The Black Sea Fleet Encyclopedia
Version 1.0 Demo English
For Windows Computers
Size - 4.02 Mb
Category: freeware
"The Black Sea Fleet Encyclopedia" is the first work in the field of ordering an extensive quantity of materials on the history and the current status of the Black Sea fleet. The information is presented in the form of an electronic directory for convenient use, and is collected both for experts, and for fans of military science and history.
The full version of the Encyclopedia contains detailed descriptions of 430 ships, submarines and courts of the Black Sea fleet since 1890 up through the present day. It also contains 18 clauses on the history of various flets, as well as detailed descriptions of 56 naval arms systems. Photos of 645 ships and 150 arms are also included along with 58 illustrations.
Photographers: A.Kuzenkov, V.Kostrichenko, D.Starostin, V.Gorbunov, A.Brichevsky, I.Sergeev, M.Bryansky, L.Kuznetcov, I.Torgachkin, V.Maysky, S.Voronin, V.Vorobyov, D.Vorobuov, S.Tulova, B.Gordeev, V.Dostovalov, A.Zabusik, S.Avilov, A.Solntcev, A.Savchenko, V.Kutyrev, N.Orlov.
This software is officially registered to the Department of intellectual which is a subdivision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ukraine. The Certificate of registration and copyright is for product 15067 December 15, 2005.
©, Sevastopol, 2004-2006 г.