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Enviado: Dom Fev 20, 2022 7:15 pm
por gabriel219
Túlio escreveu: Dom Fev 20, 2022 5:55 pm
gabriel219 escreveu: Dom Fev 20, 2022 5:50 pm
Tem que se atentar nisso aqui, pois pode levar a um desembarque anfíbio atrás das linhas para tomar Mariupol.

Tem que se atentar é para o que o Ocidente está fazendo a si mesmo. Por que atrapalhar?

Bennigsen que o diga!

Mas volto a dizer: IMHO, a Rússia quer atrair o máximo de tropas possíveis da Ucrânia para o Donbass e fazer pinça entrando em Kharkiv e Mariupol - esse através da Criméia e por desembarque anfíbio - isolando as tropas no Donbass semelhante a Operação Urano e também semelhante a essa aqui, na Geórgia:



Enviado: Dom Fev 20, 2022 8:51 pm
por knigh7
February 20, 2022
8:20 PM GMT-3
Last Updated 3 min ago
Russia and Belarus extend military drills; Biden cancels Delaware trip
By Polina Devitt, Natalia Zinets and Polina Nikolskaya

MOSCOW/KYIV/DONETSK, Ukraine, Feb 21 (Reuters) - Russia will extend military drills in Belarus that were due to end on Sunday, the Belarusian defence ministry announced, adding to mounting tensions as satellite images appeared to show new deployments of Russian armor and troops close to Ukraine.

The White House said President Joe Biden was canceling a trip to Delaware and remaining in Washington following a two-hour meeting of his National Security Council. Biden instead spoke by phone with French President Emmanuel Macron about the Russian buildup, the White House said.

Russia's move to prolong its Belarus exercises has rattled nerves that have been frayed for weeks over Russia's accumulation of soldiers along the Ukrainian border. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the move only made him more worried that Russia was on the brink of invading. Moscow has repeatedly denied such plans.

U.S.-based satellite imagery company Maxar reported multiple new deployments of Russian military units in forests, farms, and industrial areas as little as 15 km (9 miles) from the border with Ukraine - something Maxar said represented a change from what had been seen in recent weeks.

"Until recently, most of the deployments had been seen primarily positioned at or near existing military garrisons and training areas," the company said. read more

Blinken told CNN that "everything we are seeing suggests that this is dead serious," adding that the West was equally prepared if Moscow invades.

"Until the tanks are actually rolling, and the planes are flying, we will use every opportunity and every minute we have to see if diplomacy can still dissuade President (Vladimir) Putin from carrying this forward." read more

Blinken said his planned meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was still set to proceed this week as long as Moscow did not go ahead with the invasion.

An adviser to Macron said France and Russia had agreed that a meeting of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), with representatives from Ukraine and Russia, should be held on Monday. Poland, currently the OSCE chair, said earlier that at Ukraine's request it was convening an extraordinary session of its council, which is dedicated to preventing armed conflict. read more

Belarus did not say how long Russian troops stationed there - estimated by NATO to number 30,000 - might now remain in the country, which lies north of Ukraine. Belarus Defence Minister Viktor Khrenin said the focus of the extended exercises was "to ensure an adequate response and de-escalation of military preparations of ill-wishers near our common borders."

Sporadic shelling across the line dividing Ukrainian government forces and Russian-backed separatists in that region increased sharply since Thursday and continued on Sunday.

NATO says Russia could use the troops in Belarus as part of an invasion force to attack Ukraine. Moscow denies any such intention.

"It is not an exaggeration to say that Europe is a step away from war, which was something unimaginable not long ago," Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said in a TV interview.

Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to the Ukrainian president's chief of staff, told Reuters the extension of the exercises underlined that official promises from Moscow should not be taken as binding.

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/uk ... 022-02-20/


Enviado: Dom Fev 20, 2022 9:58 pm
por knigh7


Enviado: Seg Fev 21, 2022 12:13 am
por knigh7


Enviado: Seg Fev 21, 2022 12:10 pm
por P44
Old but gold



Enviado: Seg Fev 21, 2022 3:12 pm
Rússia acaba de reconhecer a independência do Donnbas!



Enviado: Seg Fev 21, 2022 4:27 pm
por Túlio
FOXTROT escreveu: Seg Fev 21, 2022 3:12 pm Rússia acaba de reconhecer a independência do Donnbas!

Não achei fuente nenhuma disso, o mais perto que cheguei foi saber que o Putin anunciou que Donetsk e Lugansk fizeram opção por transicionar para novos pronomes de gênero e que se o Ocidente não aceitar vai ser PRECONXEITX E TRANXFOBIX! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Enviado: Seg Fev 21, 2022 4:44 pm
por knigh7
Putin reconhece independência de duas áreas separatistas da Ucrânia

Declaração foi feita através de um pronunciamento televisionado nesta segunda-feira

https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/internacio ... a-ucrania/


Enviado: Seg Fev 21, 2022 5:23 pm
por avc1
Rapaz o negócio tá ficando sinistro :shock: :shock: mas Putin sabe jogar, não dá ponto sem nó


Enviado: Seg Fev 21, 2022 6:40 pm
por knigh7


Enviado: Seg Fev 21, 2022 6:44 pm
por vargasem
O Putin deve estar dando risadas numa hora dessas. Ele está pelo menos uns 10 passos à frente do ocidente. Vai deitar e rolar pra cima do ocidente com o Biden na Casa Branca. Só restam 3 anos rsrsrsrs.


Enviado: Seg Fev 21, 2022 6:49 pm
por knigh7


Enviado: Seg Fev 21, 2022 6:52 pm
por gabriel219
Era o passo mais sabido de todos, ainda em Janeiro havia alertado que o Putin iria reconhecer DPR e LPR como países independentes e depois realizar operações terrestres. Dito e feito, Zelensky conseguiu o que queria.


Enviado: Seg Fev 21, 2022 6:53 pm
por vargasem
knigh7 escreveu: Seg Fev 21, 2022 6:49 pm
Cheguei a ver isso também, mas não vi fontes confirmando.


Enviado: Seg Fev 21, 2022 6:54 pm
por vargasem
knigh7 escreveu: Seg Fev 21, 2022 6:49 pm