AIRBUS recebe encomendas de 45,7 biliões de dólares num dia

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AIRBUS recebe encomendas de 45,7 biliões de dólares num dia

#1 Mensagem por Sintra » Ter Jun 19, 2007 9:27 am


PARIS 2007: Airbus forgets its woes with order bonanza

By Mike Martin
Airbus put its problems to one side yesterday as it announced a staggering $45.7 billion worth of deals with eight different customers.In one day, the firm shattered its previous best total for an entire air show, signing paper for 339 aircraft (219 in firm deals and 120 based on MOUs).

With more announcements planned, some observers see Airbus possibly breaking the 400 aircraft barrier for deals unveiled at an air show during the coming week. Its previous best air show sales total was 280 aircraft at Paris two years ago.

John Leahy, Airbus chief operating officer customers, says: “It’s not been a bad start for a show, considering the bad publicity we have had lately. I don’t think this volume of orders has ever happened on one day before. It says we are back on track.”

In a day of wall-to-wall press conferences, a flood of orders and commitments were revealed. They included 13 new A380 superjumbos for three airlines: Emirates (eight), Qatar Airways (three) and Air France (two). The formal signing of the massive $16bn order by Qatar Airways for 80 A350 XWB aircraft also took place. An $8 billion order came from US Airways for 92 aircraft, including 22 A350XWBs and a mix of A320s and A330-200s.

Emirates – which now has a total of 55 A380s on order – said it was getting its follow-on order in quickly as it believes that once the aircraft enters service later this year it will prompt a rush of orders.

The $45.7billion order

“We saw a need for the additional eight, plus the four we ordered recently, because that is the number we know we need,” says Tim Clark, president of Emirates Airline. “We believe that as the aircraft comes to market and into service the orders will come in so we wanted to get our order in now.”

The letter of intent for the additional eight aircraft, valued at about $2 billion, was signed by HH Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, chairman of Emirates Group, and Louis Gallois, Airbus president and chief executive. Asked about Emirates’ progress on the evaluation of the Airbus A350 XWB and its rival, the Boeing 787, Sheikh Ahmed said: “We will take a decision in the next few months.”

Fellow Arabian Gulf airline Qatar Airways has firmly made up its mind over the merits of the A350 XWB, formally signing the $16bn order for 80 of the aircraft (20 A350-800s, 40 A350-900s and 20 A350-1000s). The airline is the launch customer for the -1000 variant. Deliveries are set to begin in August 2013 and will progressively replace the airline’s Airbus A330s.

First revealed

While the A350XWB order had been first revealed just prior to Paris, the $750 million order for three additional A380s came as a surprise. Asked if Qatar Airways was concerned about the reliability of deliveries of the A350 XWB in light of the major delivery problems surrounding the A380, chief executive Akbar Al Baker says he is confident of Airbus’ ability to deliver. “I think six years from now is enough time for them to develop and define this aircraft.”

US Airways waded in with a major order for 92 aircraft worth $8bn. It will include 22 A350 XWBs, a mix of -800s and -900s; 60 A320s and 10 A330-200s. With first delivery in 2014, US Airways becomes the launch customer for the type in North America. It has chosen Rolls-Royce engines to power its A350s.
The A330-200 aircraft will be used as an interim solution for US Airways pending the arrival of the A350s. The operator also has the option to switch the order to the A330-300 or the longer-range A340s.
Next up was Kuwait and Dubai-based Jazeera Airways with a $2.4bn order for 30 A320 single-aisle aircraft. The aircraft will be added to the airline’s existing fleet of five A320s, with another five due for delivery. “We have very ambitious growth plans at Jazeera Airways and Airbus has been a good partner for us all the way,” says Marwan Boodai, chairman and chief executive, Jazeera Airways. “We started operating in October 2005 with our first A320 aircraft and now we operate five.”

GE Commercial Aviation Services (GECAS) also signed a firm contract with Airbus for 60 additional A320 Family aircraft, worth an estimated $4.8bn.
ALAFCO, the Kuwait-based international aviation lease and finance company, signed a firm contract for 12 A350 XWBs. In addition, ALAFCO also ordered seven A320s.

Airbus crowned an extraordinary day with news of a $1.8bn order for 25 A320 aircraft from Russian domestic carrier S7 Airlines, formerly known as Sibir).
Late yesterday, news emerged that Air France has signed anMOU for two new A380s and 18 A320-family aircraft, worth an estimated $1.85bn. Also yesterday, Tunisian carrier Nouvelair signed a $140m contract for two A320s. ... nanza.html

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Pedro Gilberto
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#2 Mensagem por Pedro Gilberto » Qui Jun 21, 2007 1:38 pm

Realmente a Airbus foi muito exitosa nessa feira. Essa série de boas notícias lhe resgata do inferno astral que estava ha pouco.

Airbus supera 650 pedidos em Le Bourget
21/06/2007 - 09h31

LE BOURGET, França, 21 jun (AFP) - A fabricante aeronáutica européia Airbus superou nesta quinta-feira a marca de 650 pedidos anunciados no Salão de Le Bourget, com grandes contratos concluídos na Ásia, enquanto a rival americana Boeing se mostrava impassível.

Mais uma vez, a fabricante européia aproveitou a vitrine do chamado "Paris Air Show" para anunciar seus novos êxitos, que já chegam a 96 encomendas só nesta quinta.

A companhia aérea Hong Kong Airlines assinou o contrato mais caro do dia com a Airbus: intenções de compra por 30 aeronaves A320 de um corredor, 20 aviões A330 e um avião de negócios ACJ pelo preço de catálogo de 5,5 bilhõesde dólares.

A indonésia Mandala Airlines apresentou pedidos por 25 aviões A320, por um preço de catálogo de 1,9 bilhão de dólares.


"O homem erra quando se convence de ver as coisas como não são. O maior erro ainda é quando se persuade de que não as viu, tendo de fato visto." Alexandre Dumas
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#3 Mensagem por Pedro Gilberto » Qui Jun 21, 2007 1:56 pm


:shock: :shock: :shock: (© Paisano)

Essa a Boeing não esperava, se brincar nem a Airbus....

Airbus supera Boeing em encomendas em 2007

Quinta, 21 de junho de 2007, 13h27
Fonte: Reuters

Depois de quatro frenéticos dias de negócios na maior feira de aeronáutica mundial, a fabricante européia Airbus parece ter obtido encomendas suficientes para ultrapassar a rival norte-americana Boeing na corrida de vendas deste ano.

A Airbus, subsidiária da EADS, vendeu menos de metade dos aparelhos que a Boeing nos cinco primeiros meses do ano, mas os pedidos anunciados dentro de casa esta semana, na Paris Air Show, indicam reversão do quadro.

Não se sabe ao certo quantas das transações muito alardeadas no aeroporto de Le Bourget desde segunda-feira poderão ser registradas nas carteiras de encomendas firmes das fabricantes de aviões.

De qualquer forma, as vendas firmes anunciadas pela Airbus de 405 aeronaves durante a Paris Air Show, somadas às 201 encomendas que ela obteve até maio, levariam a empresa a superar as 600 unidades vendidas até agora em 2007. A Boeing teve desempenho mais discreto em Le Bourget, com 66 novas vendas firmes anunciadas e número similar de encomendas que já estavam na carteira de pedidos e tiveram os nomes dos clientes revelados, o que a levaria à marca dos 510 pedidos firmes este ano.

A Boeing superou a Airbus como a maior vendedora mundial de aviões no ano passado pela primeira vez desde 2000. A empresa norte-americana recebeu número recorde de 1.044 pedidos firmes no ano passado, enquanto a companhia européia anunciou encomendas por 790 aeronaves.


"O homem erra quando se convence de ver as coisas como não são. O maior erro ainda é quando se persuade de que não as viu, tendo de fato visto." Alexandre Dumas
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#4 Mensagem por Dinivan » Qui Jun 21, 2007 4:46 pm

Está claro, lo del año pasado fue un simple bache. Y eso que el A380 no está todavía operando en ninguna aerolínea. Seguro que en cuanto empiece a hacerlo se recibirán muchos más pedidos, ídem del A350XWB.

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#5 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Jun 22, 2007 7:34 am

[009] BRAVO á AIRBUS !!!!!

Triste sina ter nascido português 👎
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#6 Mensagem por Pedro Gilberto » Sex Jun 22, 2007 2:47 pm

Airbus fecha acordos de US$61 bi durante feira

22/06/2007 - 09h22

LE BOURGET, França (Reuters) - A fabricante de aviões Airbus divulgou na sexta-feira que fechou acordos para venda de 425 aviões nesta semana durante a Paris Air Show, num total de 61 bilhões de dólares em negócios.

Segundo o chefe do departamento comercial da Airbus, John Leahy, o total do acordo, incluindo compromissos preliminares, pode chegar a 728 aviões, o que daria um total de 98 bilhões de dólares ao preço de tabela.

Os descontos são comuns na venda de aviões, mas as empresas não divulgam o verdadeiro valor negociado.

Leahy disse que a hegemonia desta semana em novos pedidos fez com que a empresa se sentisse pressionada a passar a rival Boeing Co. em termos de custos, o que está tentando lidar com seu programa de corte de custos Power8.

"Nós precisamos do Power8 mais ainda. Não estamos alcançando a Boeing em termos de custo", disse Leahy.

"O maior erro que nós poderíamos ter agora é alcançar a Boeing em receita e não alcançá-la em termos de custos. O Power8 é mais importante que nunca."

(Por Jason Neely)


"O homem erra quando se convence de ver as coisas como não são. O maior erro ainda é quando se persuade de que não as viu, tendo de fato visto." Alexandre Dumas
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#7 Mensagem por Sniper » Sex Jun 22, 2007 5:14 pm

Ser executivo da Airbus deve ser um dos empregos mais rentáveis do mundo!

Ainda mais se eles forem comissionados ! $$$ !:mrgreen: :twisted:

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#8 Mensagem por Dinivan » Sex Jun 22, 2007 7:02 pm

Ya solo falta...

Rivals eye Boeing's US airforce deal
By Jorn Madslien
Business reporter, BBC News, Paris air show

Parked discreetly at the end of the airfield - beyond crowd pleasers such as the giant Airbus A380 super-jumbo - there is a large military aircraft that is unlikely to attract much attention as the Paris air show opens to the public this weekend.

KC-30 tanker
The KC-30 is bigger and more fuel efficient than its rival

Yet, despite its plain exterior, the KC-30 aerial refuelling tanker could soon change forever the way huge defence contracts are being negotiated.

The aircraft is the result of a joint venture between US defence group Northrop Grumman and the Franco-German aerospace giant EADS.

The two companies have teamed up to beat incumbent rival Boeing to a $40bn (£20bn) US Air Force tanker contract, the first of three orders worth $100bn in total.

"This clearly changes the competitive paradigm," declares Tom Enders, co-chief executive of EADS.

Market entry

The KC-30 bid, led by Northrop Grumman, should be seen in the light of a procurement scandal in 2003 that culminated in the sacking and arrest of Mike Sears, the chief finance officer of Boeing's defence division at that time.

Following the scandal, a tanker contract with Boeing was ripped up and the company was fined more than $600m.

But the fine was small compared with the potential long-term cost of the disaster, given that it paved the way for the aerospace giant's arch rivals Northrop Grumman and EADS to enter the game.

Tom Enders, joint chief executive, EADS
We didn't have a tanker business five years ago
Tom Enders, co-chief executive, EADS

"We didn't have a tanker business five years ago," observes EADS's Mr Enders. "We started the business from scratch."

So far, EADS has enrolled the UK, Australia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) into its tanker programme, and Saudi Arabia is said to be close to placing an order for the military version of the Airbus A330.

EADS eagerly points out that its more modern KC-30 tanker both drinks less and carries more fuel than the well-established Boeing KC-767 Global Tanker, plus its capacity to carry crews and cargo is greater.

Crucially, the KC-30 is also a relatively risk-free venture for EADS, since costs have been curbed by modifying an Airbus plane rather than developing a new aircraft from scratch.

This also means it can rival the price of the KC-767, a modified version of a Boeing cargo plane.

Fight back

Boeing has responded to the rival bid by upgrading its KC-767.

"The KC-767 Advanced Tanker will...revolutionise mobility operations," James Albaugh, chief executive of Boeing's defence division, said in April.

Defence experts say it could be tricky for a newcomer to match Boeing's tanker expertise - not least its established aerial refuelling system, which enables jets to fly side-by-side with the tanker while filling up.

Ron Sugar, chief executive, Northrop Grumman
The US is the largest market for defence, but for aerospace and aircraft there's a big market beyond the US as well
Ron Sugar, chief executive, Northrop Grumman

"Boeing has been designing, building, modifying and supporting tankers for nearly 75 years," the company says in a statement.

Boeing is also eager to stress that losing the tanker contract could cost US jobs.

"This KC-767 Advanced Tanker will support more than 44,000 American jobs and 300 suppliers," said Mark McGraw, vice president, Boeing Tanker Programs, earlier this year.

Nevertheless, EADS and Northrop Grumman are so confident they will win the deal, that they have just started final assembly of the plane and claim they will be able to deliver it to the US Air Force in November, a month after the scheduled awarding of the contract.

For a while, there were doubts about whether the KC-30 would even be considered by the US Defence Department, though in the end Northrop Grumman's lobbying proved fruitful.

"The free market place is the most important thing at work here," says Northrop Grumman's chief executive, Ron Sugar.

"We made a very careful decision to enter the programme only when we believed that the process was going to ask for full, fair and open competition.

"We're in it to win."

Global business

Boeing KC-767 refuelling another plane
Boeing has a long tradition of refuelling US airforce planes

Yet, it is noteworthy that the US pitch is led by the US partner behind the KC-30.

"In the rest of the world, EADS is the prime contractor," acknowledges Northrop Grumman's Mr Sugar.

The partnership should thus enable both firms to grow in markets that have previously been tricky to get into.

EADS is pitching for the tanker contract as part of its efforts to gain market share in the US, where Mr Enders suggests it might "look for acquisitions...that fit our business model".

For Northrop Grumman, the EADS deal should help it gain outside the US.

"The US is the largest market for defence, but for aerospace and aircraft there's a big market beyond the US as well," points out Mr Sugar.

"Our business flourishes if we have as few barriers as possible on both sides of the Atlantic."

Si EADS consigue el contrato, habrá golpeado por dos bandas a Boeing, una en el campo civil y otra en el militar :)

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#9 Mensagem por Dinivan » Ter Jun 26, 2007 10:31 am

Airbus recupera el cetro mundial
El Salón Aeronáutico de Le Bourget ha dado alas a la compañía cuando atravesaba por una de sus peores crisis. El éxito comercial no abortará la reestructuración iniciada hace meses. Por
A. Serena / París

Airbus ha recuperado esta semana su título de número uno mundial. El Salón Aeronáutico y del Espacio del Bourget ha servido para anunciar a todo bombo que «Airbus está de regreso», según afirmaba este lunes pasado su presidente Louis Gallois, y el saldo final de la feria bianual parece avalar su triunfalismo: 425 pedidos firmes procedentes de 19 clientes, y 303 intenciones de compra. Todo ello representa un total de 98.000 millones de dólares -los pedidos firmes suman 61.000 millones de dólares-, según las tarifas oficiales aunque éstas normalmente son revisadas a la baja a la hora de la venta efectiva.

Según un comunicado emitido por la constructora europea, «el mercado de la demanda del A-380 se ha consolidado con 13 nuevos pedidos». Los clientes son: Qatar, que ha encargado tres nuevos aparatos, Emirates Airlines, que adquirirá ocho, y Air France, dos. Lo que suma un total de 173 pedidos del A-380, cuya primera entrega tendrá lugar en octubre de 2007 a Singapore Airlines.

Pero la estrella del Salón del Bourget ha sido el A-350, el avión de larga distancia y mediana capacidad que Airbus ha diseñado para competir con el 787 de Boeing. La constructora europea tiene difícil batir el récord del aparato americano. Sin estar operativo, cuenta ya con un total de 628 pedidos firmes, pero esta semana ha servido para que Airbus olvide el difícil comienzo del aparato, registrando 141 peticiones firmes de compra por parte de Qatar, Aeroflot, Singapore Airlines y las compañías de leasing Alafco y CIT, además de otras 52 intenciones de adquisición (US Airways, Kingfisher, Libyan Airlines y Afriqiy). En total, son 232 aparatos (154 peticiones firmes y 78 compromisos) desde que el A-350 XWB fue lanzado en diciembre.

También los A-330 y A-340 siguen vendiéndose a buen ritmo, con un total de 83 pedidos firmes y 49 compromisos de compra; así como el A330-200 Freighter que registró 46 compras en firme.

«El Salón Aeronáutico ha confirmado que Airbus está de vuelta en el mercado y que continúa satisfaciendo a sus clientes con los productos adecuados», señaló Louis Gallois, pletórico por el apoyo de los A-380 y A-350 XWB, que han «recibido un gran espaldarazo por parte de los clientes» y que en el futuro, según el presidente de Airbus, «serán líderes en tecnología, confort de los pasajeros y respeto del medioambiente» .

Pero todas estas buenas noticias no van a significar la interrupción del plan de reestructuración Power 8 anunciado este invierno por la compañía, y que supone la supresión de 10.000 empleos en Europa y la cesión de seis fábricas. Los sindicatos consideran que no tiene sentido su aplicación ahora que la demanda crece, pero el director comercial de Airbus, John Leahy, ha insistido en la necesidad de este plan de ajuste porque si Airbus supera a Boeing en cuanto a ventas, sigue estando por detrás en cuanto a costes.
El Mundo

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Pedro Gilberto
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#10 Mensagem por Pedro Gilberto » Seg Jul 09, 2007 3:37 pm

Airbus registra 680 pedidos no primeiro semestre e supera a Boeing

da France Presse, em Paris
com Efe
09/07/2007 - 10h33

A Airbus recebeu 680 pedidos no primeiro semestre de 2007, dos quais 470 em junho, durante o Salão Aeronáutico de Le Bourget (França). Dessa forma, a Airbus superou seu adversário americano Boeing, segundo cifras publicadas pelo fabricante de aviões europeu nesta segunda-feira, em seu site.

A Boeing, por sua vez, registrava em 3 de julho 544 pedidos desde o início do ano, segundo as últimas cifras semanais disponíveis em seu site, contra 429 pedidos em 6 de junho.

Salão aeronáutico

Durante o Salão Aeronáutico de Le Bourget, a Airbus recebeu cerca de 470 pedidos de aviões, mais que duplicando o que tinha obtido nos cinco primeiros meses do ano.

Entre os grandes contratos anunciados em Le Bourget, estão acordos com a Hong Kong Airlines (51 aviões), a Mandala Airlines (25) e a Avianca (19), além de negócios com Tiger Airways e com a Flyington Freighters.

A Tiger Airways, uma companhia aérea com sede em Cingapura, assinou um memorando de entendimento para a compra de 30 unidades de aparelhos da família de um só corredor A320 e opções por outros 20. O grupo de Cingapura opera atualmente nove A320 e deve receber outros onze até 2010.

A Flyington Freighters comprou seis unidades do A330-200F, a versão de carga de um modelo que pode transportar 64 toneladas a uma distância de 7.400 quilômetros sem escalas e até 69 toneladas a 5.930 quilômetros.

A companhia de transporte de carga será a primeira a ter o A330-200F, um novo modelo da Airbus. A Flyington Freighters já tinha encomendado seis unidades deste aparelho em maio.


"O homem erra quando se convence de ver as coisas como não são. O maior erro ainda é quando se persuade de que não as viu, tendo de fato visto." Alexandre Dumas
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#11 Mensagem por WalterGaudério » Qua Jul 11, 2007 12:41 pm

O que eu estou sentindo é que as cias aéreas estão comprando o Airbus 330-200 como quebra galho até a entrega do Airbus 350 XBW ou seja lá como for chamado o dito cujo. Ou seja, é portas abertas para um bom programa MRTT com as células que ficarão disponíveis em breve, com a substituição dos A 330 pela cias clientes do A 350.



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#12 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Jul 13, 2007 10:56 pm


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#13 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Jul 13, 2007 11:01 pm

Deliveries, orders and backlog:

Airbus leads Boeing as orders surge in first half of 2007
By Max Kingsley-Jones ... lf-of.html

Airbus's order-fest at last month's Paris air show has catapulted it ahead of its rival in what was a record first six months for sales that has seen the combined backlog surge to 5,700 aircraft.

The two rivals booked a record half-year total of 1,162 net orders between January and June - 50% up on the same period last year when 577 orders were placed.

It was Airbus's performance which drove the increase this year - helped by the Paris air show which gave an artificial boost to the first-half figures compared with 2006.

Airbus has, in recent years, trailed its rival in orders until late in the year, but in 2007 has secured 623 orders against 539 for Boeing.

In the same period last year Airbus had accumulated just 97 net orders, compared with 480 for Boeing.

Airbus has suffered 57 cancellations during the first half, the bulk of which (26 aircraft) results from the deletion of firm contracts by A350 XWB customers placed for the original version of the aircraft, namely Aviation Lease and Finance Company (Alafco), CIT and Finnair.

Airbus still has several firm contracts in its A350 backlog for the old model including Air Europa (10), Eurofly (3), International Lease Finance (16) and TAP Portugal (10), which chief salesman John Leahy says must be switched to the XWB or dropped by the end of the year.

Airbus has also finally acknowledged the cancellation of Emirates' order for 18 A340-600s - but no sign yet of the additional A380s the airline announced at Paris. Bizarrely Airbus continues to list five A310s on backlog for Iraqi Airways - a contract signed in 1990.

Boeing had its best-ever first-half sales performance, with orders for 737s and 787s driving the success. Also notable was the recovery of the 767 with 36 orders, and continuing strong sales of the 777 - in contrast to the A340-500/600 which was outsold by its predecessor the A340-300.

Airbus continues to lead Boeing in output, but the margin of its advantage has closed to less than 5%. Their combined output of 451 aircraft is almost 10% up on last year's period and a first half-year industry record.

The two airframers are on track to reach their full-year targets of around 450 aircraft each, for a combined total of 900 deliveries.

With sales continuing to outperform deliveries, the industry's order backlog as spiralled to 5,700 aircraft. This is 14% up on the 2006 year-end total of 4,990 aircraft, and represents around six years of production at current rates.
