Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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#2401 Mensagem por Malandro » Seg Jun 04, 2007 11:52 pm

Beronha escreveu:
Malandro escreveu:Legal ! Que acham do ASTRA em relação ao Derby e cia.?

Se o ASTRA estiver bom de motor , fuma bem menos que o DERBY :lol: :lol: :lol:

Brincadeira hein malandro. Nao se irrite OK :wink:

Gostei da tirada , tinha esquecido do cigarro Derby ! :D

A.K. for T-7
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#2402 Mensagem por A.K. for T-7 » Qua Jun 06, 2007 9:46 pm

Olha a criança com os Meteor embaixo das asas... Ai, que medom....

PS: Se este projeto com a Índia e a África do Sul for adiante... Um míssil ramjet com 120km de alcance, data-link e um seeker combinando IIR e radar ativo... Muito bom !!! Este seeker pode dar trabalho até para ameaças stealth ao fundir os dados de rastreio... é o mesmo esquema de buscador usado naquele míssil que vai substituir o Hellfire... Qual é o nome dele mesmo? Não lembro, mas sei que usa um seeker que combina IIR, radar ativo e ainda mais o laser semi-ativo...

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#2403 Mensagem por Penguin » Qui Jun 07, 2007 1:06 am

Jon Lake compares and contrasts two of the world's leading fighter aircraft, the Dassault Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon.


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#2404 Mensagem por Dínamo » Qui Jun 07, 2007 4:35 am

O fórum do site oficial do Typhoon tem um tópico bacana sobre esta matéria da última Air International. Lá, o próprio Jon Lake rebate as críticas que recebeu de seus leitores, vale a pena acompanhar!!!

Dica: a coisa esquenta a partir da página 4 ... &sk=t&sd=a

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#2405 Mensagem por soultrain » Qui Jun 07, 2007 6:51 am

Wednesday, June 6, 2007 New Look for Why?

U.S.-UK clash looms over huge jet fighter deal with Saudis

LONDON — Britain fears the United States could derail an estimated $10 billion aircraft deal with Saudi Arabia.

Industry sources said the United States was preparing to investigate BAE Systems, which won a project to supply 72 Eurofighters to the Royal Saudi Air Force. The sources said the Bush administration wants to determine whether BAE violated U.S. anti-corruption laws in establishing an alleged $100 million slush fund for Saudi princes responsible for military procurement.
"There are still concerns over various other investigations," British parliamentarian David Borrow said. "And that part of the reason for the U.S. wanting to carry out its own investigation is to put the Saudis off doing a deal with the UK." ... _06_06.asp

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#2406 Mensagem por soultrain » Qui Jun 07, 2007 6:58 am

BAE says in talks with M'bishi Heavy on Typhoon deal
Thu May 31, 2007 12:10 PM BST15
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TOKYO, May 31 (Reuters) - BAE Systems Plc (BA.L: Quote, Profile , Research) is in talks with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI) (7011.T: Quote, NEWS , Research) about possibly licensing it to manufacture the Eurofighter Typhoon, an executive of Europe's top military contractor said on Thursday.

"At the moment our main discussion is with MHI, and they have demonstrably the most significant fighter aircraft capability of the Japanese industry team," Nigel Whitehead, group managing director at BAE, told Reuters in an interview.

"But the relationship will not necessarily be limited to MHI."

Mitsubishi Heavy already makes F-15J fighters under a license agreement with Boeing Co. (BA.N: Quote, Profile , Research), Patriot missiles with Raytheon Co. (RTN.N: Quote, Profile , Research) and vertical launching systems with Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT.N: Quote, Profile , Research), but it has no big projects with BAE.

Japan has been a tough market for non-U.S. contractors such as BAE because U.S. rivals such as Boeing Co. (BA.N: Quote, Profile , Research) and Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT.N: Quote, Profile , Research) have a strong grip on the market.

But Japan has said it would consider buying the Eurofighter Typhoon, which is built by a consortium headed by BAE, as it plans to start replacing its fleet of 60 F-4 fighters as well as training aircraft in the next couple of years.

Any BAE deal with MHI would be contingent on the government choosing the Eurofighter.

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#2407 Mensagem por Penguin » Qui Jun 07, 2007 8:41 am

jacquessantiago escreveu:THE RIVALS - RAFALE AND TYPHOON
Jon Lake compares and contrasts two of the world's leading fighter aircraft, the Dassault Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon.


Pontos principais elencados pelo proprio Jon Lake:

- "Typhoon enjoys better performance and superior supersonic agility, while the Rafale has significantly better payload/range capability, and a better ‘ride’ at low level."

- "Every multi-role aircraft inevitably represents a compromise between conflicting requirements, and both Rafale and Typhoon reflect the slightly different needs of their original customers.

Rafale is arguably the best possible solution to French requirements (as it was always designed to be) and has better range, endurance, and a better low level ride than its European rival. Though it has not won any export orders so far, Rafale may still find favour with customers who require their multi-role tactical fighter to be optimised for long range air-to-ground and strike missions. While similarly designed as a swing role tactical fighter, Typhoon, by contrast, is optimised more towards air-to-air requirements, and offers a small but significant performance advantage, better supersonic agility, and a superior man machine interface."

A respeito da reacao dos apaixonados e nacionalistas franceses:

There's plenty of praise and criticism for both aircraft in the article. I make it clear that both aircraft are good in different ways, and are good at different things. Unfortunately, anything short of a glowing testimonial for Rafale is viewed by some of the more fanatical Rafale admirers as being hostile, biased and unfair, and they seize on the negative comments and ignore the positive to support their contentions of 'Rafale-bashing' or 'French-bashing'. Any suggestion that Typhoon enjoys any advantage over Rafale in any area is taken as being empty nationalistic boasting, and as evidence of bias and partiality.

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#2408 Mensagem por manuel.liste » Qui Jun 07, 2007 12:23 pm

El EF-2000 Tifón del Ejército del Aire español participará en el Festival Aéreo de Vigo del próximo 22 de julio, acompañando a los Harrier de la Armada y a los F-16 de Portugal, además de la Patrulla Águila española y otras unidades acrobáticas. ... 0607145324

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#2409 Mensagem por chm0d » Qui Jun 07, 2007 11:34 pm

Hj, estava eu em uma rave, proximo de brasilia... e quem me passa? um C-5 Galaxy, alguem sabe oq esse bixo veio fazer em brasilia?


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#2410 Mensagem por Kratos » Qui Jun 07, 2007 11:37 pm

chm0d escreveu:Hj, estava eu em uma rave, proximo de brasilia... e quem me passa? um C-5 Galaxy, alguem sabe oq esse bixo veio fazer em brasilia?


AHAHaHAHha, numa rave e viu um C-5? :lol: Cara, sem querer ofender mas você usou algum substância ilícita?

O pior dos infernos é reservado àqueles que, em tempos de crise moral, escolheram por permanecerem neutros. Escolha o seu lado.
Carlos Mathias

#2411 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Jun 07, 2007 11:42 pm

São os AMRAAMs chegando...

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#2412 Mensagem por chm0d » Qui Jun 07, 2007 11:45 pm

Kratos escreveu:
chm0d escreveu:Hj, estava eu em uma rave, proximo de brasilia... e quem me passa? um C-5 Galaxy, alguem sabe oq esse bixo veio fazer em brasilia?


AHAHaHAHha, numa rave e viu um C-5? :lol: Cara, sem querer ofender mas você usou algum substância ilícita?

Algum problema?

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#2413 Mensagem por Pablo Maica » Sex Jun 08, 2007 12:05 am

Eles sempre estão carregando material para a embaixada... seguido pousam em Brasilia.

Um abraço e t+ :D

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#2414 Mensagem por chm0d » Sex Jun 08, 2007 12:06 am

Pablo Maica escreveu:Eles sempre estão carregando material para a embaixada... seguido pousam em Brasilia.

Um abraço e t+ :D

Ahh, tá certo, vlw pela info pablo.

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#2415 Mensagem por soultrain » Sex Jun 08, 2007 8:44 am
