Prick, então não sabes que os vendemos ao Brasil?????
Patria has delivered two Helsinki-class fast missile boats to Croatia. These were formerly operated by the Finnish navy, which decided not to upgrade them. (Finnish navy photo)
Patria Delivered Missile Boats to Croatia
(Source: Patria; issued Oct. 14, 2008)
Patria has delivered two Helsinki-class missile boats to the Croatian Navy on October 13, 2008. The boats have been used by the Finnish Navy. The boat class was removed from service as it reached the end of its lifespan and the renovation was not considered expedient.
The missile boats called Kotka and Oulu will be loaded in Turku onboard a ship transporting them to Croatia.
According to the contract signed in July 2008 Patria also trains the Croatian crew. Additionally Patria pursues maintenance of the boats.
Patria is a strategic partner for the Finnish Navy and has maintained their diesel engines since 1964.
”Patria is a versatile and flexible partner supporting the Finnish Defence Forces’ equipment in the different stages of their lifespan. Our operations cover the introduction, maintenance, training, modifications and upgrades as well as decommission in the most effective manner”, states Executive Vice President Jukka Holkeri from Patria.
”Helsinki-class boats have served the Finnish Navy almost 30 years. With its successful structure it was well-suited for the harsh circumstances in the Baltic Sea and its archipelago. With these boats the Finnish Navy became a modern Navy. We are happy to see that these still seaworthy boats can continue in service thanks to Patria”, says the Commander of the Finnish Navy, Vice Admiral Hans Holmström.
Patria is a defence and aerospace group with international operations delivering its customers competitive solutions based on own specialist know-how and partnerships. Patria is owned by the State of Finland and the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS N.V.