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Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Qua Jul 22, 2009 12:20 pm
por Glauber Prestes
Carlos Mathias escreveu:Olha, ST lá, só se a EMBRAER produzir na terra deles.
A Flórida está esperando a maquiladora...

Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Qua Jul 22, 2009 12:29 pm
por irlan
Agora que você mencionou isso CM, a Embraer não tem uma fábrica nos States?

Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Qua Jul 22, 2009 12:34 pm
por Glauber Prestes
Em Melbourne, na Flórida. Mas é só montadora, não sei se vale como fábrica.

Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Qua Jul 22, 2009 12:34 pm
por caixeiro
irlan escreveu:Agora que você mencionou isso CM, a Embraer não tem uma fábrica nos States?

Tem :D

Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Qua Jul 22, 2009 12:38 pm
por Bourne
glauberprestes escreveu:
Carlos Mathias escreveu:Olha, ST lá, só se a EMBRAER produzir na terra deles.
A Flórida está esperando a maquiladora...
Qual o problema? Os lucros virão para o pindorama.

Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Qua Jul 22, 2009 1:30 pm
por Glauber Prestes
Bourne escreveu:
glauberprestes escreveu: A Flórida está esperando a maquiladora...
Qual o problema? Os lucros virão para o pindorama.
Nenhum!! O lance é a Embraer adaptar a linha para o ST, e só.

Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Qua Jul 22, 2009 1:43 pm
por GDA_Fear
Com vendas externas a Embraer poderia pensar no UT(Ultra-Tucano) :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Qua Jul 22, 2009 10:20 pm
por caixeiro
Vomos la, e mais do que uma simples compra de ST pela USNAVY mais sim um programa completo chamado Imminent Fury.

Imminent Fury Paper Trail and More

A source passed along these briefing slides after I ran the Imminent Fury piece yesterday, and I thought I'd share them with DT readers to slice and dice.

The presentation is basically an in-depth look at what the Navy's Irregular Warfare Office has been doing since it was established in 2008 to act as a sort of Navy version of the Army's Asymmetric Warfare Group.

Aside from the Imminent Fury brief, which is slightly different from what my sources told me about the origins and goal of the program, there are some semi-interesting UAV and UUV initiatives they're working on, primarily for air-to-sub intel gathering.

But on one of the last slides we find something pretty interesting -- and I may be behind the curve on this, but it's something that I think that MarSoc has been wrestling with as well. It's a call for 32 more MH-60S Knighthawk special operation helicopters. Now the brief shows several options for how to organize those additional aircraft, including the establishment of a two new dedicated Navy special operations aviation squadrons (which makes sense to me since they have SWICCs). The last alternative is to not buy any more helos and just fly 6,400 more flight hours on the ones they have -- which doesn't sound like much of an option.

So take a look at the brief and let me know what you think.
PDF completo do Progama da USNAVY para os curiosos, detalhe nos participantes.

http://www.scribd.com/doc/17581134/NXIr ... are-Office


Esse nao e Colombiano e FAB mesmo.

Abracos Elcio Caixeiro

Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Qui Jul 23, 2009 8:26 pm
por caixeiro
O que um Teco num guerrilheiro comuna nao faz, parece que realmente sai o projeto da USNAVY.

COIN Air Force on its Way


A top Pentagon official told a small group of defense reporters this morning (July 23) that the upcoming QDR will likely propose the formation of an aviation cadre devoted solely to irregular warfare.

The Pentagon's guru for special operations and low intensity conflict, the renowned Michael Vickers, told us that he believes a light strike, light reconnaissance aircraft would be useful to troops in an unconventional fight.

"That's one of the issues that this QDR is looking at about how to create these sort of irregular warfare air units -- should we do that, number one, because nothing has been decided -- then what that mix might be. But it might not reside in the special operations forces, it might reside in the general purpose forces as sort of a counterinsurgency capability," Vickers said.

Of course, this jibes with the Navy's Imminent Fury initiative and rumblings from Norty Schwartz (USAF-COS) to create an irregular air wing in the Air Force.

Vickers went on to raise an interesting point -- one that the brief I posted yesterday from the Navy's IWO hinted at in the section on Imminent Fury -- that an aircraft like that could also be an advantage to training local forces in counterinsurgency air techniques.

"One of the advantages with that kind of aircraft being adapted to the counterinsurgency battlefield is that they tend to be very inexpensive and something that a partner nation could afford. ... They're getting a look," he said.

But before you think Vickers was hedging on the creation of an irregular air force, listen to what he said later when pressed.

"I think there is a need for that kind of capability. I think that capability is being looked at in the QDR. But the question is how much, and exactly the mix," Vickers added. Notice he didn't say 'whether' it would be created or part of the recommendations from the QDR.

And then this more demonstrative statement:

"I'm fairly confident we'll end up with something. The question is how large a force and what capability to we put in there and whether we put it in over time. But some kind of irregular warfare something or other -- some Air Force unit, whether it's a series of squadrons or a wing or a group or whatever -- I think is an idea whose time has come."

Looks like the Spads will be back!

-- Christian

Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Qui Jul 23, 2009 9:14 pm
por Carlos Lima
E olha só o S. Tucano mostrando a que veio :)


Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Sex Jul 24, 2009 8:32 am
por irlan
Aquele avião do lado do Bronco, é um tucano ou super tucano?, ainda não sei diferenciá-los :oops:, e são colombianos?

Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Sex Jul 24, 2009 9:08 am
por Sávio Ricardo
É um tucanin...

Entrada de ar maiores e mais feias e o vidro da cabine (esqueci o nome desse vidro) tbm é diferente do ST.


Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Sex Jul 24, 2009 9:54 am
por kekosam
Canopi Savio... Canopi...

E a maneira mais fácil de diferenciar o AT-27 do A-29 é olhando a entrada de ar do motor e o formato do canopi. Ao lado do OV-10 está um AT-27.

Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Sex Jul 24, 2009 10:09 am
por tykuna
GDA_Fear escreveu:Com vendas externas a Embraer poderia pensar no UT(Ultra-Tucano) :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted:

Olha a montagem que fizeram lá no MP.net


Re: Super-Tucano: americanos de olho.

Enviado: Sex Jul 24, 2009 10:10 am
por Sávio Ricardo
kekosam escreveu:Canopi Savio... Canopi...
Thanks, Teacher... Agora lembrei.