O MiG-29 não tá morto não. Argélia compra 70 Migs zerados.

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#31 Mensagem por César » Qui Jan 19, 2006 7:19 pm


"- Tú julgarás a ti mesmo- respondeu-lhe o rei - É o mais difícil. É bem mais difícil julgar a si mesmo que julgar os outros. Se consegues fazer um bom julgamento de ti, és um verdadeiro sábio."

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#32 Mensagem por VICTOR » Qui Jan 19, 2006 7:48 pm

Carlos Mathias escreveu:E olha que na Bósnia(?) os caras ralaram prá derrubar alguns dos MIG-29... :?

São novos, mas a MIG fez um KIT de modernização para elevar os antigos -29A e etc para o padrão MST, que aliás usa eletrônica com muta coisa ocidental, inclusive barramento de dados.

Não existe MiG-29 SMT novo, pelo que eu saiba. É tudo refurbished. Se for novo, tem que ser M1/M2.

Carlos Eduardo

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Carlos Mathias

#33 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Jan 19, 2006 7:54 pm

Então acabei de ler errado em dois sites... :?

MiG Corp. has also developed a modular system of MiG-29 upgrading to the MiG 29SMT level

batch production MIG-29SMT

Tá meio enrolado sim... :?

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#34 Mensagem por Plinio Jr » Qui Jan 19, 2006 8:02 pm

Não existe MiG-29 SMT novo, pelo que eu saiba. É tudo refurbished. Se for novo, tem que ser M1/M2.

Ao que tudo indica, estão na mesma categoria das que foram adquiridas pelo Iemen e Sudão, são boas aeronaves e muito capazes, quem sabe aos poucos vai decolando um apreciável processo de modernização da frota de Mig-29s mundo afora, uma boa e barata alternativa para quem quiser ter um vetor relativamente moderno.

Como no caso do Chile na aquisição de F-16s, não vejo o menor indício de desequilibrio na região ou pensamentos ofensivos com esta aquisição, eles possuem muitos Mig-21 e Mig-23 velhos e inoperantes, vejo isto como renovação de frota, nada mais que isto.

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Re: O MiG-29 não tá morto não. Argélia compra 70 Migs zerado

#35 Mensagem por Jet Crash® » Dom Jan 22, 2006 8:33 am

Lauro Melo escreveu:
Jet Crash® escreveu:
Algeria to Buy 70 Russian MiG-29 Fighter Jets Created: 17.01.2006 13:41 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 13:43 MSK MosNews
Russian aircraft constructor MiG has signed an $1,5-million agreement with Algeria and will deliver about 70 multifunctional MiG-29 fighter jets to the country within the next few years, the Interfax news agency reported.
Algeria will pay the sum by repaying the Russian state debt and transferring money directly.
The MiG-29 that equals or surpasses the U.S. F-15C in several areas is a widely exported aircraft, flown by “friends” of the USSR and later Russia —Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and the like.
The mission of the MiG-29 is to destroy hostile air targets within radar coverage limits and also to destroy ground targets using unguided weapons in visual flight conditions.

Sucatão onde???? Cadê encomenda?

Fala Jet, :wink:
Você poderia esclarecer estas compras da Argélia.
Veja uma noticia de Notícias de Maio de 2004, que não sei se foi verdade.


Desculpe por editar seu post, mas é somente para ele ficar menor.

Uma notícia do Jane´s

Algeria and Russia to sign USD3 billion arms deal
Henry Ivanov JDW Correspondent
Additional reporting J A C Lewis JDW Correspondent

Three years of talks between Russia and Algeria are expected to come to a successful conclusion in early February when Russian President Vladimir Putin visits the capital Algiers and signs a deal selling defence and heavy equipment to the north African country.

Putin is expected to sign a complicated agreement that will see deliveries of Russian weaponry and other industry products worth USD3 billion and the reshaping, through a partial write-off, of large Algerian debts built up during the Soviet era.

The deal is to include deliveries of Russian Aircraft Corporation (RSK) MiG-29SMT/UBT and Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighter aircraft and Almaz-Antei S-300PMU surface-to-air missile systems.

Talks continue on Yakovlev Yak-130 advanced jet trainers (AJTs), additional Su-24MK interdiction aircraft and Project 20382 guided missile frigates, which are an export variant of the Steregushchiy-class Project 20380 frigate.

In 2002-04 Russia upgraded 15 Algerian Air Force aircraft and then added seven re-equipped ex-Russian Air Force aircraft in late 2005 and early 2006. The last seven are believed to be of a different standard, able to fire the newest Tactical Missile Corporation Kh-59MK 300 km-range radar-guided anti-ship missile.

The centrepiece of the expected deal is a batch of 70 MiG-29s - 40 aircraft plus 30 options - which will be a mix of single-seat MiG-29SMT and twin-seat MiG-29UBT variants similar to those delivered to Yemen. The value of the MiG-29 order is valued between USD1.2 billion and USD1.5 billion. What will not go to Algeria is the MiG-AT AJT, which was withdrawn from the offering by Russian weapons vendor Rosoboronexport in favour of the Yakovlev Yak-130 AJT. Algiers is yet to make a decision on the latter, however.

Sukhoi Su-30MKI numbers vary from 12 to 28 units, according to various Russian sources, but it is likely to comprise 12 aircraft plus options.
Generally, these will be the same as the Indian standard but without Israeli components, notably El-Op Electro-Optics Industries' head-up display.

For the first time in Russian practice, deliveries of new aircraft will be under trade-in schemes, with Algeria giving back outdated MiG-21s, MiG-23s and MiG-25s in a one-for-one arrangement. According to some Russian sources, Algeria will return to RSK MiG about 20 used MiG-29s earlier procured from Belarus and Ukraine.

The S-300PMU deliveries will be for about eight systems. Other parts of the expected deal include modification of several Russian-built Koni-class (Project 1159) frigates and Pauk II-class (Project 1241) guided missile corvettes and the upgrade of T-72 main battle tanks (MBTs) and their partial replacement with newer T-90S MBTs.

A financial source familiar with the deal said the Algerians have probably put up a large amount of cash for the MiG-29s in order to get a sizeable reduction of Algiers' debt to Moscow which, according to Algiers daily El Watan, amounted to USD4.5 billion in mid-2005: most of it for military goods. The bigger the cash component in a cash-debt deal the larger amount of debt the Russians would have been ready to write off, said the Paris-based source.

Também reparei um comentário em outro fórum de que os Su-30 que poderão ser adquiridos deverão substituir os MiG-25.

Jet Crash®

Carlos Mathias

#36 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Seg Jan 23, 2006 11:34 am

between USD1.2 billion and USD1.5 billion

Isso por 70 caças... + ou - 19 mi por avião. É barato por um caça atual e eficiente, né não? Tam aí armas e mísseis anti-navio KH-59 com 300km de alcançe. 3 bi por um pacote com S-300, fragatas, corvetas, caças MIG-29SMT, SU-30MK... não é tão caro...

The Baaz
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#37 Mensagem por The Baaz » Seg Jan 23, 2006 12:48 pm

Que inveja da Argélia :cry:

Mig - 29 domina :mrgreen:

Mens Sana, Corpore Sano.
The Baaz
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#38 Mensagem por CesarAugusto » Ter Jan 31, 2006 1:12 am

Se entinde que los SMT son ejemplares que se encuentran almacenados (enteros o en piezas) en la planta de MAPO y que fueron fabricados hacia la primer mitad de los 90's, son aviones que no han volado nunca y que desde su fabricacion se preservaron, ahora MAPO para venderlos los va a desarmar completamente y volverlos a armar, introduciendo modificaciones estructurales (ampliando capacidad de carga, 1vida util y TBOs) ademas de las modernizaciones del estandar SMT (radar, avionica, etc) aun no se sabe si Argelia va a querer SMT con "joroba" o sin ella, posiblemente sean sin ella, pero con lanza de reabastecimiento.

Ahora el detalle es que estas aeronaves salen con garantia de fabrica completa, osea como aviones nuevos de fabrica, teniendo un potencial de vida util de unos 30+años/4000hrs.

El caso de los biplazas deberia ser distinto, toda vez que no existen muchos UB almacenados (Argelia acabo con ese stock en 1999 al comprar 6 UB en Rusia junto a 20-24 monoplazas comprados en Bielorusia/Ucrania) las opciones en ese caso serian que adquieran UB (UBTs) nuevos de fabrica de Sokol o que sino entreguen sus UB para modernizacion al estandar UB, cualquiera de las alternativas les daria aviones modernizados y con amplio potencial de vida util.

RSK Mig esta luchando por permanecer en el mercado, luego de vender 14 Mig-29SMT a Yemen y 16 Mig-29K a India le llega esta oportunidad de colocar 40 ejemplares en Argelia, deberian de tener mas pedidos de Yemen e India (16 y 30 opciones respectivamente) y existen otros mercados potenciales (Siria, Iran, Libia, Venezuela, etc) solamente el requerimiento de la Fuerza Aerea de India representa una oportunidad de negocio por 120 aeronaves, siendo el Mig-29M2/Mig-35, junto al Mirage2000-05 los "front runners" de ese programa, lo que mantendria al Fulcrum (o al Mirage) en produccion hasta el 2015 :shock:



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#39 Mensagem por Jet Crash® » Ter Fev 07, 2006 9:48 pm

Olha o MiG-29 aí de novo.

Russia to upgrade Indian MiG-29 jets for $888 million

Tuesday, 07 February , 2006, 12:10

New Delhi: India's fleet of 67 MiG-29 multi-role fighters are all set to be refurbished for $888 million by Russian company RSK-MiG.

"The programme is part of the Indian Air Force's long-term plan to modernise its fighter fleet with the aim of expanding its strategic reach, firepower and area of responsibility over the next decade as India's burgeoning economy and regional importance proliferate," a senior IAF officer said.

The upgradation was granted financial clearance by the Defence Ministry in fiscal 2005-06.

The MiG-29 upgrade project has already been delayed by over two years. It is now likely to commence only in fiscal 2006-07 and be completed around four years later, officials said.

The upgraded MiG-29s will remain in service for 10-15 years.

The programme includes fitting the MiG-29s with upgraded weapons and a new avionics suite, with the old N-019 radar being replaced by the Phazatron Zhuk-M radar.

The MiG-29s will also be upgraded for mid-air refuelling to increase their endurance.

The IAF is currently refurbishing 125 MiG-21 Bis and 40 MiG-27ML fighters. These two jets are being equipped with advanced avionics, improved electronic warfare systems and precision weaponry to boost the IAF's ageing combat fleet that also faces a sharp reduction in numbers over the next decade.

According to officials, RSK-MiG, the original manufacturer of the MiG-29s, will be the sole vendor to upgrade the IAF's fleet of MiG-29B/S fighters and MiG-29UB dual-seat trainers.

RSK-MiG will independently source the equipment that the IAF will select for fitting on the jets. In addition, it will carry out life-extension checks on the upgraded multi-role fighters that were first inducted into the IAF in 1986.

"The avionics architecture that the IAF is firming up will be a mix-and-match of Russian, local and imported systems that are likely to be sourced from France, Israel and possibly even the US," the official added.

Various options being debated by the IAF include dispatching a limited number of MiG-29 fighters to RSK-MiG in Russia for being upgraded.

Meanwhile, state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)Managing Director KP Puri recently said that 94 of 125 MiG-21s had been upgraded to the MiG 21 'Bison' standard at the HAL complex at Nasik.

The remaining 29 jets would be upgraded by the end of the year.

Jet Crash®

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#40 Mensagem por Hugo Callou » Qua Fev 08, 2006 10:44 am

Faz sentido a versão SMT ser modernizado.
Nunca li q essa versão saisse de fabrica!

Um exemplo disso é o o PERU que comprou uns MIG-29 e os poucos esta modernizando.
Pelo q tenho conhecimento eles tem 3 SMT ( Exelente avião ) e o resto é uma mistureba danada, porem predomina os SM.

Quem ta fazendo a modenização é a alemã DAILMER BENZ !

Agora se a Argelia fosse sabida ela comprava Mig-29 OVT ( oficialmente chamado de Mig-35 )
Esse sim daria trabalho pra ir ao chão !!

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#41 Mensagem por talharim » Dom Fev 12, 2006 7:38 pm

Argélia,potência militar !!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted on 01/26/2006 9:01:34 PM PST by Tailgunner Joe

ALGIERS, January 26 -- Russia is set to sell $4 billion worth of arms to Algeria, in what would be its largest post-Soviet defense export deal.

"The work on the package of contracts for the delivery of a large part of Russian weapons to Algeria is practically complete, and they are likely to be signed in February," Interfax quoted an unnamed source in the defense industry.

The multibillion-dollar list of weapons includes 36 MiG-29SMT and 28 Su-30 fighter jets, eight divisions of S-300MPU2 Favorit air defense systems and a batch of T-90 battle tanks, the source said. Along with the four deals, Russia will sign a few more contracts for the upgrade of Soviet-made arms already in Algeria's possession, the source said.

The news was confirmed by an independent defense source, who said the package of contracts had already been ratified and was expected to be signed during President Vladimir Putin's visit to the North African country late next month or in March.

MiG, Irkut, which makes Sukhoi fighter jets, and the Almaz-Antei air defense concern refused to comment, as did Rosoboronexport, the state-owned arms selling agency.

The weapons will be paid for in a "complicated scheme involving striking off part of Algeria's Soviet debt," the source told Interfax, without specifying the period over which the arms would be delivered

In addition to the upcoming contracts, Algeria may buy up to 50 Yak-130 combat trainer planes and about 30 Tunguska-M1 air defense systems, the source said.

"If signed, it will be the largest arms deal for post-Soviet Russia; it will be grandiose," said Konstantin Makiyenko, deputy head of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, a Moscow-based defense think tank.

The last deal of similar magnitude was signed with India in 2000 for licensed production of 140 Su-30MKIs and was worth $3.3 billion, Makiyenko said.

For the last few years, Russia, the world's largest arms exporter after the United States, has been selling in excess of $5 billion worth of arms annually. The deal with Algeria is very timely as Russia's prime clients -- China and India -- are increasingly looking to diversify their arms suppliers and their markets are gradually becoming saturated, analysts said.

"Algeria was Russia's traditional arms client in Soviet times, but after the breakup it switched to Ukraine and Belarus mainly, buying Su-27s and MiG-29s. This contract will be Russia's triumphant return to North Africa," said Ruslan Pukhov, editor of Moscow Defense Brief magazine.

"In the coming years, Algeria will account for 20 percent of Russian's arms exports, while China and India will plummet from 70 percent to 50 percent," Pukhov said. - Moscotimes

hahahahaha,os caras compram 8 DIVISÕES DE S-300 como se estivessem comprando caneta na papelaria..........

Só nós brasileiros é que brincamos com a defesa do nosso país :?

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#42 Mensagem por Vinicius Pimenta » Dom Fev 12, 2006 8:26 pm

Será que não é a Algeria que está brincando com o bem estar do país? De repente eles precisam disso, de repente não.

Vinicius Pimenta

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#43 Mensagem por FinkenHeinle » Dom Fev 12, 2006 8:51 pm

Vinicius Pimenta escreveu:Será que não é a Algeria que está brincando com o bem estar do país? De repente eles precisam disso, de repente não.


Hehehe... Tudo bem, depois de ler um texto em Inglês, pode acontecer...

:wink: :P

André R. Finken Heinle

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#44 Mensagem por Degan » Dom Fev 12, 2006 9:03 pm

Um exemplo disso é o o PERU que comprou uns MIG-29 e os poucos esta modernizando.
Pelo q tenho conhecimento eles tem 3 SMT ( Exelente avião ) e o resto é uma mistureba danada, porem predomina os SM.

Una corrección, ningún Mig-29 peruano está modernizado y ninguno es un SMT.
Sucede que compraron originalmente 18 aviones Mig-29S básicos, usados de Bielorrusia (de los que se han perdido 3) y luego (para lograr apoyo del fabricante en el soporte) 3 Mig-20SE nuevos.

Respecto a la India....pues es realmente una locura su planificación.... :shock:
• Actualiza Mig-21 y 27
• Construye Su-30
• Actualiza Mig-29
• Desarrolla el TEJAS
• Quiere comprar 127 aviones de otra clase (F-16, F-18, Mig-30, M2k-9, etc)
• Tiene en servicio Mk2 y Jaguar
• Los nuevos Mig-29K se suman a los Harrier...

Saludos cordiales,

Chile, fértil provincia y señalada, de la región antártica famosa, que no ha sido por rey jamás regida, ni sus tierras y dominios sometida!!!.
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#45 Mensagem por talharim » Dom Fev 12, 2006 10:05 pm

Vinicius Pimenta escreveu:
Será que não é a Algeria que está brincando com o bem estar do país? De repente eles precisam disso, de repente não.

Chegará um dia em que o bem estar do nosso país dependerá da força das nossas FAs.

O que vale mais a pena ? Acabar com a fome de 50 milhões ou cuidar do bem estar de 180 milhões ?
