O melhor carro de combate do mundo

Assuntos em discussão: Exército Brasileiro e exércitos estrangeiros, armamentos, equipamentos de exércitos em geral.

Moderadores: J.Ricardo, Conselho de Moderação

Qual o melhor carro de combate do mundo?

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Super Flanker
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Registrado em: Sáb Mai 03, 2003 2:23 pm
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O melhor carro de combate do mundo

#1 Mensagem por Super Flanker » Dom Set 21, 2003 1:53 pm

Qual carro de combate vocês acham melhor?


"A compaixão pelos animais está intimamente ligada à bondade de caráter, e quem é cruel com os animais, não pode ser um bom homem." Schopenhauer
Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#2 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Dom Set 21, 2003 2:10 pm

Faltaram 2 excelentes CC, M1A2 e o Leopard 2A6 e o Leclerc que eu sei que tem uma puta tecnologia mais num sei quão bom ele é ... qual Merkava é o 4 ?? e o Challenger eh o II neh ???

Eu particularmente acho o Leopard 2A6 mto bom...

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Super Flanker
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#3 Mensagem por Super Flanker » Dom Set 21, 2003 2:13 pm

São os mais recentes modelos de cada um...os mais modernos...entendeu?


"A compaixão pelos animais está intimamente ligada à bondade de caráter, e quem é cruel com os animais, não pode ser um bom homem." Schopenhauer
Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#4 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Dom Set 21, 2003 2:17 pm

Pra quem não conhece o Leclerc:


The Leclerc Main Battle Tank built by Giat Industries is operational with the French Army and the Armed Forces of Abu Dhabi of the United Arab Emirates. The Leclerc was first operational with the French Army in 1992 and with UAE in 1995. Leclerc Mk 2 tanks with improved software and engine control system entered production in 1998. The French Army has nearly 300 Leclerc MBTs in service and in September 2001 ordered the final tranche of 52, concluding a total order of 406 (plus 20 armoured recovery vehicles). Deliveries are expected to be completed by 2005. 390 tanks and 46 armoured recovery vehicles have been ordered by UAE. Deliveries will conclude by the end of 2003.

The Leclerc is fitted with the FINDERS (Fast Information, Navigation, Decision and Reporting System) battlefield management system, developed by Giat. FINDERS includes a colour map display which shows the positions of the host tank, allied and hostile forces and designated targets and can be used for route and mission planning.

The French Army has selected Giat to equip its Leclerc main battle tanks with a Terminal Information System (TIS) called Icone (Ergonomic Communications and Navigation Interface). The initial phase of the contract covers the equipment of more than 100 Leclerc tanks, with entry into service to start in 2003. The TIS has been developed together with EADS Defense Electronics Systems. It permits the exchange of digitised data including tactical situation and the graphic orders displayed on a background map, between the vehicle and higher level command.

The 120mm 52 calibre smoothbore gun is fitted with a thermal sleeve and muzzle reference system. Fumes are exhausted with a compressed air unit. The gun, which fires APFSD (Armour Piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot) and HEAT (High Explosive Anti Tank) rounds, has a firing rate of 12 rounds/minute. The aiming system is entirely electrical for improved acceleration.

The tank has an automatic loading system, which allows cross-country fire-on-the-move against mobile targets. 22 rounds of ready-to-use ammunition are carried. The tank is also armed with a 12.7mm machine gun co-axial with the main gun and a roof-mounted 7.62mm anti-aircraft gun.

The digital fire control system allows the gunner or commander to select six different targets to be engaged in just over 30 seconds. The system's digital computer allows realtime treatment of data from the tank's sensors and sights.

The commander has eight periscopes and an HL-70 stabilised panoramic sight from SFIM Industries, now part of SAGEM. HL-70 includes laser rangefinder, day channel, and second generation image intensifier. Recognition range is 4km and identification range is 2.5km. The commander has a display showing the gunner's thermal sight.

The gunner's station is equipped with gunner's main sight, three periscopes and a visual display unit. The gunner's stabilised sight is SAVAN 20 from SAGEM, which contains a three field of view thermal imager.

The driver's has three periscopes, the centre periscope being the OB-60 driver's sight developed by Thales Optrosys (formerly Thomson-CSF), which has day and night channels.

Leclerc is fitted with Galix combat vehicle protection system, developed by GIAT and Lacroix Tous Artifices. Nine launch tubes for the 80mm grenades are fitted on either side of the turret roof. The Galix system can launch smoke or anti-personnel grenades or infrared decoys.

Giat has developed the KBCM defensive aids suite which can befitted to the Leclerc. KBCM includes laser warner, missile warner, infrared jammer and the Galix system and can be integrated with the Finders battle management system. The French Army has evaluated the system.

The Leclerc is equipped with an SACM V8X-1500 Hyperbar diesel engine providing 1,500hp at 2,500rpm. An electronic engine management system is supplied by SAGEM. The SESM ESM 500 automatic transmission has a hydrostatic transmission unit and five forward and two reverse gears. The engine is fitted with a Suralmo-Hyperbar high pressure gas turbine. The engine provides a road speed over 70km/h and cross country speed up to 50km/h.

The tank also has a Turbomeca TM-307B gas turbine auxiliary power unit. The hydropneumatic suspension system is from Societe d'Applications des Machines Motrices (SAMM).

The tropicalised Leclerc is optimised for tropical and desert conditions to meet the requirement of the UAE. A new powerpack and diesel auxiliary power unit has been installed and the hull is extended at the back to accommodate the powerpack and larger fuel tanks. The Euro Powerpack has the MTU 883 V-12 diesel engine providing 1,500hp, coupled with Renk HSWL295 TM automatic transmission. For this and export versions of the tank, Giat has developed the Leclerc Battle Management Equipment (LBME), a derivative of FINDERS. The HL-70 commander's sight has been replaced by the HL-80, also from SFIM.

The Leclerc New Generation Recovery Vehicle (NGRV) has a longer hull with seven pairs of wheels. An hydraulically operated blade at the front of the vehicle is used to clear a path through battlefield obstacles. The vehicle is equipped with an hydraulic crane rated to lift 30,000kg loads and a winch with 180m cable rated at 35,000kg. A secondary winch is rated at 1,500kg. The crane and winch systems are supplied by Rheinmetall Landsystemes GmbH.


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Super Flanker
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Registrado em: Sáb Mai 03, 2003 2:23 pm
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Agradeceram: 40 vezes


#5 Mensagem por Super Flanker » Dom Set 21, 2003 2:22 pm

Nunca ouvi falar desse carro de combate...Parece um dos modelos do Leopard 2 ou 3, naum parece?


"A compaixão pelos animais está intimamente ligada à bondade de caráter, e quem é cruel com os animais, não pode ser um bom homem." Schopenhauer
Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

Re: ...

#6 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Dom Set 21, 2003 2:23 pm

Super Flanker escreveu:São os mais recentes modelos de cada um...os mais modernos...entendeu?


Soh..!! blza... ow tem 2 Challengers lah na lista... :P

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#7 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Dom Set 21, 2003 2:24 pm

Qual é o Leopard 3 ??? eu conheço soh o 2.. c tem foto ae? :?:

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Super Flanker
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Registrado em: Sáb Mai 03, 2003 2:23 pm
Localização: São Carlos
Agradeceram: 40 vezes

#8 Mensagem por Super Flanker » Dom Set 21, 2003 2:26 pm

Spetsnaz escreveu:Qual é o Leopard 3 ??? eu conheço soh o 2.. c tem foto ae? :?:

Nem sei...eu pensei que ja tinha saido esse modelo...hehe...to por fora das coisa.


"A compaixão pelos animais está intimamente ligada à bondade de caráter, e quem é cruel com os animais, não pode ser um bom homem." Schopenhauer
Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#9 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Dom Set 21, 2003 2:33 pm

Super Flanker escreveu:
Spetsnaz escreveu:Qual é o Leopard 3 ??? eu conheço soh o 2.. c tem foto ae? :?:

Nem sei...eu pensei que ja tinha saido esse modelo...hehe...to por fora das coisa.


hahahahahaha blza! pelo que eu sei o Leopard 2A6 é o ultimo que saiu... se estiver errado me corrijam... eh um belo MBT... tipow na minha opinião em um combate de tanque oque atirar primeiro vence... ouu o que tiver superioridade aérea... eu fico com o Leopard 2A6 ...

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#10 Mensagem por LEO » Dom Set 21, 2003 2:50 pm

Na dúvida entre T-90S e M1A2 Abrams, acho que fico com o T-90S, pois é mais leve, utiliza projeteis de 125mm e pode levar Manpads também, acho que o Igla.

Se o T-95 estivesse em operação, poderia "votar" nele, pois se o T-90 já se equivale ou quem sabe, supere em alguns aspectos, imaginem o T-95...


O T-95 deve usar projeteis de 135 mm.


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Super Flanker
Mensagens: 1440
Registrado em: Sáb Mai 03, 2003 2:23 pm
Localização: São Carlos
Agradeceram: 40 vezes


#11 Mensagem por Super Flanker » Dom Set 21, 2003 3:13 pm

Alguém poderia colocar as principais informações de cada tanque? E as fotos tambem.


"A compaixão pelos animais está intimamente ligada à bondade de caráter, e quem é cruel com os animais, não pode ser um bom homem." Schopenhauer
Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#12 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Dom Set 21, 2003 3:13 pm

LEO escreveu:Na dúvida entre T-90S e M1A2 Abrams, acho que fico com o T-90S, pois é mais leve, utiliza projeteis de 125mm e pode levar Manpads também, acho que o Igla.

Se o T-95 estivesse em operação, poderia "votar" nele, pois se o T-90 já se equivale ou quem sabe, supere em alguns aspectos, imaginem o T-95...


O T-95 deve usar projeteis de 135 mm.


Num era 152mm??

T-95 (Objekt 775)

A new new Main Battle Tank, which was initially planned to enter service in 1994, remains in development due to financial restrictions. It is under development at the Uralvagonzavod Plant in Nizhniy Tagil [Potkin's bureau] which was responsible for all recent Russian tanks apart from the T-80. "URALVAGONZAVOD" (Ural Carriage-Building Plant) in Nizhny Tagil has manufactured a variety of products, ranging from universal type 8-axle rail cars and tanks of the highest quality to the T-34 tanks which had no rivals in World War II.

State acceptance trials of the new tank started at the Kubinka Proving Ground in August or September of 1998. Very little information is publicly available concerning this vehicle, including the official designation, which is apparently still designated under the developmental "ob'ekt" nomenclature. It is suggested that this new tank will weigh about 50 tons, though with a lower silhouette than other recent Russian tanks. The primary armament is reportedly a 152mm smoothbore gun / ATGM launcher with an ammunition load of at least 40 rounds, which may be placed in an unmanned gun pod on top of the hull to lower the silhouette and increase survivability. The new design also places far greater emphasis on crew protection than in previous Russian tank designs through a unitary armored pod inside the hull.

This new tank is apparently in competition with the T-80UM2 "Black Eagle" modification, and may remain unable to secure production funding due to its higherr cost and the potential for upgrading the existing T-80 inventory to the "Black Eagle" standard.

Tcho v c acho umas fotos aki...

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#13 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Dom Set 21, 2003 3:17 pm



A new Russian MBT named Chiorny Oriol (Black Eagle) was shown for the first time at the second VTTV-Omsk-97 International Exhibition of Armaments, Military Equipment and Conversion Products held in September '97 in Omsk, Siberia region, Russia.

Until recently, there were hardly any details about the tank except for a couple of words and a poster on the Defendory 1998 held in Greece.

According to the information I have, this tank is being developed in cooperation with and for export to S.Korea and may even feature Korean thermal imagers. It will not be fielded with the Russian Army and seems to be entirely an initiative of Omsk Plant. It originates from the now-closed Nikolai Popov's design bureau at Leningrad Kirov Plant (LKZ) and is now developed by Alexander Morozov.

The tank is built on a T-80U chassis and will borrow most of its components including FCS from T-80U.

The most significant difference between the new tank and T-80 is the completely redesigned turret (at Omsk'97 a full-sized mock-up was presented) and the lengthened hull with 7 roadwheels per side.

The new turret will have a larger degree of protection than the current Russian MBTs. The steep slope of forward armor plates on the turret reflects designers' desire to maximize protection from APFSDS rounds in a duel situation, when tanks fight "face to face".

For additional protection, the tank is fitted with Kaktus ERA and the new Drozd-2 APS.

It was originally planned to install a 152 mm gun that is being developed for a future Russian MBT. However, since this tank is not going to be fielded with the Russian Army, it carries a 125 mm 2A46M-series gun.

Another innovation is a new automated ammo storage/loader, located in a turret bustle. It is separated from crew compartment by an armored bulkhead which greatly increases crew survivability. This design has several reasons. First, the Chechen war has shown that the carousel used in T-72/T-80/T-90 is too prone to ammo detonation when penetrated, invariably killing the crew. Second, adopted configuration also reduces Black Eagle's height by 400 mm by comparison with the T-80 (Perhaps a typo here, since this means that the tank is a mere 1.8 meters in height). Finally, horizontal ammunition arrangement in the turret bustle permits using longer (and therefore, more powerful) APFSDS rounds, unitary ammunition, simplified automatic loading process and increased rate of fire (expected to reach 10-12 rds/min).

Black Eagle's on-board information system monitors all essential systems of the vehicle, and permits automated data exchange with other tanks and headquarters.

The tank shall have a new 1200 hp 16-cyl. turbo-diesel engine and shall weigh around 50 tons.

VTTV-Omsk-99 exhibition have finally revealed the complete vehicle (referred by KBMZ as Item 640) without any netting. Several features became immediately apparent. It was apparent for the first time that the vehicle's hull is not taken directly from T-80U as was originally believed, but was significantly redesigned, the obvious change being the 7th roadwheel. It seems that most of the additional length has gone into the raised front hull protection and greater glacis obliquity. It also raises doubts if the tank indeed stays in Class 50. The active protection system appears to be Drozd, not Arena, derivative. Although the tank indeed carries the 2A46M maingun, it was stated that provision is made for installation of a new 152mm maingun. This implies that Omsk still hopes to win the hearts of the Russian military with this new tank.


Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#14 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Dom Set 21, 2003 3:19 pm

LEO escreveu:Na dúvida entre T-90S e M1A2 Abrams, acho que fico com o T-90S, pois é mais leve, utiliza projeteis de 125mm e pode levar Manpads também, acho que o Igla.

Se o T-95 estivesse em operação, poderia "votar" nele, pois se o T-90 já se equivale ou quem sabe, supere em alguns aspectos, imaginem o T-95...


O T-95 deve usar projeteis de 135 mm.


Nizhny Tagil New Main Battle Tank

A new MBT was developed by V. Potkin's design team in Nizhny Tagil, at the Uralvagonzavod Plant where all the latest Russian tanks except the T-80 were manufactured.

This vehicle is intended to become the new Russian MBT and was planned to enter service in 1994, but due to lack of financing it is still on the testing grounds (according to some reports it has cleared the testing phase around March 1999). As a result, the Russian Army is stuck with the obsolete designs of T-64/T-72/T-80/T-90 line for much longer than it wishes.

The MBT doesn't yet have any lofty name and hides behind some obscure "ob'ekt" designation. In March 2000 the Defense Minister Igor Sergeev, while visiting Nizhny Tagil, said that Russia now "has a new T-95 tank" referring to the MBT being discussed here. It is unclear if this means that the vehicle is finally fielded (as only a fielded vehicle may get T-95 designation), or he just used the term that is sufficiently known in the West to avoid getting into details.

I could find very little about this vehicle, because it is all classified data. Here is the precious little I could gather, thanks mostly to Col. Viktor Mourakhovsky.

* Crew protection on the tank will be emphasized to a far greater degree than ever before in Russian tank designs. The level of crew protection should ensure its survival when the tank is hit by any anti-tank munitions from any aspect or angle, thanks to the crew placement in a unitary armored pod inside the hull.
* A unique drivetrain suspension system is being tested on this tank that to a certain extent extinguishes the hull vibrations and stabilizes its position.
* The tank still remains in Class 50 (i.e. it weighs 50 tons) and it shall have an even smaller silhouette than the modern Russian MBTs.
* The gun will be a 152mm smoothbore tank gun/ATGM launcher. The development of this system started as far back as end of the fifties for the heavy tanks (originally a rifled gun, probably M-69). The project was revived in the eighties and the gun was significantly redesigned. Even with ordinary powders a very high initial velocity of an APFSDS projectile is achieved. I could not, unfortunately, learn how the caliber increase is going to influence ammunition allowance and rate of fire.
* This gun shall be located in an unmanned gun pod on top of the hull with no crew access to it. This is likely to increase survivability and lower the silhouette even further.
* The fire control system will be multi-channel (optical + thermal + IR + laser + radar).
* The carousel autoloader goes away.
* According to plans the crew will consist of a 3 man combat structure and one mechanic (not unlike the air force crew structure), who will be responsible for vehicle maintenance and will reside in a battalion service and repair company.

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#15 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Dom Set 21, 2003 3:24 pm

T-90 Main Battle Tank


The T-90 (Ob.188) MBT is the most modern tank currently in service with the Russian Army. It is a direct descendant of the T-72 MBT (in fact, a renaming of T-72BU) although every single system including the main gun has received a major upgrade.

The T-90 tank retains the basic national tank design concept, i.e. the classical layout, where the main armament is arranged within a rotating turret, the propulsion plant and transmission are located in the hull's rear, and the crew members are seated separately: the commander and the gunner sit in the fighting compartment, and the driver in the driver's compartment.

In addition to the basic model, the T-90K command variant is fielded, and differs in radio and navigational equipment, as well as the Ainet remote-detonation system for HEF rounds.

The T-90 MBT, though the best armored and equipped of all Russian tanks, is only a stop-gap measure in conditions where the acceptance of a brand-new Nizhny Tagil MBT is delayed due to lack of funding.

The year 1999 saw the appearance of a new model of T-90, that features a fully welded turret instead of a cast one carried by the original T-90. This new model is called "Vladimir" in honour of T-90 Chief Designer Vladimir Potkin, who died in 1999. It is unknown how this design affects the protection and layout of the turret, and whether the frontal armor package was also extensively redesigned.

The contract is signed to ship 350 T-90 MBTs to India. These tanks will probably have an original cast turret, but their powerpack is replaced with a new 1000hp V-92S2 Chelyabinsk diesel. There are reports that these tanks will also feature advanced thermals.

Dimensions: L9,530/6,860 x W3,780 x H2,226 x 492 clearance
Weight: 46.5 .. 50 metric tons
Armored volume: 11.04 cub.m
of which, turret: 1.85 cub.m
Crew: 3

Engine: 840 hp V-84MS diesel or
1,000 hp V-92S2 diesel
1 kW AB-1-P28 auxiliary power unit
Max Road Speed: 65 km/h
Max X-country Speed: 45 km/h
Power/Weight: 18 .. 20.0 hp/tn
Ground Pressure: 0.91 kg/sq.cm
Range: 550 .. 650 km

Obstacle negotiation:
Fording depth: 1.2 m on the move/5 m with OPVT (snorkel)
Trench width: 2.8 m
Vertical obstacle: 0.85 m
Maximum gradient: 30°
Maximum tilt: 30°

Main Weapon: 125mm 2A46M-2 smoothbore
Stabilization: 2E42-4 Zhasmin
Rate of fire: 6-8 rounds/min
Ammunition: 43 rounds (22 in carousel)
Ammunition Types: APFSDS, HEAT, HEF

ATGM through 125mm: 9M119M Refleks-M (AT-11 Sniper-B)

Machine Guns: Coaxial PKT 7.62mm (2000 rounds)
Remotely-controlled AAMG mount Utjos NSVT 12.7mm (300 rounds)

Smoke Screens: 12 902B 82mm mortars with 3D17 smoke grenades
smoke discharger

Night Vision: TO1-PO2T Agava-2 TI (target id range 2.5 km) or
TPN-4-49-23 Buran-PA (target id range 1.2/1.5 km)
Fire Control: 1A45T Irtysh computerized system
with 9S515 missile guidance system
Onboard sights and accuracy aids:
Commander: PNK-4S complex
includes TKN-4S Agat-S day/night sight
(target id range 800 m (day)/700 m (night))
Gunner: 1V528-1 ballistic computer
1A43 rangefinder/sight
1G46 laying device
DVE-BS wind gauge
Driver: TVN-5 IR night viewer
Radio: R-163-50U
R-163-50U + R-163-50K (T-90K)
Navigation: TNA-4-3 (T-90K)

Jammers: Shtora-1 EOCMDAS
Dazzle painting

Other: NBC pressurization system, GO-27 NBC recon system,
3ETs13 Inej auto-fire-fighting equipment,
self-dig-in blade,
OPVT deep fording equipment,
mine clearing equipment (optional)

Front & side armor laminated;
front, side and top armor behind Kontakt-5 ERA

Armor rating, mm RHA: Front turret 54..76cm vs APFSDS; 80..122cm vs HEAT
Glacis 69±2cm vs APFSDS; 94±4cm HEAT

