... nion_PollsOpinion Polls
January 2, 2010 was the beginning of the 15 day media blackout on reporting of election polls before the January 17 first round election. [136]
A poll released December 15, 2009 by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems has indicated that Viktor Yanukovych (31%)as the most likely to win the Presidential election in a contest with Yulia Tymmosheko (19%).[137] All other candidates were below 5% with Victor Yushchenko on 3.5% with a negativity rating of 83%. The survey also indicated that Ukrainians are pessimistic about the socio-political situation in the country. Seventy-four percent believe Ukraine is on a path toward instability and more than nine in ten Ukrainians are dissatisfied with the economic (96%) and political situation (92%) in the country.
According to other recent opinion polls, the Party of Regions candidate Viktor Yanukovych (25.0% to 33.3%) was placed first among viable presidential candidates, with Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (15.5% to 18.4%) coming in second, and Front for Change candidate Arseniy Yatsenyuk (6.7% to 14.5%) in third place. Incumbent President, Viktor Yushchenko (2.0% to 3.8%) following his decline in popularity with the Ukrainian public comes in at a distant sixth place behind leader of the Communist Party Petro Symonenko (3.4% to 4.5%) and Parliamentary speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn (1.4% to 5.8%).[138][139]
Publication Date December 17 , 2009
Source: Research & Branding Group[140]
Poll Date December 5 to 13, 2009
Candidate Party 1st choice Run-off Ballot
Viktor Yanukovych PoR 33.3% 46.7%
Yulia Tymoshenko BYuT 16.6% 30.0%
Sergiy Tigipko LPU 7.4%
Arseniy Yatsenyuk Y-Front 6.7%
Volodymyr Lytvyn LPB 4.1%
Viktor Yushchenko OU 3.8%
Petro Symonenko CPU 3.4%
Others 3.2%
Against all 9.0% 13.2%
Not going to vote 3.5% 3.6%
Undecided 9.0% 6.5%
sum 100.0% 100%

Viktor Yanukovych