Sobre os AIM-120C. Esperar mais? Nem os Derby? Nada, nada?
Olha, prá você aprender como é que se faz...
Antenna type: phased
array with fluid drive
Maximum deviation angles while
tracking down a single target, deg.:
- by azymuth
- by the site angle +40
Scanning area during simultaneous 5.500
tracking down of targets, sq. deg.
Scanning area while searching for and locking in a target
in close maneuver combat, deg.:
- by azymuth +3; +10
- by the site angle -15...+40; +7.5
Channels number 3
Noise rate, db 3
capacity, kwt, not less than
- impulse 4-5
- medium 1.2
- illuminative(radiocorrection) 1
Programmed signel processor
Data input speed, mHz 28
Peak productivity rate while conducting
"butterfly"-type operations, mln. oper/sec 75
Radar control processor
Number of processors 3
Flash-memory size of the processor, mb 16
Static memory size of the processor, mb 16
"Air-to-air" mode
The fighter's lock-in range of at least, km:
- at opposite courses 120-140
- at overtaking courses 60
"Air-to-surface" mode
Detection range of at least, km:
- railway bridge 80-120
- tanks 40-50
- torpedo-boat destroyer 120-150
Max resolution capacity, m circa 10
Entendeu "at least"? Quer dizer, no mínimo à 120-140km. Percebeu a diferença de máximo e mínimo alcançe?
El N-011M tiene un alcance 80 a 100 km para blanco aéreos de 2m2
E não foi na Jane's que eu achei essa informação, no link você poderá ver que é o fabricante que diz:
The fighter's lock-in range of at least, km:
- at opposite courses 120-140
E tem mais um detalhe, é "lock-on range" e não "detection range", percebeu a diferença????