Russia to dispose of 17 nuclear submarines in 2006

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Russia to dispose of 17 nuclear submarines in 2006

#1 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Fev 07, 2006 12:22 pm

Russia & CIS Military Newswire

February 2, 2006 Thursday 3:15 PM MSK

HEADLINE: Russia to dispose of 17 nuclear submarines in 2006 (Part 2)


Russia is to dispose of 17 nuclear submarines brought out of operation in 2006, deputy head of the Russian Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom) Sergei Antipov told journalists on Thursday.

"We cannibalized 19 nuclear submarines in 2005 and we plan to cannibalized 17 this year. This is linked to the fact that submarines to be disposed of are at different backup stages," Antipov said.

According to him, the cannibalization process is progressing strictly as planned.

"This is a rigid technological process. All submarines intended to be cannibalized will be cannibalized by 2010," Antipov noted.

Foreign partners have promised financial aid totaling $1.42 billion for the disposal of nuclear submarines in the framework of the Global Partnership program, he went on.

"As of late September 2005, we signed contracts worth $354 million," he said.

According to Antipov, several foreign partners in the Global Partnership framework delay the transfer of promised funds, which may affect the rehabilitation pace of the Navy's former coastal technical bases, where spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste are stored.

He said that Russia undertook to allocate $600 million for the disposal of nuclear submarines in the Global Partnership framework. "As of late September 2005, Russia allocated $210 million, i.e. more than one third of the promised sum," he stressed.

Russia has made 250 nuclear submarines over the years. As many as 195 of them have been written off, and 130 of them scrapped.

The Global Partnership program was adopted at the summit of the G-8 (the U.S., Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Canada, Japan and Russia) in Canada's Kananaskis in June 2002. The G8 countries agreed to allocate up to $20 billion over 10 years for specific cooperation projects, primarily in Russia, aimed at settling issues of non- proliferation, disarmament, fight against terrorism, and nuclear security maintenance.

The U.S. undertook to provide half of the sum, and the other $10 billion were to be raised by other G8 countries and the states that joined the program later.

Thirteen nations, including Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, and the Netherlands joined the program in 2003-2004.

LOAD-DATE: February 3, 2006

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#2 Mensagem por Lauro Melo » Ter Fev 07, 2006 2:29 pm

"We cannibalized 19 nuclear submarines in 2005 and we plan to cannibalized 17 this year. This is linked to the fact that submarines to be disposed of are at different backup stages," Antipov said.

Nossa 19 + 17 = 36 Submarinos Nucleares desativados em 2 anos !

Talha bem que vc disse :cry: :cry: :cry:

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#3 Mensagem por Pantera » Ter Fev 07, 2006 3:42 pm

No tempo da guerra fria eles possuiam centenas de submarinos,muitos deles nucleares.

As forças armadas russas estão completamente obsoletos,talvez tirando os misseis balisticos,de resto aquilo anda tudo podre.A marinha não é excepção,depois dos acidentes com submarinos nucleares onde morreram pessoas.

De uma potencia mundial a um fracasso regional.

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#4 Mensagem por Slip Junior » Ter Fev 07, 2006 3:46 pm

Pantera escreveu:De uma potencia mundial a um fracasso regional.

Não chamaria disso, uma nação que alinha não menos que 6 centenas de caças e interceptadores relativamente modernos, mais de 3 centenas de aeronaves de ataque e quase 200 bombardeios com verdadeira capacidade estratégica.

Podem estar longe de ser a superpotência de antigamente, mas longe de ser algo que qualquer nação européia possa enfrentar sozinha. :wink:


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#5 Mensagem por talharim » Ter Fev 07, 2006 5:22 pm

Eu afirmo que este artigo está ERRADO !!!!!!!!! :?

Muito pelo contrário,os Russos estão reativando e modernizando subs nucleares parados.

Em 2017 os russos não devem ter menos de 30 subs nucleares.


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#6 Mensagem por Luís Henrique » Ter Fev 07, 2006 5:32 pm

As forças armadas russas estão completamente obsoletos,talvez tirando os misseis balisticos,de resto aquilo anda tudo podre.A marinha não é excepção,depois dos acidentes com submarinos nucleares onde morreram pessoas.

De uma potencia mundial a um fracasso regional.

Quem me dera se o Brasil tivesse metade da tecnologia deles e metade dos meios disponíveis.

Meu amigo, não existe nenhum país no mundo capaz de sobrepujar as capacidades militares da Rússia além dos EUA, e mesmo este encontraria dificuldades EXTREMAS. :twisted:

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#7 Mensagem por Lauro Melo » Ter Fev 07, 2006 5:45 pm

talharim escreveu:Eu afirmo que este artigo está ERRADO !!!!!!!!! :?
Muito pelo contrário,os Russos estão reativando e modernizando subs nucleares parados.
Em 2017 os russos não devem ter menos de 30 subs nucleares.

É Talha notícia ruim só é verdade quando é com o Brasil.
Russia & CIS Military Newswire
February 2, 2006 Thursday 3:15 PM MSK
HEADLINE: Russia to dispose of 17 nuclear submarines in 2006 (Part 2)

Bom Talha,
Como foi dito pelos colegas acima a Rússia ainda é uma potencia militar.
E deve ser respeitada.
O Slip colocou 1100 caças e bombardeiros, mas duvido que todos estejam operacionais.
Assim como já li que menos de 15 % dos 10.000 MBT estão operacionais, atualmente ( noticia de 2004 ).
Mesmo assim a Rússia continua sendo uma potencia, mas agora acompanhada de perto pela CHINA.
E mesmo depois de tantas desativações na Marinha, Exército e Aeronáutica continua a ser o único país a enfrentar os EUA em uma quase "igualdade".

Talha outra só que antiga.

Russia's navy faces huge cutbacksMuch of the fleet is now unseaworthy
The Russian navy is to scrap one-fifth of its fleet because of a chronic shortage of funds.
Under the proposals, dozens of ships will be decommissioned to free up money to use on the navy's best vessels.

"Os guerreiros não caem se ajoelham e levantam ainda mais fortes."
TOG: 22 anos de garra, determinação e respeito.
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#8 Mensagem por Luís Henrique » Ter Fev 07, 2006 6:41 pm

A Rússia está desativando velharias para ter uma força menor e mais moderna. Isto não quer dizer que está ruim. Mais de 200 subs nucleares é um absurdo.

25 mil MBT é um absurdo. Eles passaram a ter em menor quantidade mas tudo no estado da arte.

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#9 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Fev 08, 2006 9:18 am

Concordo com o Luis Henrique,

Para que serviriam aqueles "Romeo" dos anos 60, e outras velharias semelhantes.

Não sei se ainda está algum TYPHOON operacional, penso que até á pouco tempo existiam 2 ou 3 ainda.

Já agora, há uns tempos deu uma reportagem a bordo de um Typhoon, num canal temático, e aquele bicho até piscina e sauna tem!!!! :shock: :shock:

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#10 Mensagem por Rui Elias Maltez » Qua Fev 08, 2006 12:40 pm

Pode acontecer que num horizonte de 20 anos a Rússia possa reformar as suas forças armadas, os seus sistemas terrestes, navais e aéreos para poder ser novamente uma potencia qualitavamente importante e de peso na cena internacional.

E esse peso será útil para poder haver maior equilibrio mundial.

Para já, o que lhe vai valendo é o potencial nucelar, que evita que seja uma mera potencia regional.

Os seus muitos navios de nada valem perante a qualidade de ponta das modernas embarcações ocidentais, e principalmente da capacidade de projecção que o ocidente tem relativamente à Rússia.

Ficam bem na fotografia, parecem soberbos, mas só para teatros mais próprios dos anos 70 e 80.

Não para o século XXI.

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#11 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Fev 08, 2006 1:51 pm

em relação aos TYPHOON:

The Dmitriy Donskoy (TK 208) was relaunched in mid-October 2002 from the Sevmashpredpriyatiye shipyard in Severodvinsk after a decade in refit. The first of this class, Dmitriy Donskoy may be the only one to remain in service. It was brought back into operation in 2003 as a test bed for the new Bulava missile. It is, unclear when, if ever, it would be operationally deployed with the new missile, which is in a very early stages of development. In July 2003 it was reported that the nuclear reactors of Dmitriy Donskoy had been loaded in Severodvinsk. Sevmash was going on with repairing and upgrading the Dmitriy Donskoy. According to the company’s PR department, the nuclear fuel was loaded successfully. According to the specialist in charge, Evgeny Slobodyan. this operation had not been done by the shipyard for over ten years.

In November 2003 it was reported that Sevmash had completed the preparations for docking the 712 Typhoon sub. The 712 sub was said to have replaced the 711 sub Dmitry Donskoi, which is left the dock for sailing tests. In January 2004 Sevmash started dismantling the series 941 Akula sub K-712, financed by the US under the Cooperative Threat Reduction program.

As of early 2004 Arhangelsk was said to have many technical problems and no missiles. Dmitry Donskoi remained "under repair" since 1991. In July, 2002 it was reported that the sub was put into operation, but in fact it was still waiting for new missiles in the slipway. TK-12 was decommissioned in 1996, however, as of 2004 it was still berthed near Zapadnaya Litsa. Nonetheless, in 2001 TK-12 got new name, Simbirsk, and a sponsor, the city of Ulyanovsk. By 2004 the three remaining project 941 (Akula) subs assigned to the 19th division of the Northern Fleet were still armed with the D-19 missiles. By 2004 almost all these missiles had been utilized by launching. One sub [Severstal] still had 10 missiles, half the full load, but in the near future they will be launched and destroyed. This type of missiles is not in the production any more.

On 17 February 2004 President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation embarked on the Arkhangelsk SSBN. This was Putin's second voyage aboard a submarine. In April 2000 the then president-elect Vladimir Putin took part in the North fleet's Barents Sea exercise. The Arkhangelsk was repaired at the Sev-Mash-Predpriyatiye ship-yard during 2002, with the North fleet subsequently receiving her. The submarine was placed in a dock, with ship-yard workers upgrading her systems and equipment, with repairs lasting for 12 months.

On 24 May 2004 it was reported that Adm. Gennady Suchkov, the head of the Northern Fleet, said that navy chief Adm. Vladimir Kuroyedov had ordered the navy to decommission the remaining three Typhoon-class submarines. He said that his requests for for modernizing the missiles had been rejected, and that the Severstal carried only 10 missiles, while the other two are unarmed. Putin suspended Suchkov after the August 2003 sinking of a decommissioned nuclear submarine. A military court convicted him in early May 2004 for negligence in the deaths of nine of the submarine's 10 crew and gave him a four-year suspended prison sentence.

O Global security reporta 1 Typhoon activo em 2005 (Arkhangelsk ? Dmitriy Donskoy ? )

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#12 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Fev 08, 2006 1:55 pm

Project 210 Losharik

The first Project 210 submarine was launched at the Severodvinsk shipyad in the Barents Sea in August 2003. The project was treated with the greatest possible secrecy, and even many shipyard officials were denied access to the launch ceremony. It is nicknamed `Losharik` for its spherical shape, resembling a popular Russian cartoon film character.

It is a top-secret project and few details are available. Some reports claim it is nuclear powered, while other reports are silent on this subject. It reportedly can dive to a depth of over 6,000 meters, and is said to be the most silent and hard-to-detect submarine in the Russian Navy. The new submarine is designed for special operations, scientific research and can also rescue crews of other submarines at great depths.

Work on Project 210 began before the break-up of the Soviet Union. Losharik was laid down in 1988, but was later halted for lack of funding. There was an attempt to attract the US investments to finish the sub, however the Americans refused. Work on the project resumed after President Vladimir Putin came to power in 2000. He assigned high priority to the task of reviving the Russian submarine fleet. The design and the construction supervision came from the KB Malahit. ... ia/210.htm

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#13 Mensagem por faterra » Sex Mar 03, 2006 8:51 am

New generation submarines to be armed with Bulava missiles


MOSCOW, March 1 (RIA Novosti) - New generation submarines will be armed with Bulava missiles, a submarine-launched version of the country's most advanced ballistic missile, the deputy commander of the Russian navy said Wednesday.

"We have started the final stage of building the promising nuclear missile system, which will include the new Bulava naval strategic missile complex," Admiral Mikhail Zakharenko said. "Fourth generation submarines will be armed with this complex."

Last year Russia conducted successful launch tests of the Bulava, which is adapted from the Topol-M (SS-27). The first in-flight test launch was conducted September 27, 2005 from the Dmitry Donskoi, a Typhoon class ballistic missile submarine. On December 21, 2005 another Bulava was launched from the Dmitry Donskoi in the White Sea before traveling thousands of miles to hit a dummy target on the Kura test site on the Kamchatka Peninsula. It was the first time a Bulava had been launched from a submerged position.

Russia's Borey-class nuclear submarines will be equipped with Bulava missiles. Two submarines are being built at the Sevmash plant in the Arkhangelsk Region. The first submarine, the Yury Dolgoruky, will be commissioned in 2006 and the second, the Alexander Nevsky, in 2007.



Um abraço!
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#14 Mensagem por Rui Elias Maltez » Sex Mar 03, 2006 9:02 am

Russia's Borey-class nuclear submarines will be equipped with Bulava missiles. Two submarines are being built at the Sevmash plant in the Arkhangelsk Region. The first submarine, the Yury Dolgoruky, will be commissioned in 2006 and the second, the Alexander Nevsky, in 2007.

Essa já é uma boa notícia.

E cada um desses mísseis a serem disparados a partir desse novo submarino poderão transportar quantas ogivas nucleares?

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#15 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sex Mar 03, 2006 10:01 am

Eu tb vi esse programa sobre o sub Typhon e posso dizer que não fiquei lá muito impressionado. Havia falta de pessoal, especialmente de pessoal qualificado. Para manter o sub a funcionar eles contavam com um patrocinio de uma companhia de vodka, etc. É uma boa máquina, mas eles têm que fazer um grande esforço para melhorar a situação. Ouvi falar que a Russia vai começar agora um programa de cooperação militar com Portugal, vamos ver como é que corre.
