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Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Jet Crash®
Mensagens: 1996
Registrado em: Sáb Mai 15, 2004 8:05 pm
Localização: Belo Horizonte

#931 Mensagem por Jet Crash® » Sáb Set 23, 2006 8:59 pm

JLRC escreveu:O Jorge Freire está certo, o navio entrou ao serviço recentemente mas é uma adaptação de um navio civil, neste caso um iate imperial. Só não me lembrava do nome pois respondi de cor e não consultei nada.

Não importa. O nome desta embarcação não é Shahsavar. Vou dar mais dicas. No Strategypage encontra-se o nome mais facilmente.

Jet Crash®

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#932 Mensagem por JLRC » Sáb Set 23, 2006 9:08 pm

Jorge Freire escreveu:
E porque vocês falam israelitas? Israelita é quem profesa a religião, o judaísmo. Israelense é o cidadão de Israel, independente de religião qe professa!

Israelita é o habitante de Israel, quer professe a relegião judaica, cristã ou muçulmana ou outra qualquer. Os crentes da religião judaica são judeus quer morem em Israel (israelitas) ou nos States (americanos) ou no Brasil (brasileiros). Israelense deve derivar do inglês assim como Irã deriva do inglés Iran. A minha observação derivou de não fazerem o mesmo com Japan/Japã ou Pakistan/Paquistã por exemplo já que a terminação da grafia é a mesma, an.
Quanto ao termo bicha/fila durante muito tempo o termo usado foi bicha só recentemente, devido aos brasileirismos importados nas novelas, se começou a usar o termo fila mas bicha/veado é um termo brasileiro e não português (de Portugal). O português (de Portugal) calão para bicha é paneleiro.

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#933 Mensagem por Paisano » Sáb Set 23, 2006 9:17 pm

luis F. Silva escreveu:
luis F. Silva escreveu:
Esta é fácil.

Nome e país.

Fácil o Cace** #"%**


Você está sendo advertido por plágio não autorizado de expressão consagrada do Conde de Madeira, Paisano, Torcedor Oficial do Nacional de Madeira!

Perdão Grão-Mestre do FDB e digno representante do N. da Madeira. Eu guardo o cace**»#$"&%/

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

PS: Nacional de Madeira é cace#$&!!! :evil: [087]

luis F. Silva
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#934 Mensagem por luis F. Silva » Sáb Set 23, 2006 9:24 pm

PS: Nacional de Madeira é cace#$&!!!

:P :P :P :oops: :oops: :oops:


Luis Filipe Silva

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#935 Mensagem por JLRC » Sáb Set 23, 2006 9:39 pm

Iranian Naval Unit no 802 based in Caspian Sea

* Was Ex-Imperial Royal Yacht "Shahsavar"

* Recommissioned in 1993 (according to Jane Defence) as Training ship

* Now called "Hamzeh" with reconfigured setup (Added forward GAM-BO1 20mm Gun, changes in ship with two old boats removed and replaced with 2 x Surface-To-Surface Anti-Ship Missile

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Jet Crash®
Mensagens: 1996
Registrado em: Sáb Mai 15, 2004 8:05 pm
Localização: Belo Horizonte

#936 Mensagem por Jet Crash® » Sáb Set 23, 2006 9:59 pm

JLRC escreveu:Iranian Naval Unit no 802 based in Caspian Sea

* Was Ex-Imperial Royal Yacht "Shahsavar"

* Recommissioned in 1993 (according to Jane Defence) as Training ship

* Now called "Hamzeh" with reconfigured setup (Added forward GAM-BO1 20mm Gun, changes in ship with two old boats removed and replaced with 2 x Surface-To-Surface Anti-Ship Missile

Continua errado. É outro nome.

O armamento também diferente.

Procurem direito.

Com os links que citei não tem erro.

Jet Crash®

Mensagens: 2513
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#937 Mensagem por JLRC » Sáb Set 23, 2006 10:05 pm

Então desisto. Só se recentemente o rebaptizaram. Mas que o navio é o que indiquei disso não tenho dúvidas

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Jet Crash®
Mensagens: 1996
Registrado em: Sáb Mai 15, 2004 8:05 pm
Localização: Belo Horizonte

#938 Mensagem por Jet Crash® » Sáb Set 23, 2006 10:10 pm

JLRC escreveu:Então desisto. Só se recentemente o rebaptizaram. Mas que o navio é o que indiquei disso não tenho dúvidas

É construído localmente. Se é engenharia reversa é irrelevante.

Jet Crash®

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#939 Mensagem por hancelo » Dom Set 24, 2006 8:17 am

Jet Crash® escreveu:
JLRC escreveu:Então desisto. Só se recentemente o rebaptizaram. Mas que o navio é o que indiquei disso não tenho dúvidas

É construído localmente. Se é engenharia reversa é irrelevante.

Iranian Naval Unit no 802 based in Caspian Sea

* Was Ex-Imperial Royal Yacht "Shahsavar"

* Recommissioned in 1993 (according to Jane Defence) as Training ship

* Now called "Hamzeh" with reconfigured setup (Added forward GAM-BO1 20mm Gun, changes in ship with two old boats removed and replaced with 2 x Surface-To-Surface Anti-Ship Missile

no global security e na janes falam dele tambem agora se tem outro não consegui achar

po jet acaba logo com isso e fala o nome da enganação iraniana.

O maior patrimônio de uma nação é o espírito de luta de seu povo e a maior ameaça para uma nação é a desagregação desse espírito. (George B. Courtelyou)
Luiz Padilha

#940 Mensagem por Luiz Padilha » Dom Set 24, 2006 8:36 am

Jet Crash® escreveu:
Luiz Padilha escreveu:Amigos, eu tenho umas imagens e gostaria de saber se vcs conhecem esses navios/subs em que base eles estão e que marinha é esta.


É expressamente proibido furar a fila/bicha. Cite o nome da embarcação abaixo e você estará liberado para postar. :wink:

O navio é a corveta K22 Galve da Suécia e o submarino é da Classe Gotland, Três subs foram construídos sendo o HMS Gotland, HMS Uppland e HMS Halland. Em 2004, a Suécia arrendou o HMS Gotland para a U.S. Navy por um ano e foi usado como OPFOR - (Opposing Force Role).

A Suécia decidiu prolongar o arrendamento por mais um ano.

Gotland Forever

June 19, 2006

Sweden has agreed to allow one of its subs, the Gotland, to spend a second year working with the U.S. Navy as part of an anti-submarine warfare training program. The diesel-electric Gotland is the first submarine designed from the start to use air-independent propulsion (AIP). The Gotland can remain submerged for 19 days and is among the quietest non-nuclear submarines in the world. The four Gotland class boats are highly automated, with a crew of 25. They displace 1,494 tons, are 190 feet long and have four 533mm torpedo tubes (with 12 torpedoes) and two 400mm tubes (with six torpedoes).

The Gotland has been based in San Diego, along with three dozen civilian technicians to help with maintenance. The U.S. Navy has also trained against Australian diesel-electric subs, and often come out second. The Gotland is more modern than the Australian boats, particularly because of its AIP system. Thus the Gotland is something of a worst case in terms of what American surface ships and submarines might have to face in a future naval war. None of America's most likely naval opponents (China, North Korea or Iran), have AIP boats, but they do have plenty of diesel-electric subs which, in the hands of skilled crews, can be pretty deadly.

Training against the Gotland enables the U.S. Navy to improve its anti-submarine tactics and techniques, as well as getting much valuable from inside the Gotland. All the results of this training is highly classified, but it has apparently been successful enough to extend the program for a year.

Exato. Da marinha sueca e o nome é Gävle K 22.
O submarino é Swedish Kockkumbs class e eu queria saber agora, se alguém sabe o nome desta base, pois eu não sei.
Mas que é Hollwoodiana isso ela é.


luis F. Silva
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#941 Mensagem por luis F. Silva » Dom Set 24, 2006 9:18 am

eu queria saber agora, se alguém sabe o nome desta base, pois eu não sei.

As principais bases suecas são: Musko e Harsfjarden em Estocolmo, e Karskrona que creio que é a das fotos.


Luis Filipe Silva

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Jet Crash®
Mensagens: 1996
Registrado em: Sáb Mai 15, 2004 8:05 pm
Localização: Belo Horizonte

#942 Mensagem por Jet Crash® » Dom Set 24, 2006 9:25 am

Estou decepcionado com vocês :( .

Eis a criatura:

New Iranian Wonder Weapons
September 22, 2006

Iran has announced a new super weapon; a torpedo boat (the Josham) equipped with the " most advanced 76mm gun ever built". As with past Iranian breakthroughs, the announcement was long on rhetoric and short on details. One interesting tidbit was that the 76mm gun contains 25,000 parts, and fires a new wonder shell called the Fajr (with a range of 19 kilometers and able to reach aircraft flying as high as 19,000 feet.) Most modern 76mm naval guns have far fewer than 25,000 parts (in engineering anything, the fewer parts, the better), and a maximum range of about 19 kilometers (and an effective range of about half that.) There have been some innovative 76mm shells developed in the last decade ago, especially in Italy. But Iran is not saying what these nifty new shells can do.

Iran-Made PT Boat Launches Mission


TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iran-made PT boat named 'Joshan' joined Iranian navy Wednesday morning in the presence of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.

The vessel which enjoys unique capabilities is one of the best PT boats of the world navies.

Iran, which is among the world's few countries owning the technology, started design and manufacture of PT boats and corvettes in 2003, and it succeeded in building the first one of these military vessels 18 months later.

'Joshan' enjoys the world's latest technology, specially with regard to its military, electrical and electronic systems, frame and chassis, and it has the capabilities required for launching powerful missiles, Iran's navy commander Admiral Kouchaki told FNA.

He added, "Similar to Iran's first PT boat 'Peykan', 'Joshan' also has a speed of over 45 sea knots which makes it even faster than the same generation of PT boats manufactured by other countries. The vessel is capable of using various missiles and rockets with a range beyond 100km, high maneuverability power that helps it to escape torpedoes, and enjoys the most advanced sea shell of the world called 'Fajr'."

The Admiral also stated that more Iranian made PT boats and destroyers would soon launch their operations in the Iranian navy.

Iranian navy also started using the most advanced home-made sea shell just a few days ago.

The shell called 'Fajr' comprises 25 thousand parts manufactured through partnership of over 100 Iranian companies and academic elites.

The 76mm-caliber shell enjoys a wide variety of military capabilities and can hit sea and air targets within the range of 19 km or 23 thousand feet in distance, respectively.

Admiral Kouchaki also pointed out that after the US and Italy, Iran is the third country to acquire the technology for building the sea shell.

Quem acertou que era uma embarcação do Irã(pelo menos isto) pode prosseguir.

Jet Crash®

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#943 Mensagem por hancelo » Dom Set 24, 2006 9:29 am

Jet Crash® escreveu:Estou decepcionado com vocês :( .

Eis a criatura:

New Iranian Wonder Weapons
September 22, 2006

Iran has announced a new super weapon; a torpedo boat (the Josham) equipped with the " most advanced 76mm gun ever built". As with past Iranian breakthroughs, the announcement was long on rhetoric and short on details. One interesting tidbit was that the 76mm gun contains 25,000 parts, and fires a new wonder shell called the Fajr (with a range of 19 kilometers and able to reach aircraft flying as high as 19,000 feet.) Most modern 76mm naval guns have far fewer than 25,000 parts (in engineering anything, the fewer parts, the better), and a maximum range of about 19 kilometers (and an effective range of about half that.) There have been some innovative 76mm shells developed in the last decade ago, especially in Italy. But Iran is not saying what these nifty new shells can do.

Iran-Made PT Boat Launches Mission


TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iran-made PT boat named 'Joshan' joined Iranian navy Wednesday morning in the presence of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.

The vessel which enjoys unique capabilities is one of the best PT boats of the world navies.

Iran, which is among the world's few countries owning the technology, started design and manufacture of PT boats and corvettes in 2003, and it succeeded in building the first one of these military vessels 18 months later.

'Joshan' enjoys the world's latest technology, specially with regard to its military, electrical and electronic systems, frame and chassis, and it has the capabilities required for launching powerful missiles, Iran's navy commander Admiral Kouchaki told FNA.

He added, "Similar to Iran's first PT boat 'Peykan', 'Joshan' also has a speed of over 45 sea knots which makes it even faster than the same generation of PT boats manufactured by other countries. The vessel is capable of using various missiles and rockets with a range beyond 100km, high maneuverability power that helps it to escape torpedoes, and enjoys the most advanced sea shell of the world called 'Fajr'."

The Admiral also stated that more Iranian made PT boats and destroyers would soon launch their operations in the Iranian navy.

Iranian navy also started using the most advanced home-made sea shell just a few days ago.

The shell called 'Fajr' comprises 25 thousand parts manufactured through partnership of over 100 Iranian companies and academic elites.

The 76mm-caliber shell enjoys a wide variety of military capabilities and can hit sea and air targets within the range of 19 km or 23 thousand feet in distance, respectively.

Admiral Kouchaki also pointed out that after the US and Italy, Iran is the third country to acquire the technology for building the sea shell.

Quem acertou que era uma embarcação do Irã(pelo menos isto) pode prosseguir.

puts que enganação remodelaram ela e depois colocaram outro nome

O maior patrimônio de uma nação é o espírito de luta de seu povo e a maior ameaça para uma nação é a desagregação desse espírito. (George B. Courtelyou)
luis F. Silva
Mensagens: 2470
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#944 Mensagem por luis F. Silva » Dom Set 24, 2006 10:24 am

He added, "Similar to Iran's first PT boat 'Peykan', 'Joshan' also has a speed of over 45 sea knots which makes it even faster than the same generation of PT boats manufactured by other countries. The vessel is capable of using various missiles and rockets with a range beyond 100km, high maneuverability power that helps it to escape torpedoes, and enjoys the most advanced sea shell of the world called 'Fajr'."

Que vigarice!!!! Hancelo e você comeu essa noticia como verdadeira.
45 nós????? se der 13 ou 14 já é uma festa. Tecnologia iraniana?? Ah ah ah .Ele era mesmo o antigo Shahshavar, que depois da queda do Xá se passou a chamar Hamzeh.
Estes iranianos são loucos.


Luis Filipe Silva

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Jet Crash®
Mensagens: 1996
Registrado em: Sáb Mai 15, 2004 8:05 pm
Localização: Belo Horizonte

#945 Mensagem por Jet Crash® » Dom Set 24, 2006 10:29 am

luis F. Silva escreveu:
He added, "Similar to Iran's first PT boat 'Peykan', 'Joshan' also has a speed of over 45 sea knots which makes it even faster than the same generation of PT boats manufactured by other countries. The vessel is capable of using various missiles and rockets with a range beyond 100km, high maneuverability power that helps it to escape torpedoes, and enjoys the most advanced sea shell of the world called 'Fajr'."

Que vigarice!!!! Hancelo e você comeu essa noticia como verdadeira.
45 nós????? se der 13 ou 14 já é uma festa. Tecnologia iraniana?? Ah ah ah .Ele era mesmo o antigo Shahshavar, que depois da queda do Xá se passou a chamar Hamzeh.
Estes iranianos são loucos.

IRRELEVANTE. Vocês não acertaram. :wink:

Jet Crash®
