Ops. Sub Chinês aparece no meio de Grupo de Batalha dos EUA.

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

Moderador: Conselho de Moderação

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Jet Crash®
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Ops. Sub Chinês aparece no meio de Grupo de Batalha dos EUA.

#1 Mensagem por Jet Crash® » Seg Nov 13, 2006 8:21 pm

Primeiro foi o vôo de reconhecimento dos Sukhoi sobre um porta-aviões americano no Mar do Japão.

Agora foi a vez dos chineses tirarem uma casquinha :lol: .

Se fosse guerra, neste exato momento ele estaria no fundo do Estreito de Taiwan.

China sub secretly stalked U.S. fleet

By Bill Gertz


A Chinese submarine stalked a U.S. aircraft carrier battle group in the Pacific last month and surfaced within firing range of its torpedoes and missiles before being detected, The Washington Times has learned.

The surprise encounter highlights China's continuing efforts to prepare for a future conflict with the U.S., despite Pentagon efforts to try to boost relations with Beijing's communist-ruled military.

The submarine encounter with the USS Kitty Hawk and its accompanying warships also is an embarrassment to the commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific, Adm. William J. Fallon, who is engaged in an ambitious military exchange program with China aimed at improving relations between the two nations' militaries.

Disclosure of the incident comes as Adm. Gary Roughead, commander of the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet, is making his first visit to China. The four-star admiral was scheduled to meet senior Chinese military leaders during the weeklong visit, which began over the weekend.

According to the defense officials, the Chinese Song-class diesel-powered attack submarine shadowed the Kitty Hawk undetected and surfaced within five miles of the carrier Oct. 26.

The surfaced submarine was spotted by a routine surveillance flight by one of the carrier group's planes. The Kitty Hawk battle group includes an attack submarine and anti-submarine helicopters that are charged with protecting the warships from submarine attack.

According to the officials, the submarine is equipped with Russian-made wake-homing torpedoes and anti-ship cruise missiles.

The Kitty Hawk and several other warships were deployed in ocean waters near Okinawa at the time, as part of a routine fall deployment program. The officials said Chinese submarines rarely have operated in deep water far from Chinese shores or shadowed U.S. vessels.

A Pacific Command spokesman declined to comment on the incident, saying details were classified.

Pentagon spokesmen also declined to comment.

The incident is a setback for the aggressive U.S.-China military exchange program being promoted by Adm. Fallon, who has made several visits to China in recent months in an attempt to develop closer ties.

However, critics of the program in the Pentagon say China has not reciprocated and continues to deny U.S. military visitors access to key facilities, including a Beijing command center. In contrast, Chinese military visitors have been invited to military exercises and sensitive U.S. facilities.

Additionally, military intelligence officials said Adm. Fallon has restricted U.S. intelligence-gathering activities against China, fearing that disclosure of the activities would upset relations with Beijing.

The restrictions are hindering efforts to know more about China's military buildup, the officials said.

"This is a harbinger of a stronger Chinese reaction to America's military
presence in East Asia," said Richard Fisher, a Chinese military specialist with the International Assessment and Strategy Center, who called the submarine incident alarming.

"Given the long range of new Chinese sub-launched anti-ship missiles and those purchased from Russia, this incident is very serious," he said. "It will likely happen again, only because Chinese submarine captains of 40 to 50 new modern submarines entering their navy will want to test their mettle against the 7th Fleet."

Pentagon intelligence officials say China's military buildup in recent years has produced large numbers of submarines and surface ships, seeking to control larger portions of international waters in Asia, a move U.S. officials fear could restrict the flow of oil from the Middle East to Asia in the future.

Between 2002 and last year, China built 14 new submarines, including new Song-class vessels and several other types, both diesel- and nuclear-powered.

Since 1996, when the United States dispatched two aircraft carrier battle groups to waters near Taiwan in a show of force, Beijing also has bought and built weapons designed specifically to attack U.S. aircraft carriers and other warships.

"The Chinese have made it clear that they understand the importance of the submarine in any kind of offensive or defensive strategy to deal with a military conflict," an intelligence official said recently.

In late 2004, China dispatched a Han-class submarine to waters near Guam, Taiwan and Japan. Japan's military went on emergency alert after the submarine surfaced in Japanese waters. Beijing apologized for the incursion.

The Pentagon's latest annual report on Chinese military power stated that China is investing heavily in weapons designed "to interdict, at long ranges, aircraft carrier and expeditionary strike groups that might deploy to the western Pacific."

It could not be learned whether the U.S. government lodged a protest with China's government over the incident or otherwise raised the matter in official channels.

Jet Crash®

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#2 Mensagem por chm0d » Seg Nov 13, 2006 8:38 pm

Hahaha, comedia...

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Jet Crash®
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#3 Mensagem por Jet Crash® » Seg Nov 13, 2006 8:52 pm

chm0d escreveu:Hahaha, comedia...

Até o Irã tirou uma casquinha da U.S. Navy e desta vez com direito a vídeo. :lol:

Cabeças vão rolar:

Iran Uses UAV To Watch US Aircraft Carrier On Gulf Patrol


Agence France-Presse

Nov 13, 2006 - 5:29:45 AM

Tehran: Iran's Arabic language television station on Saturday broadcast footage it claimed showed a US aircraft carrier cruising in Gulf waters it said was taken by an unmanned Iranian drone.

The brief minute-long film, which was shown on Al-Alam television's evening news bulletin, showed wobbly aerial footage of an aircraft carrier stacked with war planes as it sailed.

The television's anchor said the film, the property of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard, showed a vessel from "the US fleet in the Persian Gulf".

"A source in the Revolutionary Guard said the drone carried out its mission without US fighter pilots reaching it," the television said.

It said there were 10 such films taken by the drone which showed "more precise information and details about military equipment, foreign forces, and their activities in the Persian Gulf."

The station did not name the vessel nor did it say when the footage was shot.

The broadcast comes near the end of Iran's latest 10-day war games, "Great Prophet II", which military chiefs have said were aimed at showing off Iran's defensive prowess and testing new military hardware.

The war games coincided with US-led naval manoeuvres in the Gulf off Iran aimed at halting arms-trafficking, the first time such an exercise has been held in the area

O vídeo é uma cortesia do Youtube:


Jet Crash®

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Jet Crash®
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#4 Mensagem por Jet Crash® » Seg Nov 13, 2006 9:48 pm

Depois do leite derramado:

US eyes China’s naval power

BEIJING: The commander of the US Pacific Fleet said on Monday he was seeking to understand the intent of China’s naval build-up as he began a week-long trip aimed at deepening military ties.

His visit comes as a report in the Washington Times said a Chinese submarine stalked the US navy aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk in the Pacific last month, highlighting friction between Washington and Beijing as China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) modernises.

“When asked if the PLA navy is a threat, I’ve been on the record as saying no,” Admiral Gary Roug head told reporters when asked if China’s build-up posed a threat to the US presence in the region or to Taiwan. “But I really would like to know what the intent is in some of the developments that I see in the PLA navy,” he added.

Taiwan is a self-governed island that Beijing claims as its own and says it must return to the mainland. China has said it would attack Taiwan if it formally declares independence. China and the United States cut military contacts after a fighter jet collided with a US surveillance plane in 2001,killing the Chinese pilot and forcing the US crew to land in China, where they were held for 11 days. But in the past year the two have been seeking to upgrade ties, with a series of exchanges and joint exercises.

Roug head was in Beijing to oversee a joint search-and-rescue operation between the two navies, following exercises in September with a Chinese warship and the US navy off Hawaii. The US military also invited a Chinese delegation to observe naval exercises in June in the western Pacific. But Washington, which has long complained of a lack of transparency in China’s military modernisation, has been pressing Beijing to reciprocate by giving US forces more access to Chinese military exercises and sites.

During his visit, Roug head said he would meet PLA navy commander Vice Admiral Wu Shengli, Assistant Foreign Minister He Yafei and the commander of the South China Sea Fleet. He said he hoped the meetings would shed light on the direction of China’s naval build-up, which includes a growing submarine fleet and new ships with “blue water” capability.

“Clearly the growth in the capacity and capability of the navy since I’ve first been exposed to it in the 90s, the ability to go into the blue water is very, very clear,” he said. “I look forward to having discussions about what the vision is and perhaps what some of the operating doctrine might be.” He also said he hoped exchanges could help younger military leaders in China and the United States forge personal ties that could help avert conflict in the case of a “period of misunderstanding”.

Jet Crash®

Carlos Mathias

#5 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Seg Nov 13, 2006 10:02 pm

Puta que pariu, imagina só! Um PA de trocentos bilhões de dólares no fundo por obra de um SUB chinês!

Agora vai aparecer o pessoal prá dizer que o PA tava dormindo, que o sonar das escoltas tava desligado, e todas aquelas desculpas esfarrapadas... :lol:

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#6 Mensagem por zela » Seg Nov 13, 2006 10:36 pm

Carlos Mathias escreveu:Puta que pariu, imagina só! Um PA de trocentos bilhões de dólares no fundo por obra de um SUB chinês!

Agora vai aparecer o pessoal prá dizer que o PA tava dormindo, que o sonar das escoltas tava desligado, e todas aquelas desculpas esfarrapadas... :lol:

Se estavam não sei, mas com certeza vão ficar mais espertos agora.
E como disse o colega aí em cima, cabeças vão rolar :twisted:

Carlos Mathias

#7 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Seg Nov 13, 2006 10:39 pm

Outra vez...

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Jet Crash®
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#8 Mensagem por Jet Crash® » Seg Nov 13, 2006 10:40 pm

Carlos Mathias escreveu:Puta que pariu, imagina só! Um PA de trocentos bilhões de dólares no fundo por obra de um SUB chinês!

Imagine então se o algoz for um Classe Han.

Jet Crash®

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#9 Mensagem por Quiron » Seg Nov 13, 2006 10:50 pm

Particularmente acho uma guerra nuclear entre China e EUA algo inevitável.

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#10 Mensagem por Sideshow » Ter Nov 14, 2006 5:36 am

Quiron escreveu:Particularmente acho uma guerra nuclear entre China e EUA algo inevitável.

Como a EUA X URSS ????

Nem os EUA ou a China são burros para começarem uma guerra, eles sabem qual será o resultado ..... :twisted: :twisted:

E por isso que o Brasil tinha quer ter suas nukes.

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#11 Mensagem por Sniper » Ter Nov 14, 2006 9:35 am

Quiron escreveu:Particularmente acho uma guerra nuclear entre China e EUA algo inevitável.

Alguém toque as trombetas ! [022] [008] [014]

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#12 Mensagem por Brasileiro » Ter Nov 14, 2006 9:37 am

Alguém toque as trombetas !

Deixa comigo...

pera aí....cof cof cof...

Fom, fom, pam, fom fum foooooommm...

ficou legal? hehehhehe :twisted:


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#13 Mensagem por Brasileiro » Ter Nov 14, 2006 9:40 am

Olouco....eu fui procurar por trombeta na busca de imagens do Google....dêem uma olhada na primeira imagem que aparece...


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#14 Mensagem por Alcantara » Ter Nov 14, 2006 9:51 am

Brasileiro escreveu:Olouco....eu fui procurar por trombeta na busca de imagens do Google....dêem uma olhada na primeira imagem que aparece...


[106] [106] [106] :lol:

"Se o Brasil quer ser, então tem que ter!"
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#15 Mensagem por Luís Henrique » Ter Nov 14, 2006 10:17 am


Sai da frente, a China ta chegando... :twisted:

Su-35BM - 4ª++ Geração.
Simplesmente um GRANDE caça.