Marinha Americana

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Marinha Americana

#1 Mensagem por Sniper » Ter Jun 20, 2006 5:03 pm

Foi aberto um tópico sobre qual seria o maior navio da esquadra soviética, aproveitando o ensejo, gostaria de saber dos amigos qual sería o maior navio ( exceto Aeródromos ) da esquadra americana ??


luis F. Silva
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#2 Mensagem por luis F. Silva » Ter Jun 20, 2006 5:44 pm

Os quatro encouraçados da classe Iowa.


Luis Filipe Silva

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#3 Mensagem por Guilherme » Ter Jun 20, 2006 6:14 pm

The Baaz
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#4 Mensagem por The Baaz » Ter Jun 20, 2006 6:15 pm

luis F. Silva escreveu:Os quatro encouraçados da classe Iowa.

Não são mais operados.

Atualmente deve ser as Spruance ou Ticonderoga.

Mens Sana, Corpore Sano.
The Baaz
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#5 Mensagem por Einsamkeit » Ter Jun 20, 2006 7:25 pm

Navio de Missil foi o CGN-9 Long Beach, que por sinal era um apartamento triplex flutuante

Somos memórias de lobos que rasgam a pele
Lobos que foram homens e o tornarão a ser
ou talvez memórias de homens.
que insistem em não rasgar a pele
Homens que procuram ser lobos
mas que jamais o tornarão a ser...
Moonspell - Full Moon Madness

luis F. Silva
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#6 Mensagem por luis F. Silva » Ter Jun 20, 2006 10:07 pm

Se são só os actuais, os LHD da classe Wasp.


Luis Filipe Silva

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#7 Mensagem por Einsamkeit » Ter Jun 20, 2006 10:08 pm

Acho que estamos falando de navios de combate

Somos memórias de lobos que rasgam a pele
Lobos que foram homens e o tornarão a ser
ou talvez memórias de homens.
que insistem em não rasgar a pele
Homens que procuram ser lobos
mas que jamais o tornarão a ser...
Moonspell - Full Moon Madness

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#8 Mensagem por faterra » Ter Jun 20, 2006 11:36 pm


CG 58 USS Philippine Sea

Modern US Navy guided missile cruisers perform primarily in a Battle Force role. Due to their extensive combat capability, these ships have been designated as Battle Force Capable (BFC) units. Their primary armament is the Vertical Launching System (VLS) employs both the long range surface-to-surface Tomahawk Cruise Missile and the Standard Surface-to-Air Missile. These multi-mission ships are capable of sustained combat operations in any combination of Anti-Air, Anti-Submarine, Anti- Surface, and Strike warfare environments. They are built to be employed in support of Carrier Battle Groups, Amphibious Assault Groups, as well as interdiction and escort missions.
The Ticonderoga class, using the highly successful Spruance hull, was initially designated as a Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG), but was redesignated as a Guided Missile Cruiser (CG) on January 1, 1980. The Ticonderoga class were the first surface combatant ships equipped with the AEGIS Weapons System, the most sophisticated air defense system in the world. Technological advances in the Standard Missile coupled with the AEGIS combat system in Ticonderoga class cruisers and the upgrading of older cruisers have increased the AAW capability of surface combatants. The heart of the AEGIS system is the SPY-1A radar, which automatically detects and tracks air contacts to beyond 200 miles. The AEGIS Weapons System is designed to defeat attacking missiles and provide quick reaction, high firepower, and jamming resistance to deal with the Anti-Air Warfare threat expected to be faced by the Battle Group.
Twenty-two TICONDEROGA-class AEGIS cruisers, starting with CG-52, have vertical launch systems (VLS) which permit them to carry and launch significant numbers of TOMAHAWK precision strike cruise missiles against targets of military importance deep in enemy territory. This land attack capability, coupled to their AEGIS anti-air missile systems, AN/SQQ-89 Undersea Warfare system and sophisticated C4ISR suite, make these ships the most powerful surface combatants in service with any navy.
A new modernization plan for surface combatants would decommission some ships early, but would boost the firepower of the remaining force by adding the Vertical Launch System (VLS). The five TICONDEROGA-class cruisers in the fleet without VLS would receive the system: USS TICONDEROGA (CG 47), USS YORKTOWN (CG 48), USS VINCENNES (CG 49), USS VALLEY FORCE (CG 50) and USS THOMAS GATES (CG 51).
The Ticonderoga class also brings a multi-warfare capability to the Fleet which significantly strengthens Battle Group operation effectiveness, defense, and survivability. The cruisers are equipped with Tomahawk ASM/LAM giving them additional long range strike mission capability. The addition of Tomahawk ASM/LAM in the CG-47 class has vastly complicated unit target planning for any potential enemy and returned an offensive strike role to the surface forces that seemed to have been lost to air power at Pearl Harbor. Two five-inch gun mounts are used against threatening ships and boats, low-flying aircraft, or to bombard shore targets. In addition, the ships carry a strong Anti-Submarine Warfare Suite and the Navy's latest Electronic Warfare Suite is also aboard. The cruisers have the most advanced underwater surveillance system available today. The Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) equipment consists of a hull-mounted SONAR, an Acoustic Array SONAR which is towed like a tail behind the ship, and a helicopter that can locate ships or submarines over 100 miles away.
The "Tico" cruisers, using the SPRUANCE Class hull, measure 567 feet from bow to stern. Their beam is 55 feet, and displacement is 9,600 tons. Four powerful gas turbine engines propel the ships to speeds greater than 30 knots, and two controllable-reversible pitch propellers assist in rapid acceleration and maneuverability.
Authorized in Fiscal Year 1978, TICONDEROGA's keel laying ceremony occurred on 27 January 1980. The first five Ticonderoga-class cruisers—Ticonderoga (CG-47) through Thomas S. Gates (CG-51)—have an early, less capable version of the Aegis combat system and do not have VLS or the capability to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles. Also, the first two ships of the class have two SH-2F helicopters instead of the SH-60B helicopter employed on later cruisers. The guided missile cruiser Port Royal (CG 73) was comissioned on Saturday, July 9, 1994. Port Royal was the last of 27 Ticonderoga class Aegis guided missile cruisers scheduled to be built. These new cruisers have replaced older, less capable ships that are being taken out of service as part of the Navy's overall plan to recapitalize the fleet.
These ships were built in sections, called modules, which allowed improved access to all areas of the ship during construction. The modules were then moved together to form the hull of the ship, and the deckhouse sections were then lifted aboard. For launching, the ship was moved several hundred yards across land to the floating dry dock, which was used to actually launch the ship.
During their construction, hundreds of subassemblies were built and outfitted with piping sections, ventilation ducting, and other shipboard hardware. These subassemblies were then joined to form modules, which were then outfitted with larger equipment items, such as propulsion and power generation machinery and electrical panels. This represents an advancement from traditional shipbuilding in which these systems are installed in tight quarters below decks after the hull is completed. At Ingalls, four of these pre-outfitted hull and superstructure modules are joined together to form the ship shortly before it is moved to the water's edge and launched.
At the shipyards, this modular process is supported by an extensive Computer- Aided Design (CAD)/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) program that has significantly enhanced the efficiency of detail design, and has reduced the number of manual steps involved in converting design drawings to ship components. The three-dimensional CAD system is linked with an integrated CAM production network of computers throughout the shipyard. The CAD system directs the operation of numerically-controlled manufacturing equipment used to cut steel plates, cut and bend pipe, and form sheet metal assemblies.
Launching involved movement over land via a wheel- on-rail transfer system onto the shipyard launch and recovery dry dock, which is was ballasted down in order for the ship to float free and moved to an outfitting berth in preparation for the traditional christening ceremony. Upon completion of post-launch outfitting, the cruisers went through an extensive dockside and at-sea testing period to ensure the ship and crew were ready to safely go to sea.
The Smart Ship Project was initiated by an October 1995 brief from the Naval Research Advisory Committee (NRAC) panel on reduced manning to the Chief of Naval Operations. Their report stated that the major obstacle to reduced crew size and decreased life cycle costs aboard Navy ships was culture and tradition rather than the lack of proven technology and know-how. The challenge was to demonstrate in an operational ship that reductions in workload and crew requirements were possible while maintaining mission readiness and safety. The Commander, Naval Surface Force, US Atlantic Fleet (COMNAVSURFLANT) was designated as Executive Agent for the Smart Ship Project and nominated USS YORKTOWN (CG 48) as the ship in which to implement ideas to demonstrate the concept.


Integrated Bridge System (IBS): automated piloting, ship’s course and track analysis with radar and chart overlay, including collision avoidance.
Integrated Condition Assessment System (ICAS): automated condition-based maintenance recorder for main propulsion and auxiliary equipment; digital information maintained on fiber optic LAN.
Damage Control Quarters (DCQ): automated damage control management system providing information and communication throughout the ship on the fiber optic LAN.
Machinery Control System (MCS): automated digital propulsion and electrical plant control using signals passed via the fiber optic LAN.
Fuel Control System (FCS): automated digital control of ship’s fuel transfer system.
Wireless Internal Communication System (WICS): individual ship’s company personal communications or near the ship.
Fiber Optic Ship Wide Area Network (FO SWAN): fiber optic LAN hosting the above listed core technologies (vice the WICS) utilizing asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) and being IT 21 compliant
All approved Smart Ship initiatives were implemented aboard YORKTOWN prior to her deployment in December 1996. Huge chunks of the ship were torn up and thrown away and replaced by computer consoles and miles of fiber optic cable.
With all policy and procedure, technology, and maintenance initiatives implemented, crew reductions enabled by the decrease in workload were 44 enlisted personnel and 4 officers The Smart Ship Project demonstrated that shipboard workload reductions are possible while maintaining combat readiness and safety with significant net positive return on investment. Expenditures on available technology and implementation of policy and procedure changes make crew size reductions achievable. The required expenditures for such changes are offset by large potential savings, both shipboard and ashore, and in operations and maintenance costs aboard ship. Technology, taken as a single package as installed in YORKTOWN, returns the investment in seventeen years. However, some of the individual technologies demonstrate a more positive return-on-investment.
In the Fall 1998 USS THOMAS S. GATES (CG 51) was scheduled as the first installation ship in the US Navy's Integrated Ship Controls (ISC) Program. This upgrade program will install innovative labor and cost savings initiatives on USS THOMAS S. GATES, USS TICONDEROGA (CG 47), USS VINCENNES (CG 49) and USS VALLEY FORGE (CG 50). Many of the technologies to be installed are the result of the initiatives proven sucessful on YORKTOWN. The upgrade program also includes options to install systems on the remaining 22 CG 47 Class AEGIS Cruisers. Modernization of the machinery control system for CG 47 Class ships is required in order to overcome impending obsolescence, reduce operating and support costs, and facilitate workload reductions. This will be accomplished with the installation of commercial off-the-shelf/non-developmental items (COTS/NDI).
The Aegis Cruiser force will remain on the front line into the 21st century, with upgrades as part of the Cruiser Conversion program. This conversion program will ensure the relevance of these ships in the future. Without this program, their future is tenuous. In the program, the modernized combat system will address the growing theater ballistic missile threat by incorporation of area and theater-wide TBMD capability. Additionally, introduction of two five inch 62 caliber guns with extended range guided munitions in 22 of these ships will help meet the USMC requirements for fire support. They will continue to receive upgrades to their command and control suites to ensure they remain full participants in the joint battlespace. This conversion program takes advantage of the sizable investment ($22B) already made in these ships, and keeping them ready to meet the challenge over 40 years of service life. It is important to note that the first five AEGIS cruisers (CG47 – CG51) are not part of the Cruiser Conversion program because of affordability.


Builders Ingalls Shipbuilding: CG-47-50, CG 52-57, 59,62, 65-66, 68-69, 71-73 / Bath Iron Works: CG-51,58,60-61,63-64,67,70
Propulsion 4 General Electric LM-2500 Gas Turbine Engines (80,000 Shaft Horsepower) / 2 Controllable-Reversible Pitch Propellers / 2 Rudders
Length Overall Length: 567 ft / Waterline Length: 529 ft
Beam Extreme Beam: 55 ft / Waterline Beam: 55 ft
Draft Maximum Navigational Draft: 33 ft / Draft Limit: 23 ft
Displacement Light Displacement: 7103 ton / Full Displacement: 9957 ton / Dead Weight: 2854 ton
Speed 30 plus knots
Aircraft Two SH-2 Seasprite (LAMPS) in CG 47-48 / Two SH-60 Sea Hawk (LAMPS III)
Armament 1 MK 7 MOD 3 AEGIS Weapons System / 2 MK26 missile launcher (CG 47 thru CG 51) or 2 MK41 vertical launching system (CG 52 thru CG 73) / 0 VLS Cells / 127 VLS Cells Standard Missile (MR) / Anti-Submarine Rocket(ASROC) / Tomahawk ASM/LAM / 2 Harpoon Missile Quad-Canister Launchers / 2 MK 32 MOD 14 Torpedo Tubes - 6 MK-46 torpedoes / 2 MK 45 5"/54-Caliber Lightweight Gun Mounts / 1 MK 15 MOD 2 Close-in-Weapons Systems (CIWS) (2 Mounts) / 1 MK 36 MOD 2 Super Rapid-Blooming Off-Board Chaff System / 2 50-Caliber Machine Guns
Combat Systems Earlier Ships
1 AN/SPY-1A Radar (Four Arrays)(CG47-59) / 1 AN/SPS-49 Air Search Radar / 1 AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar / 1 AN/SPQ-9 Gun Fire Control Radar / 4 AN/SPG-62 Illuminators / 1 AN/SQS-53A Hull Mounted SONAR (CG47-55) / 1 AN/SLQ-32(V)3 Electronic Warfare Suite Later Ships / 1 AN/SPY-1B(V) Multi-Function Radar (CG59-73) / 1 AN/SPS-49(V)8 Air Search Radar / 1 AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar / 1 AN/SPS-64(V)9 Navigation Radar / 1 AN/SPQ-9 Gun Fire Control Radar / 4 AN/SPG-62 Illuminators / 1 AN/SQS-53C Hull Mounted SONAR (CG68-73) / 1 AN/SQR-19B Towed Array SONAR (TACTAS) / 1 AN/SLQ-32A(V)3 Electronic Warfare Suite
Crew 24 Officers, 340 Enlisted
Unit Operating Cost
Annual Average $28,000,000 [source: [FY1996 VAMOSC]


Editado pela última vez por faterra em Qua Jun 21, 2006 12:06 am, em um total de 1 vez.

Um abraço!
Fernando Augusto Terra
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#9 Mensagem por faterra » Qua Jun 21, 2006 12:04 am


Development and History:
At the end of the 1960th the US Navy started a competition for a new class of guided missile ships which should be more suitable to contribute in carrier battle groups as the ships of the KNOX-class.
This program was called DDX and at the end Ingalls Shipbuilding was awarded the contract to build all ships of that class.
The thirty-one SPRUANCE class destroyers were developed for the primary mission of anti-submarine warfare, including operations as an integral part of attack carrier forces. The SPRUANCE-class ships are more than twice as large as a World War II destroyer and as large as a World War II cruiser.
Utilizing highly developed weapons systems, the SPRUANCE class destroyers are designed to hunt down and destroy high speed submarines in all weather, but can also engage ships, aircraft, and shore targets. These multi-purpose combatants are also capable of providing naval gunfire support in conjunction with Marine amphibious operations worldwide.
Built with future growth in mind, their design is modular in nature, allowing for easy installation of entire subsystems within the ship. Space and power reservations have been made to accommodate future weapons and electronics systems as they are developed. Originally developed as Anti-Submarine (ASUW) destroyers, 24 ships of this class were upgraded with the installation of a 61 cell Vertical Launch Missile System (VLS) capable of launching Tomahawk missiles.
Navy destroyers have historically been retired by 30 years of service. But in 1998 the seven SPRUANCE class destroyers which did not receive the Tomahawk VLS upgrade were decommissioned after only two decades of service, to accommodate the introduction of the improved AEGIS-capable ARLEIGH BURKE destroyers. All decommissioned ships are scheduled to be scrapped.
The SPRUANCE class destroyers were the first class of ships in the US Navy to have gas turbine power. The four General Electric LM-2500 engines are marine shaft power versions of the TF39 turbofan used on DC-10 and C-5A aircraft. Producing a total of 80,000 shaft horsepower, they can drive the ship in excess of 30 knots, but it does not happen very often that all four engines work at the same time. One engine is able to accelerate the ship to 19 knots, two engines reach 27 knots. The two other engines are only activated when the ship shall reach its high speed of 33 knots. From the cold start of the engines to the high speed it takes just twelve minutes.
The whole engine installations are insulated against the own noise and that promotes the ASUW and the operation of the sonar installations.
The SPRUANCE class destroyers are equipped with three gas turbine generator. Each of the three gas turbine generators produces 2,000 kilowatts of power.
Twin controllable-reversible pitch propellers provide these ships with a degree of maneuverability unique among warships of its size.
A high degree of automation permits a reduced crew of 30 officers and 352 enlisted to operate the ship. Comfort and habitability are integral elements to the ship's design, which includes amenities such as a crew's lounge, ATM machine, gymnasium, class room, and ship's store.
About the Armament:
In the beginning all SPRUANCE class destroyers were equipped with a Mk-112 launcher for ASROC behind the #1 Mk-45 leightweight gun mount. After insertion of the Tomahawk cruise missile, seven ships got two Mk-143 armored box launchers for Tomahawk. Both launchers were placed next to the ASROC launcher.
From 1986 on, all the other ships were equipped with the Mk-41 VLS and the ASROC launcher was removed.
In the 1980th, each ship got two Phalanx CIWS. All ships with the exception of the decommissioned ones will get a RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) launcher with 21 missiles each.

DD 974, DD 976, DD 979, DD 983, DD 984, DD 986 and DD 990
with the Tomahawk box launchers and the ASROC launcher

SPRUANCE class destroyers equipped with the Mk-41 VLS

General Characteristics - Spruance class
Builders: Ingalls Shipbuilding, West Bank, Pascagoula, Miss.
Power Plant: 4 General Electric LM-2500 Gas Turbine Engines (80,000 Shaft Horsepower)
3 Allison 501-K17 2000 kilowatt Gas Turbine Generators
2 Controllable-Reversible Pitch Propellers
2 Rudders
Length: 564,3 feet (172 meters)
Beam: 55 feet (16.8 meters)
Draft: 28,9 feet (8.8 meters)
Displacement: approx. 9,200 tons full load
Speed: 30+ knots
Range: 6,000 nautical miles @ 20 knots
Crew: 30 Officers, 352 enlisted
Sensors: 1 AN/SQR-l9 (V) 3 Tactical Towed Array Sonar
1 AN/SPS40E Air Search Radar
1 AN/SPS-55 Surface Search Radar
1 AN/SPQ-9A Surface Surveillance and Tracking Radar
1 AN/SPG-60 Air Surveillance and Tracking Radar
1 AN/SQS-53B Hull Mounted Sonar 1 AN/SLQ-32 (V) 2 Electronic Warfare Suite
1 SLQ-25 Nixie Torpedo Deception Device
1 WRN-6A Global Positioning System
1 MK 23 Target Acquisition System
1 AN/SLQ-49 Inflatable Radar Decoy System
Weapons Systems: 1 Mk-29 NATO Sea Sparrow missile launcher
2 Mk-45 Leightweight Gun Mounts
2 Mk-141 quad launchers for Harpoon missiles
2 Mk-15 20mm Phalanx CIWS
1 Mk-41 VLS (all ships except DD 974, DD 976, DD 979, DD 983, DD 984, DD 986 and DD 990)
2 Mk-32 triple tube mounts for Mk-46 torpedoes
4 .5 Caliber Machine Guns
2 Mk-38 Machine Guns
2 Mk-143 armored box launchers for Tomahawk (only DD 974, DD 976, DD 979, DD 983, DD 984, DD 986 and DD 990)
1 Mk-112 launcher for ASROC (replaced by the MK-41 VLS)
1 MK 36 Super Rapid-Blooming Off Board Chaff System
Command and Control: JOTS
Link 11
HF Radios
UHF Radios
VHF Radios
Aircraft: 2 LAMPS MK III (SH-60F)
Annual Average Unit Operating Cost: $35,000,000
Date deployed: September 20, 1975 (USS Spruance)
The crew of a SPRUANCE class destroyer has a combined annual income of approximately $12 million.

The SPRUANCE class destroyers are the biggest destroyers the Navy ever had
Each destroyer carries 1,200 shells for the Mk-45 leightweight guns, 24 Sea Sparrow missiles and 18 Mk-46 torpedoes.
Ships equipped with the ASROC launcher carried 16 ASROC missiles. The Mk-41 VLS contains Tomahawk and SM-2 MR missiles.
The SPRUANCE class destroyers are not correctly classified: The SPRUANCE class destroyers are classified as DD although they are equipped with guided missiles and are able to launch them. Since four decades there is the designation DDG for those ships. So the SPRUANCE class destroyers are no DDs but DDGs, like the KIDD class

DD963 USS Spruance


Um abraço!
Fernando Augusto Terra
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#10 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Jun 21, 2006 7:06 am

Todos os SPRUANCE da USN já estão fora de serviço, a maior parte deles está a ser afundada em exercicios navais.

Os "irmãos" dos SPRUANCE, os 4 KIDD , encomendados pelo Irão antes da queda do Xá, serviram na USN e foram (estão a ser) vendidos a TAIWAN...acho que pelo menos 2 já estão operacionais na Marinha de Taiwan.

Em relação ao maior navio de guerra da USN não sei ao certo, melhor dar uma olhada no WIKIPEDIA :wink: , de certeza que lá estará.

Após a retirada dos 4 IOWA, actualmente e tirando os PAs, os maiores naivos combatentes de superficie são os TICONDEROGA, cujas unidades mais antigas também já começaram a ser retiradas de serviço.

Em matéria de subs os maiores são os SSBN OHIO, com 180 metros de comprimento, salvo erro, no entanto um pouco menores que os Russos TYPHOON (Akula)

Aqui vcs encontram todos os navios que serviram e ainda servem na USN:

:D Vale a pena!

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Rui Elias Maltez
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#11 Mensagem por Rui Elias Maltez » Qua Jun 21, 2006 7:40 am

Actualmente em serviço, os Ticonderoga, sem duvida.

Dos 4 Missouri, há 2 ainda em reserva, mas é muito duvidoso que voltem a ser reactivados.

Como bem disse o P44, a US Navy já não opera Spruance, embora o seu tamanho e deslocamento fosse aproximado aos Tico's.

No entanto eram ligeiramente mais pequenos e com menos deslocamento.

luis F. Silva
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#12 Mensagem por luis F. Silva » Qua Jun 21, 2006 8:50 am

Como o Sniper não tinha especificado se eram ou não navios combatentes, e se estariam ao serviço ou não, é que respondi Iowa e Wasp.
Actualmente são sem dúvida os Ticonderoga, até porque só há mais duas classes de navios de combate ao serviço: As Perry e os A. Burke.


Luis Filipe Silva

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Rui Elias Maltez
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#13 Mensagem por Rui Elias Maltez » Qua Jun 21, 2006 10:31 am

É impresionante a rapidez com que os EUA em relativamente pouco tempo acabaram por uniformizar muito a sua marinha, ao nível de navios de superfície combatentes.

Isto porque até as OHP que restam já não são verdadeiras FFG mas sim na práctica OPV's (desde que lhes retiraram os MK13).

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Delta Dagger
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#14 Mensagem por Delta Dagger » Qua Jun 21, 2006 10:49 am

Que a USNAVY é a maior marinha do planeta ninguém duvida, mas tb não precisa humilhar!


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#15 Mensagem por A-29 » Qua Jun 21, 2006 10:57 am

Só o avião da ponta já deve custar mais que a FAB toda 8-]
