
Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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#16 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Dez 30, 2006 1:50 pm

1.4 Billion Euros for Military Aircraft and Helicopters

(Source: Spanish Government Cabinet; issued Dec. 22, 2006)

(Issued in Spanish only; unofficial translation by defense-aerospace.com)

Spain’s order for 45 NH-90 helicopters is the first installment of a long-term plan to buy as many as 110. (Eurocopter photo)The Council of Ministers today approved the acquisition and modification of several types of aircraft and helicopters, at a total cost of 1,407 million euros.

NH-90 Helicopters

As part of the Armed Forces Modernization Program, the Council has authorized the signature of a contract for the acquisition of 45 NH-90 medium transport helicopters, for an amount of 1.26 billion euros to be paid in annual installments from 2007 to 2025.

The Ministry of Defence requires these 45 NH-90 helicopters to equip the Army, Navy and Air Force given the advanced age of current in-service helicopters. This helicopter is already operated by France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal(*), and meets the operational requirements

Agreement with Eurocopter on NH-90 development

The Council of Ministers has authorized the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce to sign an agreement with the firm Eurocopter Espana S.A. (ECE) for the technological and industrial development of the NH-90 helicopter program.

This program has a high technological content, and will allow the improvement of the industrial competitiveness of participating companies on the global marketplace.

The support of the Ministry of Industry is necessary since Eurocopter Espana, as well as the other Spanish companies participating in the program under its leadership, will be required undertake activities that require a significant financial effort.

The Ministry will contribute, conditionally on budgetary availability, to the funding of the NH-90 program by granting Eurocopter Espana SA reimbursable, interest-free loans to the amount of 990.6 million euros.

Eurocopter Espana, on the other hand, undertakes to carry out the technological and industrial activities that are part of the NH-90 program, and to reimburse the advances it receives under this program. (ends)

Spanish Government Authorizes the Acquisition of 45 NH90 Helicopters for its Armed Forces

(Source: Eurocopter; issued Dec. 22, 2006)

MARIGNANE, France --- After the decision adopted by the Spanish Government last May 2005 relating to the acquisition of NH90 helicopters, the Council of Ministers has approved today the signature of a contract to supply the Spanish Armed Forces with an initial order of 45 helicopters for its fleet modernization.

This approval launches the renovation and modernisation program of the medium helicopter transport fleet of the Ministry of Defence. It reinforces the role of Eurocopter España as the third pillar of Eurocopter.

The NH90 can carry up from 16 to 20 equipped troops and its versatility makes the NH90 suitable for all types of land and naval missions, such as troop transport, amphibious operations, search and rescue and counter-terrorism. The twin-engine NH90 is the world’s most advanced multi-role helicopter which integrates fly-by-wire technology, along with the latest composite materials to minimize corrosion and maximize survivability and life cycle.

The first deliveries of this initial contract of 45 units will take place in 2010 in its tactical transport version.

The new plant of Eurocopter España, sited in Albacete which will be officially opened during the first quarter of 2007, will assume the assembly of the NH 90 helicopters as well as the manufacturing of the front fuselage of which Eurocopter España will be the sole supplier. The assembly and manufacturing of the rear fuselage of the combat helicopters Tiger and the manufacturing of the EC 135 purchased by the Spanish Ministry of Interior will be also carried out at the Albacete plant.

Selected by 14 countries (France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Sultanate of Oman, Australia, Sweden, Netherland, Spain, New Zeland and Belgium), the NH 90 is the most advanced multipurpose helicopter manufactured by Eurocopter and has been designed to satisfy the operational requirements of the worldwide Armed Forces. The NH90 is the result of a program based in the international co-operation with the local industry of the purchasing countries and has two versions: tactical transport (TTH) and naval (NFH).

Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a Division of EADS, one of the top three aerospace companies in the world, is a world leader in aerospace, defence and related services. The Eurocopter Group employs approx. 13,000 people. In 2005, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world’s No. 1 helicopter manufacturer with a turnover of 3.2 billion euros, orders for 401 new helicopters, and a 52 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors. Overall, the Group’s products account for 30 percent of the total world helicopter fleet. Its strong worldwide presence is ensured by its 16 subsidiaries on five continents, along with a dense network of distributors, certified agents and maintenance centers.




(*)=AH!AH!AH!AH! cómicos!

Editado pela última vez por P44 em Ter Jan 02, 2007 8:19 am, em um total de 1 vez.
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#17 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Jan 02, 2007 8:16 am

já que estamos numa de "estética", não sou grande apreciador de helicópteros, mas o Mi-24 HIND é um espectáculo :wink:



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Barao Vermelho
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#18 Mensagem por Barao Vermelho » Ter Jan 02, 2007 8:37 am

Caros amigos,
o Hind impressiona no poder de fogo, é um tanque com asas.

A alguns anos atras eu sonhava em ver o Brasil com Apaches ou Tigers, claro foi só um sonho, agora se viermos a adquirir os MI-35, para fazerem parte de pelotões de elite como FN, Bartalhão de Selva, Serrrado etc..., ganharemos um notavel poder. Quanto aos demais helicopteros Russos, tenho minhas duvidas, agora se vamos falar em design, esqueção os helicopteros Russos...

Avançar sempre, combater até o fim, sem rendição nem retirada!
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#19 Mensagem por interregnum » Ter Jan 02, 2007 5:03 pm

Que nada, o design do hind faz muito sucesso por ai...


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#20 Mensagem por A-29 » Ter Jan 02, 2007 6:53 pm

Quer dizer que os espanhóis estão pagando 28 milhões de euros por NH-90?
Heli meio caro né?
Pena que a fila de entregas esteja bem longa, senão a MB podia pensar em adquirir uns para o lugar dos SeaKing. Mas neste caso ainda prefiro os Merlin.

Quem sabe no futuro, para substituir os SuperLynx...

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Rui Elias Maltez
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#21 Mensagem por Rui Elias Maltez » Ter Jan 09, 2007 12:43 pm

Sim, A-29.

Para substituir os Sea-King os equivalentes seriam os Merlin.

Mas parece que o Brasil está comprador dos SH70B. :?

Para mim, os NH-90 estariam mais para os SH-70B, e estes fariam mais sentido nas fragatas, apenas dependendo se as vossas fragatas Niteroi têm hangar ou deck para esses helis maiores que os Linx.

Mas há marinhas com planos para substituiram os seus helis organicos nas fragatas por HN-90 na versão NFH.

Por exemplo, a Armada portuguesa usa os Linx nas suas VdG e usará esse heli nas fragatas M holandesas.

No entanto, parece que os holandeses entregarão essas fragatas já adaptadas para futuro uso dos NH-90.

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#22 Mensagem por A-29 » Ter Jan 09, 2007 1:04 pm

Oi Rui!

Parece-me que a substituição do SuperLynx pelo Nh-90 será algo mais ou menos natural na Europa, haja vista as maiores capacidades do primeiro em alcance, capacidade de carga, sensores, etc.

Quanto ao Brasil, acho difícil que ele venha, mas seria sem dúvida uma ótima pedida. E nem precisaríamos nos preocupar em ele caber nas Niterói. Como a fila de espera do NH-90 é quilométrica, e os nossos Lynx ainda dão pra uns anos, a eventual operação do NH-90 ficaria para a próxima fragata a ser adquirida pela MB, a qual poderia desde o projeto ser adaptada ao pleno uso desse heli, da mesma maneira como as Niterói o foram para o Lynx.

E para completar, como Merlin e NH-90 usam os mesmos motores, acho os dois simplesmente excelentes para qualquer marinha. Se a MB tivesse dinheiro para adquirí-los... :roll: E se também fossem adquiridos dois LPD tipo Rotterdan capazes de operar o Merlin...

Melhor parar de sonhar!


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#23 Mensagem por Rui Elias Maltez » Ter Jan 09, 2007 2:01 pm

Pois é A-29.

Mas dado que a MB quer comprar aos SH70-B, acharia mais natural de futuro equipar as vossas fragatas tambem com o Sea-Hawk.

E olha que não podem seu maus helis, já que são operados por marinhas como Espanha, Japão, EUA, Grécia, etc.

Como a fila de espera do NH-90 é quilométrica (...)

De facto as encomendas são muitas, mas para quem tiver dinheiro o prazo de entrega não está demorado.

A Alemanha já começou a receber os primeiros NH-90.

Espanha ou Grécia (45 e 14, respectivamente) encomendaram NH-90 para os seus exércitos, e as entregas são para já no caso grego, e para 2009 para Espanha.

Portugal, que não tem dinheiro, terá que esperar por 2010, para receber os seus 9 ou 10 helis.

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#24 Mensagem por old » Ter Jan 09, 2007 3:28 pm

Portugal, que não tem dinheiro, terá que esperar por 2010, para receber os seus 9 ou 10 helis.

Siempre diciendo que Portugal no tiene dinero.

Es un pais con la misma poblacion y similar PIB que Grecia.

210.049 millones PIB
207.517 millones PIB

Deberian de alegrarse porque los Griegos estan gastando el porcentaje de PIB mas alto de la UE en armamento y no tienen margen para hacer mucho mas. Y con graves carencias.
Todos sabemos que debido a sus tensiones con el gigante Turko.

Mas optimismo amigos portugueses :wink:

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#25 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Jan 11, 2007 12:17 pm

NH90 Breaking News by End of 2006

(Source: NH Industries; dated Jan. 8, issued Jan. 11, 2006)

AIX-EN-PROVENCE, France --- NHIndustries had a very hectic end to 2006. Following the first 3 NH90 deliveries on 13th December 2006 to the German Army Aviation, a major new commercial event took place on 28th December when Spain ordered 45 NH90s.

The formal signature of the contract took place exactly six days after the Spanish government announced the authorization to acquire 45 NH90 - Tactical Transport Helicopter version (TTH) to modernize the existing Ministry of Defence fleet of medium-size helicopters.

NHIndustries, the company owned by AgustaWestland (32%), Eurocopter (62,5%), and Stork Fokker (5,5%), ensures the industrial programme management of the twin-engine, medium-size NH90 helicopter.

This last-generation helicopter is equipped with full glass cockpit, Fly-by-Wire control system and advanced Automatic Flight Control System together with state-of-the-art Communication, Navigation and Mission Equipment. The NH90 is an extremely capable helicopter featuring a modern damage-tolerant design, a large cabin volume with two wide sliding cargo doors and a ramp.

In its TTH version, the NH90 can lift up to 20 fully equipped troops strapped on to their individual crashworthy seats and can be quickly adapted to MEDEVAC / CASEVAC missions by fitting up to 12 stretchers or cargo delivery capability (Internal: 2,500 kg / External: 4,000 kg) providing thus highly valuable support notably to Disaster Relief operations all around the world.

The Spanish NH90 helicopters will be assembled in Spain at the new Eurocopter España facility located in Albacete, the inauguration of which is foreseen to occur within the first quarter this year. (*)

NHIndustries is also pleased to inform that a few days before this commercial event, a further step ahead has been performed on 20th December 2006 with the first Norwegian NFH taking to the air.

The first Norwegian NH90 - NATO Frigate Helicopter version (NFH) wearing the Customer designation NNWN #01 took off at 03:40 p.m. from the Vergiate (Italy) AgustaWestland’s facility.

This flight lasted about 25 minutes away from the airfield.

Crew reports: “After the take off, we started to check the aircraft with simple manoeuvres in hovering, as usual for each first flight. Then, we were so confident of the machine that we decided to fly away for some checks at higher speeds. We were up to 140 knots without encountering any unexpected behaviour. As a conclusion, the first flight can be considered more than successful.”

The Norwegian Customer, formally invited to attend the event, was very excited and interpreted this as a very positive signal for the whole Norwegian programme. Industry Teams involved in the NH90 NFH Programme were grateful to receive the Customer’s congratulations for this milestone achievement.

NHIndustries has closed the year with a total of 88 NH90 sold in 2006, confirming the worldwide commercial success of this state-of-the-art medium-size, twin-engine and multi-role military helicopter and proudly announces today a backlog of 545 NH90 contracted (445 firm plus 100 options) to equip 18 Armed Forces of 14 countries.



(*)= enquanto isso em Portugal o desemprego continua a aumentar

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