F-35 News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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Re: F-35 News

#2251 Mensagem por Alitson » Sex Fev 10, 2012 8:33 am

sapao escreveu:Ou então avisa Israel que eles estão usando o F-16 da maneira errada...
A Turquia, a Coréia do Sul, o Paquistão, a Grécia, o Chile, Singapura, etc....

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Re: F-35 News

#2252 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Fev 11, 2012 8:57 am

a derrota do Eurofighter na India tem repercussões no programa do F-35:

The Italian high rank officer is particularly optimistic, as he believes that the unit price will be around 70 million each (Lockheed Martin estimates 65M USD for the F-35A and about 73M USD for the F-35B), less than the 79 million USD currently paid for the Eurofighter Typhoon and much less of the 121 million USD per aircraft anticipated in 2011.
Furthermore with the recent Eurofighter defeat in India, Italy is going to stop working on the Typhoon and “divert” part (if not all) of its workforce towards the F-35, being assembled at the Cameri FACO (Final Assembly and Check Out) facility.

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Re: F-35 News

#2253 Mensagem por Penguin » Sáb Fev 11, 2012 10:01 pm

F-35: apesar da menor taxa de entregas, Pentágono não planeja cortar quantidade

http://www.aereo.jor.br/2012/02/11/f-35 ... uantidade/

FONTE: Air Force Times (tradução, adaptação e edição: Poder Aéreo)

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Re: F-35 News

#2254 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Fev 13, 2012 3:02 pm

Italy Widely Expected to Scale Back F-35 Orders (excerpt)

(Source: Reuters; published Feb 10, 2012)

ROME --- Italy seems certain to scale back its major investment in Lockheed Martin Corp's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, heightening uncertainty over the troubled stealth jet's future.

Defence Minister Giampaolo Di Paola has said repeatedly since January that the country's originally planned order of the 131 supersonic warplanes by 2018 was being "reviewed" because military spending cuts were necessary as part of Prime Minister Mario Monti's austerity plan to shore up public accounts.

General Claudio Debertolis, secretary general of the Defence Ministry and the country's armaments chief, confirmed to lawmakers on Tuesday that cuts were expected. "There will be a revision of this Joint Strike Fighter programme to align it with disposable resources," he said.

Italy will ask for about 30 fewer planes, Corriere della Sera daily reported on Friday, without citing its source. Panorama magazine gave the same number on Jan. 18.

Government sources and lawmakers told Reuters that it was premature to say how many of the F-35 fighters Italy will order because of uncertainty over the version of the aircraft designed for short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL).

This version is supposed to replace ageing Harrier jets on Italy's new hi-tech Cavour aircraft carrier.

On Tuesday Monti's Cabinet will examine the Defence Ministry's new spending plan that includes reducing F-35 outlays and personnel cuts, according to a government source. The minister will then detail the package to parliament on Wednesday.

The Pentagon's F-35 program office declined comment on Italy's plans, saying all of the partner countries would meet in Australia in March to discuss their production plans.

Click here for the full story, on the Reuters website. :arrow: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/02/ ... 5T20120210

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Italian media also report that Italy will cut four of its ten planned FREMM frigates, curtail procurement of the Eurofighter Typhoon to shift funds to the F-35, and cut up to 40,000 civilian and military jobs.
Cuts to the F-35 program will likely focus on the F-35A air force variant, as Italy will need all of its 32 planned F-35B STOVL variants for its new Cavour aircraft carrier, which Rome considers as its major contribution to Mediterranean security.


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Re: F-35 News

#2255 Mensagem por Grifon » Qua Fev 15, 2012 9:29 am

Italy Reduces F-35 Order Amid Military Cuts

ROME — Italy will cut its acquisition of Joint Strike Fighters from 131 to 90, Defense Minister Giampaolo Di Paola told the Italian Parliament on Feb 15.

The reduction in Italy’s JSF order by 41 aircraft forms part of an all-around trimming of Italy’s armed forces, forced by a 28 percent cut in defense ministry spending in 2012 as Italy seeks to survive Europe’s economic meltdown.

Addressing a joint hearing of the defense commissions of the two houses of the Italian Parliament, Di Paola said that Italy would also cut tanks, helicopters and artillery. Two army brigades will be axed, he said.

Navy vessel numbers will also be cut, with patrol vessels dropping from 18 to 10 and submarines dropping from six to four.

Without giving further details, Di Paola said that Italy’s air defense fighter numbers would also drop.

Di Paola said the JSF remained essential to Italy as the aircraft that will replace its aging Tornados, AMX fighter bombers and AV8 aircraft. “Italy has already invested 2.5 billion euros ($3.29 billion) in the program,” he said. “We envisaged ordering 131. Now a review of the program has led us to conclude that 90 aircraft is achievable.”

Military bases will be reduced, and Italy’s military head count will drop from 183,000 to about 150,000. Civilian staff will be cut from 30,000 to 20,000. The personnel reductions, which have been mulled for a number of years, will take place over the course of a decade, Di Paola said. Personnel cuts will be made by limiting intake and farming out personnel to other state institutions.

At a press conference on Feb. 14, Di Paola said the personnel cuts would target Italy’s top-heavy officer class. “Fewer generals, fewer admirals, more operational readiness and technology,” he said.

http://www.defensenews.com/article/2012 ... |FRONTPAGE

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Re: F-35 News

#2256 Mensagem por Penguin » Qui Fev 16, 2012 11:40 pm

Nada mal para um país semi-falido.
Enquanto isso em pindorama...36.....

F-35: encomenda italiana cai de 131 para 90
16 de fevereiro de 2012

A Itália vai reduzir a sua encomenda de caças F-35 como parte do controle de gastos públicos, informou o ministro da Defesa italiano, Giampaolo Di Paola.

Dos 131 caças originalmente planejados, a Itália vai comprar 90, informou Di Paola em um depoimento perante a comissão de defesa conjunta das duas casas do Parlamento hoje. A nação precisa reduzir o tamanho do contingente militar em cerca de 30.000 soldados e 10.000 civis, disse também.

Di Paola disse que a Itália “já investiu 2,5 mil milhões de euros” (US $ 3,3 bilhões) no F-35 e a Finmeccanica SpA é a maior contratante italiana. “Tínhamos o compromisso de comprar 131, agora a revisão do programa nos leva a crer que a meta de 90 aeronaves pode ser atingida, representando um terço a menos”, disse ele.

O anúncio é mais um duro golpe no programa Joint Strike Fighter, o programa militar mais caro dos EUA. O Departamento de Defesa dos EUA vai cortar US $ 1,6 bilhão do programa F-35 como parte dos US $ 18 bilhões dos cortes em programas militares proposto no orçamento que o presidente Barack Obama enviou ao Congresso em 13 de fevereiro.

FONTE: Businessweek

Leia mais (Read More): F-35: encomenda italiana cai de 131 para 90 | Poder Aéreo - Informação e Discussão sobre Aviação Militar e Civil

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Re: F-35 News

#2257 Mensagem por saullo » Sex Fev 17, 2012 3:30 pm

Penguin escreveu:Nada mal para um país semi-falido.
Enquanto isso em pindorama...36.....

F-35: encomenda italiana cai de 131 para 90
16 de fevereiro de 2012

A Itália vai reduzir a sua encomenda de caças F-35 como parte do controle de gastos públicos, informou o ministro da Defesa italiano, Giampaolo Di Paola.

Dos 131 caças originalmente planejados, a Itália vai comprar 90, informou Di Paola em um depoimento perante a comissão de defesa conjunta das duas casas do Parlamento hoje. A nação precisa reduzir o tamanho do contingente militar em cerca de 30.000 soldados e 10.000 civis, disse também.

Di Paola disse que a Itália “já investiu 2,5 mil milhões de euros” (US $ 3,3 bilhões) no F-35 e a Finmeccanica SpA é a maior contratante italiana. “Tínhamos o compromisso de comprar 131, agora a revisão do programa nos leva a crer que a meta de 90 aeronaves pode ser atingida, representando um terço a menos”, disse ele.

O anúncio é mais um duro golpe no programa Joint Strike Fighter, o programa militar mais caro dos EUA. O Departamento de Defesa dos EUA vai cortar US $ 1,6 bilhão do programa F-35 como parte dos US $ 18 bilhões dos cortes em programas militares proposto no orçamento que o presidente Barack Obama enviou ao Congresso em 13 de fevereiro.

FONTE: Businessweek

Leia mais (Read More): F-35: encomenda italiana cai de 131 para 90 | Poder Aéreo - Informação e Discussão sobre Aviação Militar e Civil
Sempre lembrando da centena de Typhoon que eles terão ao lado dos 90 F-35.
Continua uma boa força.


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Re: F-35 News

#2258 Mensagem por manuel.liste » Sex Fev 17, 2012 8:24 pm

http://www.defensa.com/index.php?option ... Itemid=186

Un informe confidencial norteamericano revela que el F-35C (modelo embarcado), no está en condiciones de aterrizar en portaaviones
...un informe confidencial del Pentágono sobre este caza de quinta generación, obtenido y hecho público en su web por la organización sin ánimo de lucro Project On Government Oversight (POGO), revelaría que el avión de combate de factoría norteamericano presenta tantos desperfectos que desaconseja, por prematuro, su entrega a Fuerza Aérea de EEUU.

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Re: F-35 News

#2259 Mensagem por marcelo l. » Ter Fev 21, 2012 11:04 am

http://www.defensenews.com/article/2012 ... CFRONTPAGE


F-35 Begins Flight Tests Equipped With External Missiles

The U.S. Air Force’s F-35A version of the tri-service Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) has begun flight testing with external stores at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., plane-maker Lockheed Martin said Feb. 20.

The JSF test force flew a plane loaded with two AIM-9X short-range air-to-air missiles, each carried on an external pylon. Additionally, the jet carried two 2,000-pound bombs and two AIM-120 radar-guided air-to-air missiles inside its twin internal weapon bays. A photo accompanying the Lockheed release indicates that the aircraft was also carrying four additional pylons that were not loaded.

The fifth-generation fighter is designed to carry up to 18,000 pounds on 10 weapon stations. Four of those weapon stations are inside its two weapon bays, the rest are on each wing. The wing weapon stations would only be used when stealth is not a priority as external carriage would betray the jet to enemy radars.


Também sobre a notícia http://www.aereo.jor.br/2012/02/20/test ... s-externas

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Re: F-35 News

#2260 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Fev 22, 2012 11:05 am

Rise in Cost of F35 Fighters 'Unknown'

(Source: British Forces news; published February 20, 2012)

The Government "doesn't know" how much the price of new aircraft carrier fighter jets will rise because of cancellations abroad.

Defence Equipment Minister Peter Luff told the Commons order changes from other countries would have "implications" for the price of the F35 Joint Strike Fighters (JSF).

The Lockheed Martin-built jets are due to be purchased to fly from the UK's Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers which are currently under construction.

Speaking during Defence Questions in the Commons, shadow defence minister Alison Seabeck said: "What is the intention around the F35 programme, in particular given rumoured reductions in orders from the USA, Australia and Canada?

"Do you expect the price of each F35 to rise and have you taken a view on exactly the point at which they become unaffordable?"

Mr Luff replied: "The honest answer is we don't know. The Americans are not reducing the total numbers of JSF but changing the profile of those purchases. Other partner nations are indicating they are going to reduce their actual off take.

"This is likely to have implications for JSF prices particularly in the early stages which is when this country intends to procure its (fighters).

"There are implications, we are watching them very carefully and I'm happy to talk to you separately about the implications for the UK."


http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... hters.html

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Re: F-35 News

#2261 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Fev 23, 2012 11:29 am

Lockheed Again Misses Pentagon's F-35 Fighter Goals (excerpt)

(Source: Reuters; published Feb. 21, 2012)

Lockheed Martin Corp lost $31.5 million in award fees for its new F-35 fighter jet in 2011, the second consecutive year it did not meet Pentagon development goals for the aircraft, which is now facing a third restructuring.

The Pentagon said the $382 billion program to build the radar-evading warplane was still showing "continued progress" and Lockheed said the new aircraft had made outstanding progress in flight test, training and production in 2011.

But the latest news could exacerbate F-35 partner nations' concerns over delays and rising costs. Eight international partners are already reconsidering their orders.

Canada has called a meeting of officials from the partner nations, which also include Britain, Australia, Norway, Denmark, Italy, Turkey and the Netherlands, for March 2 in Washington.

Senior U.S. defense officials met late on Tuesday to review a revised cost estimate and acquisition schedule for its biggest weapons program, but details and a final decision will not be announced for several weeks, said spokeswoman Cheryl Irwin.

The Pentagon's high-level Defense Acquisition Board last met on January 17 to review the plane's development, production and sustainment costs, concluding that it was showing "continued progress," she said. (end of excerpt)

Click here for the full story, on the Reuters website. :arrow: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/02/ ... 8020120222


http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... -f_35.html

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Re: F-35 News

#2262 Mensagem por FoxHound » Qui Fev 23, 2012 8:39 pm

F-35 voou pela primeira vez carregando mísseis de combate.
De acordo com o jornal Los Angeles Times, o super caça o F-35 fez o seu primeiro vôo carregando mísseis externos. O teste foi realizado em 16 de fevereiro.

Durante um vôo de teste, o F-35 levava duas bombas guiadas GBU-31 de 907 kg e dois mísseis de médio alcance ar-ar AIM-120. Disparos não foram efetuados durante o teste.

F-35 é o projeto militar mais caro na história dos EUA. 2500 caças encomendadoos custarão 382 bilião dólares

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Re: F-35 News

#2263 Mensagem por Túlio » Qui Fev 23, 2012 9:52 pm

"Supercaça", essa é buena! É um "Super-AMX", isso sim... 8-]

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Re: F-35 News

#2264 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Fev 24, 2012 9:52 pm

F-35B Now Flying with AIM-9X and Gun Pod (Pictures)
Posted by Robert Wall at 2/24/2012 5:06 AM CST

A few days after the F-35A began flight trials with weapon stores, the F-35B short-takeoff-and-vertical-landing version has now followed with its own first weapons-stores flight:



The trials involved both the AIM-9X, flown also on the F-35A, and the 25-mm gun pod.

The flight was conducted with BF-2, and the aircraft was flown by Lockheed Martin test pilot Dan Levin on Feb. 22 from the Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Md., Lockheed Martin says.

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Re: F-35 News

#2265 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Fev 24, 2012 10:09 pm


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