Penguin escreveu:gaitero escreveu:
Pessoal, creio que vocês estão cometendo um engano...
As 4 Fragatas a serem descomissinoadas nesta decada, são as T-22 B3, e não as T-23...
As T-23 só deixarão o serviço ativo após 2020, quando começaram a entrar em serviço as novas T-26.
Isso é verdade. A programação de 2009 previa o descomissionamento das 13 Type 23 entre 2023 e 2036 ( ... 3w0015.htm ).
Notícias recentes dizem que a RN iria antecipar devido a crise, a retirada de algumas Type 23 e Type 22 B3 da frota. ... er-gastos/
Royal Navy vai desativar 4 fragatas Type 23 para conter gastos
16 de outubro de 2010, em Noticiário Internacional, por Galante ... er-gastos/
Por causa dos cortes no orçamento de Defesa, a Royal Navy será obrigada a desativar 4 fragatas Type 23 antes do planejado, como mostra o quadro abaixo.
Com a desativação precoce dos navios que só iriam sair de serviço em 2023, abre-se uma oportunidade para que Marinhas amigas venham a adquirí-los, como fez a Armada do Chile.
Já foi ventilado que esses navios poderiam ser oferecidos à Marinha do Brasil, como parte do pacote da aquisição das fragatas Type 26.
FONTE: Royal Navy
Estas são as ultimas informações sobre as Fragatas..
Postado pelo P44 lá no topico da RN
Ark Royal - decommission
Illustrious & Ocean - one to decommission, one to be kept as an LPH.
Frigates - decommission four. Must be the T22s, as the full version says T45 & T23 in service until T26 starts replacing T23 'as soon as possible after 2020'.
Amphibs - decommission one Bay. Put one LPD in reserve.
F-35C instead of F-35B. F-35C only, for both carrier & land deployment.
QE ISD pushed back to allow installation of cat & trap.
Future fleet:
19 destroyers & frigates
- 6 Type 45
- 13 T23/T26
2 QE carriers: one in service, one in reserve.
'a helicopter platform'
'specialist ships, including landing and command ships'
14 MCM. Hunt & Sandown until replaced by a type 'which will also have the flexibility to be used for other roles such as hydrography or offshore patrol'.
'a global oceanographic survey capability and an ice patrol ship'
'a fleet of resupply and refuelling vessels scaled to meet the Royal Navy’s requirements' ... 191634.pdf
Ships, Departing
The carrier Ark Royal is being decommissioned immediately. Either HMS Ocean or HMS Illustrious will be decommissioned following a study into which provides the most effective helicopter platform, and a landing and command ship will be placed in extended readiness.
Replacement of the four Vanguard-class ballistic missile submarines is being delayed by five years; the first new boat will now enter service around 2028, and the lives of the existing boats will be extended.
A cost-cutting review on the next generation of Trident boats has identified savings or spending deferrals of 3 billion pounds over the next 10 years.
Overall, the government said it would reduce by one-third the number of launch tubes planned for the new boats, to eight, and cut the number of operationally available warheads from "fewer than 160 to no more than 120."
A decision on the number of boats to be built will be taken around 2016.
The defense review also said that the 23-ship destroyer and frigate fleet would be reduced to 19: six Type 45 destroyers and 13 Type 23 frigates.
Initially, four frigates will be decommissioned. The Type 23s will be replaced by Type 26 warships "as soon as possible after 2020," the review said.
A Bay-class amphibious support ship will also be decommissioned and Royal Fleet Auxiliary logistics vessels "will be scaled to meet Royal Navy requirements."
Overall, the Royal Navy will lose 5,000 personnel, shrinking the force to 30,000. ... =EUR&s=TOP