Estou chocado, a USAF acabou de comprar 179 AIRBUS!!!!!

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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#31 Mensagem por Dinivan » Sáb Mar 01, 2008 8:49 am

Grande EADS! [009] no importa mucho que no se vaya a ensamblar aquí, de todas formas un pedido así bien se merece una cadena de montaje sea donde sea (y más si como probablemente ocurra más tarde el pedido aumente), lo importante son los €€ que recbirá EADS 8-] bien por NG también, el hecho es que sin Northrop no habría contrato para EADS dado que se necesita mucha experiencia para saber hacer lobby in Washington, que al fin y al cabo es como funcionan las cosas por allí

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#32 Mensagem por Dinivan » Sáb Mar 01, 2008 8:54 am

Air tanker deal provokes US row

Airbus and Northrop Grumman's winning KC-30 tanker
Airbus and Northrop Grumman's KC-30 design won the prize
Boeing's loss of a $40bn contract to build a new in-flight refuelling aircraft for the US military has drawn angry protests in Congress.

Lawmakers from Washington state and Kansas, which have big Boeing plants, voiced "outrage" that it had gone to a consortium including Europe's Airbus.

The planes will be assembled in Alabama but constructed largely in Europe.

Boeing has said it is awaiting an explanation from the military before deciding whether or not to appeal.

We are outraged that this decision taps European Airbus and its foreign workers to provide a tanker to our American military
Statement by congressional lawmakers from the Seattle area

The new aircraft, named the KC-45A by the US Air Force, is based on the Airbus A330 and will be manufactured in partnership with US defence firm Northrop Grumman.

Its job will be to refuel the vast array of US warplanes and the contract is worth in the region of $40bn over 15 years.

It is a huge blow for Boeing, the BBC's Vincent Dowd reports from Washington.

America has around two-thirds of all such aircraft in use anywhere, and a senior figure in the company said recently if it lost this contract it could be out of the refuelling market totally for years.


Gen Arthur J Lichte, commander of the US Air Force's Air Mobility Command, said the winning design had many advantages over Boeing's tanker.

A US KC-135 tanker refuels a B-2 bomber over the Pacific near Hawaii, October 2007
The average age of current US refuelling planes is nearly 50 years

"More passengers, more cargo, more fuel to offload, more patients that we can carry, more availability, more flexibility and more dependability," he said.

In Everett, Washington state, a few dozen Boeing workers protested outside a Machinists Union hall holding up signs saying "American workers equal best tankers" and "Our military deserves the best".

Congressional lawmakers from the state's Seattle area issued a joint statement condemning the "outsourcing" of the contract.

"We are outraged that this decision taps European Airbus and its foreign workers to provide a tanker to our American military," they said.

Todd Tiahrt, a Republican congressman from Wichita, Kansas, called for "an American tanker built by an American company with American workers".

"I hope the Air Force reverses its decision," he added.

But the news was a boon for Alabama Republican congressman Jo Bonner.

"We are so very excited about having the opportunity to help the Air Force acquire the most modern and capable refuelling tanker - a tanker assembled in America by Americans," he said.

The deal will also safeguard thousands of British aviation jobs, the BBC's Andy Moore says. Wings will be made at factories in Bristol and in North Wales.

Breaking through

For Airbus's parent company, the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS), it is a long-desired and potentially crucial breakthrough into the US market, our correspondent says.

Boeing KC-767
Boeing's KC-767 design had been widely predicted to win

Replacing America's ageing KC-135 refuelling planes - which date back to the 1950s - has proved controversial, he notes.

In 2002, the Air Force negotiated a $23bn deal with Boeing for 100 tankers to be based on the Boeing 767.

But that deal was declared invalid after allegations of fraud.

Two Boeing executives went to jail and eventually Boeing's chief executive resigned.

Political pressure on the Air Force over the deal was led by Sen John McCain, the front-runner to win the Republican nomination for the presidential elections this year.

Our correspondent adds that two further contracts are expected later as the US Air Force replaces the rest of its ageing fleet of refuelling craft.


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#33 Mensagem por Penguin » Sáb Mar 01, 2008 9:34 am

Sera que o KC-45 vai se tornar tao americano como o Raytheon T-6 Texan II?

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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#34 Mensagem por Knight » Sáb Mar 01, 2008 10:23 am

Battleaxe escreveu:Senhores, não foi só a parte estratégica que decidiu a favor do A-330.

O 767 provocava muita turbulência tb na aproximação dos jatos para REVO. Claro que isso não é fator decisório, mas até nisso o A-330 foi melhor.

Agora é torcer pelo 195 no ACJ e ver se entramos tb.

Quanto a contra partidas, eu acredito que o F-16 esteja bem inserido neste contexto.
O 195 vence de um lado e o F-16 Block60 de outro. Com alguns KC-135 para REVO tb, pois nós não teriamos com ter A-330( K-45A) $$$$$

Enfim, este ano promete! :mrgreen:
Faz sentido a proposta e acredito que ela seja feita, mas não dá tempo de colocar no papel por conta do contexto Boing/Eleições Americanas.

Mesmo como pré-acordo isso é um compromisso muito forte.
Isso demandaria uma engenharia contratual que leva uns dois anos para todo mundo ficar resguardado.

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#35 Mensagem por WalterGaudério » Sáb Mar 01, 2008 10:56 am

Luís Henrique escreveu:Abriram as porteiras.

O ACS é nosso... :lol:

Digo ,da LM, mas a Embraer vai levar também. :wink:
Luís Henrique, temo que seja justamente o CONTRÁRIO, até porque o ACS só deve ser decidido com o novo presidente. E só deus sabe se vai dar o Somali Obama ou o vovô(claro que vai ser o Somali).

E Os demo-cratas vão favorecer uma proposta americana justamente pelo fato de a Boeing ter levado pau no KCX. Será o prêmio de consolação para a turma de Seattle.

Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...

Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.

Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
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#36 Mensagem por Penguin » Sáb Mar 01, 2008 2:56 pm

(...) EADS promises to open production of some civilian jets in the USA if it wins.

Se a linha de outras aeronaves civis da EADS forem realmente transferidas para os EUA, o mercado de trabalho local sai ganhando: o 787, cuja carteira esta cheia, substitui o 767 e a EADS passa a produzir algumas aeronaves por la.

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#37 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Mar 01, 2008 3:03 pm

atenção que o 787 TAMBÉM está a sofrer atrasos (toma, para quem gozava com o A-380 :twisted: ) , vi na TV que a JAL (Japan Air Lines) que até hj só opera Boeings, está a considerar encomendar AIRBUS pela primeira vez na sua história

Boeing, boeing ,boing :mrgreen:

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#38 Mensagem por Penguin » Sáb Mar 01, 2008 3:13 pm

P44 escreveu:atenção que o 787 TAMBÉM está a sofrer atrasos (toma, para quem gozava com o A-380 :twisted: ) , vi na TV que a JAL (Japan Air Lines) que até hj só opera Boeings, está a considerar encomendar AIRBUS pela primeira vez na sua história

Boeing, boeing ,boing :mrgreen:
O concorrente do 787 sera o A350, cujo cronograma esta mais para o futuro ainda.

Restam o 777 e o A330. Como a JAL jah opera 777...

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#39 Mensagem por WalterGaudério » Sáb Mar 01, 2008 4:42 pm

jacquessantiago escreveu:
P44 escreveu:atenção que o 787 TAMBÉM está a sofrer atrasos (toma, para quem gozava com o A-380 :twisted: ) , vi na TV que a JAL (Japan Air Lines) que até hj só opera Boeings, está a considerar encomendar AIRBUS pela primeira vez na sua história

Boeing, boeing ,boing :mrgreen:
O concorrente do 787 sera o A350, cujo cronograma esta mais para o futuro ainda.

Restam o 777 e o A330. Como a JAL jah opera 777...
A Saída da JAL seria o Boeing 777-200.

Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...

Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.

Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
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#40 Mensagem por hikari1 » Sáb Mar 01, 2008 5:39 pm

P44 escreveu:atenção que o 787 TAMBÉM está a sofrer atrasos (toma, para quem gozava com o A-380 :twisted: ) , vi na TV que a JAL (Japan Air Lines) que até hj só opera Boeings, está a considerar encomendar AIRBUS pela primeira vez na sua história

Boeing, boeing ,boing :mrgreen:
Acho muito dificil a JAL mudar para Airbus, mas que nada por cuestiones políticas. Recordar que las empresas japonesas tiene un 35% de participación en la fabricación del 787.

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#41 Mensagem por Luís Henrique » Sáb Mar 01, 2008 5:53 pm

cicloneprojekt escreveu:
Luís Henrique escreveu:Abriram as porteiras.

O ACS é nosso... :lol:

Digo ,da LM, mas a Embraer vai levar também. :wink:
Luís Henrique, temo que seja justamente o CONTRÁRIO, até porque o ACS só deve ser decidido com o novo presidente. E só deus sabe se vai dar o Somali Obama ou o vovô(claro que vai ser o Somali).

E Os demo-cratas vão favorecer uma proposta americana justamente pelo fato de a Boeing ter levado pau no KCX. Será o prêmio de consolação para a turma de Seattle.
Tem razão... :?

Su-35BM - 4ª++ Geração.
Simplesmente um GRANDE caça.
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#42 Mensagem por Penguin » Sáb Mar 01, 2008 7:59 pm

Os Europeus adquirem F-35, e os EUA A-330. Justo!

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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#43 Mensagem por Mapinguari » Dom Mar 02, 2008 4:21 am

born escreveu:Mas tem participação da Northrop Grumman, caso contrário, a USAF não iria adquirir os AirBus.

De qualquer forma, o pessoal da Boeing não deve ter gostado.
Não gostou nadinha mesmo... As ações da Boeing caíram 3,3% logo após o anúncio da venda. Enquanto isso, as da Northrop Grumman subiram 5,5% no mesmo período... :-)


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#44 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Mar 03, 2008 1:19 pm

Reações..... 8-]

SPEEA Disappointed Tanker Decision Leaves Boeing Out

(Source: SPEEA; issued Mar. 1, 2008)

SEATTLE --- Disappointment and shock echoed through the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA), IFPTE Local 2001, today after the announcement that EADS/Northrop received the Air Force contract to build the next generation of aerial refueling tankers.

“I am very disappointed for our members and all employees at The Boeing Company,” said SPEEA President Cynthia Cole. “I’m surprised the Air Force chose an unproven technology and an inferior product for this important program that supports the men and women in our armed forces.”

The announcement drew protests from members and officials who took part in an afternoon rally at the Everett Hall of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), District 751.

SPEEA members were instrumental in the design and engineering of Boeing’s KC-767AT (advanced tanker) that was in competition for the contract. Union leaders and members from SPEEA and the IAM, met with congressional leaders to emphasize the need to choose the Boeing 767 and keep taxpayers’ money and production of key military programs in the United States.

While firm numbers of SPEEA-represented employees working on the tanker program are not available, the program was expected to create 9,000 jobs in Washington state and about 600 jobs in Kansas. Union officials are already talking to Boeing about the impact of the contract loss.

In October, SPEEA begins main table negotiations with Boeing for 21,000 employees in Washington, Kansas, Oregon, Utah and California. Negotiations begin in May for 3,000 represented employees at Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. in Wichita, Kan.

A local of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), SPEEA also represents aerospace professionals at Triumph Composite Systems, Inc., in Spokane, Wash., and at BAE Systems, Inc. in Irving, Texas. (ends)

Statement by [US Lawmakers] Murray, Cantwell, Dicks, Larsen, Inslee, Smith, McDermott and Reichert on Tanker Decision

(Source: Joint statement; issued Feb. 29, 2008)

"We are outraged that this decision taps European Airbus and its foreign workers to provide a tanker to our American military.

"This is a blow to the American aerospace industry, American workers and America's men and women in uniform.

"Boeing has 75 years of experience in building the tankers our military flies. Washington state's workers are second to none and so is their product.

"At a time when our economy is hurting, this is a blow not only to our state, but the more than 40 states across the country who would help build this national plane.

"We will be asking tough questions about the decision to outsource this contract. We look forward to hearing the Air Force's justification." (ends)

Hillary Clinton’s Statement in Support of U.S. Aerospace and Aviation

(Source: Hillary Clinton Campaign; issued Mar. 1, 2008)

Our aerospace and aviation workforce is the best in the world, powered by hundreds of thousands of workers across the country, including more than 60,000 in Ohio and 180,000 in Texas. American aerospace is a flagship industry - producing an annual positive trade balance of close to $60 billion.

In recent years, American aerospace and aviation has been facing new challenges, including mounting competition from foreign competitors like Brazil, Canada, and Europe and growing consumer concerns. Instead of supporting our industries, the Bush administration has slashed funding for NASA’s aeronautical research and development, underfunded FAA’s air traffic control modernization, and failed to adequately enforce our trade agreements to create a level playing field for our domestic industries.

Hillary Clinton has a plan to ensure that America remains the global leader in aerospace and aviation. As President, she will:

-- Provide new incentives for and investments in aerospace research and development. Hillary will double NASA’s and FAA's aeronautics R&D budgets as part of her plan to reverse the Bush administration’s war on science. She will pursue a balanced strategy of robust human spaceflight, expanded robotic spaceflight, and enhanced space and Earth science activities. She will speed development, testing, and deployment of next-generation launch and crew exploration vehicles to replace the aging Space Shuttle program.

At the same time, Hillary’s innovation agenda calls for stimulating in-house research and commercial development by making the R&D tax credit permanent. She will also double federal investment in basic research, which is critical for ensuring that America is at the forefront of new ideas.

-- Expand the nation’s pool of skilled scientists, engineers, and technicians. To meet the aerospace industry’s need for scientists, engineers and technicians, Hillary has called for tripling the number of NSF fellowships and other incentives for bringing more people, particularly women and minorities, into the fields of mathematics, science and engineering. Hillary will reward teachers that enter math and science disciplines and strengthen our K-12 education system to ensure we are producing the best future scientists and engineers in the world.

-- Modernize our air transportation system. Hillary will appoint an FAA director whose chief responsibility will be to speed a smooth transition to a Next Generation Air Transportation System. Hillary sees the Next Generation system as vital to accommodating the growth in air travel, to enhancing the safety and competitiveness of American aviation, and to improving air travel for consumers.

-- Undertake smart, tough international trade negotiations that establish level playing fields on which our aerospace firms can compete fairly and win. Hillary recognizes that aerospace is a highly competitive global industry and that aerospace trade takes place within an exceedingly complex matrix of global, multilateral, and bilateral agreements, standards, and certification and adjudication procedures among nations.

As President, she will level the playing field by ensuring fair trade negotiations, just settlement of disputes before the WTO, continued support for international certification and sales of U.S. civil aircraft, and she will look to update our outdated export control system. (ends)

Sessions: Tanker Award Solidifies Alabama's Role as Defense Leader

(Source: Senator Jeff Sessions; issued Feb. 29, 2008)

WASHINGTON --– U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, made the following comments today regarding the selection of Northrop Grumman/EADS to build the next air refueling tanker for the U.S. Air Force:

“Today’s selection of Northrop Grumman/EADS to build the Air Force’s next air refueling tanker is fantastic news for Alabama. It marks a full circle transition for Brookley Field from a mothballed airbase to a world-class aircraft manufacturing center.

“The Air Force conducted an extensive competition to identify the finest aircraft available based on the needs and requirements of the military. The Northrop Grumman/EADS team put forward a competitive offer to build the KC-30 tanker and won the competition on the merits of the proposal and the outstanding capabilities of the aircraft.

“The decision by Northrop Grumman/EADS to manufacture the KC-30 in Mobile was a clear endorsement of our state’s workforce, and today’s contract award represents a huge investment in our state. The assembly of over 170 tankers in Alabama solidifies our state’s growing reputation as a national leader in defense technology. From one end of the state to the other, Alabama workers are proudly providing our men and women in uniform with the best and most advanced defense technology available.

"Our military depends on the Air Force’s ability to deploy troops, supplies, and equipment around the world on a moment’s notice. It depends also on maintaining our supply of aircraft with fuel to extend their distance and air time. In the future, the refueling tankers that make that feat possible will be made by the people of Alabama. I applaud Gov. Riley and the superb Mobile team who worked so hard to make this project a reality. It is an honor to welcome Northrop Grumman/EADS to their new home in Alabama.” (ends)

Shelby: Tanker Decision Right for America- Right for Alabama

(Source: Senator Richard Selby; issued Feb. 29, 2008)

WASHINGTON, D.C. --- U.S. Senator Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) today applauded the U.S. Air Force’s decision to award its tanker contract to the Northrop Grumman/ EADS team.

“Throughout this process, I have been a staunch supporter of the Northrop Grumman/EADS offering,” said Shelby. “The KC-30 is by far the most superior platform in design, fuel efficiency and overall capability. Not only is this the right decision for our military, but it is great news for Alabama. Our state’s highly skilled workforce is ready for this challenge and will take full advantage of this opportunity to bolster Alabama’s burgeoning economy and support the American warfighter.”

“This contract will change the landscape of south Alabama,” said Shelby. “Our state is on a roll economically and the tanker contract adds to the growing momentum. Bringing these jobs to Alabama will solidify our stellar reputation as an industrial leader and send a strong message to the rest of the world: Alabama is open for business.”

Northrop Grumman/EADS will build its tanker in Mobile, Alabama. This contract is expected to bring up to 1,800 jobs to the Mobile area and 5,000 to the state of Alabama. The initial order of 179 aircraft is worth up to $40 billion over the next decade.


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#45 Mensagem por old » Seg Mar 03, 2008 1:38 pm

Esta es la distribucion del contrato.

Casi el 60% se va para USA, el resto para los principales socios de Eads

