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Enviado: Dom Ago 30, 2009 11:30 pm
por Carlos Mathias
Sintra, estudam a trinta anos e ninguém usou ainda porquê?
Não são pequenos tijolos radar Sintra, olhe o tamanho dos slots de um SU-35, devem ser maiores que as asas de um F-5 em termos de área total. :lol:

E pode ser que não vejam o F-22 bem lá longe, mas longe o suficiente para ver-se que há um objeto grande voando a mach 1.5 num determinado ponto do espaço, daí aponta-se o IRST e dirige-se a potência máxima do IRBIS naquela direção, recebe-se um eco bem pequeno voando a 30.000 m e deve-se saber que bolas de gude ou bolas de ping-pong não voam assim, logo só pode ser...
É mais um ponto na formação de uma imagem, entende? :wink:
Outra coisa, esses tijolos podem ser usados em outras áreas e até mesmo no lugar da antena "normal", não é?

O inusitado é o desenvolvimento PRÁTICO do uso de radares embarcados que operem na banda L. Uma vez operacionais, tornarão as técnicas furtivas da banda X inúteis.


Enviado: Seg Ago 31, 2009 12:18 am
por Junker
India's first stealth fighter to fly in 4 months
Vishnu Som, Sunday August 30, 2009, Moscow

In less than four months from now, India's first stealth fighter will fly for the first time. It is called the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft or FGFA being developed in Russia by Sukhoi.

The FGFA is designed to have a top speed of approximately Mach 2, or twice the speed of sound.

It has the ability to supercruise or operate at speeds beyond the speed of sound without engaging systems such as afterburners which consume huge amounts of fuel.

The aircraft will be equipped with an electronically scanned array radar whose beams are electronically steered to detect targets with maximum accuracy.

India, which has partnered Russia in the development of multi-role fighter Sukhoi 30 MKI, is a key player in the FGFA project and is expected to pay a sizeable chunk of the $3 billion needed to fund development of the fighter.

"The prototype will take off this year," said Alexei Fedorov, president of Russia's United Aircraft Corporation.

Several of the technologies being developed for the stealth fighter have evolved from those used in the Sukhoi 30 MKI.

Considered the most maneuverable fighter in the world, the Sukhoi 30 MKI uses thrust vectored engines which deflect the exhaust from its engines to extreme angles which enable the jet to pull off violent maneuvers like a flat spin where the jet literally spins around on its axis.

As new technological advancements are being developed for the stealth fighter, they will also find their way into the Sukhoi 30.
http://www.ndtv.com/news/india/indias_f ... y_soon.php


Enviado: Seg Ago 31, 2009 6:24 am
por P44
http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/20 ... ghter.html

Russia unveiled the first element of its fifth-generation Sukhoi PAK FA/T-50 fighter during the Moscow MAKS air show, with Tikhomirov's NIIP having exhibited the type's active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar.


The newly unveiled unit is intended for integration with Sukhoi's heavyweight fighter prototype, which air force commander Aleksandr Zelin says is due to fly in November or December. The aircraft was shown to President Vladimir Putin in its assembly phase during his May visit to the KnAAPO production plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Tikhomirov says the AESA antenna entered benchtesting in November 2008, and was mated with the radar's other blocks for an initial integration test "this summer". A second example to be produced for an operational prototype of the T-50 will be completed by mid-2010, it adds.

NIIP has not provided any details about the new radar, beyond saying that its antenna contains more than 1,000 solid transmit/receive modules. The design is Russia's second AESA system, following the Phazotron Zhuk-AE being developed for the RSK MiG-35.

Outwardly, the T-50 is believed to resemble the configuration of the US Air Force's Lockheed Martin F-22, and will share design features such as internally carried weapons and supercruise performance. The Russian aircraft will also have an integrated on-board sensor and flight control system which will include several radar antennas to provide a 360° coverage.

Sukhoi will complete five prototypes for initial testing, including two to be dedicated for ground test activities. Initial trials are scheduled for completion in 2011-12, with the company expecting to produce an initial batch of aircraft for operational trials by 2015.

Russia's initial batch of aircraft will be powered by NPO Saturn Item 117 engines, derived from the supplier's AL-31F series. A new engine will be incorporated with later production examples, with this likely to be a design proposed by MMPP Salut and based on the AL-31FM3.

India is also seeking its own version of the T-50 under an agreement with Moscow. This is expected to feature some airframe differences and use Indian avionics equipment.


Enviado: Seg Ago 31, 2009 3:27 pm
por PRick
Antunes escreveu:Bom parece que queimei a lingua! :P

June 05, 2007
Mitsubishi Stealth

Rcsmodel The Mitsubishi 3000GT sports car was sold in the US as the Dodge Stealth, but now the company has moved up to the real thing.

Japan's Technical Research & Development Institute (TRDI) recently unveiled images of the Mitsubishi ATD-X stealth fighter in the form of a full-scale radar cross-section (RCS) model. One picture was released a few months ago by TRDI, but has now disappeared from their site. Other images can be found here. They include a presentation slide confirming that France has been supporting the Japanese stealth program: between September and November 2005, the model was tested in the French government's radar cross-section (RCS) range. Other features of the twin-engine jet include thrust vectoring with external paddles, an F-22-like external shape, fly-by-light controls and the testing of a smart-skin sensor.
In some ways the ATD-X project is comparable to BAE Systems' Replica stealth demonstration in the mid-1990s. It's not likely that the Japanese government will fund the development of an operational stealth fighter, but the domestic capability may be used to ease US concerns about exporting its own stealth aircraft to Japan. Further down the road, too, the same technology could be used in other systems such as cruise missiles or unmanned air vehicles.

Solange0650 Using the French range is logical. At Bruz, near Rennes, France's DGA defense agency's CELAR (center for military electronics) laboratory constructed the Solange indoor RCS range. A photo found here shows that Solange may be the biggest indoor RCS range in the world, capable of measuring a real fighter rather than a subscale mock-up. The same site also confirms that Solange was built with the help of a US company, absorber specialist Emerson & Cuming.

--Bill Sweetman

Bom vamos ver o que vai sair, e quando!! :shock:

Creio que o programa não está indo para frente, porém, você não repararam na parte em vermelho, depois vocês não sabem porque o RCS do Rafale é pequeno. E ainda, será que não pode sair uma parceria daí no futuro? [000] [000]



Enviado: Ter Set 01, 2009 3:37 pm
por Eduardo Soares
Aqui está o link traduzido do fórum russo, é só clicar no link aviação.

http://translate.google.com.br/translat ... hl%3Dpt-BR


Enviado: Sex Out 02, 2009 9:16 am
por Oziris




Enviado: Sex Out 02, 2009 9:43 am
por Rodrigo almeida


Enviado: Sex Out 02, 2009 10:31 am
por henriquejr
Ta parecendo montagem!

Os especialistas no assunto se pronunciem!!


Enviado: Sex Out 02, 2009 11:38 am
por felipexion
Oziris escreveu:Imagem


Onde está a onda de calor da turbina???


Enviado: Sex Out 02, 2009 11:42 am
por Brasileiro
Oziris escreveu:Imagem


A Estrela vermelha sobre a asa e o número 01 na frente do avião parece forçação de barra. Vide Su-35, o número do avião não tinha nada a ver com o fato de ser o primeiro protótipo.

E recolheu o trem de pouso em altitude muito baixa ainda. O protótipo do Su-35 sequer recolheu o trem de pouso em seu primeiro vôo.




Enviado: Sex Out 02, 2009 11:54 am
por Valdemort
Realmente os avioes mantem os trens de pouso ( landing gear) arriados nos primeiros voos de uma maneira geral.

Mas quem garante que e o primeiro voo ???
Nao entendo de photo / photoshop ... mas quem garante que nao e possivel ja haver esse prototipo ? Eles nao iriam voar esse ano ?


Enviado: Sex Out 02, 2009 11:56 am
por Carlos Mathias
Nariz e asa de F-18...


Enviado: Sex Out 02, 2009 12:02 pm
por Skyway

Muito boa a idéia de montagem, mas fake.


Enviado: Seg Out 05, 2009 10:31 am
Primeira imagem do primer vôo do PAF-FA??




Enviado: Seg Out 05, 2009 4:32 pm
por P44
no mp.net garantem que é fake