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Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Qua Set 07, 2016 5:58 pm
por Tikuna
Só falou os Pods Revo mesmo


Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Qui Set 22, 2016 8:25 pm
por toncat
Luiz Fara Monteiro @luizfara
Aeronáutica prevê levantar US$ 2 bi ao ano com exportação de aeronave KC-390, a partir de 2018. Dois protótipos já voam em fase de testes.
08:04 - 22 de set de 2016

Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Qui Set 22, 2016 8:27 pm
por toncat
Acho esse numero de US$ 2bi meio exagerado. :?

Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Qui Out 20, 2016 8:42 pm
por toncat

KC-390: Fabricante do sistema de treinamento aposta em vendas de mais de 100 aviões.

http://www.cavok.com.br/blog/kc-390-fab ... 00-avioes/

"... He described a ‘very good business outlook’, with orders for over 100 KC-390s in the next 10 years ..."

https://www.shephardmedia.com/news/trai ... -training/
A Rheinmetall fala em 100 encomendas em 10 anos e a FAB falando em U$ 2BI de faturamento p/ano?? :o Isso que é otimismo.

Encomenda externa do KC-390 só vai aparecer depois que estiver operando na FAB.

Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Sex Out 21, 2016 12:47 pm
por FCarvalho
Os primeiros KC-390 da FAB devem estar operacionais já em 2018. Se as opções dos atuais clientes de risco do projeto forem todas assumidas, só aí já serão cerca de 32 aeronaves.
Considerando que hoje a Embraer negocia - e já apresentou em voo a aeronave - com clientes do Oriente Médio e Europa que demonstraram interesso real na aeronave, inclusive se falando em números, não duvido que neste prazo se possa efetivamente passar da centenas de aeronaves vendidas.
As expectativas são todas boas.
Resta dar tempo ao tempo para sabermos se elas são reais.
Le Bourget vem aí. :)


Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Sex Out 21, 2016 5:47 pm
por joao fernando
FCarvalho escreveu:Os primeiros KC-390 da FAB devem estar operacionais já em 2018. Se as opções dos atuais clientes de risco do projeto forem todas assumidas, só aí já serão cerca de 32 aeronaves.
Considerando que hoje a Embraer negocia - e já apresentou em voo a aeronave - com clientes do Oriente Médio e Europa que demonstraram interesso real na aeronave, inclusive se falando em números, não duvido que neste prazo se possa efetivamente passar da centenas de aeronaves vendidas.
As expectativas são todas boas.
Resta dar tempo ao tempo para sabermos se elas são reais.
Le Bourget vem aí. :)

Lembrando que os protótipos já são da FAB.

Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Sex Out 21, 2016 6:47 pm
por FCarvalho
Sim, correto João.
De cabeça, salgo engano, só na Europa, havia e/ou houve conversações com Itália, Suécia, França, Eslováquia, Polônia e Hungria. Isso de público que eu soube.
Considerando que há clientes que não gostam muito de aparecer neste tipo de negócio, pode-se presumir facilmente que exite uma boa margem de acerto nesta perspectiva.
Ademais, como já atestado, há muitos países precisando substituir seus C-130 pra ontem, e que não gostariam de fazê-lo sob os auspícios da pressão americana de praxe, a oportunidade que o KC-390 está criando agora no sentido de ser postar como uma alternativa a esta pressão, além obviamente das opções indo-russa e ucranianas que hora se veem, as coisas irão mudar no médio/longo prazo no mercado de cargueiros militares.
Então é hora de apostar na nossa competência e capacidades.
Desde que o primeiro protótipo voo, os KC-390 começou a chamar a atenção. E mais importante, a quebrar um paradigma até outro dia tido como líquido e certo: para substituir o C-130, SÓ outro C-130.
Isso começou a acabar em 2016.


Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Sáb Out 22, 2016 9:51 am
por joao fernando
FCarvalho escreveu:Sim, correto João.
De cabeça, salgo engano, só na Europa, havia e/ou houve conversações com Itália, Suécia, França, Eslováquia, Polônia e Hungria. Isso de público que eu soube.
Considerando que há clientes que não gostam muito de aparecer neste tipo de negócio, pode-se presumir facilmente que exite uma boa margem de acerto nesta perspectiva.
Ademais, como já atestado, há muitos países precisando substituir seus C-130 pra ontem, e que não gostariam de fazê-lo sob os auspícios da pressão americana de praxe, a oportunidade que o KC-390 está criando agora no sentido de ser postar como uma alternativa a esta pressão, além obviamente das opções indo-russa e ucranianas que hora se veem, as coisas irão mudar no médio/longo prazo no mercado de cargueiros militares.
Então é hora de apostar na nossa competência e capacidades.
Desde que o primeiro protótipo voo, os KC-390 começou a chamar a atenção. E mais importante, a quebrar um paradigma até outro dia tido como líquido e certo: para substituir o C-130, SÓ outro C-130.
Isso começou a acabar em 2016.

Uma pequena (grande correção): tempo

Em 1 hr o KC faz duas viagens. Logo 1 KC=2 C130. Fato

E claro, tem a pressão dos USA. Vide o caso da Mectron.

Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Sáb Out 22, 2016 4:52 pm
por Penguin
joao fernando escreveu:
FCarvalho escreveu:Sim, correto João.
De cabeça, salgo engano, só na Europa, havia e/ou houve conversações com Itália, Suécia, França, Eslováquia, Polônia e Hungria. Isso de público que eu soube.
Considerando que há clientes que não gostam muito de aparecer neste tipo de negócio, pode-se presumir facilmente que exite uma boa margem de acerto nesta perspectiva.
Ademais, como já atestado, há muitos países precisando substituir seus C-130 pra ontem, e que não gostariam de fazê-lo sob os auspícios da pressão americana de praxe, a oportunidade que o KC-390 está criando agora no sentido de ser postar como uma alternativa a esta pressão, além obviamente das opções indo-russa e ucranianas que hora se veem, as coisas irão mudar no médio/longo prazo no mercado de cargueiros militares.
Então é hora de apostar na nossa competência e capacidades.
Desde que o primeiro protótipo voo, os KC-390 começou a chamar a atenção. E mais importante, a quebrar um paradigma até outro dia tido como líquido e certo: para substituir o C-130, SÓ outro C-130.
Isso começou a acabar em 2016.

Uma pequena (grande correção): tempo

Em 1 hr o KC faz duas viagens. Logo 1 KC=2 C130. Fato

E claro, tem a pressão dos USA. Vide o caso da Mectron.
Poderia explorar o caso da Mectron?

Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Qui Nov 17, 2016 8:07 pm
por toncat
Embraer Responds to New Zealand RFI for Airlift, Surveillance Aircraft
By: Nigel Pittaway, November 17, 2016


MELBOURNE, Australia — Embraer has responded to a recent New Zealand request for information (RFI) for a Future Air Mobility Capability (FAMC), with an offer for five KC-390 multimission transport aircraft.

The KC-390 is under development against a contract for 28 aircraft to replace the Brazilian Air Force’s fleet of Lockheed C-130H Hercules, with first deliveries beginning in 2018. The Brazilian aircraft manufacturer said it also holds letters of intent, for a further 32 aircraft, from five different countries and is actively marketing the aircraft to potential customers in Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.

The New Zealand proposal marks the company’s first opportunity for the KC-390 in the Asia-Pacific region, and the bid is supported by Boeing defense products division under the terms of a teaming agreement announced at the Farnborough International Airshow in July.

The Royal New Zealand Air Force’s FAMC program seeks to acquire a fixed-wing transport capability to replace the country’s five C-130Hs and two Boeing 757s, either with two new aircraft or a single type able to meet essential requirements in both strategic and tactical airlift roles.

Delivery of the first aircraft is required by February 2020 and for initial operational capability (IOC) to follow in February 2021. Final operational capability (FOC) is required no later than February 2024. The first replacement aircraft for the 757 fleet is required to arrive in New Zealand before Feb. 1, 2025, and IOC declared by Feb. 1, 2026.

“We are very positive that we can provide the best solution for New Zealand for the mission requirements that they have presented to us (and) I think they are very interested in the KC-390. But we understand and respect that this is a competition and we will fulfill all the required steps of the process,” Embraer Defense & Security President and CEO Jackson Schneider said at the company’s corporate headquarters in São Paulo, Brazil, last week.

The KC-390, shown here, is under development against a contract for 28 aircraft to replace the Brazilian Air Force’s fleet of Lockheed C-130H Hercules, with first deliveries beginning in 2018.
Photo Credit: Nigel Pittaway/Staff

“We are in advanced talks with New Zealand (but) we are not negotiating contracts at the present time. The process is advanced, but it is a competition and we’re not the only bidder,” he said.

Schneider said that the only other manufacturer with a product in the same class as the KC-390 currently in production is US giant Lockheed Martin, with the C-130J Super Hercules.

He also revealed that Embraer is negotiating with what he considers a global civil customer for the KC-390, which will be certified to US Federal Aviation Administration and European Aviation Safety Agency airworthiness requirements, but declined to provide specific details.

“There is one specific discussion with a global company for a fully civil application. It will not require too much customization for the specific mission that they are talking to us about,” he said.

Another senior Embraer executive also revealed that the manufacturer is considering the development of a maritime patrol version of its new E190-E2 commercial airliner at the invitation of the New Zealand government to meet a forthcoming RFI for a Future Air Surveillance Capability.

The RFI will canvas proposals to replace the Royal New Zealand Air Force's recently updated Lockheed P-3K2 Orion maritime patrol aircraft in the mid-2020s, for an FOC planned sometime between 2023 and 2025.

Embraer Defense & Security’s commercial senior vice president, Fernando Ribeiro de Queiroz, said the company will develop a maritime patrol version of the 190-E2, the latest version of its successful commercial "E" jet family, if required by the customer, but he also suggested that a KC-390 configured for the maritime patrol role might provide greater synergy with the FAMC response if New Zealand’s requirements are not inflexible.

“We are responding to the maritime patrol requirement with the -E2, because the requirements that New Zealand has asked for fits better with that platform. But our proposal for the tender is that, if they are able to adjust some of the requirements a little bit, we are able to support it with the KC-390,” he said.

“For example New Zealand wants the airplane to achieve M0.82, but if this speed is not a strong requirement we can support them with the KC-390, which is capable of M0.80,” he added.

Embraer is proposing to modify the KC-390 with a 360-degree surface search radar installed in the nose, similar to the configuration offered to Canada in that country’s long-range search-and-rescue competition, together with a palletized maritime patrol mission system.

“A palletized mission system and radar equipment in the nose and other equipment would fulfill the requirements for maritime patrol, but it does not compromise the other missions that the aircraft is already capable of performing,” de Queiroz explained.

“You can take out the mission system and fly with cargo, passengers, medevac, etc., so it would be a single fleet with perhaps two aircraft capable of being configured for maritime patrol and five dedicated to air mobility. It is how we can show synergy between both projects, but at the same time we have a solution that is 100 percent dedicated to maritime patrol with the E190-E2.”

http://www.defensenews.com/articles/emb ... e-aircraft

Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Sex Nov 18, 2016 1:43 am
por Justin Case
toncat escreveu:
Embraer Responds to New Zealand RFI for Airlift, Surveillance Aircraft
By: Nigel Pittaway, November 17, 2016


MELBOURNE, Australia — Embraer has responded to a recent New Zealand request for information (RFI) for a Future Air Mobility Capability (FAMC), with an offer for five KC-390 multimission transport aircraft.

The KC-390 is under development against a contract for 28 aircraft to replace the Brazilian Air Force’s fleet of Lockheed C-130H Hercules, with first deliveries beginning in 2018. The Brazilian aircraft manufacturer said it also holds letters of intent, for a further 32 aircraft, from five different countries and is actively marketing the aircraft to potential customers in Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.

The New Zealand proposal marks the company’s first opportunity for the KC-390 in the Asia-Pacific region, and the bid is supported by Boeing defense products division under the terms of a teaming agreement announced at the Farnborough International Airshow in July.

The Royal New Zealand Air Force’s FAMC program seeks to acquire a fixed-wing transport capability to replace the country’s five C-130Hs and two Boeing 757s, either with two new aircraft or a single type able to meet essential requirements in both strategic and tactical airlift roles.

Delivery of the first aircraft is required by February 2020 and for initial operational capability (IOC) to follow in February 2021. Final operational capability (FOC) is required no later than February 2024. The first replacement aircraft for the 757 fleet is required to arrive in New Zealand before Feb. 1, 2025, and IOC declared by Feb. 1, 2026.

“We are very positive that we can provide the best solution for New Zealand for the mission requirements that they have presented to us (and) I think they are very interested in the KC-390. But we understand and respect that this is a competition and we will fulfill all the required steps of the process,” Embraer Defense & Security President and CEO Jackson Schneider said at the company’s corporate headquarters in São Paulo, Brazil, last week.

The KC-390, shown here, is under development against a contract for 28 aircraft to replace the Brazilian Air Force’s fleet of Lockheed C-130H Hercules, with first deliveries beginning in 2018.
Photo Credit: Nigel Pittaway/Staff

“We are in advanced talks with New Zealand (but) we are not negotiating contracts at the present time. The process is advanced, but it is a competition and we’re not the only bidder,” he said.

Schneider said that the only other manufacturer with a product in the same class as the KC-390 currently in production is US giant Lockheed Martin, with the C-130J Super Hercules.

He also revealed that Embraer is negotiating with what he considers a global civil customer for the KC-390, which will be certified to US Federal Aviation Administration and European Aviation Safety Agency airworthiness requirements, but declined to provide specific details.

“There is one specific discussion with a global company for a fully civil application. It will not require too much customization for the specific mission that they are talking to us about,” he said.

Another senior Embraer executive also revealed that the manufacturer is considering the development of a maritime patrol version of its new E190-E2 commercial airliner at the invitation of the New Zealand government to meet a forthcoming RFI for a Future Air Surveillance Capability.

The RFI will canvas proposals to replace the Royal New Zealand Air Force's recently updated Lockheed P-3K2 Orion maritime patrol aircraft in the mid-2020s, for an FOC planned sometime between 2023 and 2025.

Embraer Defense & Security’s commercial senior vice president, Fernando Ribeiro de Queiroz, said the company will develop a maritime patrol version of the 190-E2, the latest version of its successful commercial "E" jet family, if required by the customer, but he also suggested that a KC-390 configured for the maritime patrol role might provide greater synergy with the FAMC response if New Zealand’s requirements are not inflexible.

“We are responding to the maritime patrol requirement with the -E2, because the requirements that New Zealand has asked for fits better with that platform. But our proposal for the tender is that, if they are able to adjust some of the requirements a little bit, we are able to support it with the KC-390,” he said.

“For example New Zealand wants the airplane to achieve M0.82, but if this speed is not a strong requirement we can support them with the KC-390, which is capable of M0.80,” he added.

Embraer is proposing to modify the KC-390 with a 360-degree surface search radar installed in the nose, similar to the configuration offered to Canada in that country’s long-range search-and-rescue competition, together with a palletized maritime patrol mission system.

“A palletized mission system and radar equipment in the nose and other equipment would fulfill the requirements for maritime patrol, but it does not compromise the other missions that the aircraft is already capable of performing,” de Queiroz explained.

“You can take out the mission system and fly with cargo, passengers, medevac, etc., so it would be a single fleet with perhaps two aircraft capable of being configured for maritime patrol and five dedicated to air mobility. It is how we can show synergy between both projects, but at the same time we have a solution that is 100 percent dedicated to maritime patrol with the E190-E2.”

http://www.defensenews.com/articles/emb ... e-aircraft
Olá, amigos.
Alguns requisitos do projeto:
Antarctic Ops
This requires the capability to deliver a useful load (not defined) of passengers/cargo from Christchurch - McMurdo with no point of safe return (PSR). As this is highly challenging, the payload with a PSR at top of descent at McMurdo is also of interest. Return point is any suitable NZ airfield, which includes Invercargill (NZ's most southerly commercial airport).
This capability is rated Desirable for both Strategic and Tactical platforms.

Large and Heavy Cargo
Carriage of large and heavy cargo - i.e. NH90 with minor disassembly, up-armoured vehicle
This capability is rated Desirable for both Strategic and Tactical platforms.

Enhanced payload/range
Enhanced payload/range when compared to current aircraft
This capability is rated Desirable for both Strategic and Tactical platforms.

Certification Basis
Aircraft must be certified by a recognised airworthiness authority, e.g FAA/EASA and MIlitary Specifications
This capability is rated Essential for both Strategic and Tactical platforms.

VIP Transport
The ability to transport, both domestically and internationally, a delegation of VIPs and support staff with a 30kg baggage allowance each.
This capability is rated Essential for the Strategic and N/A for the Tactical platforms.

Upgrade Path

The capability to be maintained and modernised to match the evolutionary path of systems that support integration, interoperability, survivability and supportability for a minimum of 30 years
This capability is rated Essential for both Strategic and Tactical platforms.

The capability to support operations that may be conducted in hostile areas and where there may be security threats when in a deployed forward operating base
This capability is rated Desirable for Strategic and Essential for Tactical platforms.

Search and Rescue
The capability to undertake SAR activities including search for and location of persons in distress at sea or on land, and subsequent assistance through airdrop of supplies and coordination of rescue activities.
This capability is rated Desirable for Strategic and Essential for Tactical platforms.

Austere Operations
The capability for autonomous operations from a forward operating strip with no ground support personnel or equipment...
This capability is rated Desirable for Strategic and Essential for Tactical platforms.

Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance

The provision of an ISR capability to detect, collect, process, evaluate and interpret available information
This capability is rated Desirable for both Strategic and Tactical platforms.

The capability to receive and/or provide air-to-air refuelling
This capability is rated Desirable for both Strategic and Tactical platforms.

Physical Environment

The capability to be operated across defined environments, including high-latitude operations (Antarctica)
This capability is rated Essential for both Strategic and Tactical platforms.

http://www.defencetalk.com/forums/air-f ... -6601-315/


Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Seg Nov 21, 2016 10:33 pm
por FCarvalho

21 de Novembro, 2016 - 00:10 ( Brasília )
KC-390 - Entrevista com Paulo Gastão Silva, Diretor do Programa
O diretor do Programa KC-390 detalha à DefesaNet os avanços e atual estágio alcançado no programa de testes. Informou que a 1ª aeronave para a FAB já tem as suas peças em produção.

http://www.defesanet.com.br/kc390/notic ... -Programa/

Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Seg Nov 21, 2016 10:46 pm
por FCarvalho
DefesaNet: Poderia se dizer que a EMBRAER continua procurando nichos de mercado civil para atuar?

Paulo Gastão: Não é que nós continuamos procurando, vamos colocar de outra forma. Sempre me perguntam: vai ter uma versão civil do KC-390? A possibilidade existe e foi contemplada nos nossos estudos desde o início. Hoje, no estágio que o programa está, estamos naturalmente explorando melhor essas oportunidades. Atualmente acredito com muito mais força que nós vamos ter uma versão civil do KC-390 e que esta versão vai atender a uma necessidade clara do mercado pelas próximas décadas. É fácil? Está pronto? Não. Tem muito trabalho para fazer e temos uma concorrência forte.


well... vai que... 8-] :)


Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Ter Nov 22, 2016 9:59 pm
por coringa1
FCarvalho escreveu:DefesaNet: Poderia se dizer que a EMBRAER continua procurando nichos de mercado civil para atuar?

Paulo Gastão: Não é que nós continuamos procurando, vamos colocar de outra forma. Sempre me perguntam: vai ter uma versão civil do KC-390? A possibilidade existe e foi contemplada nos nossos estudos desde o início. Hoje, no estágio que o programa está, estamos naturalmente explorando melhor essas oportunidades. Atualmente acredito com muito mais força que nós vamos ter uma versão civil do KC-390 e que esta versão vai atender a uma necessidade clara do mercado pelas próximas décadas. É fácil? Está pronto? Não. Tem muito trabalho para fazer e temos uma concorrência forte.


well... vai que... 8-] :)

Várias possibilidades

Re: Sobre o KC-390

Enviado: Ter Nov 22, 2016 11:38 pm
por Bolovo
FCarvalho escreveu:DefesaNet: Poderia se dizer que a EMBRAER continua procurando nichos de mercado civil para atuar?

Paulo Gastão: Não é que nós continuamos procurando, vamos colocar de outra forma. Sempre me perguntam: vai ter uma versão civil do KC-390? A possibilidade existe e foi contemplada nos nossos estudos desde o início. Hoje, no estágio que o programa está, estamos naturalmente explorando melhor essas oportunidades. Atualmente acredito com muito mais força que nós vamos ter uma versão civil do KC-390 e que esta versão vai atender a uma necessidade clara do mercado pelas próximas décadas. É fácil? Está pronto? Não. Tem muito trabalho para fazer e temos uma concorrência forte.


well... vai que... 8-] :)

Não é por nada não, mas com o atual governo, duvido muito de qualquer coisa envolvendo os Correios ou qualquer outra estatal.