Enviado: Sáb Fev 20, 2010 12:55 pm
Bem, os indianos estão na frente, já saíram do Photoshop.
Sim, mas sairam. E os sucos não podem sair também?AlbertoRJ escreveu:Bem, os indianos estão na frente, já saíram do Photoshop.[]'s
Saab showcases the Sea Gripen ... -navy.html
A story filed in the Stratpost by Saurabh Joshi reports that Gripen has made presentations of its Sea Gripen fighter aircraft to the Indian Navy last week. India and Brazil have both shown interest in a naval variant of the Gripen.
Earlier reports in said Saab AB had received a Request For Information (RFI) from the Indian Navy for the supply of carrier-borne fighter aircraft. The company, which received the RFI earlier this month, is pitching a naval variant of its Gripen NG fighter, called the Sea Gripen. India's RfI was released to bidders over recent weeks and seeks detailed information on a common aircraft design for conventional aircraft carrier operations and short take-off but arrested recovery (STOBAR) operations, says Jane's
According to Stratpost, Tony Ogilvy, Vice President, International Marketing for Gripen informed StratPost that his company had made presentations to the navy last week and said the response was ‘very good’.
Ogilvy said the ‘inherent design characteristics’ of the Gripen aircraft make it ‘very similar to a deck based aircraft’.
He said that in the two-hour presentation, which took place last Friday, Sea Gripen’s salt water protection characteristics and maritime operational engine and its ability to operate off both CATOBAR and STOBAR carriers were some of the features highlighted.
According to Ogilvy, the Sea Gripen is being especially pitched to nations which are looking for compact carriers and are not necessarily interested in global force projection capabilities. The aircraft is said to have a very small footprint and is very easy to operate off smaller carriers.
Podem sim.Santiago escreveu:Sim, mas sairam. E os sucos não podem sair também?AlbertoRJ escreveu:Bem, os indianos estão na frente, já saíram do Photoshop.[]'s
Saab showcases the Sea Gripen ... -navy.html
A story filed in the Stratpost by Saurabh Joshi reports that Gripen has made presentations of its Sea Gripen fighter aircraft to the Indian Navy last week. India and Brazil have both shown interest in a naval variant of the Gripen.
Earlier reports in said Saab AB had received a Request For Information (RFI) from the Indian Navy for the supply of carrier-borne fighter aircraft. The company, which received the RFI earlier this month, is pitching a naval variant of its Gripen NG fighter, called the Sea Gripen. India's RfI was released to bidders over recent weeks and seeks detailed information on a common aircraft design for conventional aircraft carrier operations and short take-off but arrested recovery (STOBAR) operations, says Jane's
According to Stratpost, Tony Ogilvy, Vice President, International Marketing for Gripen informed StratPost that his company had made presentations to the navy last week and said the response was ‘very good’.
Ogilvy said the ‘inherent design characteristics’ of the Gripen aircraft make it ‘very similar to a deck based aircraft’.
He said that in the two-hour presentation, which took place last Friday, Sea Gripen’s salt water protection characteristics and maritime operational engine and its ability to operate off both CATOBAR and STOBAR carriers were some of the features highlighted.
According to Ogilvy, the Sea Gripen is being especially pitched to nations which are looking for compact carriers and are not necessarily interested in global force projection capabilities. The aircraft is said to have a very small footprint and is very easy to operate off smaller carriers.
Amigos,AlbertoRJ escreveu:Podem sim.Santiago escreveu: Sim, mas sairam. E os sucos não podem sair também?
Tudo é possível.
Amigos,Justin Case escreveu:Podem sim.AlbertoRJ escreveu: Sim, mas sairam. E os sucos não podem sair também?
Tudo é possível.
O Tejas foi pensado para ser adquirido pela Marinha e pela Força aérea daquele país. Quando existe demanda, tudo é possivel.Santiago escreveu:Interessante! Os indianos conseguem criar uma versão naval do seu caça e os suecos não podem! Será?P44 escreveu:LCA/HAL-Tejas versão naval indiano em construção
de ... t-end.html
Descrente!! Vai "arder" no frio siberiano a 50 graus abaixo de zeroCarlos Mathias escreveu:Pode sair sim, é só dobrar o papel mais vezes e fazer umas dobrinhas novas.
Tem mais um mês de calor por aí. Bom mesmo é o clima lá em Konsomolsk, além das russas...Carlos Mathias escreveu:ÔBA!!!!!![]()
Eu detesto esse calor que tá fazendo no Rio.