Rosoboronexport said in a statement posted on its Web site. Russia has ensured high export potential in this segment of the submarine market by developing state-of-the-art Project 636 and Project 677 diesel submarines.
The Project 636 Kilo-class submarine is thought to be one of the most silent submarine classes in the world. It has been specifically designed for anti-shipping and anti-submarine operations in relatively shallow waters.
Russia has built Kilo-class submarines for India, China and Iran.
The Project-677 or Lada-class diesel submarine, developed by the Rubin design bureau, whose export version is known as the Amur 1650, features a new anti-sonar coating for its hull, an extended cruising range, and advanced anti-ship and anti-submarine weaponry.
Both submarines are equipped with highly-acclaimed Club-S integrated missile systems.
The Club-S submarine cruise missile family includes the 3M-54E1 anti-ship missile and the 3M-14E land-attack versions, with a flight range of 275km (about 170 miles). The missile can be launched from standard torpedo tubes from a depth of 35 to 40 meters (130 feet).
Indonesia said last year it was planning to acquire to acquire four Kilo-class and two Amur 950 (a smaller version of Lada-class) submarines.
Russian daily Kommersant recently reported that Venezuela had approached Russia with a request to build nine diesel submarines, five of the Project 636 and four of the project 677.
Source: RIA Novosti
Russia's naval arms exports estimated at $2 bln in 2007
St. Petersburg, June 27 (RIA Novosti) -
Russian state-run arms exporter Rosoboronexport said that exports of naval technology and equipment are predicted to reach $2 billion in 2007, which is less than in 2006. "It is less than last year," said Vladimir Pakhomov, Rosoboronexport's first deputy director general. "Last year we saw a higher figure because we have completed a number of large contracts." Russia exported $8 billion worth of weapons and hardware in 2006. Arms exports amounted to $6.5 billion and spare parts and military services to $1.5 billion. Naval technology and equipment accounted for 39% of total arms sales, or about $2.5 billion. China imported one Project 636 diesel submarine and one Project 956EM destroyer, Rif-M (NATO designation SA-N-6) naval air defense system, and a number of anti-ship missiles. Russia agreed last year to build three more Talwar Class frigates for India at about $1.1 billion, and is expected to finish the modernization of the Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier, which Russia has sold to India for $1.5 billion. Pakhomov said Rosoboronexport expected further increases in naval arms exports in 2008 through expanding its sales distribution. "We have rearmed India and China, and now it is time to deal with other countries," he said. Rosoboronexport earlier highlighted its strengthening cooperation with traditional African importers of Russian weapons - Algeria, Libya, Angola, Ethiopia, and Uganda - as well as progress in cooperation with Morocco, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, and Burkina-Faso. Recent years have also seen a dramatic rise in military technical cooperation with Latin America and Southeast Asia. Indonesia said it had plans to buy four Kilo-class and two Amur 950 (Lada-class) diesel submarines from Russia because they are superior to their German and French equivalents in terms of reliability and cost. Venezuela could sign a contract for the supply of five Project 636 Kilo-class diesel submarines and four state-of-the-art Project 677 Amur submarines during President Hugo Chavez's visit to Russia this week.
by Staff Writers
Hummmmm, essa perspectiva dá algo entre 4 e 5 subs vendidos por ano até 2015. Parece otimista demais.
Interessante também a lista de novos possíveis clientes para as armas russas: Algeria, Libya, Angola, Ethiopia, and Uganda, Morocco, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, and Burkina-Faso
Parece que os russos não são muito restritivos quanto à conceção de crédito
Interessante também a lista de novos possíveis clientes para as armas russas: Algeria, Libya, Angola, Ethiopia, and Uganda, Morocco, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, and Burkina-Faso
![Cool 8-]](./images/smilies/icon_cool.gif)
Parece que os russos não são muito restritivos quanto à conceção de crédito

- P44
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- Registrado em: Sex Mai 18, 2007 9:19 am
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- P44
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- Mensagens: 55358
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
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P44 escreveu:dron_pizdec escreveu:Nem tem a Burkina-Faso, nem a Botswana, e a uganda so tem o Lago Victoria...Talvez a Uganda pode usar um submarino para cacar jacares
pois, essa noticia deve ser uma grande TANGA![]()
Como eles estão vendendo submarinos de bolso, não tem problema se o País não tiver mar ou marinha, apenas um mero detalhe técnico para o vendendor de armas. Afinal, os caras vendem até óculos de grau para cegos!!!

[ ]´s
- P44
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- Mensagens: 55358
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
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Ô pessoal, também não precisa esculhambar
A primeira parte da notícia fala nas vendas de subs. E eu acho difícil essa quantidade de 4 a 5 por ano, pois além de vender tem que produzir também.
A segunda parte da notícia fala sobre os possíveis destinos para as futuras vendas de armas russas em geral, agora que os ciclos de re-armamamento de China e Índia parecem ter se completado.

A primeira parte da notícia fala nas vendas de subs. E eu acho difícil essa quantidade de 4 a 5 por ano, pois além de vender tem que produzir também.
A segunda parte da notícia fala sobre os possíveis destinos para as futuras vendas de armas russas em geral, agora que os ciclos de re-armamamento de China e Índia parecem ter se completado.
- ferrol
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- Registrado em: Qui Dez 16, 2004 1:11 pm
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En Navantia se estima que o mercado para os submarinos diesel é amplo, por eso hai varios ofertantes, que son os que aparecen máis ou menos en todos os concursos, Alemania, Francia e/ou España e Rusia. É lóxico que os rusos estimen ese mercado de 40 subs diesel, eu aínda diría que é máis grande. Pensar en 10 países que merquen 4 submarinos diesel deica o 2015 é bastante sinxelo...
Pero claro, o artigo fala de que todos os encargos serán para Rusia, e iso penso que é moito supoñer...
Un saúdo.
Pero claro, o artigo fala de que todos os encargos serán para Rusia, e iso penso que é moito supoñer...

Un saúdo.
- Sintra
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- Mensagens: 3902
- Registrado em: Sex Jun 02, 2006 3:20 pm
- Localização: Emirado de Al-Guheirão que fica no Califado de AL-Sintra
soultrain escreveu:P44 escreveu:Etiópia? Mas a Etiópia nem tem já acesso ao mar desde a independência da Eritreia
Caro P44,
Tenha calma, de certeza que vão contratar quem já conseguiu vender Máquinas limpa neve para Angola! O nosso Major Valentim.
Estás a gozar?!!!!

Budweiser 'beer' is like making love in a canoe - 'F***** close to water'...