Kosovo - Sérvia 1999 .. Oque vocês acham disso???

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

Kosovo - Sérvia 1999 .. Oque vocês acham disso???

#1 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Qua Set 17, 2003 5:11 pm

B2A, abatidos e coisas do tipo...

# Information about B-52 and B-2A losses was published by the Russian Defense Ministry in early April of 2000. See B-52 and B-2A entries near the bottom of this page for details.

# Reports that the B-2A, downed on May 20, 1999, crashed in the Spacva forest in Croatia are false. This information is being spread by certain Yugoslav officials (?) to divert public attention from the fact that B-2A wreck is being studied at the VTI research facility in Yugoslavia. As was originally reported, the aircraft crashed near Lake Obedska bara in the Dec area.



June 7 An American B-52 strategic bomber was shot down over Yugoslavia on June 7, 1999. The loss was reported by ITAR-TASS news agency quoting the Foreign Military Review - the official publication of Russian Defense Ministry. Available eyewitness reports suggest that the aircraft was shot down between 00:12 and 00:40 hrs and crashed in the area between Slankamen and Indjija. The B-52 sustained a direct hit by a SAM and exploded in the air. The crew was killed. ITAR-TASS report here. Tanjug report here. The Foreign Military Review also confirmed the loss of one B-2A "Spirit" stealth bomber by the USAF (see below).

Additional information regarding the June 7 B-52 shoot-down indicates that the aircraft was attacked by a total of four SAMs fired by two separate launchers. The first two launches (the type of the SAM system is not known, possibly a Kub) were unsuccessful: the first missile seemed to have developed a technical problem and went astray immediately following the launch; the second SAM was distracted by a radar decoy and missed the target by about 25-50 meters. A nearby Kub-M SAM unit observed the failed attack and launched two of its own missiles. The first Kub-M SAM scored a direct hit against the B-52 and the second SAM launched by the Kub-M was triggered by its proximity fuse when it was in the kill distance of the B-52.

May 20 One American B-2A Spirit strategic stealth bomber (possibly AV-8 88-0329 Spirit of Missouri) was shot down on 05-20-99 over Surcin at 01:00 local time. The aircraft crashed near the village of Dec (Detch), Pecinci county (in the field between Simanovci and Kupinovo; map 1; map2; map 3). The flight of three B-2As (normally B-2A fly in pairs, one acting as a backup for another) entered Yugoslavian airspace from the northwest and was escorted by several fighter aircraft (B-2As are usually escorted over Yugoslavia by F-15C fighters and F-16CJ fighter/bombers in SEAD role; every mission of B-2As requires about 50 escort and support aircraft). The B-2As were detected by long-wave early-warning radars. The bombers reduced altitude and attacked its targets in Belgrade. One of the B-2As was hit by a SAM in the area of the cockpit and crashed shortly after. Crew was killed in the crash. The incident was reported by Ilustrovana Politika magazine on 06-01-99.

The loss of the B-2A "Spirit" on May 20, 1999, was confirmed by the Foreign Military Review magazine - the official publication of Russian Defense Ministry. ITAR-TASS report here. Tanjug report here. According to the latest reports, the B-2A crashed near the Obedska Bara Lake in the Dec area (villages of Simanovci and Kupinovo). An eyewitness report by a senior Yugoslav army officer indicates that the B-2A was picked up by a radar and sustained a direct hit. The aircraft caught on fire and crashed not far from where it was intercepted by the missile. Parts of the B-2A, including the forward landing gear cover and pieces of the leading edge of the wing, have been seen at the VTI (Military Technology Institute) research facility in Yugoslavia.

http://www.aeronautics.ru/natodown.htm# ... h%20bomber

Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#2 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Qua Set 17, 2003 5:15 pm

A e isso também....

April 5, 2000 The ITAR-TASS news agency published a report based on the information provided by the GRU - Russian army's intelligence service. The report indicates that NATO lost three F-117A tactical stealth bombers and at least 40 other planes and over 1000 missiles.


Tipo .. eu tenho as fotos de um F-117A abatido...

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Slip Junior
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#3 Mensagem por Slip Junior » Qua Set 17, 2003 6:11 pm

O que eu acho disso?
Uma grande besteira, Spets. Alias eu já conhecia essa histórinha antes. Se não me engano, durante a Guerra de Kosovo, o representante da Iugoslavia na ONU dize durante uma assembléia de tal organização, na maior cara de pau, que eles teriam abatidos todos esses caças ai listados no seu texto.


Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#4 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Qua Set 17, 2003 6:24 pm

Slip Junior escreveu:O que eu acho disso?
Uma grande besteira, Spets. Alias eu já conhecia essa histórinha antes. Se não me engano, durante a Guerra de Kosovo, o representante da Iugoslavia na ONU dize durante uma assembléia de tal organização, na maior cara de pau, que eles teriam abatidos todos esses caças ai listados no seu texto.


Tipow é só contar qtos B2a sairam da base e quantos voltaram.. será que o GRU fez isso?? ou algum outro serviço de inteligencia.. pq é um método simples e eficiente de saber...

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#5 Mensagem por VICTOR » Qui Set 18, 2003 2:03 pm

Olá pessoal

Essa história é considerada pura mentira. Os números de série de todos os B-2, F-117 e qualquer outro caça ocidental são conhecidos, e todos estão em suas respectivas bases. Em qualquer site de plane-spotting ou defesa em geral esses dados estão disponíveis. Sem contar que ninguém nunca conseguiu mostrar qualquer destroço.

Carlos Eduardo

Podcast F1 Brasil
Mensagens: 1967
Registrado em: Qua Fev 19, 2003 10:30 pm

#6 Mensagem por Spetsnaz » Qui Set 18, 2003 4:58 pm

VICTOR escreveu:Olá pessoal

Essa história é considerada pura mentira. Os números de série de todos os B-2, F-117 e qualquer outro caça ocidental são conhecidos, e todos estão em suas respectivas bases. Em qualquer site de plane-spotting ou defesa em geral esses dados estão disponíveis. Sem contar que ninguém nunca conseguiu mostrar qualquer destroço.

Só de um F-117 ..

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#7 Mensagem por Guilherme » Qui Set 18, 2003 5:21 pm

Eis o destroço :


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#8 Mensagem por VICTOR » Sex Set 19, 2003 7:08 am

Foram abatidos um F-117 e um F-16CJ. Isso foi assumido pela OTAN.

O resto é coisa da cabeça do Venik (desse site http://www.aeronautics.ru). Venik é um ucraniano que mora nos EUA, famoso por sua mente criativa.

Carlos Eduardo

Podcast F1 Brasil