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Enviado: Qui Jul 01, 2010 9:37 am
por cassiosemasas
orestespf escreveu:Objeto fálico sempre chama a atenção, mesmo que de forma incompreensível. :? :? :?
hahahahahahahahahha :mrgreen: :lol: :D [003] [003] [003] [003]
Sabe não havia parado para pensar nessa possibiliadade!


Enviado: Qui Jul 01, 2010 10:26 am

Russia is willing to provide transport helicopters to assist the NATO-led military contingent fighting Taliban militants in Afghanistan, a defense industry official said on Thursday.

Vyacheslav Dzirkaln, deputy head of Russia's Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation, said Russian An-124 Condor cargo planes had transported over 88,000 metric tons of cargo for NATO troops in Afghanistan under the successful Strategic Airlift Interim Solution (SALIS) project.

"The aircraft leasing mechanism successfully used in the SALIS project could be applied to heavy-lift transport helicopters for NATO forces carrying out missions in remote areas [of Afghanistan]," Dzirkaln said at a roundtable meeting on cooperation between Russia and NATO.

"Russian Mi-26T Halo helicopters of this class have already demonstrated their unique capabilities and performed well in Afghanistan," the official added.

In December 2009, a Russian Mi-26T helicopter successfully returned a NATO Cougar helicopter to its airbase in Kandahar after the craft had come under attack. The Mi-26T has been serving NATO troops in Afghanistan for more than three years.

The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) has about 120,000 troops in Afghanistan. A total of 46 countries are involved in security efforts in the war-ravaged country.

ZHUKOVSKY, July 1 (RIA Novosti)


Enviado: Qui Jul 01, 2010 3:46 pm
por Carlos Mathias
Pois é, mais uma vez depois de chuva lá no Nordeste, alguns Mi-26 fariam uma diferença gigantesca, ao invés de ficar levando meia dúzia de coisas em Esquilo.


Enviado: Qui Jul 01, 2010 4:33 pm
por wagnerm25
orestespf escreveu:Objeto fálico sempre chama a atenção, mesmo que de forma incompreensível. :? :? :?

Desculpem, não resisti. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Enviado: Qui Jul 01, 2010 7:17 pm
por Carlos Lima
Carlos Mathias escreveu:Pois é, mais uma vez depois de chuva lá no Nordeste, alguns Mi-26 fariam uma diferença gigantesca, ao invés de ficar levando meia dúzia de coisas em Esquilo.
Pois é amigo... :cry:

Não quero ficar polêmica, mas um Mi-26 (o melhor nisso), ou um chinook ou mesmo um ch-53 fariam uma diferença absurda...

mas enfim.. :(



Enviado: Qui Jul 01, 2010 7:23 pm
por alcmartin
Jacobs escreveu:Esse Euro Hawk lembra isso aqui:

Jacobs, voce antecipou o que eu ia dizer... :D E o galho é que o concorrente, o Predador, pode falar que passa o rodo no Alien! :lol:



Enviado: Sáb Jul 03, 2010 12:00 am
por Penguin

India's AEW&C Programme Gets Ready For Platform Flight Tests
http://livefist.blogspot.com/2010/07/in ... y-for.html






Have just received a detailed briefing on the test phase of India's AEW&C programme. In a few months, the first of three modified EMB-145 platforms will begin a routine of flight tests for basic performance and handling. This preliminary testing will be carried out in Brazil by Embraer and a team from the Indian Air Force's Aircraft & Systems Testing Establishment (ASTE) in association with Brazil's Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil and India's CEMILAC.

The first flight test aircraft, which is set to make its first flight later this year, will be integrated with a Dorsal Unit (DoU) containing dummy electronics, ECS, IFR, auxiliary power units, internal fuel tanks, SATCOMs and antennae. India's Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS) -- the laboratory spearheading the programme -- has already supplied Embraer with a dorsal unit (with dummy electronics) and a Ku-band SATCOM dome, while the Defence Avionics Research Establishment (DARE), CABS and the Defence Electronics Research Laboratory (DLRL) have shipped in antennae for ESM, CSM and U/VHF.

While the EMB-145 with the configuration above will undergo flight tests in Brazil, the configuration for ferry to India in August 2011 will be the aircraft with only the dorsal pylon (minus the unit), ECS, IFR, APUs and internal fuel tanks.

Once the first aircraft reaches India, it will undergo a rigorous flight testing schedule by CABS, ASTE and CEMILAC in association with Embraer. After a few flights in India, the aircraft will be integrated with a dorsal unit with real electronics and other mission system equipment, including operator workstations (five), avionics racks, rest crew seating, seats and cabling.

On June 23, EADS Defence & Security announced that it had been awarded a contract to supply consultancy services to CABS for developing the AEW&C's system architecture with particular regard to certification and mission equipment optimisation.


Enviado: Sáb Jul 03, 2010 3:28 am
por Bolovo
Pô que legal. Quero ver voando logo!!


Enviado: Sáb Jul 03, 2010 8:37 am
por Valdemort
alcmartin escreveu:
Jacobs escreveu:Esse Euro Hawk lembra isso aqui:

Jacobs, voce antecipou o que eu ia dizer... :D E o galho é que o concorrente, o Predador, pode falar que passa o rodo no Alien! :lol:


Comandante Martin ... Parabens ...


Enviado: Sáb Jul 03, 2010 9:01 am
por Penguin
FSP, São Paulo, sábado, 03 de julho de 2010

Bolívia compra avião montado para time de futebol Manchester United

O presidente boliviano, Evo Morales, trocou ontem o seu avião por uma aeronave originalmente construída para atender ao time de futebol inglês Manchester United.
O francês Dassault Falcon 900Ex Easy foi comprado por US$ 38,7 milhões e substituirá um Jet Sabreliner Na 265-60, que serviu à Presidência boliviana por 35 anos.
A equipe inglesa havia solicitado a montagem da aeronave, mas acabou desistindo da compra.
O avião foi recebido anteontem por uma delegação do governo boliviano nos Estados Unidos e aterrissou na tarde de ontem na Bolívia.
"Está se comprando um avião seguro, que corresponde a um chefe de Estado", disse o ministro da Presidência (Casa Civil), Óscar Coca, ao diário "La Razón".
O Dassault Falcon é equipado com câmeras de segurança que detectam pessoas não autorizadas quando a aeronave está em terra, um sistema antirraios e modernos sensores que permitem que ela aterrisse em locais encobertos por neblina.


Enviado: Sáb Jul 03, 2010 9:02 am
por Penguin
SOURCE:Air Transport Intelligence news
US company partners with Antonov in surprise KC-X bid
http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/20 ... x-bid.html
By Stephen Trimble

A new US company has entered the race for the US Air Force KC-X contract with a bid based on Ukrainian-built Antonov series airlifters.
A 1 July regulatory filing by the publicly-traded US Aerospace Inc. confirms the firm intends to bid in response to the USAF request for proposals for KC-X.
The filing document says US Aerospace will submit three models of Antonov aircraft - An-124-KC, An-122-KC and An-112-KC - before the KC-X bidding deadline on 9 July. The aircraft will be assembled in the US, but built in the Ukraine.
"We believe that we will be able to offer a superior aircraft at a significantly lower price than other potential bidders," the company says in the 8-K filing to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
The US Aerospace/Antonov adds a dramatic new twist in the already heated competition between the Boeing KC-767 NewGen Tanker and EADS North America KC-45.
Antonov An-124 transports have been leased heavily by the USAF over the past decade to relieve demand on the strategic airlift fleet.
Little is known about the other two Antonov models listed by US Aerospace in the 8-K form. The An-122 is reportedly a two-engine version of the An-124. Meanwhile, an online Wikipedia entry on the An-12 turboprop cites a book reference to a concept for the An-112, which is described as a jet-powered, swept-wing variant of the Soviet Union's 1950s-era response to the Lockheed C-130.
The KC-X bid by US Aerospace is part of a broader strategic cooperation agreement signed with Antonov, according to the 8-K filing.
The agreement also includes bidding for other projects with Antonov aircraft to the Department of Defense, USAF and "licensed US defense contractors". The pact also covers the "sale of Antonov aircraft, products and services in the United States", the 8-K form says.
Antonov is responsible for design, construction and manufacture of aircraft under the agreement.
"We will be responsible for coordinating the bidding process, negotiating and contracting with customers, and coordinating with defense subcontractors for specialized systems," the filing document says.


Enviado: Sáb Jul 03, 2010 11:47 am
por GustavoB


Enviado: Sáb Jul 03, 2010 5:34 pm
por Junker
C-17 indo pro saco, junto com a segunda turbina do F-35:
Future of C-17 cargo jet looks shaky
By JEN DIMASCIO | 6/24/10 4:57 AM EDT

The Air Force’s C-17 Globemaster cargo jet once had a comfortable ride as a project the Defense Department rarely requested but Congress continued to fund — an arrangement that allowed the military, lawmakers and lobbyists to share in the largesse year after year.

But the terrain appears much rockier for the Boeing-made plane in fiscal year 2011, as Congress looks for ways to trim the deficit and, more important, Defense Secretary Robert Gates digs in hard against the plane, securing a veto threat against funding for it from President Barack Obama.

“He’s made this a manhood issue,” a defense industry official said of Gates.

The Pentagon has bought or ordered 223 C-17s since the 1980s. Initially, the picture for funding at least a few more planes was promising. Defense industry officials were hopeful the House would add money for five Globemaster aircraft — and that the Senate wouldn’t oppose it in conference.

Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee and a longtime backer of the program, told Defense Daily in May that the House was likely to include funding for the aircraft and that senators “usually go along with” that kind of request.

But there was already one noticeable difference. Gates’s assault on the cargo jet was much more robust than his first attack last year. That seems to have scared off some support in the Senate, which supported a measure to add C-17s last year.

Now, opponents of the plane, such as Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), have more traction, and defense industry officials aren’t sure they’ll have the votes to add funding for it to the defense authorization bill.

Neither bill pending in the House and Senate gives the Pentagon the authority to spend money on the plane.

And Gates has continued his assault, making the plane, along with an alternative engine for the Joint Strike Fighter, targets for elimination. His track record is strong: A year ago, he knocked off the Air Force’s F-22 Raptor, made by Lockheed Martin.

This year, the veto threat for the C-17 is much stronger. “I stand squarely behind Secretary Gates’s position on the JSF second engine and C-17 programs,” the president said in a May 28 statement.

“Our military does not want or need these programs being pushed by the Congress, and should Congress ignore this fact, I will veto any such legislation so that it can be returned to me without those provisions.”

And Gates rarely misses an opportunity to remind Congress of the consequences of ignoring the veto threat, as he did last week during a Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee hearing. Republican Sen. Kit Bond of Missouri, where Boeing’s defense operations are based, said that if the C-17 isn’t funded, “there will not be a single facility in North America anywhere assembling large aircraft designed to military specifications,” at a time when wide-body C-5A aircraft are nearing retirement.

“What steps are being taken to protect the industrial base in heavy airlift? Strategic airlift,” Bond asked.

Gates dismissed the question, saying U.S. manufacturers continue to make large, wide-body aircraft for the commercial industry and that those aircraft can be adapted for the military when needed. “The C-17 is going to be with us for decades,” Gates said, and he repeated the Pentagon’s consistent position — that its own studies on the size of its strategic lift abilities from 2005 to 2010 show that, despite the demands of war, the nation has plenty of capacity for airlift.

That left Bond, in his words, “stunned.”

“I was stunned to hear the Pentagon shrug off concerns over losing our C-17 line,” Bond told POLITICO in a statement. “Can they really believe all you have to do is rip out the seats of a 767 and have a plane ready for a war zone or humanitarian catastrophe?”

Now problems are arising on the House side, too. Defense insiders said Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), who’s been out front promoting Boeing’s bid for aerial refueling tankers for years, is now trying to shed the label “Mr. Boeing” in his new role as chairman of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee.

“Foreign sales are essential if we are to sustain affordably our domestic defense industrial base, not to mention bolstering strategic alliances with countries like India,” said Bond. “If the worst-case scenario comes true — the real risk of the C-17 line being shut down — Congress may need to act to ensure we aren’t dependent on the Russians for our future airlift needs.”


Enviado: Sáb Jul 03, 2010 5:42 pm
por Carlos Mathias
Mas o F-35 não tem 3000 encomendas firmes e certas?


Enviado: Sáb Jul 03, 2010 6:56 pm
por Sterrius
Mas o F-35 não tem 3000 encomendas firmes e certas?
Tão certas quanto o fim do mundo em 2012. :lol: