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Enviado: Sex Dez 18, 2009 7:33 pm
por pedrohakial
Prick você leu o meu post? Você não concorda comigo, sobre esses abusos?


Enviado: Sex Dez 18, 2009 7:43 pm
por pafuncio
A abordagem do Prick é jurídica. A da Comunicação Social da FAB, não. Se houvesse um acadêmico ali que recorresse ao laconismo, poderia dizer "certame", só para sacanear o paisano (não é contigo, nacional-madeirense).

Não te esquenta, cara, nós já debatemos bastante acerca da matéria, aqui no DB.



Enviado: Sex Dez 18, 2009 7:48 pm
por PRick
Carlos Mathias escreveu:Agora vão se pendurar no potencial de crescimento. :lol:
Já esqueceram o 2 X 1 ? :roll: :lol:
Pior, agora estão falando em versão naval, melhor, versão navalizada, quer dizer que podem ser destruídos quando fizerem o catrapo! :twisted: :twisted:



Enviado: Sex Dez 18, 2009 8:27 pm
por Carlos Mathias
Licitação prá comprar caças? Só na Brasil mesmo, putz. :roll:

Depois reclamam quando neguinho, moreninho e branquinho desce a lenha neles. :?


Enviado: Sex Dez 18, 2009 11:01 pm
Nossa levar essa decisão pra ano eleitoral......ninguém merece......as teorias de conspiração e os achismos aumentam proporcionalmente ao tempo que essa lenga-lenga demora a ser resolvida. Tô ficando muito preocupado em isso não dar em nada e acabar sendo repassado ao próximo governo e após 8 anos ter o mesmo fim do fome zero. OXALÁ QUE EU ESTEJA ERRADO!!!!
Marcos Ribeiro

Rafale na cabeça!!!!!!!!!!


Enviado: Sex Dez 18, 2009 11:21 pm
por AlbertoRJ
"Full house" for the Rafale, during exercises in the UAE

(tradução automática do francês para o inglês)

The participation of six combat aircraft Rafale F3 recent Air Tactical Leadership Course (DPAC) held in United Arab Emirates from November 15 to December 9 was a "total success". "We have full board" ensures Lt. Colonel Fabrice Grandclaudon, commander of the squadron 1 / 7 Provence (Saint-Dizier).

The participation in this major international exercise was very important for France while negotiations for the sale of 60 Rafale UAE continues. Clearly, a good point was marked by the French with their colleagues UAE. Especially the availability of Rafale has been "exemplary": they could participate in the exercises for two patrols of four aircraft per day from the base of Al Dhafra

The "plateau" for this meeting was ATLP impressive F-16 C / D Block 60 and Mirage 2000-9 (UAE), F-16 MLU (Jordan), F-7 [a modernized version of the MiG-21] (Pakistan ) Typhoon [Eurofighter] (United Kingdom) and F-16 CJ and F-22 (USA). Over AWACS and tankers. The exercise is to simulate raids important to forty aircraft in "realistic missions represent a high intensityconflict". Equipment must face a oppositon air and ground to air.

In terms of air combat, its frontal area optronics (OSF) has enabled the Rafale to visually identify targets up to 30/40 miles, while identifying habitual air defense is between three and five kilometers. In terms of electronic warfare, gusts were detected ground-air threats that the F-16 CJ U.S., which is the main purpose had not seen. Rafale A was able to simulate the firing six air-ground munitions (A2SM) of 6 different targets (programmed) at a distance of 20 to 40 kilometers, then fired three missiles air-air Mica, all in a minute - what tymoigne versatility of the aircraft.

In air to air fighting, the Rafale has "put the plate" to Typhoons from the Royal Air Force, provides the Lieutenant Colonel Grandclaudon. In degraded version, four against four, the Rafale has made scores of 4 to 0 and 3 to 1.

The French fighter aircraft also rubbed the F-22, the most modern fighter of the USAF. During a meeting, they have clashed six times, the F-22 does put a shot on goal.

http://secretdefense.blogs.liberation.f ... irats.html

Eu sempre percebi que os jornalistas franceses são dos mais críticos com suas próprias Forças Armadas e equipamentos, mas agora outro jornalista francês destaca a participação dos Rafales no exercício de alto nível nos EAU.

P.S.: E ele citou o nome da sua fonte, sem rodeios.



Enviado: Sáb Dez 19, 2009 12:02 am
por AlbertoRJ
DPAC ....!

Half of the prestigious Hunting 01,007 Squadron Provence has made the trip to the United Arab Emirates during the year DPAC
This exercise brings together international combat aircraft the most prestigious. To name a few: The Eurofighter "Typhoon", the F22 "Raptor" and ... Rafale.
I can not remain silent any longer my pleasure drivers who are out there demonstrating the capabilities of the French flagship aircraft, are really high the colors of France, winning magnificent victories against other nations.
I give here more details next week! :-)

Hello Captain,
would you say that the Rafale pilots are shown to match those of the Raptor? At both the weapon system as the dogfight (if there was)? In view of the demonstrations made by your fellow "Rut", presumably so for "dogfhight.
The real question is: the Rafale could he approach this magnificent machine that is the F-22? I am eager to know the answer.
For the Eurofighter, you've already responded to a previous thread.

Thank you for your post

About the author
At 30, Captain Romain is one of the few fighter pilots to fly
Rafale today on the latest technology of the Air Force
French. With 2300 hours of military flight and after having obtained the most
High skills of his specialty at the age record of 25 years,
Captain Romain tells us his life as a fighter pilot. He chose to
this a key period for him: April to June 2008 he was sent to -
above the Afghan territory to protect the peacekeepers on the ground. With
a simple and stripped as much as possible of the drivers argo
military, he will demonstrate his mindset and his life under conditions
war. It finds a job, the driver and a priesthood that
the military, married with two children. The details of operations
from the cockpit of a Rafale, allows us to better understand
the news of one of the most explosive areas of the world
http://blog.francetv.fr/capitaine-romai ... 54660-atlc


Enviado: Sáb Dez 19, 2009 8:47 am
por P44
http://secretdefense.blogs.liberation.f ... vion-.html
Tradução de Francês para Inglês

My opinion: Is it right to say that the Rafale is a good plane?

The article on "full board" of the Rafale during international exercises rise, as expected, many reactions. I take this opportunity to give my own opinion.

Some speak ill of the Rafale is information, but say the property would fall under advertising! I do not eat this bread. The Rafale is a good aircraft and this information, no offense to all his detractors. They provide the evidence to tell us what are the problems of this device. I shall not fail to mention it.

It is equally clear that the communication of the air force, expressly mentioned in the article comes as France is negotiating two major contracts for the sale of this aircraft with Emirates and Brazil. And then? Should he play against his own side to be credible?

Exporting this fighter plane, the result of twenty years of work leading industries French (Dassault, Safran, Thales) is a highly strategic issue for our country. This is not a simple business proposition. The sale of Rafale abroad depends on the medium term, the existence of a French military aircraft industry. I do not feel that this is a detail.


Enviado: Sáb Dez 19, 2009 8:54 am
por P44
PRick escreveu:

Prezado (a) Sr (a),

Agradecemos seu contato com a Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) por meio deste Centro de Comunicação Social. Informamos que o FX-2 é um processo licitatório.

Continue acessando o portal http://www.fab.mil.br.

Ouça também as notícias da Força Aérea na Rádio Força Aérea.


Divisão de Relações Públicas


Em 17/12/2009 às 00:28 horas, "PEDRO Felipe" <apocpedro@hotmail.com> escreveu:
Que tipo de compra é ado FX-2? É uma licitação?
Quer conexões de rede mais fácil? Clique e conheça o Windows 7.
Que desastre, era melhor não terem respondido nada. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Processo Licitatório

É composto de diversos procedimentos que têm como meta os princípios constitucionais da legalidade, da isonomia, da impessoalidade, da moralidade, da publicidade e da eficiência com o intuito de proporcionar à Administração a aquisição, a venda ou uma prestação de serviço de forma vantajosa, ou seja, menos onerosa e com melhor qualidade possível, é o chamado "eficiência contratória".

Isso acontece utilizando-se de um sistema de comparação de orçamentos chamados de propostas das empresas que atendam as especificações legais necessárias, todas constantes dentro do edital. A empresa que oferecer maiores vantagens ao governo, será a escolhida para o fornecimento do produto ou do serviço. Oferta mais vantajosa, na legislação brasileira entende-se pelo critério de menor preço ou a de melhor técnica ou a de técnica e preço ou, por fim, a de maior lance ou oferta para os casos de alienação de bens ou de concessão de direito real de uso. Dentre estes, o critério 'menor preço' é comumente mais utilizado. Ao lado deste, figuram o critério de 'Melhor Técnica', quando se leva em consideração, além do preço, a qualificação do licitante e as características de sua proposta; e 'Maior Lance', utilizado quando o objetivo é alienar (vender) bens públicos, como ocorre nos leilões.

Como fonte de consulta, temos uma publicação do Tribunal de Contas da União, disponível no endereço [TCU]http://portal2.tcu.gov.br/portal/page/p ... S_3AED.pdf

, que versa sob questões relacionadas ao processo licitatório.
http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Licita%C3% ... t.C3.B3rio

se bem entendi (expliquem como se eu fosse muito loiro [085] [085] [085] [085] ) na prática isto é um LEILÃO :?: ou seja quem oferecer mais barato leva??????

É que se assim é porque raio a FAB tem de dar opinião? :mrgreen: é o Ministério das Finanças (ou vosso equivalente aí) que decide, ou estou errado????? [001]


Enviado: Sáb Dez 19, 2009 8:58 am
por soultrain
Não é uma licitação, se fosse havia um edital, não houve, houve um RFI e um RFP.

Esse relações publicas meteu a pata na poça.



Enviado: Sáb Dez 19, 2009 9:32 am
por nveras
soultrain escreveu:Não é uma licitação, se fosse havia um edital, não houve, houve um RFI e um RFP.

Esse relações publicas meteu a pata na poça.

x2. Bom dia a todos. E se assim fosse o Gripen estaria fora por não cumprir o requisito de estar operacional do país de origem. Abraços


Enviado: Sáb Dez 19, 2009 9:41 am
por Loki
Ola senhores,
se bem entendi (expliquem como se eu fosse muito loiro ) na prática isto é um LEILÃO ou seja quem oferecer mais barato leva??????

É que se assim é porque raio a FAB tem de dar opinião? é o Ministério das Finanças (ou vosso equivalente aí) que decide, ou estou errado?????

Na verdade não é um leilão, a lei 8666, que regulamenta as compras públicas, permite compras técnicas, de preço ou mistas, técnicas e preço.

Na técnica, não obrigatoriamente a oferta de menor valor ganha, irá ganhar a que possuir a melhor oferta técnica, sendo o critério de avaliação a ser submetido o produto ou serviço explicito no edital o no convite ao fornecimento.

Na mista não obrigatoriamente a melhor técnica vence e nem o melhor preço, e sim a melhor combinação dos dois, já que o preço e a técnica são componentes da avaliação. Obviamente que as considerações para o critério de avaliação devem constar do edital, do termo de referência para aquisição ou do convite de fornecimento.

Alguns colocam os critérios no caderno de encargos, apesar de não concordar (sou meio tonto) tenho que reconhecer que os critérios são fatores que oneram a proposta. :|

bem resumidamente, é isso ai.



Enviado: Sáb Dez 19, 2009 1:25 pm
por gaitero

A lei 8.666, diz que, respeitando os requisitos necessários, a proposta vencedora é a que oferecer o menor custo de aquisição.

Ou seja, se o gripen custar mais barato e cumprir com os requisitos ele seria o vencedor da licitação.

PORÉM, aqui no Brasil é comum chamar todas as compras do governo de licitação. Mesmo aquelas que não são... :wink:

Esta lei será alterada pelo congresso em breve...

Esta dentro do pacote da nova END.


Enviado: Sáb Dez 19, 2009 3:09 pm
por P44
portanto é leilão mesmo, estando o gripen fora da corrida por não existir :twisted:

valeus :wink:


Enviado: Sáb Dez 19, 2009 3:34 pm
por Penguin
D-Days for Rafale
Posted on 23 November 2009 in Defence
http://www.arabianaerospace.aero/articl ... for-rafale

With decision time looming in a number of important fighter competitions, and with the aircraft appearing to be well placed in several of these, 2009 could yet be 'the year of the Rafale'. JON LAKE reports

Quite apart from being the subject of real interest from potential export customers, Dassault’s Rafale fighter bomber is making great progress in French air force (Armée de l’Air) and navy (Aéronavale) service.

When France left a collaborative European fighter programme to develop the Rafale, it did so because it wanted a smaller, lighter, cheaper aircraft than its former partners, more optimized to the air-to-ground role, and better sized for carrier operations and for export. As a result, today’s Rafale is a smaller, lighter aircraft than the rival Eurofighter Typhoon, somewhat cheaper, and with greater emphasis having been placed on getting fighter-bomber capabilities into service early. As a direct result of this approach, the Rafale enjoys considerably greater maturity in the vital air-to-ground role than its closest rivals – the multi-national Typhoon and Sweden’s Gripen, whose air-to-surface capabilities still remain relatively modest.

The Rafale ‘entered service’ with the Aéronavale on December 4 2000 and became operational in 2004. The first Armée de l’Air Rafale squadron formed in the summer of 2006. The type has now made a succession of deployments to support operations in Afghanistan, with the Navy using the type on board a carrier for extended evaluation from 2002. This saw it flying limited escort and tanker missions in support of Operation Enduring Freedom during 2003.

The first fully operational Rafale deployment was undertaken by three two-seat Armée de l’Air Rafale B aircraft, which were based at Dushanbe in Tajikistan from March until mid-2007, flying missions over Afghanistan. An Aéronavale Rafale M deployment was undertaken aboard the carrier Charles de Gaulle at the same time.

Since then there have been two deployments by single-seat Armée de l’Air Rafale Cs to Kandahar airfield in Afghanistan itself. The Rafale still has no autonomous self-designation capability and relies on laser designators on the ground, or carried by accompanying Mirage 2000s. The primary weapon used in Afghanistan has been the 500lb GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bomb, four of which are usually carried with a pair of under-wing fuel tanks.

The first air force Rafale C deployment to Kandahar saw the initial operational firing of the new Armement air-sol modulare (AASM) bomb, an INS/GPS guided rocket-boosted missile. On April 19 2008, a Rafale operating from Kandahar fired two 250kg weapons at a Taliban bunker from a 10km stand-off range. A Canadian FAC on the ground transmitted the GPS coordinates of the target directly to the aircraft.

Back in Metropolitan France, March 2009 saw the inauguration of the Armée de l’Air’s second Rafale squadron, EC 1/91 ‘Gascogne’, which joined EC 1/7 ‘Provence’ at St Dizier. The squadron will eventually operate in the nuclear strike role, using the ASMP-A missile, and will become operational next summer.

With the French Defence Ministry eager to slow down deliveries of its own Dassault Rafales, in order to spread its spending on the aircraft over a longer period, the need to find export customers for this impressive and capable swing role fighter-bomber has become more and more pressing for the manufacturer. Rafale production has already been reduced from 14 aircraft annually to just 11 and, though French requirements remain at 294 aircraft (234 for the Armée de l’Air and 60 for the Aéronavale), only 120 have actually been ordered, and 82 of these will have been delivered by the end of the year. A further 60 aircraft order is expected, but unless it is placed soon, there could be a production gap.

Dassault hopes to win export orders to gain vital revenue, to maintain the most economically efficient production rate – which some analysts estimate at 18 aircraft per annum – and also to fund planned improvements to the aircraft.

After the disappointment of being rejected in South Korea, Norway, the Netherlands and Singapore, Rafale’s export prospects now look very much brighter. The aircraft still looks well-placed to win an order in Brazil, though there was some frantic back-tracking after a comment in September by president Luiz da Silva that Brazil would “enter final negotiations” to buy at least 36 Rafale F3 fighters. The Brazilian Defence Minister, Nelson Jobim, immediately issued a statement saying the air force would continue negotiating terms for the FX-2 contract with all three competitors, effectively denying that Rafale had already won, which had been the original impression.

The aircraft also remains in strong contention in Switzerland and India (where reports in April 2009 that the Rafale had been disqualified from the competition for not meeting minimum performance requirements were explicitly denied by the Indian MoD), and in Greece.

In the Middle East, an order from the UAE seems to be becoming increasingly likely. French president Nicholas Sarkozy claimed that the UAE government was in discussions to buy the aircraft in June 2008. This June, Abu Dhabi’s state news agency confirmed that: “The Government of France has received the technical and operational specifications required in the French Rafale jet fighter from the UAE Armed Forces in the framework of the ongoing negotiations between the governments of the UAE and France.” Though no formal announcement is expected imminently, talks are understood to have reached an advanced stage, even including discussions as to the possible buy-back or onward sale of the UAE’s existing Dassault Mirage 2000-9s, according to Dassault chief executive Charles Edelstenne. Military co-operation between France and the UAE has also intensified, and Armée de l’Air Rafales have already undertaken exercises in the UAE, operating from Base Aerienne 104 – the newly-opened permanent French military enclave at Al Dhafra air base.

The UAE is being assiduously courted by Dassault and the French government. UAE VIPs attended the first public air display by an Armée de l’Air Rafale earlier this summer and a model of Rafale was prominently displayed at the Paris Air Show carrying unique-to-the-UAE weapons configurations, including the Al Hakim rocket-powered precision stand-off bomb.

One problem facing Dassault is that the UAE requires capabilities that have long been planned for Rafale, but which are not yet available on Armée de l’Air aircraft, thanks to development delays and funding constraints.

The UAE wants an operational active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, a helmet-mounted sight and display system, an advanced forward sector infrared search and track system, a laser designation/targeting pod, an advanced defensive aids system (DAS), and a full spectrum of air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons, including the MBDA Meteor beyond-visual-range air-air missile, and Scalp and Al Hakim ASMs.

Most of these improvements and enhancements are planned for French Rafales and work is already under way on the AESA version of the RBE2 radar, and on integrating the Damocles targeting pod. But integration of the Gerfaut helmet sight and enhanced OSF remain unfunded, and Rafale’s Systeme de Protection et d’Evitement des Conduites de Tir du RAfale (SPECTRA) DAS remains some way short of its originally planned capabilities.

Integration of Meteor on the Rafale is currently scheduled to begin in 2013-14 for service entry in 2017-18, and though it has been suggested that this date could be brought forward if necessary, this could be too late for the UAE.

But the key ‘missing feature’ for the UAE is a more powerful engine. The UAE’s requirement emphasizes long-range interdiction, and the air force is interested in operating the aircraft in some heavy configurations. The Rafale has been criticized in some quarters for being under-powered, and the existing 75 kN SNECMA M88-2 engine may not be ideally suited for such configurations in the hot-and-high conditions that may be experienced in the Middle East.

The focus of engine development for the French military has been on improving costs of ownership and extending the time between overhauls under the M88-TCO programme, with blisks, single crystal turbine blades, ceramic coatings and a range of other advanced technologies. There is also an M88-X project, which does aim to increase thrust to about 88-kN, aimed at export customers. A test programme for this new powerplant, with a new high-pressure core, is already under way. SNECMA says that a production M88-X could be available within three years of a contract being signed.

But while an increased thrust engine is possible, the French government has made it clear that it has no requirement for such a higher-thrust powerplant and, therefore, will not fund the development programme, which has been estimated to cost €250-€300 million. This would mean that the UAE (and/or Brazil and/or India) would need to fund development of the new engine. This could be enough to scupper the deal, and it could make an alternative aircraft a better option, off-the-shelf, for the UAE.

The UAE might also be a customer for conformal fuel tanksalready flown in mock-up form – since these would allow extended range without using external stores stations to carry drop tanks.

A first delivery of the Rafale to the UAE would not be made before 2012, according to Edelstenne, and he estimated that the UAE Air Force would probably need about three years to train pilots to operate its new aircraft.

The UAE’s interest in Rafale follows failed campaigns in Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Libya. In 2005 French newspapers reported that Saudi Arabia had agreed in principle to acquire up to 96 Rafales for a reported price of some €6bn following discussions between then-French president Jacques Chirac and Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Abdullah, though Saudi Arabia subsequently confirmed its order for 72 Eurofighter Typhoons, and Dassault subsequently denied that there had been any offer or negotiations.

In June 2006, French press agencies reported that Morocco was expected to become the first export customer for the Dassault Rafale, with Saudi Arabia funding a €2.3bn ($3.22bn) 12-18 aircraft package for the Kingdom. After initial optimism, it was acknowledged that the Rafale was ‘out of the race’ in late 2007, amid reports of poor co-ordination and contradictory pricing from the DGA and Dassault, with the French State Arms Agency trying to tie the Rafale deal to frigate and helicopter orders. Though it was reported that Morocco came “within an inch” of signing for Rafale, the Kingdom eventually bought 36 F-16s instead, at a reported price of $2.3bn.

The next opportunity in the Middle East reportedly came in December 2007, when Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Libya’s head of state, visited Paris. The French newspaper Le Figaro jumped the gun and reported that Libya had actually agreed to purchase 14 Rafales, but soon withdrew the story. Other papers reported that Gaddafi had merely signed an agreement to start negotiations for a €2.5bn ($3.24bn) deal for 13-18 F3 standard Rafales.

This was a bilateral government-to-government negotiation and a Dassault spokesman denied that the company was in any negotiations with the Libyan government.

In March 2008 it was announced that commercial and technical negotiations had been “largely completed”, but then it all went quiet. More recently, and perhaps coincidentally, on August 28 this year, three single-seat Armée de l’Air Rafales from St Dizier flew to Tripoli to participate in an air show commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the First of September Great Revolution of the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya – the coup in which Gaddafi seized power. The visit was described as demonstrating France’s wish to reinforce its defence co-operation with Libya, but may also have been a barely concealed sales demonstration.

Dassault also claims interest in the Rafale from Qatar, Kuwait, and even Oman. Qatar, already an operator of the Mirage 2000, is probably the best prospect among these three Arab nations. The Rafale was reportedly offered to Qatar during high-level talks between Sheikh Hamad and French president Sarkozy, though the Lockheed Martin F-16 and Eurofighter Typhoon also remain in contention.

In February 2009, Sarkozy announced that Kuwait was close to buying 14-28 Rafales to replace its Boeing F/A-18 Hornets – for delivery before the end of the year. Though Kuwait has operated French equipment in the past (including Mirage F1 fighters), and though Kuwaiti defence minister Sheikh Jaber al-Hamad al-Sabah suggested that Rafale was worth “serious consideration”, due to its “high quality and advanced technology” nothing further has been heard, and Kuwaiti interest is believed to have turned elsewhere.

During the same visit to the region, Sarkozy also offered Rafales to Oman to replace its ageing fleet of SEPECAT Jaguars. This was an optimistic pitch, as Oman has for many years aligned its air arm with the Royal Air Force, and was already known to be working on a plan to buy Eurofighter Typhoons to meet the Jaguar replacement requirement.

Though Dassault have so far failed to find an export customer for the Rafale, all of that could change within the next few months, with decisions looming in Brazil, Switzerland and India. We could still see the type repeating the formidable export success of the company’s Mirage fighter family. If so, the Middle East may lie at the heart of that success, by providing the injection of investment that will be required to allow Dassault to complete its ambitious plans to upgrade and modernize the aircraft, finally allowing it to fulfil its very considerable potential.