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Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 6:19 pm
por gaitero
Bender escreveu:Pra variar embaixo da Maquete do Rafale alegenda é:

Miniatura de caça Mirage, no estande da Rafale International, na Latin America Aero & Defense (Laad), que foi aberta hoje (14) no Riocentro, na zona oeste do Rio de JaneiroMaisPatrícia Santos/UOL
Eu tambem não sou muito amigo da UOL e seus afiliados, mas você deve ter olhado errado.

NA Imagem do Rafale esta escrito Rafale.
NA Imagem do Mirage esta escrito Mirage......


Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 6:29 pm
por Brasileiro
Gostei de ver o MD-97 camuflado.

Boa notícia seria se o banner do Tavor realmente estiver no estande do CTEx.

Obs: Faltou fotos da estrela da ópera (VBTP)



Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 6:34 pm
por gaitero
Boa mesmo seria o MD assinar a compra do Tavor produzido pela Taurus na LAAD..... :D :D :D :D


Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 6:40 pm
por Brasileiro
O que eu quis dizer é que se o banner estivesse no stand do CTEx, significaria que o mesmo estaria "a favor" do Tavor-Taurus, decretando de vez a morte do MD97.



Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 8:04 pm
por Junker
E agora?
Brazil Eyes Northrop International Patrol Frigate
RIO DE JANEIRO - April 15, 2009: Brazil's top naval officers were quickly drawn to the International Patrol Frigate display when they stopped by Northrop Grumman's booth at the Latin America Aerospace and Defense exhibition, which opened here April 14. The National Security Cutter (NSC) is the centerpiece of the U.S. Coast Guard fleet replacement program. With its 418-foot length and 4,300 ton full load displacement, this is the largest of the new multi-mission cutters. The program of record is eight ships of which the first ship, USCGC Bertholf (WMSL 750), has been commissioned and two additional ships, Waesche (WMSL 751) and Stratton (WMSL 752) are under construction.
"It's an outstanding ship; a very interesting project," Rear Adm. Cagle Ilques said after visiting the display.
Asked if the ship would have an application for the Brazilian navy, Ilques said, "of course."

The proposed ship is based on the National Security Cutter now being built by Northrop for the U.S. Coast Guard. Despite its Coast Guard origins, the patrol frigate presents an interesting "mixture of a sonar, [extensive] range, a combat center and anti-submarine capability, all on less than 5,000 tons," Ilques said.

Brazil's top naval officer, Adm. Alte Esq Vinicius, was also impressed. "We have a requirement for three frigates and five patrol ships," he said, "and we're looking for a ship already in production, not a prototype."
The Brazilian Navy is gathering information from several proposals for its frigate and patrol ship program, Vinicius said
. "Probably in June, we are sending a group of officers to the United States to visit the shipyard," he said.
Northrop is hopeful the ship will become a serious contender for the Brazilians.
"The International Patrol Frigate meets most, if not all, of the requirements the Brazilians laid out in their maritime strategy," said Rocco Tomanelli, Northrop's director of coastal warfare and international programs.


Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 8:52 pm
por soultrain
Adm. Alte Esq Vinicius :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Pimenta??????

Esses patrulhões foram carissímos, têm imensos problemas e não têm comparação sequer com as KDXII, (quanto mais FREEM, F-100 etc) que não cumprem as especificações da MB. Misseis ar-ar? VLS? Radares? Guerra electrónica?



Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 8:58 pm
por soultrain
The USCG’s National Security Cutters

30-Mar-2009 12:30 EDT


The US Coast Guard’s massive $25 billion Deepwater meta-program (really Deepwater-II given post-9/11 changes) has endured more than its share of ups and downs. Nevertheless, Congressional support remains strong, and efforts are being made to restructure the program and get it back on track. “Voted Off the Island: The USCG’s Deepwater FRC Program” offered an in-depth look into the difficulties faced by the USCG’s Island Class cutter modification program, and by the Deepwater Fast Response Cutter that was supposed to replace it. “US Coast Guard’s Deepwater Effort Hits More Rough Sailing” covers recent program developments more generally.

The Legend Class National Security Cutters are the largest ships in the Deepwater program, and represent the program’s flagship in more ways than one. The 418 foot, 4,300 ton ships will be frigate-sized vessels with a 21 foot draughts1, and are rather larger than the 379 foot, 3,250 ton Hamilton Class High Endurance Cutters (HECs) they will replace. Controversies regarding durability and potential hull fatigue, as well as significant cost overruns, have shadowed the new cutter’s construction. Nevertheless, the program appears to be moving forward.

This DID FOCUS Article covers recent developments concerning the Legend Class cutters. The latest developments include 2 milestones for the first-of-class USCG Bertholf, cost escalations of $60-90 million per ship, and delayed construction for the 4th ship of class…

http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/the ... ers-03614/


Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 8:59 pm
pessoal alguem pode traduzir esse texto?


Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 9:27 pm
por Junker
Acho que é um projeto novo (International Patrol Frigate), apenas baseado nos patrulhas (National Security Cutter). E também, a MB não embarcaria numa furada assim, sem ver os riscos. 8-]
Northrop Grumman Showcases Naval and Airborne Capabilities At Latin America Aerospace and Defence 2009, Brazil

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. - April 13, 2009 - Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) will highlight a wide range of naval and airborne capabilities at the 2009 Latin America Aerospace and Defence (LAAD) show in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

LAAD is one of Latin America's leading exhibitions for the defense and security industry bringing together Brazilian and international companies that provide equipment and services for the three armed forces, special forces, security services, consultants and government agencies. LAAD will be held on 14-17 April 2009 at Riocentro Exhibition and Convention Center.

Northrop Grumman will be exhibiting at stand number K-29. On display will be Northrop Grumman's world-leading capabilities in naval shipboard technologies, shipbuilding, airborne radars, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and air traffic communication systems.

"We are proud of our long relationship with the Brazil navy, which dates back more than 30 years," said J. Nolasco DaCunha, vice president of Northrop Grumman's Sperry Marine business unit. "Sperry Marine is the preferred supplier of bridge electronics and steering systems with a very large installed base across the Brazil navy fleet. We are currently under contract to supply the integrated bridge systems (IBS) for the new class of 500-ton patrol boats, as well as a multi-phase program to upgrade navigation radars and inertial navigation systems (INS) throughout the fleet. We also have strong relationships with other Latin American navies, such as Mexico and Chile."

"We will leverage Sperry Marine's extensive record of supplying state-of-the-art products and customer support as a springboard to introduce our sister units within Northrop Grumman to the Latin American defense and aerospace market," DaCunha added.

Sperry Marine will showcase its IBS, MK27F and MK39 ship INSs and other bridge electronics. The Sperry Marine group will use an interactive touchscreen smart table demonstration kiosk with large high-resolution monitors to demonstrate the full range of capabilities and product lines for modern naval forces.

Also featured in the exhibit will be the Fire Scout vertical take-off and landing UAV, Multi-role Electronically Scanned Array (MESA) airborne early warning system, APN-241 radar and the International Patrol Frigate, a versatile warship based on the multi-mission U.S. Coast Guard National Security Cutter. Northrop Grumman Park Air Systems' PAE T6 and PAE M7 multi-mode digital radios for air traffic control communications will be highlighted.

Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine, headquartered in Charlottesville, Va., and with major engineering and support offices in New Malden, United Kingdom and Hamburg, Germany, provides smart navigation and ship control solutions for the international marine industry with customer service and support through offices in 16 countries, sales representatives in 47 countries and authorized service depots in more than 250 locations worldwide.

Northrop Grumman Park Air Systems, based in Peterborough, U.K., and in Oslo and Horten, Norway, supplies communication, navigation and surveillance systems for air-space operations worldwide.

Northrop Grumman Corporation is a leading global security company whose 120,000 employees provide innovative systems, products, and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems, shipbuilding and technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide.

CONTACT: Ken Beedle
+44 207 747 1910
+44 7787 174092 (mobile)

Jim Rhodes
+1 (757) 451-0602


Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 9:32 pm
por soultrain

eu poderia fazer isso, mas acho mais útil ensinar-lhe como fazer de uma maneira simples:

Copie o texto todo e cole aqui:


Seleccione as línguas correctas e já está, não é perfeito mas dá para perceber.


Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 9:43 pm
por soultrain
Sloppy Work Jeopardizes Coastie Cutter
Tuesday November 06th 2007, 5:59 pm
Filed under: The Industry, At Sea, Reality Check

Sloppy welds. Superstructure skin that’s too thin in places. Too-heavy brackets and fasteners. Improper engine mountings. These are some of the flaws in the Coast Guard’s first-of-class National Security Cutter, Bertholf, according to a former Northrop Grumman contract shipwright. Martin Shearington, a California resident who has worked on scores of vessels in his 40 years at various yards across the country, says Bertholf, which was launched in September 2006, and her planned seven sisters will never meet Coast Guard performance goals.

“Those ships will never do what they were designed to do – they’re over-weighted,” Shearington said in a late September phone interview. “There’s going to be a lot of vibration on the ships – that’s understood – if they open up the engines to go fast. So they have to put extra eight on fasteners and brackets because of that, but they went overboard. When they throw loose the mooring lines, the damn ship might sink right there.”

“That’s an exaggeration,” he conceded. “But it’s not going to last half as long as the Coast Guard expects, because of the sloppy workmanship on it.”

For those closely following the ups, downs and more downs of the Coast Guard’s $25-billion Deepwater program launched in 2002, Shearington’s allegations come as no surprise. Deepwater aims to revamp the service’s entire inventory of ships, aircraft and electronics over the next 20 years. But it’s off to a poor start.

The trouble began in 2005. The Coast Guard 123-foot cutter Matagorda suffered hull buckling on its maiden voyage following an $8-million overhaul at Halter-Bollinger JV shipyard, a Northrop Grumman subcontractor in Louisiana. Matagorda was the first in a batch of eight 110-foot cutters being stretched by 13 feet and modernized under Deepwater.

Inspections revealed that all eight rebuilt cutters had hull problems. The shipyard denied the charge. Congress got involved. And amid ongoing investigations, whistleblowers surfaced, alleging that the hull problems were only the tip of the iceberg. Deepwater’s ambitious electronics, courtesy of Lockheed Martin, were also flawed – this according to former Lockheed engineer Michael DeKort. He and others said that both the Coast Guard and the industry team shared the blame for sloppy management, poor workmanship and a corporate culture that dodged accountability.

Sure enough, it soon came to light that Deepwater’s next major class of vessels, the 400-foot National Security Cutters, had structural problems that would require expensive, post-commissioning re-work to fix. Shearington’s gripes only corroborate – and add to – information leaked to The New York Times last year. A 2004 memo from Assistant Commandant Erroll Brown detailed structural deficiencies that would shorten the vessel’s planned 30-year “fatigue life” and could even jeopardize crew safety.

Ler a noticia completa aqui:

http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/aw/dti1 ... artpage=16


Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 9:45 pm
por soultrain
essa ideia vem daqui:

Bad Coastie Cutter for Navy?
By David Axe EmailJanuary 29, 2008 | 7:00:00 AMCategories: Ships and Subs

Last year was a bad one for the Navy's troubled Littoral Combat Ship, a shallow-draft corvette designed to get close to land to patrol for pirates, insurgents and the navies of "rogue" states, all for around $200 million apiece. Two companies, Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics, were each building several examples. Then the Navy cancelled orders for two Lockheed ships owing to a 50-percent cost increase; now the firms will each build just one prototype, and the Navy will choose between them -- if it sticks with the program at all.

0045From this confusion has emerged a truly crazy idea, one championed solely by the politicians and corporate bosses who stand to benefit: cancel the Navy designs and use the Coast Guard's new National Security Cutter (pictured) instead. Northrop Grumman, the Coast Guard's major shipbuilder, calls its adapted design the "patrol frigate." Defense News chimes in:

“We have listened to what the Navy has said — to be more efficient, be innovative and produce affordable and capable ships,” said Phil Teel, president of Northrop’s Ship Systems sector. “The patrol frigate is a response to that, and to the Navy’s new National Maritime Strategy.”

Mississippi Congressman Gene Taylor, whose district includes Northrop shipyards, is another big fan, according to Mississippi Press:

"I am encouraged that the Navy is looking at the National Security Cutter," he said, saying that one way the Coast Guard and Navy could cut costs is to share designs. "If [LCS builders] Marinette and Austal do not perform, Northrop Grumman is in the running."

Just one problem. The Coastie cutter, the first of which is slated for acceptance in February, is a notorious dog, plagued by a poor design, shoddy workmanship and an electronics suite that is vulnerable to hacking. Rumors are the first NSC will be rejected by Coast Guard inspectors.

Taylor said design concerns about the National Security Cutter, which is being built at Northrop Grumman, were more about ways of interpreting test data than safety. He said, the mission of the cutter made it crucial that the most conservative interpretation of the data is warranted.

Wrong. The NSC is hardly fit for Coast Guard service, much less for tougher Navy tasks. Shame on anyone who pretends otherwise.


Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 9:47 pm
a MB fara uma compra de oportunidade de navios da guarda costeira americana???


Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 10:14 pm
por Carlos Lima
FABIO escreveu:a MB fara uma compra de oportunidade de navios da guarda costeira americana???
Nao :)

Acho que a MB ja tem bem definido o plano dela e acho que nao passa por a'i :D

(Ler posts do Lord Nauta / Marino / Ciclone para maiores referencias)



Enviado: Ter Abr 14, 2009 10:47 pm
por WalterGaudério
soultrain escreveu:Adm. Alte Esq Vinicius :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Pimenta??????

Esses patrulhões foram carissímos, têm imensos problemas e não têm comparação sequer com as KDXII, (quanto mais FREEM, F-100 etc) que não cumprem as especificações da MB. Misseis ar-ar? VLS? Radares? Guerra electrónica?

Essa versão IFP é um dos dois desenhos que estão sendo oferecidos pela MB, conforme eu antecipei a cerca de 1 mês e meio atrás. Faria parte de um "pacote" informal de venda para a MB . Este "patrulhão" , na verdade um grande OPV, vem sendo sugerido para o desenho dos navios de patrulha oceânica da MB, e não como fragata /destróier. Para esse lugar existe uma oferta de um desenho revisado da Classe Burke de 6500t. revisado porque foi originalmente oferecido a Austrália, na concorrência vencida pelos espanhóes da Navantia ou IZAR.(não lembro mais como chamava na época.

Para evitar oba-oba fora de lugar, alerto que se trata de uma oferta apenas. Mas a MB irá dar uma conferida.