European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

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European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#1 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Out 21, 2020 6:57 am

Coordinator Imagem

Project Members Imagem Imagem Imagem Imagem

The objective is to design and develop a prototype for a new class of military ship, named “European Patrol Corvette” (EPC), which allows to host several systems and payloads, in order to accomplish, with a modular and flexible approach, a large number of tasks and missions.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#2 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Out 21, 2020 7:00 am


The PeSCo’s European Patrol Corvette (EPC) programme gains momentum
19/10/2020 EPC, Euronaval 2020, European Patrol Corvette, France, Greece, Italy, PESCO, Portugal, Spain
By Luca Peruzzi

Under the European Union’s Permanent Structured Cooperation (PeSCO) framework, the European Patrol Corvette (EPC) programme is advancing, and is enlarging the number of EU member states participation. Italy is the programme coordinating country of the EPC programme, which sees also the participation of France, Greece and Spain as Participant Member States (PMS). During the Defence iQ (a division of IQPC) OPV International 2020 virtual conference, speaking about the PPA (Pattugliatori Polivalenti d’Altura) multirole patrol (combatant) vessels as well as the EPC programme, Italian Navy General Staff representatives highlighted the recent joining of Portugal into the latter programme as observer nation.

Since the letter of intent signature between Italy and France in June 2019, the programme approval within the 3rd wave of PeSCo projects came in November 2019. The European Patrol Corvette programme objective is to design and develop a new family of military (NATO War Limited Ship) vessels, based on a mono-hull concept with different versions including dimensions and propulsion systems, capable to host several systems and payloads, in order to accomplish, with a modular and flexible approach, a large number of tasks and missions, from combat to presence and surveillance.

After the kickoff meeting in May 2020, with the participation of representatives of all the participant member states and of the European Defence Agency (EDA), activities are underway aimed at formalizing the designation of the EDA as the institutional framework for common requirements definition and harmonization. According to the presentation, the EPC is expected to be developed in, at least, three main versions, including a patrol version aimed to meet Italian and Spanish requirements, a long range version for France and a higher speed and probably more combat capable version for Greece. The family is being envisaged as a flexible and modular design to be customized in terms of platform and combat systems.

While the final requirements will be established thanks to the common definition and harmonization phase, to be headed by the European Defence Agency (EDA), the patrol version is emerging capable to satisfy the almost similar needs of Italian and Spanish Navies. The first has to replace the fleet of combatant and patrol OPVs of the Comandanti, Costellazioni I and II classes, while the second is to substitute at least four Serviola-class and two Infanta Elena-class OPVs. The version is expected to be optimized for ASuW/AAW (Self-Defence) missions, with provisions for limited ASW capabilities. The propulsion system is to have a CODLAD (Combined DieseL And Diesel) configuration ensuring a 24 knots maximum speed. France is however looking to replace the six Floreal-class light frigates with a Long-Range (LR) version ensuring long endurance (from 8,000 to 10,000 at 14 knots) to operate abroad for long periods. The platform is also to have a flexible propulsion plant (envisaged as CODLAD). The Greek Navy is looking for a higher speed version which is expected to feature a CODAD (COmbined Diesel And Diesel) propulsion configuration ensuring a maximum speed of 28 knots. The three navies versions will be different and customized according to the respective needs, emerged during the Defence iQ OPV International 2020 virtual conference. The Italian Navy is planning an 8-ships class with in-service date from 2027, while the French Navy is working on a 6-ships requirement and in-service date from 2030 to 2034. The Spanish Navy representative in his presentation about the service’s operational use and plans for OPVs, indicated a need for an unspecified number of OPVs to be replaced by 2023 onwards, which has been specified at an early stage in at least six ageing vessels.

On the industrial side, according to sector sources, the Naviris joint venture (between Naval Group and Fincantieri) and Navantia are working towards a soon-to-be signed joint effort to prepare common proposals for the 2021 funding calls of the European Defence Fund (EDF), in parallel to the programme development and contract award. The programme is also expected to provide a push also for the European’s combat and platform systems suppliers as in addition to current and future EU potential customers, the new platform versions family is being envisaged as to include a variant to be offered on the export market.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#3 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Out 21, 2020 7:00 am


Early Italy’s EPC design concept revelead
19/10/2020 EPC, Euronaval 2020, European Patrol Corvette, Italy, PESCO
By Luca Peruzzi

Under the Italian Navy’s strategic guidelines 2019-2034 document, the service has indicated a requirement for the replacement of the current fleet of four armed patrol and six multipurpose (four Cassiopea-class and two Sirio-class) OPVs with eight new platforms under the so-called PPX programme. To satisfy this and French Navy requirements the two services joined forces under the PESCO’s European Patrol Corvette (EPC) programme. Thanks to internal studies in which operational requirements and technical solution grow together, the Italian Navy developed a single design concept with different versions, which early iteration (before joining the EPC requirements harmonization phase) was presented by Italian Navy General Staff representatives during the IQPC OPV International 2020 online conference.

According to the presentation, the early design concept resembles an heavy armed corvette with a CODLAD configured propulsion and internal layout characterized by a modular area amidship, forward of the hangar structure. With a displacement of about 3,000 tons, a length and beam of respectively 107 and 14.4 meters, the design presents a hull and superstructures outlines with shark head-resembling bow covered area and superstructures with a single main mast (and secondary small communications mast), fixed fins amidship and twin shafts with variable pitch propellers and conventional rudders. According to Italian Navy representatives, the propulsion package is based on a CODLAD (COmbined Diesel eLectric And Diesel) configuration with two 8 MW each diesel engines and two electric motors, the latter for long-endurance low speed patrolling operations, in addition to an undisclosed number of gensets for electrical power.

The maximum speed is set at 24 knots while on electric motors it reaches 11 knots, and the endurance is indicated in 4,000 nm at 14 knots. The ship features a stern flight deck and hangar to host a 10 tonnes NFH90 type helicopter and unmanned air vehicles. With accommodations for 115 persons with 85-90 crew elements, based on the missions required to be accomplished, including presence and surveillance, maritime interdiction operation, air and coastal defence, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, the early PPX design features a modular area forward of the hangar structure capable to accommodate 20’ standard containers which can be embarked on the flight deck and reach the modular bay through the hangar, according to the early design concept. A launch and recovery station for an organic 9 meters RHIB is positioned at the stern under the flight deck together with accommodations for a torpedo detection system, in addition to two 7.3 meters RHIBs stations amidship on the side of the modular bay.

According to the images and information provided during the presentation, the combat system is expected to be based on the same CMS, sensors and weapon systems from Leonardo, MBDA and Elettronica, already under acquisition and installation on new ships for the Italian Navy, including the PPA, LHD and LSS. The platform management system is expected to be based on the same Fincantieri’s Seastema SeasNavy suite, already used on the latter vessels. A variant of the common SADOC 4 CMS will manage a suite of sensors centered on Leonardo’s Kronos Grand Naval 3D radar with IFF in addition to an air/surface surveillance radar and Leonardo SASS IRST together with a NA-30S Mk2 dual-band radar/EO-IR fire control system for the main gun alongside Leonardo Medusa Mk 4 FCS for smaller guns. The Leonardo underwater suite will include an obstacle alert sonar and a torpedo defence system. The RESM/CESM/RECM is expected to be a variant of the Elettronica integrate suite developed within the Legge Navale’s fleet renewal programme, in addition to a communication suite including software defined radios and tactical data link.

The weapon package is to include up to two 8-cell A50 VLS for surface-to-air missiles for which, although not discussed during the presentation, EDR Online understood, a potential future candidate is the MBDA CAMM ER system, a Leonardo 76/62 Super Rapido main gun and two 25/80 mm remotely controlled guns, two Leonardo’s DLS 20 launchers for both AAW and torpedo decoys, non-lethal weapons, machine guns and provisions for two twin launchers for Teseo antiship missiles in addition to the NFH90 helicopter equipped with light-weight torpedoes.

The opening computer generated image is notional, and was provided by the Italian Navy during the IQPC conference. It does not represent the final EPC configuration, as this will be available only following the convergence of the various nations requirements.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#4 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Out 21, 2020 7:01 am


The French Navy Long-Range version
19/10/2020 EPC, Euronaval 2020, European Patrol Corvette, France, PESCO
By Luca Peruzzi

The French Marine Nationale is involved in a comprehensive and robust plan to renew its fleet of combatant patrol vessels, which is to be completed with the EPC (European Patrol Corvette) procurement programme. In addition to the Patrouilleur d’Outre Mer (POM or Overseas Patrol Vessel) and the Patrouilleurs Océanique (PO) programmes, which replace respectively the P400-class patrol boats and the A69 type PHM (formely Aviso/light frigates )/Patrouilleurs de Service Public (PSP) or Flamant-class (OPV 54 class), with six circa 1,300 tonnes and 10 around 2,000 tonnes different platforms, the Marine Nationale joined the Italian Navy in the EPC programme to replace the six Floreal-class light frigates based overseas with the same number of new platforms. These will enter service between 2030 and 2034, as announced by the head officer of French Navy’s Protection and Safeguarding Office, Future Naval programmes, at the recent IQPC’s OPV International 2020 conference.

As anticipated in the joint EPC programme introduction article the Marine Nationale is interested and is refining the Long-Range version design of the common EPC model to increase the autonomy from 8,000 (of the basic patrol design) to 10,000 nm in order to autonomously conduct long oceanic deployment. With a length of around 100 meters and a flight deck and hangar suitable for a medium size helicopter in addition to unmanned air vehicles, to accomplish the requested missions in distance theater of operations and in autonomy the French Navy’s representative has identified four main capability areas. The first regards the ability to withstand long-term solo deployments thanks to a flexible propulsion plant with a CODLAD (COmbined Diesel eLectric And Diesel) configuration and simple system architecture together with self-sustaining capability.

The new platform will be able to perform ISR tasks and to be interoperable with allied Navies thanks to an information management capability provided by a combat management system (CMS) and a communication suite with SATCOM and tactical data links in addition to the use of airborne assets as remote sensors. The new platform will embark, operate and sustain the naval version of the new joint armed forces’ 7 tonnes Airbus H160M Guepard helicopter, currently under development, as well as rotary- and fixed-wing unmanned air vehicles: the SDAM (Système de Drones Aériens de la Marine) rotary-wing based platform with a 10 hours endurance at 100 nm and a 100 kg payload based on the VSR 700 (Guimbal Cabri G2 platform customized according to naval requirements) by Naval Group and Airbus Helicopters and the SMDM (Système de MiniDrone Marine) a 20 kg with sensors aircraft with a 5 hours endurance at 50 nm and a suite based on the Aliaca UAV from SurveyCopter.

The French EPC will have self-defence capabilities, being able to face high-level asymmetrical threats thanks to a new self-defence weapon system, associated with an integrated asymmetric command and control system. The new self-defence weapon system has been identified for the first time by the French Navy’s representative as the Thales/Nexter RapidFire T40AA gun system. Although the French Navy’s representative hasn’t elaborated, EDR Online understood the weapon system has been selected under a procurement programme for a new self-defence weapon system which is to expected to arm different classes of vessels including the BRF (batiments ravitailleur del forces), PO and EPC platforms.

The opening computer generated image is notional, and was provided by the Italian Navy during the IQPC conference. It does not represent the final EPC configuration, as this will be available only following the convergence of the various nations requirements.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#5 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Out 21, 2020 7:02 am


The Spanish Navy vision for future OPVs based on the EPC design
19/10/2020 EPC, Euronaval 2020, European Patrol Corvette, PESCO, Spain
By Luca Peruzzi

The Spanish Navy is looking to a new generation of more capable OPVs to operate in more demanding operational scenarios, through the participation of the national industry to the PESCO European Patrol Corvette (EPC) programme. The Spanish Navy operates a fleet of OPVs consisting of six modern Meteoro-class platforms as well as a number of ageing vessels which need to be replaced, explained the head of the Canarian Islands Command, which operates four of the Meteoro-class OPVs, during the recent IQPC’s OPV International 2020 conference. Developed and built by Navantia to satisfy the Spanish Navy requirements, the fleet of six Buque de Acción Marítima (BAM) or Maritime Action Vessel, as the Meteoro-class OPV are identified by the service, entered into line between 2011 and 2019.

In addition to elaborate the multipurpose and fully interoperable capabilities of this platform, which were demonstrated in a range of operations, in national, near and distant waters, the Spanish Navy’s representative gave also an hint on the future OPV-type platforms. The service has plans to replace in the near future at least four Serviola-class and two Infanta Elena-class OPVs since they are getting respectively into the 30 and 40 years of service. The Spanish Navy has already launched the conceptual development phase in close cooperation with the national industry to find a future solution that, using the BAM design as a starting point, is able to meet future operational requirements. In the medium-term however, in order to meet the Alliance Collective Defence needs, the Spanish Navy is also to develop a naval warship limited capabilities platform that, according to NATO standard, are fitted with more survivability and combat features than the current BAM.

In this context, Spain decided to join the PESCO’s European Patrol Corvette programme last April. EDR On-Line understood that the joining of efforts between Navantia and the recently launched Naviris joint-venture between Fincantieri and Naval Group is deem as paramount for the Spanish Navy, as the latter is ready to start the transition to a new generation of more capable OPVs able to operate in more demanding situations. The Spanish Navy vision will shift from a maritime action vessel, which is the Buque de Acción Marítima (BAM), to a maritime protection platform, the Buque de Protección Marítima” (BPM). The rationale for this evolution is that despite her core missions will remain the maritime security operations in low intensity scenarios, the Buque de Protección Marítima” (BPM) will be able to join national or multinational task groups operating in high intensity scenarios, which means survivability must be assured against above water threats, said the Spanish Navy’s representative. The BPM will need to be able to accomplish more demanding tasks such as limited high value unit (HVU) escort (not including ASW), the contribution to extended self defence AAW, the protection of an MCM task group operating close to the shore, the participation to or the command of surface attack groups (SAG), the support of amphibious and forward deployed task forces and the launch and recovery of Special Operations Forces (SOF).

Although the Spanish Navy programme is still in an embryonic stage, the service requirements are expected not to differ much from those of the French and Italian design. The platform will incorporate latest technologies and a robust combat system to cope with the latest threats, and thanks to the close and long relationship with the Spanish industry will benefit from other ongoing programmes in the Spanish Navy, especially the future F110 frigate which incorporates all new logistics concepts, including Shipyard 4.0, digital twins, Ship 0, big data and artificial intelligence.

The opening computer generated image is notional, and was provided by the Italian Navy during the IQPC conference. It does not represent the final EPC configuration, as this will be available only following the convergence of the various nations requirements. ... epc-design

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#6 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Out 21, 2020 7:19 am

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#7 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Out 21, 2020 8:17 am


Vessel size, high performance, transport and support capability are optimized to play different roles such as: escort, support, relief, interdiction and patrol operations.

Such ships are highly handy, have excellent nautical qualities and seaworthiness, long range and are able to operate in open seas missions and to manage protracted helo operations. The vessels are built following stealth principles and are able to accommodate different Combat System versions.


Length overall - 107.00 m

Length between perpendiculars - 99.80 m

Beam - 14.40 m

Depth - 8.60 m

Design displacement - 2,800 - 3,000 t

Speed (max/range) - 28/15 kn

Range - 3,500 nm

Endurance - 21 days

Crew - 95- 110 people

Flight deck for NH90 type helicopters


1 Combat Management System

1 3D Surveillance Radar + IFF + Transponder

2 Navigation Radars (X+S Band)

1 AAW Decoy System

1 Radar/EO Fire Control System

2 EO Fire Control Systems

1 InfraRed Search and Track (IRST)


2 Secondary Caliber Guns

1 Main Caliber Gun

1 SAM Vertical Launching System

1 SSM (4 x 2)


1 Anti Torpedo Defence System

1 Mine Avoidance Sonar

1 Integrated Int/Ext Communication System including SATCOM and Tactical Links

1 Navigation System + Sensors ... -corvette/

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#8 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Out 21, 2020 8:23 am


The vessel is designed consistent with the RINAMIL rules. She is a flexible type of ship capable of fulfilling a range of tasks, from surveillance with sea rescue capabilities to being a fighting vessel.
Furthermore, the corvette will be capable of operating high-speed boats such as RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) through lateral cranes or a hauling ramp located at the far stern. The flight deck and hangar is sized for hosting one NH90 helicopter.



Length overall - 107.0 m

Length between perpendiculars - 99.6 m

Beam - 14.7 m

Depth - 8.6 m

Full Load Displacement - abt. 3 250 t

Range (at cruising speed) - above 3 500 nm

Endurance - 21 days

Crew - 98+14 persons

Propulsion system - 4xPDE + 2xRG + 2xFCPP

Generating sets - 4 x DGS

Flight deck for NH90

Hangar for NH90

Maximum continuous speed - 28 knots

Cruising speed - 15 knots

16 Aster 30 Block 1 surface-to-air missiles by MBDA,
8 Exocet MM40 Block 3 anti-ship missiles by MBDA,
a 76mm main gun and 2 Marlins remote weapons stations by Leonardo,
torpedo tubes
a RAM launcher (21 missiles) by Raytheon
4 Sylena Mk2 decoy launchers by Lacroix

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#9 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Qua Out 21, 2020 11:09 am

Uma ótima iniciativa e que tem qualidades para suprir necessidades da MB sem maiores problemas. Inclusive na questão custo, já que há pelo menos uma dezena de navios encomendados com segurança.


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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#10 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Out 21, 2020 11:31 am

FCarvalho escreveu: Qua Out 21, 2020 11:09 am Uma ótima iniciativa e que tem qualidades para suprir necessidades da MB sem maiores problemas. Inclusive na questão custo, já que há pelo menos uma dezena de navios encomendados com segurança.

Vocês já estão servidos a esse nível, agora basta o governo mandar fazer mais Fragatas e o vosso projeto de NPO.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#11 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Qua Out 21, 2020 12:02 pm

cabeça de martelo escreveu: Qua Out 21, 2020 11:31 am
FCarvalho escreveu: Qua Out 21, 2020 11:09 am Uma ótima iniciativa e que tem qualidades para suprir necessidades da MB sem maiores problemas. Inclusive na questão custo, já que há pelo menos uma dezena de navios encomendados com segurança.
Vocês já estão servidos a esse nível, agora basta o governo mandar fazer mais Fragatas e o vosso projeto de NPO.
As Meko 100 foram esticadas ao máximo pela TKMS para poder fazer as vezes de Fragata, mas o projeto nunca se prestou a isso. Teria que ser a Meko 200, que não foi oferecida. O máximo que se consegui com elas para ficar dentro do orçamento foi chegar perto das Niterói, com o óbvio diferencial de serem novíssimas.

Já aqui não temos ainda o NaPaOc, dado que o projeto do CPN de 2000 ton não consta estar pronto. Então, temos este espaço para o projeto europeu no que diz respeito ao este hiato da patrulha oceânica que a MB deve lançar ano que vem.

Ademais, como tenho defendido aqui, prefiro uma marinha formada a base de NaPaOc, corvetas e fragatas leves mas todos operacionais e com recursos suficientes par tanto o ano inteiro, do que uma com uns pouco navios de grande monta mas que não saem do porto. Já vimos esse filme antes. Penso que a MB tenha aprendido a lição.

Sem navios capitais que tenhamos que fazer a escolta, não se justifica neste momento, querer navios de 6 mil ou mais toneladas na MB. É preciso focar no necessário, que é termos uma esquadra de verdade para chamar de nossa. O contrário disso é o caminho pelo qual estamos seguindo que é a total insolvência da marinha por falta de recursos e má gestão dos meios.


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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#12 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Nov 21, 2020 8:27 am

Triste sina ter nascido português 👎
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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#13 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sáb Nov 21, 2020 9:22 am

Era só trocar os Aster 30 pelos ESSM Block 2 e estava feito. Esta versão dava para substituir as 5 que temos atualmente e sem qualquer tipo de perda de capacidade operacional.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#14 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Nov 23, 2020 4:11 am

Tendo em conta que a nossa capacidade operacional ronda o zero....

Triste sina ter nascido português 👎
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Re: European Patrol Corvette” (EPC)

#15 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qui Dez 10, 2020 11:52 am


Representatives of NAVIRIS (the 50/50 joint venture between Naval Group and Fincantieri) and Navantia outlined the details of the European Patrol Corvette (EPC) programme at Euronaval 2020. During a roundtable chaired by Jean-Marie Dumon (GICAN), Domenico Rocco, NAVIRIS’ sales manager, and Yann Floch, head of the engineering department, recalled that France and Italy agreed on the programme in 2019, and that Greece and Spain followed this year.

Should the number of participants remain unchanged, operational requirements from the Italian, French, and Spanish Navies will likely be defined by the end of the year, thus allowing for the completion of first prototypes in 2027. Meanwhile, Naviris and Navantia made a preliminary hypothesis on how the EPC could look, in order to better identify which are the most innovative aspects of the project, “according to the expectations of the European community”, as Mr Rocco said. These will be presented in November as part of the bid for European Defence Fund (EDF), which could cover up to 10 per cent of the total programme costs, thus likely sustaining early/common activities. Once EDF rules and constraints are better clarified, companies could bid for additional funding.

Pictures and technical figures used for the workshop resemble existing vessels with similar displacements (2800 to 3000 tonnes), especially Fincantieri’s corvettes delivered to Qatar earlier this year. At this stage it is difficult to envisage cutting-edge features deserving specific EU funding. In all likelihood, requirements will find a way of introducing elements that will please Brussels in exchange of EU funds.

Giulia Tilenni

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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