F-16 Portugueses no "KLU Open Dagen"
Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação
- Sintra
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- Mensagens: 3902
- Registrado em: Sex Jun 02, 2006 3:20 pm
- Localização: Emirado de Al-Guheirão que fica no Califado de AL-Sintra
Peace Atlantis I
PoAF F-16A #15117, armed with four AIM-9 Sidewinders, refueling from a USAF tanker The Forç Aérea Portuguesa entered the F-16 era when the Peace Atlantis I program was started with the signature of a Letter of Acceptance in August 1990. The agreement was partly a payment for the use (by the US) of Lajes AB on the Azores. It included not only the 20 F-16 block 15OCU aircraft (17 A's and 3 B's) with PW engines, but also initial logistic support: replacement parts, support equipment, books, pilot and maintenance personnel instruction, participation of the PAF in the F-16 Technical Coordination Group , F-16 Aircraft Structural Integrity Program, F100 International Engine Management, EWSIP-Electronic Warfare Systems Improvement Program ,etc.
The aircraft were new-built to Block 15OCU standard, which makes them almost identical to the F-16 ADF (Air Defense Fighter). In fact, the only thing that distinguishes them from the ADF are the AIFF (advanced IFF) antennas or bird-slicers in front of the canopy. As a result, the aircraft have the identification light on the port side of the nose, and feature large bulges on the tail fin root which house the actuators for the tail planes (the actuators were relocated to make room for the installation of HF equipment and antenna). The B-models lack the HF antenna and thus the consequent large bulges. The aircraft configuration is almost standard but received some improvements, most notably the Ring Laser Gyro, the Wide-Angle HUD, Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220E engine with DEEC and provisions for the use of the AIM-120 AMRAAM.
The acceptance ceremony for the first 2 aircraft was held on February 18th, 1994, and the first 4 aircraft were delivered on July 18th in the same year.
A minha cabeça deu um nó... Só pode... Estava a misturar os aparelhos adquiridos no Peace Atlantis I, os OCU, que de facto são compativeis com o AIM120 (apesar de não ser total) e os do Peace Atalntis II que são Block´s 15 simples que não utilizam o AMRAAM (excepto os já convertidos para MLU). Eu tenho de ir dormir, acordar às 6H45 da manhã faz mal...
- Fireman Sam
- Júnior
- Mensagens: 111
- Registrado em: Sex Ago 25, 2006 1:01 pm
- Localização: Portugal
- Fireman Sam
- Júnior
- Mensagens: 111
- Registrado em: Sex Ago 25, 2006 1:01 pm
- Localização: Portugal
- Fireman Sam
- Júnior
- Mensagens: 111
- Registrado em: Sex Ago 25, 2006 1:01 pm
- Localização: Portugal
- Intermediário
- Mensagens: 149
- Registrado em: Seg Jan 15, 2007 1:00 pm
- Localização: São Paulo
- Contato:
Então vão começar a equipar a esq 201 com os MLU? Mais sensato a frota ter o mesmo padrão, visto que é cada vez mais frequente o envolvimento da FAP com as demais FAs que utilizam o MLU (se nao me engano a sigla é EPAF). Aliás no último exercício Cold Response em Março na Noruega, foram enviados F-16s da FAP, e tem até uma história de "resgate"de um piloto português que foi lançado (Nao houve ejeçao e sim um teste para as equipagens SAR Norueguesas) nas águas geladas da Noruega e 30 minutos depois "resgatado" por um Sea King noruegues.....
Niet Praten, Maar Doen
Koninklijke Luchtmacht
322 Sqn
Koninklijke Luchtmacht
322 Sqn
- Sintra
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 3902
- Registrado em: Sex Jun 02, 2006 3:20 pm
- Localização: Emirado de Al-Guheirão que fica no Califado de AL-Sintra
Fireman Sam escreveu:Soultrain
Eu nunca disse que os MLU eram do primeiro lote, disse o contrário, os MLU são os do segundo lote.
Os nossos OCU´s não têm o software necessário para utilizarem os AIM-120.
O que é que lhes falta, especificamente? O software que faz o "mid flight update" do vôo do missil?
- LM
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 799
- Registrado em: Dom Dez 03, 2006 11:36 am
- Localização: Sintra - Portugal - UE
- Agradeceu: 473 vezes
- Agradeceram: 233 vezes
Continuando a aproveitar a sabedoria dos mestres aqui residentes:
Pelo que vejo em http://callsignafp.blogspot.com/2006/09/f-16ab-mlu-as-primeiras-aeronaves.html já há MLU's configuração OFP M4 (e outro M2, só por enquanto?)...
Será que a ideia é, com base nos M2 comprados, serem todos M4?
Essa pequena troca de um numero quer dizer que capacidades acrescidas?
Pelo que vejo em http://callsignafp.blogspot.com/2006/09/f-16ab-mlu-as-primeiras-aeronaves.html já há MLU's configuração OFP M4 (e outro M2, só por enquanto?)...
Será que a ideia é, com base nos M2 comprados, serem todos M4?
Essa pequena troca de um numero quer dizer que capacidades acrescidas?
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55325
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2767 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2448 vezes
- Sintra
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 3902
- Registrado em: Sex Jun 02, 2006 3:20 pm
- Localização: Emirado de Al-Guheirão que fica no Califado de AL-Sintra
LM escreveu:Continuando a aproveitar a sabedoria dos mestres aqui residentes:
Pelo que vejo em http://callsignafp.blogspot.com/2006/09/f-16ab-mlu-as-primeiras-aeronaves.html já há MLU's configuração OFP M4 (e outro M2, só por enquanto?)...
Será que a ideia é, com base nos M2 comprados, serem todos M4?
Essa pequena troca de um numero quer dizer que capacidades acrescidas?
Sim, às duas perguntas.
The M4/M4+ OFP will be based on the M3/M3+ Modular Mission Computer (MMC) OFP. The M4/M4+ production OFP will be developed to support common enhancements to the: Link-16 data link system, Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS), Targeting Pod (TGP), and selected Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs) for the EPAF F-16 A/B Mid Life Update MLU)aircraft and the USAF Block 40/42/50/52 F-16 aircraft. In addition, the M4 OFP will be developed to support integration of the AMRAAM missile on the EPAF-unique Pylon Integrated Dispenser System (PIDS)/Electronic Combat Integrated Pylon System (ECIPS) and integration of the EPAF-unique IRIS-T high angle off boresight missile on the F-16 A/B MLU aircraft. The M4+ OFP will be developed to support integration of the USAF-unique: Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP), EGBU-27, HARM Precision Navigation Unit(PNU), Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM), HARM Targeting System enhancements (HTS R7), and selected Block 40/40T6 capabilities into the Block 40/42/50/52 aircraft.
Soultrain escreveu:Boas,
O que sei e é muito pouco, é que entre a M2 e M3 existem alterações fisicas, nas versões consequentes são alterações no software.
Certissimo Soultrain, no upgrade para M3 existem alterações estruturais através do programa FALCON STAR, que é utilizado para "zerar" o nº de horas de vôo que o airframe já sofreu.
M3 Software
The M3 software -- already completely defined -- is expected to become available in 2003. Introduction of this version will also include a hardware modification to the aircraft's airframe to facilitate installation of the Link 16 datalink hardware. With Link 16 links can be established with other American and British aircraft, ships, and ground-based stations.
The Modular Mission Computer will be extended with a new circuit board, used by the USAF in their MMC-5000. The European MMC will then be designated MMC-3051.
Other improvements with M3 include:
Integration of the Helmet-Mounted Cueing System (HMCS) -- ordered by Denmark.
Preparation for new air-to-air missile types, such as the AIM-9X, and IRIS-T.
Preparation for new American weapons, such as JDAM, JSOW, and WCMD.
Airframe modifications will be performed under the Falcon STAR program.
P44 escreveu:quando decidirem voltar a falar em português avisem
seus "inginheros"
O upgrade MLU é composto por niveis diferentes de alterações e capacidades, a esses níveis chama-se "M", assim o M1, tem menores capacidades/alterações que o M2, que por sua vez é uma upgrade mais simples que o M3 e por ai fora. Uma das razões porque o upgrade MLU está a demorar tanto tempo é que os kit´s adquiridos eram M2 e a FAP queria o M4...
Uma breve descrição dos vários "upgrades" da M1 até à M3 (as epecificações da M4 encontram-se no topo do post):
Software Development
The first operational Operational Flight Program (OFP) for the F-16 MLU was the M1 tape, that became available around March 1998. The successor of that tape will be M2, expected to be available in 2000. Until then, all production MLU aircraft will use the 3D test tape (October 1997). The M1 software was developed in four stages, each with its own interim software tape (Flight Test Tape (FTT) 1 through 4) each concerned with different aspects.
Radar performance evaluation
Weapon modes Air-Air and Air-Ground
Navigation (INS and GPS)
Basic MMC core functions
IFF interrogation
Horizontal Situation Display
DTS integration
Color screen implementation.
"Clean-up" tape, intended as correction to imperfections found in earlier phases.
In October 1997, both DT&E and OT&E used OFP Tape 4.
Before MLU, F-16 computer software had been written in the Jovial standard computer language. With the MLU all software was rewritten in the ADA language which -- according to the MLU project manager for the F-16 Combined Test Force (CTF) -- will reduce future software development. Another difference is that F-16A/B software for the Fire Control Computer originated from the USAF's Ogden Logistics Center (OLC), while the new MLU software was written by Lockheed Martin.
Just like the OFP upgrades of the conventional F-16 a new Operational Flight Program upgrade is expected every three years.
With each new software tape, new capabilities will be introduced:
M2 (expected to be available in 2000):
Automatic Target Hand-off System (ATHS)
Integration of anti radiation missile capability
Integration of target designator system
Further implementation of the Digital Terrain System
M3 (expected to be available in 2003):
Integration of capability for GPS controlled weapons
Introduction of Helmet Mounted/Cueing Sight
Introduction of advanced short-range missile, as a replacement for the current Sidewinder
M4 (expected to be available in 2005)
On average, a new software version is expected every three years.
See Recent Developments: MMC Software Upgrade.
M1 Software
The first version, M1, was developed in 1995, by Lockheed Martin Aeronautocs Company. Testing took place at the F-16 Combined Test Force at Edwards Air Force Base. During 1996-1997 tests took place at Leeuwarden Air Base. The M1 software became available at squadron level at the beginning of 1998.
M2 Software
The second version, M2, was available in 2000. From June 19 2000 on, the M2 OT&E was commenced at Leeuwarden Air Base. Over 80 improvements and new features were implemented, of which some of the most important are:
Integration of the BAe Atlantic navigation pod with laser spot tracker (Netherlands).
Integration of the Raytheon AGM-88 HARM missile (Netherlands, Denmark). The Netherlands canceled plans for the AGM-88, Denmark postponed a decision.
Integration of the digital Automatic Target Hand-off System.
Introduction of a more user friendly fire control presentation for the AIM-120 (changed symbology for the Dynamic Launch Zone).
Increase of the maximum number of aircraft with which the IDM can communicate in an intra-flight datalink from four to eight.
Introduction of the feature to modify the colors of tactical symbology of the Multi-Function Displays.
Increase in accuracy of the Digital Terrain System by linking the system to other navigational systems in the F-16.
With M2 software MLU F-16s can be used in the USAF Sure Strike concept. Using a datalink between the aircraft and a Close Air Support Integrated Targeting System, data can be exchanged between the aircraft and the Forward Air Controller or Forward Observer. OIP Sensor Systems (daughter of Delft Instruments) was granted an exclusive license to sell Sure Strike technology. The FAC uses a GPS system and a computer and "illuminates" a target. Information is then sent to the aircraft, where it appears on the HUD, surrounded by a target designation box.
The drawback of the USAF Sure Strike technology -- using a "nine-liner" -- is that it can not handle the NATO standard message format. It is possible to exchange data with other IDM equipped aircraft, such as the USAF Block-40 F-16s, AH-64 helicopters, and JOINT STARS. The number of aircraft that can be part of the same intra-flight datalink, has been increased from 4 to 8.
M2 software is not expected to become available for the Unit Level Trainers until 2001.
M3 Software
The M3 software -- already completely defined -- is expected to become available in 2003. Introduction of this version will also include a hardware modification to the aircraft's airframe to facilitate installation of the Link 16 datalink hardware. With Link 16 links can be established with other American and British aircraft, ships, and ground-based stations.
The Modular Mission Computer will be extended with a new circuit board, used by the USAF in their MMC-5000. The European MMC will then be designated MMC-3051.
Other improvements with M3 include:
Integration of the Helmet-Mounted Cueing System (HMCS) -- ordered by Denmark.
Preparation for new air-to-air missile types, such as the AIM-9X, and IRIS-T.
Preparation for new American weapons, such as JDAM, JSOW, and WCMD.
Airframe modifications will be performed under the Falcon STAR program.
M3 development is expected to commence in 2000. In 2001, M3 DT&E will be conducted from Edwards Air Force Base, followed by a European DT&E in 2003. The software is expected to become available at squadron level in January 2004.
Budweiser 'beer' is like making love in a canoe - 'F***** close to water'...
- LM
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 799
- Registrado em: Dom Dez 03, 2006 11:36 am
- Localização: Sintra - Portugal - UE
- Agradeceu: 473 vezes
- Agradeceram: 233 vezes
Não sei se será o melhor local, mas o link para reportagem televisiva sobre os F16 (e a sua futura missão no baltico):
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.