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Enviado: Qua Abr 27, 2005 7:29 pm
por JLRC
A380, World’s Largest Commercial Aircraft, Successfully Takes to the Skies

(Source: EADS; issued April 27, 2005)

Aviation history was made this morning when the first A380, the world’s largest commercial aircraft, successfully took off on its maiden flight leaving Blagnac International Airport in Toulouse, France at 10.29 hours local time (08.29 UTC) from runway 32L.

The A380 first flight will take place above the region west of Toulouse and South West France.

The A380’s first flight is being jointly captained by Claude Lelaie, Senior Vice President of Airbus’ Flight Division and Chief Test Pilot and Vice President Jacques Rosay. The other crew members are Fernando Alonso, Vice President Flight Division, Flight Test Engineering, who leads a team of two other flight test engineers Jacky Joye and Manfred Birnfeld, and test flight engineer Gérard Desbois.

For its first flight, Airbus’ 21st century flagship, carrying the registration F-WW0W, took off at a weight of 421 tonnes / 928,300 lbs, the highest ever of any civil airliner at take-off to date. It is powered by four Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engines.

In addition to water ballasts, the equipment on board the A380 comprises a full set of flight-test instrumentation to record the thousands of parameters necessary to enable in-flight performance analysis. Being a true twin-aisle double-decker, the test A380 is fitted with two test instrumentation sets and working stations, one on the main deck and another on the upper deck.

Prior to taking off, the A380 had successfully completed a series of ground tests, which started in the summer of 2004 when the electrical power was put on for the first time (so-called “power-on” milestone).

Since then Airbus has systematically and exhaustively tested all A380 systems, from hydraulics to electrics, and all parts of the airframe structure, including static testing and wing and fuselage load testing; a programme that has been carried out over thousands of hours at centres across France, Germany and the UK.

The first flight marks the beginning of a flight test campaign involving as many as 2,500 hours of test flights on a total of five development aircraft. This rigorous sequence of test flights will lead to the certification of the A380 by the European and US airworthiness authorities, allowing the world’s largest commercial airliner to enter into service in the second half of 2006 with first operator Singapore Airlines.

Airbus has optimised the A380’s flight performance and economics by incorporating cutting-edge technologies in systems and materials. It benefits from the significant weight savings brought about by composites and other advanced materials (for instance GLARE) which comprise 25% of its structure, and from the weight, reliability and cost benefits of new systems such as its 5,000 psi pressure hydraulic system.

It also benefits from an advanced cockpit with the latest interactive displays and avionics that retains the unique benefits of Airbus’ operational commonality between all fly-by-wire models.

The 555-seat A380, Airbus' newest and largest aircraft, offers unequalled passenger comfort, longer range and much lower operating costs thanks to state-of-the-art technology and its engines minimize noise, fuel burn and emissions.

The A380 is a significant evolutionary step in the history of commercial aviation that promises to ease congestion at major airports by transporting more people more efficiently than ever on the world’s major air routes.

To date 15 customers have announced firm orders and commitments for a total of 154 A380 Family aircraft, comprising 127 passenger aircraft from 13 customers and 27 freighters from four customers. The freighter version of the A380, the A380F, will enter into service in 2008.

Airbus is an EADS joint Company with BAE Systems.

Enviado: Qui Abr 28, 2005 7:56 am
por P44
Jornal de Noticias

"A380" fez ontem o baptismo de voo

O avião gigante "A380" da Airbus aterrou ontem com êxito, conforme estava previsto, às 14.22 horas (13.22 horas em Portugal), no aeroporto de Toulouse Blagnac, no sul de França, depois de quatro horas de voo experimental. O maior avião comercial do Mundo descolou e aterrou pela primeira vez, na mesma pista onde o mítico avião "Concorde" fizera o seu baptismo de voo há 36 anos.

Neste primeiro teste, participaram apenas seis membros da tripulação dois pilotos (Claude Lelaie e Jacques Rosay) e quatro engenheiros.

O voo foi feito sobre o sudoeste da França, a 3000 metros de altitude. A tripulação testou manobras com o trem de aterragem, a pressurização da cabina e a activação das partes móveis das asas. A pista onde as 22 rodas do trem de aterragem tocaram o solo tem 3.500 metros de comprimento e 45 metros de largura.

Além da emoção vivida pelas 40 mil pessoas que acorreram a Toulouse Blagnac, este primeiro voo constituiu mais uma fase da concretização de um projecto comercial em que os accionistas da Airbus - o europeu EADS e o britânico BAE Systems - investem mais de 10 mil milhões de euros.

O consórcio está convencido de que a Airbus venderá, pelo menos 750 aviões "A380", o que lhe permitirá manter-se à frente da sua rival Boeing. No entanto, o grupo norte-americano afirma duvidar da existência de mercado para um avião desta envergadura, cujo preço de catálogo oscila entre 260 e 290 millhões de euros por unidade.

Enviado: Qui Abr 28, 2005 9:09 am
por Carpoa
Que tem de mas este avião ?... é só um elefante branco como o concorde...

Enviado: Qui Abr 28, 2005 9:10 am
por JLRC
A380, the 21st Century Flagship, Successfully Completes Its First Flight

(Source: EADS; issued April 27, 2005)

The first A380 to take to the air landed at Blagnac international airport in Toulouse, France at 14.23 local time (12.23h UTC) after successfully completing its first flight that lasted three hours and 54 minutes. The A380’s first flight was jointly captained by Claude Lelaie, Senior Vice President Flight Division, and by Chief Test pilot and Vice President Jacques Rosay. The other crew members were Fernando Alonso, Vice President Flight Division, Flight Test Engineering who led a team of two other flight test engineers, Jacky Joye and Manfred Birnfeld, and test flight engineer Gérard Desbois. Carrying the registration F-WWOW, the aircraft is powered by four Rolls Royce Tent 900 engines.

After landing, joint captains Claude Lelaie Senior Vice President of Airbus’ Flight Division and Vice President Chief Test Pilot Jacques Rosay confirmed that the new aircraft and engines had handled as anticipated.

Claude Lelaie commented: “We had a very successful first flight and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. There are of course a lot of things to be done, but after this first experience, we now really sense the potential of this magnificent machine. And even on the ground, as already felt during the initial ground tests, the A380 handles as easily as any other aircraft. Also, the systems and the Rolls Royce engines performed satisfactorily.” And Jacques Rosay added: “Within the first minutes of the flight, we were impressed by the ease of handling of the aircraft which was in line with what we had felt in the simulator. We have no doubt any Airbus pilot would feel immediately at home in the A380; it is a true member of the Airbus aircraft family. We could also appreciate that the new features in the cockpit, including interactivity, vertical display, new interfaces that make the work of the crew very easy and efficient and I want to thank the customer airline pilots who have greatly contributed to this design.”

For his part, Airbus President and CEO Noël Forgeard thanked the crew for their performance: “I wish to congratulate Claude Lelaie, Jacques Rosay, Fernando Alonso and the rest of the team for this successful first flight. I also sincerely thank all those in the design offices, at programme and manufacturing level, as well as the ground crews who, through their ceaseless hard work, have made this day come true. The same thanks are extended all those at the airlines who contributed to the design of the aircraft as well as the suppliers, airport specialists and many others who helped define this all-new 21st century flagship that has now taken to the air.”

For its first flight, the A380 took off at a weight of 421 tonnes / 928.300 lbs, the highest ever of any civil airliner to date. During the flight, which took the aircraft around South West France, the six crew members explored the aircraft’s flight envelope as expected. They tested the A380’s handling using both direct and normal flight control laws with the landing gear up and down, and with all flaps’ and slats’ settings during the part of the flight at cruise altitude. They made an initial evaluation of the comfort levels in both the main and upper decks, confirming that the cabin was very quiet and the ride smooth.

This maiden voyage, during which all primary flight test objectives were met, marks the beginning of a rigorous test flight campaign involving five A380s, including one for the certification of the Engine Alliance GP7200 engine on the A380, and some 2,500 flight hours. It will culminate in the aircraft’s certification followed by its entry into airline service in the second half of 2006 with first operator Singapore Airlines. The scope and rigour of the A380 ground and flight test programme should also prepare for a smooth entry into service.

During the entire development phase, a lot of work was done to ensure that this all-new large double-decker will be able to operate on existing runways capable of accepting the 747, with no requirement for any significant infrastructure adaptation. Some 60 airports will be ready to welcome A380 operations by 2010, and more will join as the number of operators continues to increase in the coming years.

A leading aircraft manufacturer with the most modern and comprehensive product line on the market, Airbus is a global company with design and manufacturing facilities in France, Germany, the UK, and Spain as well as subsidiaries in the U.S., China and Japan. Headquartered in Toulouse, France, Airbus is an EADS joint Company with BAE Systems.

Enviado: Qui Abr 28, 2005 9:11 am
por JLRC
EADS Sees A380 First Flight as a Take-off into a New Era

(Source: EADS; issued April 27, 2005

EADS regards the successful first flight of the Airbus A380 as a take-off into a new era of commercial aviation and into further growth of the company.

"The A380 sums up what we have been working towards at EADS since the company’s formation five years ago", the EADS CEOs Philippe Camus and Rainer Hertrich said. "Our A380 combines the best technology and the best manufacturing in the world with a design which our customers have largely shaped themselves. Airbus has created something that is both marvellous for today, and will also be an aerospace icon for decades to come."

"Already leading the global market in commercial aviation, Airbus now has a comprehensive portfolio of aircraft able to carry between 104 and 555 passengers. With today's historic first flight, our A380 takes its place as the flagship of the Airbus fleet, offering passengers and airlines around the world unequalled quality, comfort and economy. For EADS, the door is now wide open to become a company with annual revenues of EUR 40 billion in the near future", EADS CEOs Philippe Camus and Rainer Hertrich said.

The CEOs underlined that "our A380 programme is also the most visible result of the successful integration of our industry in Europe. The successful EADS merger allowed for the industrial integration of Airbus and created the technology base, financial clout and market appreciation required to pursue such an ambitious and strong investment."

The strong order book for the A380 already stands at 154 aircraft, demonstrating that the aircraft will be the driver of growth of Airbus and EADS for many years to come. The test flight programme and certification process is expected to continue over the next months prior to the first commercial deliveries and flights in 2006.

Camus and Hertrich commented: “We would like to thank the Flight Crew for their outstanding achievement. Like other historic ventures the success of our A380 programme depended on the combined efforts of thousands of talented people inside and outside of Airbus, not just in Europe but internationally. Under the leadership of Noel Forgeard and Gustav Humbert, teams from all over the world have been working towards this day for many years and we would like to thank each and every one of them for their outstanding contribution.

From the creation of Airbus in 1967, through the successive launches of the entire Airbus family of aircraft to the formation of EADS in 2000 there have been many steps along the way to today’s achievement. All those involved can be very proud today."

EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2004, EADS generated revenues of EUR 31.8 billion and employed a workforce of about 110,000. The EADS Group includes the aircraft manufacturer Airbus, the world's largest helicopter supplier Eurocopter and the joint venture MBDA, the international leader in missile systems.

EADS is the major partner in the Eurofighter consortium, is the prime contractor for the Ariane launcher, develops the A400M military transport aircraft and is the largest industrial partner for the European satellite navigation system Galileo.

Enviado: Qui Abr 28, 2005 9:40 am
por P44
Carpoa escreveu:Que tem de mas este avião ?... é só um elefante branco como o concorde...

Um elefante branco com 160 ENCOMENDAS, até á data :!: :!:


A tripulação:
"Gerard Desbois, Fernando Alonso, Manfred Birnfeld in Jackie Joye and the pilots Claude Lelaie and Jacques Rosay."

Enviado: Qui Abr 28, 2005 1:31 pm
por Guilten
Carpoa escreveu:Que tem de mas este avião ?... é só um elefante branco como o concorde...

De que mundo você vem amigo? Será que você não acordou ainda e observou que estamos vivendo no século XI em um planeta com 6-7 bilhões de pessoas? Você acha o quê, que realmente poderemos viajar sempre em 737's??????????

Enviado: Qui Abr 28, 2005 6:59 pm
por rodrigo
Muito cedo para analisar a viabilidade do A380.

Enviado: Qui Abr 28, 2005 7:06 pm
por Marechal-do-ar
Guilten escreveu: De que mundo você vem amigo? Será que você não acordou ainda e observou que estamos vivendo no século XI em um planeta com 6-7 bilhões de pessoas? Você acha o quê, que realmente poderemos viajar sempre em 737's??????????

Acontece que os governantes da maioria das 6-7 bilhões de pessoas estão se esforçando muito para que essas pessoas não tenham condições de viajar de avião...

Enviado: Qui Abr 28, 2005 7:32 pm
por Slip Junior
Marechal, acontece que aparentemente eles não estão conseguindo atingir esse objetivo pois o número de pessoas que viajam de aviões cresce todo ano e só não é maior por causa dos acontecimentos do 11/09.

Agora sobre o A-380 é um belo avião e as críticas que muitos fazem hoje sobre o seu tamanho são praticamente as mesmas que fizeram no passado ao 747. Não vejo motivo algum para compará-lo com o Concorde (algo com uma proposta extremamente diferente) e desacreditar no sucesso do mesmo.


Enviado: Sex Abr 29, 2005 12:44 pm
por Rui Elias Maltez
De facto um avião com a capacidade (dependendo das configurações) para transportar 800 passageiros em viagens de longo curso pode ser arriscado, mas não acredito que quem concebeu esse aparelho não tenha pensado nisso.

E se ainda não tinha havido um voo experimental e se esse aparelho já tem mais de 160 encomendas, é porque não será um elefante branco.

Claro que não venderá mais que os A-310, ou o maior A-340, mas julgo que poderá ter um mercado específico.

A Boeing irá responder com um aparelho mais pequeno, mas provavelmente, o sucessor do actual Jumbo B-740.

O futuro o dirá, mas não é um aparelho comparável ao velho Concorde, até porque pelo menos nos seus primeiros anos, esse avião (com poucos exemplares) acabou por ser rentável comercialmente.

Enviado: Sex Abr 29, 2005 1:54 pm
por Carpoa
No Brasil nem serviria para fazer a ponte Rio-São Paulo.

Ahh. por falar em 'Elefante Branco' ....ouvi uma noticia esta semana de que o EuroTunnel esta com um prejuizo imenso. E tanto se falou nele! 8-]

Imagina que o terroristas estão com agua na boca.. por que agora com esse tamanho dá para fazer um 'strike' nos arranha-céus de Nova York, vai o empire states e as outras espigas de uma só vez... :twisted: [082]

Brincadeirinha .... Claro!

Enviado: Sex Abr 29, 2005 6:55 pm
por Rui Elias Maltez
"Elefante Branco" é o nome de uma casa de cultura e tertúlias literárias, muito famosa em Lisboa.

Parece que o JLRC costuma lá recitar poemas [082] [082] [082]

Enviado: Sáb Abr 30, 2005 11:49 am
O único aspecto arriscado do projeto A380 me parece o fato dele necessitar de adaptações em muitos aeroportos para poder operar. Isso pode dificultar um pouco as coisas. Mas no fim ele deve ser um projeto bem-sucedido no futuro, principalmente nas linhas de intercontinentais de alta densidade (Ásia-Europa). Por enquanto, no Brasil, apenas Galeão, Guarulhos e Brasília podem recebê-lo em suas pistas, mas os terminais não suportam o imenso número de passageiros que desembarcam de uma levada só.

Um detalhe é que a Boeing investiu no outro caminho, com o 787, que substitui o cavalho de batalha 767 com vantagens em peso e consumo de combustível. Parece que o 787 temm recebido encomendas extensas, o que levou a Airbus a lançar um projeto "médio moderno" na forma do futuro A350.

Com isso, vê-se que a Boeing não está morta, muito pelo contrário (pena, pra mim que gosto muito dos Airbus, desde o A320 até o saboroso A340-300, que me fez cruzar gloriasamente o Atlântico Sul pela primeira vez). :wink:

Enviado: Sáb Abr 30, 2005 3:43 pm
por JLRC
Rui Elias Maltez escreveu:"Elefante Branco" é o nome de uma casa de cultura e tertúlias literárias, muito famosa em Lisboa.

Parece que o JLRC costuma lá recitar poemas [082] [082] [082]

Pelos vistos o retiro espiritual fez-lhe bem. Está com o sentido de humor mais acurado.
Para os amigos do Brasil, explico que o Elefante Branco é uma conhecida casa de alterne de Lisboa. Por acaso já lá estive mas não foi a recitar poemas :lol: