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Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 12:42 am
por Carlos Mathias
Pra isso ela não precisa se afundar junto.
Esse sem prejuízo é que é o detalhe.


Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 12:46 am
por Skyway
Pois é, não tenho a menor idéia se isso é possível...mas pelo andar da carruagem suéca, parece que teria de ser uma daquelas jogadas industriais que entram pra história. :lol:


Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 12:49 am
por Carlos Mathias
Como eu disse, eles deveriam entubar o NG e propor uma parceria com a EMBRAER daqui prá frente, até mesmo junto com a Dassault, e depois com a ... Bem, enfim. 8-]


Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 1:59 am
por Luís Henrique
WalterGaudério escreveu:
FABIO escreveu:amigo walter o senhor pode nos dizer quantos aviões LIFT a FAB vai comprar para substituir
o guerreiro xavante?

FÁBIO a FAB , a princípio NÃO se decidiu pela troca dos Xavantes por um outro LIFT novo. A Princípio serão os F-5FM os substitutos. Os Italianos no entanto estão oferecendo seu produto para mais adiante(2015). Mas estão em franca desvantagem em relação aos Sul-Coreanos, pela versatilidade deste último, que é Mono-motor e tem versão dedicada como caça-leve Low cost.
mesmo sendo monomotor, pela potência, o lift da Coréia do Sul, deverá gastar muito mais combustivel.;
Não sei se compensa para a função de treino.

Aliás, ao meu ver, nenhum dos dois compensa. A Embraer pode dar conta disso.


Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 8:55 am
por Penguin
Justin Case escreveu:Amigos,

Falando em SAAB e ações, vejam a notícia sobre a BAE vendendo sua participação na SAAB:
UPDATE: BAE Systems Says it Will Dispose Of Saab AB Stake


Friday, 5 March 2010 - 12:10
By Jonathan Buck

LONDON -(Dow Jones)- U.K. defense giant BAE Systems PLC (BA.LN) Friday disclosed it was selling its 20.5% stake in Swedish defense group Saab AB (SAAB-B.SK), maker of the Gripen jet fighter, in a deal potentially valued at $300 million.

Farnborough, England-based BAE Systems, the biggest shareholder in Saab, said in a statement that it will sell half its stake to Sweden's Investor AB for 1.07 billion Swedish kronor ($150 million) and signaled its intention to dispose of the remainder in due course through a market placing. A spokeswoman at BAE Systems couldn't say when that would be.
Investor, an industrial holding company founded by the Wallenberg family, already holds a 19.8% stake in Saab, so the addition of another 10.25% will boost its holding to about 30%. Another 8.8% of Saab's stock is owned by Wallenberg foundations. Marcus Wallenberg, a member of the Wallenberg family, is chairman of Saab.
BAE Systems acquired a 35.1% stake in Saab in its initial public offering in 1998, three years after the two companies established a joint venture to explore and develop export opportunities for the Gripen. Saab in 2004 assumed full responsibility for its Gripen export campaign, and BAE reduced its stake in Saab to 20.5% the following year.
The U.K. company, which makes fighter aircraft, tanks and armored vehicles and builds warships, regularly assesses the strategic value of its investments, the BAE Systems spokeswoman said. Those investments include, among other things, a 49% stake in Kazakhstan's Air Astana and a 37.5% stake in MBDA, a European manufacturer of missiles and missile systems.
The sale comes at an uncertain time for Saab. President and Chief Executive Officer Ake Svensson last month announced his resignation and the Stockholm-based company currently is looking for a replacement. Its earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization in 2009 jumped to SEK2.60 billion from SEK1.52 billion in 2008 as sales soared to SEK24.65 billion from SEK23.80 billion.
However, the company, which employs 13,159 workers, saw its order bookings in 2009 shrink to SEK18.43 billion from SEK23.21 billion in 2008.
"BAE Systems has been a good partner for Saab AB, but over time there has been less alignment of interests and the emergence of some overlapping businesses, while Saab AB has built a strong internal export capability," said Investor Chief Executive Borje Ekholm.
"We have pursued the opportunity to increase our ownership at what we view as an attractive price, in line with our communicated strategy to strengthen our position in selected core investments," he added
Investor owns stakes in some of Sweden's biggest industrial, financial and telecommunications companies, including Electrolux AB (ELUX-B.SK), L.M. Ericsson Telephone Co. (ERIC), Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (SEB-A.SK), Atlas Copco AB (ATCO-A.SK) and Husqvarna AB (HUSQ-B.SK).
At 0928 GMT, BAE Systems shares traded up a penny, or 0.1%, at 386 pence. In Stockholm, Saab's shares traded up SEK5.75, or 5.5%, at SEK111.25 and Investor's shares traded up SEK0.50, or 0.4%, at SEK131.60.
Saab and the passenger-car maker of the same name were separated in 1990.

-By Jonathan Buck, Dow Jones Newswires; +44 (0)207 842 9237; jonathan.buck@dowjones.com

(Karl Bruze in Stockholm contributed to this article.)

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 05, 2010 05:10 ET (10:10 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2010 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

Defence firm Saab returns to profitability
Published: 14 Feb 10 10:12 CET
Updated: 14 Feb 10 11:37 CET

Loss-making Saab Automobile in Sweden, solely owned by General Motors, is best known for its mid-range cars, and has been up for sale. The prospective buyer is Spyker Cars in Holland, producer of tailored luxury cars.

But Saab is a split constellation. The separate Saab military products company, best known for fighter jets, is 100 percent controlled by other financial interests.

The company posted a pretax profit of 461 million kronor ($65 million) in the final quarter of last year, with annual sales of 23 billion kronor, it announced at the weekend. Saab posted a 1 billion kronor loss for the equivalent period in 2008.

The actual quarterly profit was less than expected by markets, and saw the shares dip at the weekend by 13.5 percent. Even so, the company said it would sharply increase dividends to shareholders.

Saab is best known in the financial world for military products rather than cars. The biggest single shareholder is BAE Systems in Britain, global supplier of military products. Another major shareholder is Investor owned by Sweden’s influential Wallenberg family.

Saab was not the only Swedish company posting profits at the weekend. The mining and mineral company Boliden announced profits of 1.1 billion kronor in the final quarter of last year, on annual sales of 8.3 billion during the year. The company proposed a 300 percent dividend increase, from one krona to three per share.

Despite the deep recession, the Swedish Central Bank (Riksbanken) on Friday posted profits of 5.8 billion kronor in 2009 that it said would be dispatched to the government. This was probably welcome news. In addition to offering a guaranteed loan of 5.5 billion kronor to Saab Automobile, the government was expected to shortly hand over around 1 billion kronor to ailing Scandinavian Airlines Systems (SAS) in which it owns 21.4 percent of shares. A few months ago the Government granted a similar sum to SAS.

The airline is jointly owned by the governments of Sweden, Denmark and Norway, along with private interests.

Roger Choate (news@thelocal.se)


Investor buys big in defence concern Saab
Published: 5 Mar 10 09:40 CET
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The Wallenberg-family controlled firm Investor has purchased 11.2 million b-shares, 10.2 percent of the capital, in defence concern Saab. The price tag comes in at 1.1 billion kronor ($150 million), according to a statement.

Before the purchase of the shares from UK defence firm BAE Systems, Investor owned 19.8 percent of the capital and 38 percent of the votes in the Swedish concern.

According to the Investor statement, BAE Systems plans to sell off its entire shareholding in Saab during 2010.

In 1995 Saab and BAE Systems formed a jointly owned company to develop the Jas 39 Gripen fighter aircraft. BAE Systems at the time bought 35 percent of Saab shares from Investor. The UK firm has since sold off some of the shares.

Over time the business interests of BAE Systems and Saab have gone their separate ways. Investor has pledged to support Saab's continued restructuring, the firm said in its statement.

"In line with our stated strategy to strengthen ownership in our key investments, we have now acted on an opportunity to increase our ownership stake to what we consider to be an attractive price," Investor CEO Börje Ekholm said.

The transaction will not result in any mandatory bid obligations, according to Oscar Stege Unger at Investor.

The share purchase was completed at 95.50 kronor per share; Thursday's closing price for Saab amounted to 105.50 kronor.

"We have previously held 38 percent of Saab, so we have already secured an exception from mandatory bid regulations," he told news agency TT.

Saab's third major shareholder is one of the Wallenberg family foundations, with around 5 percent of the votes.

Investor has motivated increasing its stake in Saab in that "at these levels" it becomes an interesting financial deal, Oscar Stege Unger said. The deal furthermore follows a successive winding up of the cooperation between Saab and BAE Systems, which has continued over several years.

"They have in practice ceased, in as much as Saab manages the Gripen exports itself. There has also been a degree of overlapping between BAE and Saab in larger deals," he said.

"Now BAE have decided that they do not see this as a strategic holding and want to pull out. We also think that it is good that we clarify the ownership structure," he said.

BAE Systems also holds an interest in the European Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) project.

TT/The Local (news@thelocal.se/08 656 6518)


Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 10:02 am
por AlbertoRJ
Carlos Mathias escreveu:Pô, se a BAE está pulando da canoa furada, a EMBRAER vai embarcar nessa?
É ruim, hein!
Pois é, esse barco está fazendo água.



Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 4:55 pm
por irlan
A Suíça também esta querendo trocas os F-5 dela não?


Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 5:02 pm
por Penguin
AlbertoRJ escreveu:
Carlos Mathias escreveu:Pô, se a BAE está pulando da canoa furada, a EMBRAER vai embarcar nessa?
É ruim, hein!
Pois é, esse barco está fazendo água.

Saab AB fazendo água?! Onde saiu isso? Você deve estar se referindo a Saab Automobile, que pertencia a GM e foi vendida a holandesa Spyker Cars N.V.

A Embraer demitiu 4.200 funcionários de um total de 22.000 (-19%).
A Saab AB demitiu 100 funcionários de um total de 13.757 (-0,7%)

Além disso a Saab AB não é apenas a divisão Gripen International:

Defence and Security Solutions comprise the following business units:
Saab Aerotech
Saab Grintek Technologies
Saab Security
Saab Surveillance Systems
Saab Systems

Systems and Products comprise the following business units:
Saab Avitronics
Saab Barracuda
Saab Bofors Dynamics
Saab Microwave Systems
Saab Training Systems
Saab Underwater Systems

Aeronautics comprises the following business units:
Saab Aerosystems
Saab Aerostructures
Gripen International

http://www.saabgroup.com/en/Capabilitie ... bility.htm


Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 6:27 pm
por Carlos Mathias
A BAE é... Menos inteligente, digamos assim, pulou fora porque está dando altíssimos lucros então.


Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 6:31 pm
por Hader
BRUSSELS - In the face of a sharp fall in domestic orders and a difficult foreign market, Sweden's Saab has turned operations around from a loss to a profit, according to its most recent financial figures.

In the final quarter of 2009. the company showed a profit of about $45 million, reversing a $90.7 million loss in the fourth quarter of 2008. The profit stream, according to Saab CEO Åke Svensson, is coming from midsized orders, while customers are postponing large-scale contracts.

The company last year launched a groupwide restructuring and cost management initiative, rolling out comprehensive new measures to strengthen its order-sapped finances. It has established a trade-receivables sales program that it hopes will improve its financial flexibility and optimize working capital.

The cash generated from the sales program will be used primarily to pay down existing debt, a company official said.

Looking to the future, the Swedish group is developing technology for UAVs such as the Skeldar, its upcoming tactical unmanned helicopter, and the Neuron, a European technology demonstrator. French aircraft company Dassault is the prime contractor for the Neuron, conceived as an unmanned combat aircraft demonstrator that will weight 5.3 metric tons and have a 12-meter wingspan. Besides Sweden and France, the program includes Greece, Italy, Spain and Switzerland.

"The next step might be to develop a new UAV using some of this technology," a company official said.

Saab also is developing sense-and-avoid technology to allow UAVs to fly in civil airspace.

Björn Enarson, an equities analyst with the Swedish investment bank Öhman, said he sees the Neuron as a long-term investment for Saab, but stressed the importance of such international projects.

"You need to be part of development projects to have the technical competence to be in some kind of partnership for the next generation of fighter, whether it is a UAV or an ordinary fighter," he said.

Saab's most high-profile product is the Gripen fighter jet flown by the Swedish, Czech, Hungarian and South African air forces - and soon, the Royal Thai Air Force. Saab has entered the Gripen in competitions for multibillion-dollar contracts in Brazil and India. Competitors include France's Rafale and the Eurofighter Typhoon.

The Gripen also is in the running for orders in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia.

For the upcoming generation of combat jets, Enarson said, there likely will be one European fighter.

"The investment [in UAV development projects] is to secure technology rather than X amount of sales of UAVs," he said.

Mats Liss, an analyst with Swedbank in Stockholm, said Saab's chances of winning Gripen orders from Brazil or India are slim, although he noted that the Brazilian Air Force seems to prefer the Gripen.

Enarson agreed, but said it would not be a disaster if Saab does not win either contest. He said he sees a business case for Saab winning smaller Gripen orders, such as from Switzerland and former Eastern Bloc countries.

Beyond the Gripen, Enarson said, other business areas that Saab is likely to pursue include command-and-control systems, primarily for naval vessels; anti-tank guns; airborne surveillance systems (sales have been made to Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates); and lightweight missile systems.

Another analyst, who asked not to be quoted by name, said he sees the potential need for Gripen upgrades from countries that have ordered the aircraft to be a "vital issue."

While the Swedish government is using Saab as an investment vehicle in the area of UAVs, it is leaving it up to Saab to come up with competitive underwater maritime systems.

Saab's best-known underwater products are the Double Eagle family of remote operating vehicles, used for mine hunting and maritime security operations.

"This is quite a small area," Enarson said of the underwater systems market. "It may be more difficult for Saab to be successful here."

From Sales to Support

In a recent interview with Defense News, Saab CEO Svensson pointed to a new relationship growing between the customer and industry. "In the past, armed forces might have just wanted a radio, but now they want an operating radio network," he said.

Enarson said this is an important trend. As volumes of product orders decline and military equipment is being used more often, he said, this creates a greater need for maintenance and a closer relationship between the customer and industry. It depends on the product, he added - for example, handheld anti-tank guns are sold in units and do not require such close ties.

The global defense market could become tougher for Europe in the future, said Clara O'Donnell, an analyst at the Centre for European Reform, a London think tank. O'Donnell said she believes it will become more difficult for European Union countries to compete for sales of high-end technology products, given the 7-to-1 ratio in research and development spending between the United States and the European Union.

She said Europe and European companies should focus on innovative solutions that are not so high-tech.

In the longer term, O'Donnell said, Sweden's reliance on complicated offsets to secure export sales could be a potential problem, given the EU code of conduct on offsets.

Offsets are a kind of compensation made by a company to a foreign country in exchange for that country's purchase of the company's defense goods or services. They can take the form of investments or contracts awarded to companies in the customer country. The EU offset policy also covers government-to-government sales.

The EU policy may force companies like Saab to change their business model, O'Donnell said


Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 6:45 pm
por Penguin
Carlos Mathias escreveu:A BAE é... Menos inteligente, digamos assim, pulou fora porque está dando altíssimos lucros então.
Não CM. Ela pulou fora por que o Gripen concorreu e está concorrendo com seus caças (Typhoon e F-35):




Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 6:51 pm
por PRick
Santiago escreveu:
Carlos Mathias escreveu:A BAE é... Menos inteligente, digamos assim, pulou fora porque está dando altíssimos lucros então.
Não CM. Ela pulou fora por que o Gripen concorreu e está concorrendo com seus caças (Typhoon e F-35):


Os tempos são outros, a BAE se uniu com a SAAB para produzir o Gripen C, um caça mais barato e leve, não para gastar recursos numa empreitada muito arriscada, chamada GRIPEN NG, podem até estar dispostos a vender sistemas e peças, porém entrar nesse risco não parece ser boa coisa em face a conjuntura atual.



Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 7:07 pm
por Carlos Mathias
Que seja então USAntiago.
Mas porque então não ficou no barco da SAAB e pulou fora?
Melhores perspectivas nos outros barcos do EF e F-35, simples.

A SAAB apostou no NG e está perdendo.


Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 7:28 pm
por thelmo rodrigues
Bem, não sei até que ponto a notícia é confiável, mas aí vai.....

Novo plano de aquisição de aeronaves da USAF não contempla aeronave similar ao Super Tucano Postado por A.Stewart

Novo plano de aquisição de aeronaves para USAF até 2040

A Força Aérea dos Estados Unidos apresentou um planejamento de longa data para aquisição e distribuição das suas novas aeronaves. Mandatado pelo Congresso norte americano, o “Plano de Investimento de Aeronaves” mapeia quantas aeronaves a Força Aérea, a Marinha e o Corpo dos Fuzileiros planejam adquirir até 2020 e define metas para o período de 2021-2040. Esse plano não inclui a compra de helicópteros.

O relatório comenta sobre uma maior aproximação conjunta entre as aeronaves de ataque de grande alcance e de guerra eletrônica, mas não altera drasticamente seus dois principais planos de aquisição da década — o caça F-35 Lightning II e o programa do no reabastecedor aéreo KC-X

Por aeronaves, isso é o que o relatório prevê de aquisição para USAF:


— Bombardeiros: A USAF poderia investir entre 2 e 4 bilhões de dólares por ano no desenvolvimento de uma nova aeronave de ataque de grande alcance até 2020.

Se essa aeronave terá piloto a bordo ou se voará em velocidades supersônicas ainda não está decidido. O relatório informa: “Um estudo está em andamento para identificar a correta quantidade de tecnologias tripuladas e não tripuladas … e determinará o exato balanço entre alcance, capacidade de carga, velocidade, capacidade stealth e de sensores embarcados.”

Até um novo bombardeiro chegar, a USAF manterá em operação seus cerca de 160 bombardeiros B-52 Stratofortresses, B-1B Lancers e B-2 Spirit.

— F-22 Raptor: As aeronaves em serviço precisarão cerca de US$1,9 bilhão para modernização de 189 aeronaves que terão novos aviônicos e sistemas de comunicação. Os caças Raptor devem começar a sair de operação em 2025.

— F-35: A USAF está preparada para adquirir 602 aeronaves F-35 até 2020 num custo avaliado de US$70 bilhões. Dois terços dessas aeronaves devem ser entregues em 2016 ou depois. A frota da USAF poderá ter no futuro até 1.763 caças F-35.

— MQ-9 Reapers: Previsões falam que a USAF pretende colocar em operação 372 veículos aéreos não tripulados de reconhecimento e ataque entre 2011 e 2018. O preço: cerca de US$820 milhões. Modelos mais atuais poderão ter incorporado equipamentos que permitam ter a capacidade de guerra eletrônica.

— RQ-4 Global Hawks: De quatro a cinco jatos não-tripulados devem ser recebidos a cada ano até 2017. Não existe projeção para os anos seguintes.

O relatório não informa os cutsos gerais para os RQ-4s; para 2011, a USAF precisa de US$737 milhões para quatro Global Hawks, seus equipamentos e apoio logístico.


— KC-X: A USAF está preparada para investir cerca de US$30 bilhões até 2020 no desenvolvimento e aquisição de 109 novas aeronaves de reabastecimento aéreo.

— Aeronaves de Transporte dentro do teatro de operação: A USAF deve continuar a adquirir C-130J Hercules para substituir os antigos C-130 nas versões E e H. O estudo projeta a compra de 63 aeronaves C-130J até 2020, por cerca de US$6 bilhões.

— Aeronaves de transporte estratégico: A USAF necessita manter sua frota de 314 aeronaves de transporte pesado, uma mistura de 223 aeronaves C-17 Globemaster III e 91 C-5 Galaxy. O relatório recomenda que a USAF comece a desenvolver um novo jato de transporte de carga a partir de 2015.

Fonte: CAVOK


Enviado: Dom Mar 07, 2010 7:49 pm
por WalterGaudério
FABIO escreveu:amigo walter o senhor pode nos dizer quantos aviões LIFT a FAB vai comprar para substituir
o guerreiro xavante?
Li sua última MP FÁBIO, vc continua com a mesma dúvida e vou ter que responder com a mesma resposta, a FAB, NÃO tem planos de formar um esquadrão LIFT com aeronaves NOVAS. E sim com F-5 FM. As empresas como a ALENIA e a KAI é que por dever de ofício apenas, estão fazendo suas ofertas. Talvez tenha até mesmo uma apresentação do T-50 na FIDAE esse ano com sua aparição por aqui na cauda do evento.