Moderadores: J.Ricardo, Conselho de Moderação
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- Mensagens: 9654
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 15, 2004 9:28 pm
- Localização: Contagem - MG
- Agradeceu: 1 vez
- Agradeceram: 7 vezes
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RenaN escreveu:Concordo Sniper. Mas a questão é o sentido da guerra, estes inocentes estão morrendo pra melhorar o quê? Qual o motivo de se ter iniciado esta guerra?
É como eu disse, guerra é sinônimo de morte e destruição, seja feita por EUA, Rússia, Irã, Brasil ou qualquer país. Desde que Caim matou Abel o mundo é assim e não sou eu nem o amigo que irá mudar isso...
- R.A.Barros
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- Mensagens: 2248
- Registrado em: Seg Ago 20, 2007 2:53 pm
- Localização: Ponta Porã - MS
- Agradeceu: 1 vez
- Agradeceram: 2 vezes
- cabeça de martelo
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- Mensagens: 39431
- Registrado em: Sex Out 21, 2005 10:45 am
- Localização: Portugal
- Agradeceu: 1136 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2837 vezes
- zela
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- Mensagens: 2480
- Registrado em: Sex Jul 07, 2006 7:42 pm
- Localização: Paraná
- Agradeceu: 78 vezes
- Agradeceram: 75 vezes
Sodado israelense vs. Palestino
High tech becomes low tech
What you’re looking at are thermal images taken from an Israeli unmanned drone flying high above on the night of July 21. Two figures catch the eye of the drone operator sitting in a comfortable office far away. The figures are identified as Palestinian gunmen approaching the fence separating the Gaza Strip from Israel. The two gunmen move slowly among the bushes.
An Israeli unit is dispatched on a mission of interception, and you can see clearly that both sides are moving very slowly heading toward a collision.
The Palestinian gunman realizes that the Israeli forces are a few feet away and opens fire. A gun battle erupts. The black dots flying everywhere are the hot rifle shells. At this point one Palestinian gunman lies dead.
The explosion you see on the top right side is a grenade that was thrown by the second Palestinian gunman. The grenade explodes and doesn’t injure any Israeli soldier.
One of the Israeli officers is roughly five feet from the surviving gunman and he decides to charge; but he makes a crucial mistake and doesn’t remember to change his empty cartridge.
This is where low tech meets high tech.
With all the armored gear both sides have – night vision goggles, automatic rifles, grenades, and a sophisticated remote controlled drone in the air – what the Israeli officer is left with is wrestling the Palestinian to the ground with his bare hands.
You can see the officer standing up and running towards the Palestinian, but with no shells flying, he reaches the Palestinian and they are left tied up in a bundle, each fighting for his life.
The Palestinian pulls out another grenade and the Israeli manages to turn the Palestinian in the direction of the explosion, which kills the Palestinian, and leaves the Israeli officer only slightly wounded.
This piece of video is just a small and short testimony to the reality both sides face in this conflict, which occurs daily on the Israeli and Palestinian Gaza border.
High tech becomes low tech
What you’re looking at are thermal images taken from an Israeli unmanned drone flying high above on the night of July 21. Two figures catch the eye of the drone operator sitting in a comfortable office far away. The figures are identified as Palestinian gunmen approaching the fence separating the Gaza Strip from Israel. The two gunmen move slowly among the bushes.
An Israeli unit is dispatched on a mission of interception, and you can see clearly that both sides are moving very slowly heading toward a collision.
The Palestinian gunman realizes that the Israeli forces are a few feet away and opens fire. A gun battle erupts. The black dots flying everywhere are the hot rifle shells. At this point one Palestinian gunman lies dead.
The explosion you see on the top right side is a grenade that was thrown by the second Palestinian gunman. The grenade explodes and doesn’t injure any Israeli soldier.
One of the Israeli officers is roughly five feet from the surviving gunman and he decides to charge; but he makes a crucial mistake and doesn’t remember to change his empty cartridge.
This is where low tech meets high tech.
With all the armored gear both sides have – night vision goggles, automatic rifles, grenades, and a sophisticated remote controlled drone in the air – what the Israeli officer is left with is wrestling the Palestinian to the ground with his bare hands.
You can see the officer standing up and running towards the Palestinian, but with no shells flying, he reaches the Palestinian and they are left tied up in a bundle, each fighting for his life.
The Palestinian pulls out another grenade and the Israeli manages to turn the Palestinian in the direction of the explosion, which kills the Palestinian, and leaves the Israeli officer only slightly wounded.
This piece of video is just a small and short testimony to the reality both sides face in this conflict, which occurs daily on the Israeli and Palestinian Gaza border.
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- Mensagens: 1499
- Registrado em: Sáb Jan 22, 2005 10:26 pm
- Localização: GRANADA (España) ... re=related ... re=related
Saludos ... re=related
Eurofighter Typhoon español dotado con Misil Meteor.
- Guilherme
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- Mensagens: 3156
- Registrado em: Qua Set 03, 2003 5:06 pm
- Localização: Florianópolis - Santa Catarina
- Agradeceu: 66 vezes
- Agradeceram: 59 vezes
Vídeo de ação de terrorista suicida dos Tamil Tigers, em uma repartição governamental do Sri Lanka. Notei algo que eu imagino ser o "escalpo" dela voando pelos ares. O senhor calvo que a estava atendendo deve ter morrido, ou ficou muito gravemente ferido:
Bolovo escreveu:Kratos escreveu:Video institucional da LWRC, e sua família de rifles M6.
What a hell, Kratos? Cadê o video?
Que merda Tô ficando completamente louco da cabeça.
Eis o video:
E mais outro, esse do "Non Line of Sight - Launch System".
O pior dos infernos é reservado àqueles que, em tempos de crise moral, escolheram por permanecerem neutros. Escolha o seu lado.
Caso típico de desorientação espacial causado pela nuvem de poeira (ao que tudo indica):
Carpe noctem!
- Bolovo
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- Mensagens: 28560
- Registrado em: Ter Jul 12, 2005 11:31 pm
- Agradeceu: 547 vezes
- Agradeceram: 442 vezes
Kratos escreveu:Bolovo escreveu:Kratos escreveu:Video institucional da LWRC, e sua família de rifles M6.
What a hell, Kratos? Cadê o video?
Que merda Tô ficando completamente louco da cabeça.
Eis o video:
E mais outro, esse do "Non Line of Sight - Launch System".
O LWRC IAR no Futureweapons
Não sei como as Forças Armadas norte americanas ainda não encomendaram essa arma. Ou mesmo a HK416, que vale a pena relembrar:
Grandes armas.
"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
- Gerson Victorio
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- Mensagens: 2317
- Registrado em: Qua Ago 29, 2007 2:50 pm
- Localização: Campo Grande - MS
- Agradeceu: 31 vezes
- Agradeceram: 28 vezes
Reportagem do ataque de guerrilheiros colombianos(FARC) a um posto do EB nas margens do rio Traíra em 1991.
de volta a Campo Grande - MS.
- Pedro H Serafim
- Intermediário
- Mensagens: 136
- Registrado em: Qua Set 12, 2007 6:46 pm
Isso que é atirar no propio pé! hilário hauhaua ... re=related ... re=related