Seven Ukrainian Military Men Wounded in Iraq
[29.10.2003 10:56]
Seven Ukrainian peacemakers - major Serhiy Husak, captain Oleksander Roshevsky, chief sergeant Oleksander Beley, sergeant Anatoliy Levchenko, first sergeants Oleksander Shokhin, Serhiy Puzyr, and soldier Yuri Bachurin - were wounded in Iraq yesterday.
According to the press-service of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, 14 Ukrainian military men were carrying out a planned battle patrolling at two armored transporters BTR-80. At nearly 20.10 (by Kyiv time), a patrol was ambushed near Es-Suveira city. Three land mines were blown up under the BTRs. The attack continued with the bombardment from four anti-tank discharges (RPG-7) and fire-arms. There are no victims.
The reserve group, which promptly arrived at the scene, rendered first aid to the wounded. At 20.28, five of them were evacuated by a helicopter to the basic hospital in Baghdad. The state of health of the other two soldiers is satisfactory. According to the conclusion of medical men, they will return to their service in two days.
The command of the fifth separate mechanized brigade has taken several additional measures to strengthen the security during implementation of battle tasks.
Fonte: http://www.unian.net/eng/news/news-46201.html