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Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Sex Out 01, 2010 8:15 am
por Penguin
Situação em abril/2010...

A current snapshot of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter memorandum of understanding (MOU)–updated in April of this year–gives an idea of when orders were supposed to happen.


Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Sex Out 01, 2010 11:53 am
por kekosam
Segundo este documento ai, eram para ter sido produzidos 63 F-35 até agora, certo? Quantos foram produzidos?

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Sex Out 01, 2010 12:39 pm
por Carlos Lima
Em realidade foram contratados quase todos os F-35 como especificado no documento, mas as datas de entrega não vão se estabilizar até 2016/7.

Hoje são 9 F-35 voando e mais 3 até o fim do ano.


Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Sex Out 01, 2010 1:17 pm
por Moonwalker
kekosam escreveu:Segundo este documento ai, eram para ter sido produzidos 63 F-35 até agora, certo? Quantos foram produzidos?
Acho que o documento fala em compras (procurement), nao producao. Ele cita 2 anos entre a compra e a producao, entao deveriam estar produzindo em 2010 o que foi contratado em 2008.

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Seg Out 04, 2010 5:27 pm
por P44
New Technical Problems Ground F-35 Test Planes

(Source: Fort Worth Star Telegram; published Oct. 2, 2010)

The Pentagon and Lockheed Martin have grounded all eight F-35 flight-test airplanes due to new technical problems, further delaying testing that is already behind schedule.

Four of the test airplanes were already parked awaiting repairs, Aviation Week reported Friday, and the rest were grounded this week after discovery of a software problem that could have shut down fuel pumps in flight.

"Although we've never experienced this anomaly in any flight condition, we have suspended all flight operations as a precaution," Lockheed said in a statement.

The F-35 has three pumps that provide fuel to the engine that powers the aircraft. Lockheed and BAE Systems, which developed the fuel system software, "have identified a fix and begun testing that software in our labs," the Lockheed statement said.

Aviation Week reported that new software would be ready for installation on the aircraft by early next week.

The four F-35B short-takeoff-vertical-landing aircraft were parked last week after discovery of a problem with an air inlet door.

The F-35B testing has lagged well behind the most recent revised schedule due to technical problems.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: This and previous technical problems that have surfaced during the JSF’s flight testing cast considerable doubt on Lockheed’s long-standing position that computer modeling has made protracted flight testing unnecessary.)


http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... blems.html

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Seg Out 04, 2010 7:02 pm
por soultrain
Esses gajos da LM e da BAE são mesmo incompetentes, porque não chamam a companhia nórdica que desenvolve sem problemas alguns e de quebra ainda projectam uma versão submarino?

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Seg Out 04, 2010 7:41 pm
por tflash
Enquanto isso, aqui vai uma foto do interior das "weapon bays"

http://gizmodo.com/5648748/first-view-a ... Gizmodo%29


This is the first declassified view of the weapon bays hidden inside the belly of Lockheed Martin's F-35 Lightning II, carrying a standard load: It shows two AMRAAM missiles and two 2000-pound JDAM bombs. Here's an even closer look:


Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Seg Out 04, 2010 9:17 pm
por Penguin
A Defense Technology Blog

Leadership Changes On JSF + End-FY Update
Posted by Bill Sweetman at 10/4/2010 5:04 AM CDT

Joint Strike Fighter program office director VAdm Dave Venlet has gone to ground (if that term can be used of a Navy officer) since he was confirmed in May. However, he did not waste much time in bringing in two newcomers as his top civilian deputies on the program.

Robert Townsend of Avis, in his 1960s management classic Up The Organization, advocated the "Man from Mars" approach to problem solving. Venlet has done the next best thing with the Man from Area 51, appointing Doug Ebersole as Director of Engineering in the JPO. Ebersole's last-but-one in a series of tough assignments was as chief of the USAF's special test programs division "led a small team...providing oversight and governance of the Special Test Mission Area responsible for test, training, evaluation and fielding of highly classified Special Access Programs."

Ebersole's appointment date was May 2010. He succeeded John White, who had been with the program since 2007.

Another newcomer is Todd Mellon, a logistics specialist. His JSF program biography does not list his title or his appointment date, but a news release shows that he was under Venlet's command at Navair in the summer of 2010.

With the program currently grounded, the team has its work cut out: but in addition to temporary suspensions, it is now increasingly apparent that the program will have challenges meeting objectives set in March. Specifically, Pentagon procurement chief Ashton Carter told Congress in March that goals included the "commencement of flight training at Eglin AFB this year" and 2011 milestones including STOVL sea trials and "delivery of all LRIP-2 (12 aircraft) and at least 13 of 17 LRIP-3 US and partner aircraft."

Deliveries, however, are running well behind the last specific schedule, released in September 2009. At that point, the program planned to deliver 12 aircraft - ten SDD jets and the two LRIP-1 aircraft - to Patuxent River, Edwards or Eglin by this summer. Only four of those aircraft have been delivered and six (AF-4, CF-2/3, BF-5 and the two LRIP-1s) have not flown.

In order to start training, the two LRIP-1s have to fly, clear initial tests and go to Eglin and the jet has to be declared ready for training, criteria for which are under study by the DoD's Technical Baseline Review team. Meanwhile, Carter's delivery goals through the end of 2011 imply that an enterprise that delivered four aircraft in the last 12 months will now deliver 33 aircraft in the next 15 months - a six-fold rate increase.

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Ter Out 05, 2010 12:14 pm
por kekosam
Moonwalker escreveu:
kekosam escreveu:Segundo este documento ai, eram para ter sido produzidos 63 F-35 até agora, certo? Quantos foram produzidos?
Acho que o documento fala em compras (procurement), nao producao. Ele cita 2 anos entre a compra e a producao, entao deveriam estar produzindo em 2010 o que foi contratado em 2008.
Realmente Moonwalker, obrigado por me alertar. Mesmo assim, não foram produzidos todos.

Estas aeronaves de alta técnologia sempre tem atrasos. Não conseguem prever isto nos simuladores? Agora a frota está no chão por problemas na injeção eletrônica.

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Ter Out 05, 2010 1:41 pm
por P44
soultrain escreveu:Esses gajos da LM e da BAE são mesmo incompetentes, porque não chamam a companhia nórdica que desenvolve sem problemas alguns e de quebra ainda projectam uma versão submarino?


Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Ter Out 05, 2010 9:58 pm
por tflash
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Eles que façam uma parceria com os russos e tem o primeiro caça bombardeiro orbital!

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Dom Out 10, 2010 11:21 pm
por Penguin
Israel vai receber seu 1o F-35 antes do F-X2...

SOURCE:Flight International
Israel signs $2.75b agreement for 20 F-35s
By Arie Egozi

The letter of offer and acceptance for the supply of 20 Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighters to the Israeli air force was signed in New York on 7 October.

"We're very pleased with the government of Israel's decision to move forward with the US government's letter of offer and acceptance for the F-35," says Tom Burbage, Lockheed executive vice-president and general manager of F-35 Program Integration.

"This is another step in the long-standing relationship between Lockheed Martin and the nation of Israel. The Lightning II will strengthen Israel's national security posture both militarily and industrially."

The Joint Strike Fighter purchase will involve an immediate $1 billion in offset work for Israeli defence companies. This will grow if Israel exercises options to purchase more of the aircraft.

The $2.75 billion contract includes 20 F-35s and related infrastructure, and deliveries should begin in 2016.

Israel will be the first nation to receive the F-35 through the USA's Foreign Military Sales mechanism.

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Dom Out 10, 2010 11:41 pm
por Carlos Mathias
Dessa vez eles vão ter de pagar? :roll:

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Dom Out 10, 2010 11:44 pm
por AlbertoRJ
Pena que para o FX-2 o F-35 não estava disponível, vai entender. Veio material de segunda.


Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Dom Out 10, 2010 11:47 pm
por Carlos Lima
AlbertoRJ escreveu:Pena que para o FX-2 o F-35 não estava disponível, vai entender. Veio material de segunda.

Bom... você viu o tópico de Notícias... Turquia e China e os F-16...

Lembra quando os Chineses compraram sistemas AEW israelenses e levaram... nada.

