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Nautilus escreveu:Tubos lança-torpedos
P44 A classe João Belo ja tinha tubos lanças torpedos mas não eram estes eram os franceses L3 de 506mm de reparo tripo paralelo. (iguais excepto em comprimento aos dos submarinos)
luis Filipe Silva, in forum Defesa escreveu:S. Rafael A 5214
ex. NRP Medusa, ex. USS Portunus ARC ,ex. LSM 275, ex. LCT 1773
Construído em 1944 como navio de desembarque, em estaleiros americanos, foi transferido para Portugal em 18-11-1959 ao abrigo do MDAP Mutual Defence and Assistence Plan. Quando foi entregue, ainda tinha a configuração de navio lança cabos(ARC) que foi a sua última função na US Navy.
Foi classificado como navio apoio de mergulhadores até 1968. Depois de modificado, passou a ser uma espécie de navio de comando anfíbio.
A conclusão das modificações efectuadas no AA foram concluídas em 1970. Após isso, o navio que até aí pouco tinha navegado,menos navegou ainda, passando a navio depósito e desarmado em 1974.
CARACTERÍSTICAS: 1 220 tons; 66,87 * 9,50 * 3,19 metros
2 peças simples de 40 mm; duas Oerlikon de 20 mm. Dois motores diesel de 2 800 h.p. = 12 nós máxima; 56 homens
Portunus II
(ARC-1: dp. 1,095 (f.); 1. 203'6"; b. 34'6"; dr. 7'4"; s. 12 k.;
cpl. 59; a. 1 40mm., 4 20mm.; cl. LSM-I).
The second Portunus (ARC-1) was laid down by the Federal Shipbuilding and DryDock Co., Newark, N.J., as LSM2761 August 1944; launched 11 September 1944; and commissioned 6 October 1944.
After shakesdown off Norfolk, LSM-275 steamed for Key West, the Panama Canal, and San Diego before reaching Pearl Harbor 28 January 1945. After a trip to Guam she steamed from Pearl Harbor in TU 51.13.4 via Eniwetok and Saipan to Okinawa to land troops and supplies on the "last stepping stone" to Japan. Departing in TU 51.29.22, 25 April while the battle for Okinawa was still going on, she steamed via Saipan to Ulithi, arriving 5 May. Departing 28 June she then put into Tulagi, the Russells, Eniwetok, Guam, and Saipan, before reaching Pearl Harbor 19 August, 5 days after the war's end.
On 4 December she departed Pearl Harbor for San Diego. She steamed between San Diego, San Pedro, and San Francisco during the first half of 1946, then reported to Com 19th Fleet at San Diego 18 September, underwent inactivation overhaul; and decommissioned 21 April 1947 at San Pedro.
Ordered activated in 1951, LSM-276 was redesignated as a cable laying and repair ship AKC-I on 14 December, and recommissioned 2 July 1952. She operated off California ports for the next 11 months, then, on 1 June 1953, got underway for the east coast. The ship was named Portunus 13 July 1953. Attsehed to the 3rd Naval Distriet, she laid cable off Cape May, N.J., and off Bermuda before eondueting ocean bottom surveys and cable operations off Columbia's Atlantic and Pacific coasts, 13 October to 31 October.
Returning to New York, Portunue underwent overhaul and on 8 March 1954 resumed cable operations, first in the approsches to New York, off Sandy Hook, N.J., then off Bermuda. From 1955 to 1959 she continued to lay cable, off Key West, off Sandy Hook, off Bermuda, off Wood Island, Maine, off Nantucket Island in the Narragansett area, and off Little Creek, Va. During this period she continued to base at the New York Shipyard, Brooklyn, and to periodically pick up cable at Newington N.H. She decommissioned at New York 30 April 1959, and Ler name was struck from the Naw~ List 1 May 1959.
She was transferred to Portugal under the Military Assitance Program, delivered on 16 November 1959; and commissioned 18 November as Medusa (A 5214). Into 1970 she serves in the Portuguese Navy.
Portunus earned one battle star for World War II service.
Ship Database
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To show all ships leave the textbox empty and press the search button sort: Name Owner Type Delivery hits: 195 showing: 156 - 176
No. Name Owner Type Delivery
131 Casma "32" Peruanische Marine Klasse 209/T.1200 Submarine 1980
132 Antofagasta "33" Peruanische Marine Klasse 209/T.1200 Submarine 1981
133 Chipana "35" Peruanische Marine Klasse 209/T.1200 Submarine 1982
134 Pisagua "34" Peruanische Marine Klasse 209/T.1200 Submarine 1983
383 - reserviert - Portugiesische Marine Submarine class 209 (2009)
384 - reserviert - Portugiesische Marine Submarine class 209 (2010)
365 S 101 Südafrikanische Marine Submarine class 209 2005
366 - reserviert - / T.1400 Südafrikanische Marine Submarine class 209 (2006)
367 - reserviert - / T.1400 Südafrikanische Marine Submarine class 209 (2007)
242 Chang Bogo Südkorean. Marine Submarine class 209 1992
A 243 Lee Chun Südkorean. Marine Submarine class 209 1994
A 244 Choi Moo Sun Südkorean. Marine Submarine class 209 1995
A 249 Park Wi Südkorean. Marine Submarine class 209 1995
A 250 Lee Jang Moo Südkorean. Marine Submarine class 209 1996
A 251 Jeong Un Südkorean. Marine Submarine class 209 1997
252 - reserviert - Südkorean. Marine Submarine 0
253 - reserviert - Südkorean. Marine Submarine 0
254 - reserviert - Südkorean. Marine Submarine 0
A 291 Lee Sun Sin Südkoreanische Marine Submarine class 209 2000
A 292 Na Dae Yong Südkoreanische Marine Submarine class 209 2000
Name - reserviert -
Type U-Boot Kl. 209
No. 383
Owner Portugiesische Marine
Delivery 2009
Werft Howaldtswerke – Deutsche Werft
(nach der Fusion 1967)
Name - reserviert -
Type U-Boot Kl. 209
No. 384
Owner Portugiesische Marine
Delivery 2010
Werft Howaldtswerke – Deutsche Werft
(nach der Fusion 1967)