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Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 1:40 am
por suntsé
DELTA22 escreveu:Ninguém (principalmente da imprensa "brasileira") percebeu ainda que nosso interesse no Irã é sobretudo comercial...
Fazer o que? Falta muita visão na "tchurminha". :?

O Japão maior aliado dos EUA na asia, tem uma forte relação comercial no Irã, e cade que alguem vai encher o saco deles?


Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 7:39 am
por Cunha
Sem esquecermos da China como parceiro econômico do Irã!

Por que ninguém está enchendo o saco chinês?


Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 10:42 am
por Marino
"Não tenho ilusão sobre fim rápido da bomba atômica"
Estrategista veterano da política externa dos EUA diz que negociação com Irã deve ser mais
Grande estrategista da política externa americana no século 20, Zbigniew Brzezinski defende
negociações amplas sobre o programa nuclear do Irã, em que o país receba garantias de que não será
atacado ao abrir mão da bomba. Ele afirma que os EUA devem tomar a frente de um plano para a
criação do Estado palestino, porque o conflito ameaça a segurança americana, e demonstra ceticismo
sobre a meta, expressa pelo presidente Barack Obama, de pôr fim aos arsenais atômicos. Brzezinski diz
que os EUA não pretendem abdicar de sua hegemonia: "Se a atual proeminência da América entrasse
em declínio rápido, todo o mundo seria lançado no caos político e econômico".
Como assessor de Segurança Nacional do presidente democrata Jimmy Carter (1977-1981),
Zbigniew Brzezinski contabilizou uma vitória importante e um grande revés no Oriente Médio: o acordo
de paz Israel-Egito, o primeiro entre o Estado judeu e um vizinho árabe, em 1978; e a Revolução
Islâmica de 1979 no Irã, com a tomada de reféns na Embaixada dos EUA, que teve peso decisivo para a
vitória do republicano Ronald Reagan na eleição presidencial de 1980.
A região e os dois países, Israel e Irã, continuam nos cálculos de Brzezinski, que em março
esteve na Casa Branca, com outros antigos assessores presidenciais, para tratar do assunto com o atual
conselheiro de Segurança Nacional, general James Jones, e Barack Obama. A urgência de um acordo
de paz na Palestina e o programa nuclear iraniano foram os principais temas desta entrevista à Folha de
um Brzezinski de voz firme, aos 82 anos.
FOLHA - O sr. é um dos veteranos da política externa americana que propuseram que
Obama apresente um plano pronto para a solução de dois Estados do conflito israelensepalestino.
Acredita que ele fará isso?
FOLHA - Por que defende essa abordagem?
BRZEZINSKI - Porque acho que um arranjo de paz no Oriente Médio é de interesse de todas as
partes envolvidas. Os EUA estão cada vez mais ameaçados pelo radicalismo e o extremismo na região,
e parte disso é provocada pelo conflito contínuo entre Israel e os palestinos. Israel precisa de paz para se
tornar uma parte aceita do Oriente Médio, no qual viva em segurança e prospere e possa até mesmo se
tornar a Cingapura da região. E os palestinos têm direito à dignidade política, à independência política e
a um território nacional.
FOLHA - E os dois lados, sozinhos, não poderiam alcançar um acordo?
BRZEZINSKI - Isso é absolutamente certo. A questão é que esse conflito agora se prolonga por
várias décadas, e todo esforço de paz baseado apenas na negociação entre os dois lados fracassou.
FOLHA - Faz sentido negociar sem incluir o Hamas?
BRZEZINSKI - De uma forma ou de outra, os elementos extremistas dos dois lados terão de ser
envolvidos, e, se a acomodação proposta responder aos interesses básicos tanto de Israel quanto do
público árabe, os extremistas acabarão isolados politicamente.
FOLHA - Acredita na chance de o Hamas aderir a um acordo?
BRZEZINSKI - Se o acordo parecer justo e atraente para uma porção significativa dos palestinos,
e se ele trouxer benefícios tangíveis, acredito que o Hamas pode muito bem evoluir. Mas é algo que
nunca saberemos se acontecerá se não tentarmos fazer acontecer.
FOLHA - Houve esse choque recente entre Obama e o premiê Netanyahu após o anúncio
de construções em Jerusalém Oriental. Não está claro, no entanto, se Israel vai suspender as
construções. Qual deve ser o próximo passo dos EUA?
BRZEZINSKI - Em geral, eu apoio a posição que Obama adotou até agora, e veremos como
Israel responde às propostas americanas mais recentes.
FOLHA - O balanço de forças dentro dos EUA favorece que haja mais pressão sobre
BRZEZINSKI - Eu acho que o povo americano em geral é a favor de uma solução pacífica, mas
apoiar uma solução pacífica não é a mesma coisa que pressionar Israel. Uma solução requer
compromissos tanto de Israel quanto dos palestinos. O problema é que nenhum dos dois lados parece
disposto a dar o primeiro passo. A equipe de Obama está penosamente consciente desse fato.
FOLHA - As últimas iniciativas de Obama na questão nuclear contêm uma mensagem para
o Irã suspender seu programa atômico. Ele será bem-sucedido?
BRZEZINSKI - Não tenho certeza de que estamos pedindo ao Irã que suspenda seu programa
nuclear [o país tem o direito a tê-lo, como signatário do Tratado de Não Proliferação]. Acho que pedimos
ao Irã provas convincentes e que concorde com acordos com credibilidade para dar à comunidade
internacional a confiança de que seu programa não está destinado à produção de armas atômicas.
FOLHA - O sr. já disse que o programa nuclear do Irã deveria ser negociado num quadro
em que os iranianos receberiam garantias de segurança. Obama não encampou essa iniciativa.
Sustenta essa proposta?
BRZEZINSKI - Eu apoio a inclinação de Obama de negociar com o Irã, mas eu era a favor no
passado e sou ainda hoje de negociações de maior amplitude, nas quais várias grandes questões,
incluindo a segurança regional e as relações econômicas, sejam tratadas simultaneamente às
discussões específicas sobre a questão nuclear.
FOLHA - O que está impedindo o governo Obama de fazer isso?
BRZEZINSKI - Em parte, a falta de uma resposta palpável do Irã.
FOLHA - Existem outros fatores?
BRZEZINSKI - Pode haver alguma hesitação em ampliar de modo prematuro a pauta de
negociações, mas minha opinião sobre isso é diferente da do governo.
FOLHA - O Itamaraty tem insistido em que há espaço para um pacto no qual o Irã
entregaria parte de seu estoque de urânio pouco enriquecido em troca de combustível para seu
reator de uso médico. A Turquia seria intermediária dessa troca. A posição brasileira é ingênua?
BRZEZINSKI - Eu não conheço a posição brasileira precisamente. Mas do que eu já ouvi sobre
ela, e, pela sua descrição, me parece que representa um ponto de vista que deveria ser levado em
FOLHA - Brasil e Turquia, com cadeiras não permanentes no Conselho de Segurança,
dizem que gostariam de ver mais negociações antes de novas sanções ao Irã. Se aprovadas, as
sanções darão resultado?
BRZEZINSKI - Não tenho como saber que tipo de sanções será aprovado. Haverá negociações,
e certamente haverá diferentes posições sobre a questão. Também sabemos que sanções demoram
bastante tempo para ter efeito, e que é melhor que sejam acompanhadas por negociações sérias.
FOLHA - Alguns analistas nos EUA dizem que é inevitável que o Irã obtenha arma atômica
e que será preciso conviver com isso. Concorda?
BRZEZINSKI - Eu espero que isso não aconteça, porque acho que seria desafortunado, e
poderia criar tensões muito sérias nas relações internacionais. Ao mesmo tempo, tenho confiança em
que poderemos conter qualquer nova potência nuclear, assim como contivemos por muitos anos
potências perigosas e poderosas como a União Soviética stalinista e a China de Mao Tsé-tung. [ele se
refere ao conceito de contenção, da Guerra Fria, em que o poderio bélico é usado não em conflitos, mas
para dissuadir o oponente de atacar].
FOLHA- Como o senhor avalia a nova estratégia nuclear de Obama? É otimista em relação
ao objetivo de pôr fim aos arsenais atômicos?
BRZEZINSKI - Eu acredito que as iniciativas adotadas recentemente são uma contribuição
positiva para um mundo que se torne cada vez menos dependente, por um período prolongado, de
armas nucleares. Mas não tenho nenhuma ilusão de que o movimento nessa direção será rápido e não
tenho meios de prever quando as armas atômicas desaparecerão de todo, se é que isso acontecerá, e
de qualquer forma com certeza não será em pouco tempo.
FOLHA - China e EUA são interdependentes na economia. Mas setores nos EUA
demonstram preocupação de que a China ameace o domínio Militar americano no Pacífico. O sr.
teme o desafio Militar chinês?
BRZEZINSKI - Não há dúvida de que a relação entre os EUA e a China tem importância enorme,
talvez central, para os dois países. E eu sei que a China, em longo prazo, está destinada a ter uma
corporação Militar cada vez mais poderosa. No entanto, acho que, neste estágio, análises alarmistas não
são acuradas nem propiciam a manutenção de uma relação bilateral estável e responsavelmente
FOLHA- O século 20 foi o século americano. O sr. acredita que os EUA terão a capacidade
de manter seu papel proeminente nas questões internacionais no futuro próximo?
BRZEZINSKI - No futuro próximo, com certeza. Os EUA não estão se preparando para abdicar.
Mas o futuro próximo são no máximo 20 anos. O que virá depois é impossível prever com confiança. Mas
uma coisa é clara para mim: se a atual proeminência da América entrasse em declínio rápido, todo o
mundo seria lançado no caos político e econômico.


Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 11:32 am
por Marino
Pacto de defesa que países assinam nesta segunda é sobretudo um gesto político

Fabio Murakawa, do R7

O acordo na área de defesa que Brasil e Estados Unidos assinam nesta segunda-feira (12) é acima de tudo um gesto político em meio a um momento complicado na relação entre os dois países, disseram especialistas ouvidos pelo R7. Mas esse gesto também trará mudanças na prática, sobretudo no preparo do Brasil para uma guerra “sem inimigos”.

Para Héctor Luis Saint-Pierre, consultor do Conselho de Defesa da Unasul (União das Nações Sul-Americanas e professor de Relações Institucionais da Unesp, o acordo é uma forma de os dois países demonstrarem que continuam sendo aliados, apesar das diferenças em alguns temas da política internacional, como o programa nuclear do Irã.

- Para o Brasil, o acordo é uma forma de demonstrar politicamente que não é inimigo dos EUA. Para os americanos, marca uma aproximação com o Brasil, seu principal parceiro na América do Sul.

O ministro da Defesa, Nelson Jobim, e o secretário americano de Defesa, Robert Gates, assinam o documento nesta segunda-feira em Washington.

O Ministério das Relações Exteriores informou na última semana que o pacto com os americanos vai aprofundar a cooperação em áreas como contatos técnicos, treinamento militar, intercâmbios e visitas de navios. Também prevê estimular a compra e venda de equipamentos e projetos de tecnologia na área de defesa.

Mas não prevê o uso de bases militares e o envio de tropas americanas ao Brasil, ao contrário do polêmico acordo firmado entre Colômbia e Estados Unidos neste ano – e que gerou grandes preocupações na Unasul.

Para Saint-Pierre, esse é um dos aspectos chave do novo pacto.

- O principal são as cláusulas que asseguram a soberania nacional e a não interferência em assuntos internos, que são as bases da Unasul (...). A vinda de americanos para bases militares seria uma contradição em relação a toda a história da diplomacia brasileira.

Segundo o professor, essa cláusula foi uma exigência brasileira para firmar o acordo com os americanos, que vinham insistindo no pacto desde o governo George W. Bush (2001-2009).

- O presidente Bush tinha uma posição mais beligerante, e o acordo que ele queria previa as bases militares.

EUA tentam mapear ameaças

Fernando Arbache, professor da Fundação Getúlio Vargas e do Alto Comando da Marinha de Guerra Brasileira ( :lol: :lol: :lol: ) , empresta uma imagem da informática para explicar acordos como os que os EUA vêm firmando com o Brasil e os Estados Unidos.

- Esses acordos servem como um antivírus, que mapeia cada arquivo do computador para ver onde há possíveis ameaças.

Para ele, ao treinar e fazer intercâmbio com seus aliados, os americanos estão criando filtros para detectar potenciais ameaças ao seu país. Arbache diz ainda que o pacto com os brasileiros busca preparar o Brasil para a chamada “guerra assimétrica”, ou seja, em que não há um inimigo claro, como um país rival, ou uma ameaça definida.

- Os atuais acordos não buscam mais a instalação de bases militares nem a presença física de tropas. Visam, sim, uma troca de conhecimento e de Inteligência para capacitar os países a, por exemplo, se anteciparem a ataques terroristas.

O professor afirma que o acordo pode trazer críticas ao Brasil por parte de aliados, como o presidente da Venezuela, Hugo Chávez. Mas isso também não seria exatamente uma novidade.

- O Brasil é um alvo de críticas fácil por ser um vizinho que não está alinhado nem coma política bolivariana [de Hugo Chávez] nem com a ideologia de vários vizinhos sul-americanos. Temos a esquerda no poder, mas que não teve uma atitude clara e concreta de esquerda.


Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 12:08 pm
por Marino
[VENEZUELA] why all the weapons????


April 10, 2010: Three years ago, Russian arms dealers stated that they
expected to increase sales to Venezuela, from the then current $4
billion, to over $10 billion. They are close to their goal. A recent
visit by Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin, sealed more sales
deals, and brought the total, since 2001, to over $9 billion.

Why all the weapons? Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez achieved a measure
of popularity with the voters by convincing them that the United
States was about to invade. This threat, and Chavez's poll numbers,
are less believable these days. Venezuela is running out of money, but
Chavez takes comfort in new weapons, especially those being used to
arm a new personal militia. Weapons may not be needed to stop yankee
invaders, but they will also work against disloyal Venezuelans.

Since the end of the Cold War, Russia has sold weapons on a cash
basis. No more generous terms. But that is changing, and last year,
Russia offered Venezuela $2.2 billion in credit, for the purchase of
more weapons. The Venezuelan spending spree has brought in dozens of
Su-30 jet fighters, hundreds of armored vehicles (including T-90
tanks) and scores of artillery systems (mainly multiple rocket
launchers.) There's also small arms (including a factory for making
assault rifles), radios and other equipment. There are support
aircraft, including transports and helicopter gunships. Negotiations
are still under way to purchase new warships, including submarines.

With unemployment rising, there's no shortages of people trying to
join the military. Those willing to profess undying loyalty to Chavez
have an edge, and the senior ranks have already been purged of those
who did not agree with the radical reforms Chavez wanted to impose on
the military. These reforms were heavy on politics and theory, and
short on training and experience. So all those new weapons are faced
with a problematic future, in the hands of inept, but politically
motivated, users.

April 10, 2010: Three years ago, Russian arms dealers stated that they
expected to increase sales to Venezuela, from the then current $4
billion, to over $10 billion. They are close to their goal. A recent
visit by Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin, sealed more sales
deals, and brought the total, since 2001, to over $9 billion.


Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 12:11 pm
por Marino
Nós brincamos com o terremoto causado peloa americanos no haiti, denunciado pelo Chaves, mas...
Outro dia vi no History Chanel um programa sobre armas de clima, e onde se localizam as antenas.
WEATHER WARFARE The Military's Pandora's Box

by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning

This article was prepared to provide a summary of the contents of a
book written in 1995 which describes an entirely new class of weapons.
The weapons and their effects are described in the following pages.
The United States Navy and Air Force have joined with the University
of Alaska, Fairbanks, to build a prototype for a ground based "Star
Wars" weapon system located in the remote bush country of Alaska.

The individuals who are demanding answers about HAARP are scattered
around the planet. As well as bush dwellers in Alaska, they include: a
physician in Finland; a scientist in Holland; an anti-nuclear
protester in Australia; independent physicists in the United States; a
grandmother in Canada, and countless others.

Unlike the protests of the 1960s the objections to HAARP have been
registered using the tools of the 1990s. From the Internet, fax
machines, syndicated talk radio and a number of alternative print
mediums the word is getting out and people are waking up to this new
intrusion by an over zealous United States government.

The research team put together to gather the materials which
eventually found their way into the book never held a formal meeting,
never formed a formal organization. Each person acted like a node on a
planetary info-spirit-net with one goal held by all -- to keep this
controversial new science in the public eye. The result of the team's
effort was a book which describes the science and the political
ramifications of this technology.

That book, Angels Don't Play this HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology,
has 230 pages. This article will only give the highlights. Despite the
amount of research (350 footnoted sources), at its heart it is a story
about ordinary people who took on an extraordinary challenge in
bringing their research forward.

HAARP Boils the Upper Atmosphere

HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable
electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an "ionospheric
heater." (The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere
surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between 40 to 60 miles
above the surface of the Earth.)

Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio
telescope; antenna send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the
test run for a super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts
areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas.
Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate
everything -- living and dead.

HAARP publicity gives the impression that the High-frequency Active
Auroral Research Program is mainly an academic project with the goal
of changing the ionosphere to improve communications for our own good.
However, other U.S. military documents put it more clearly -- HAARP
aims to learn how to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense
purposes." Communicating with submarines is only one of those

Press releases and other information from the military on HAARP
continually downplay what it could do. Publicity documents insist that
the HAARP project is no different than other ionospheric heaters
operating safely throughout the world in places such as Arecibo,
Puerto Rico, Tromso, Norway, and the former Soviet Union. However, a
1990 government document indicates that the radio-frequency (RF) power
zap will drive the ionosphere to unnatural activities.

" ... at the highest HF powers available in the West, the
instabilities commonly studied are approaching their maximum RF energy
dissipative capability, beyond which the plasma processes will
'runaway' until the next limiting factor is reached."

If the military, in cooperation with the University of Alaska
Fairbanks, can show that this new ground-based "Star Wars" technology
is sound, they both win. The military has a relatively-inexpensive
defense shield and the University can brag about the most dramatic
geophysical manipulation since atmospheric explosions of nuclear
bombs. After successful testing, they would have the military
megaprojects of the future and huge markets for Alaska's North Slope
natural gas.

Looking at the other patents which built on the work of a Texas'
physicist named Bernard Eastlund, it becomes clearer how the military
intends to use the HAARP transmitter. It also makes governmental
denials less believable. The military knows how it intends to use this
technology, and has made it clear in their documents. The military has
deliberately misled the public, through sophisticated word games,
deceit and outright disinformation.

The military says the HAARP system could:

Give the military a tool to replace the electromagnetic pulse
effect of atmospheric thermonuclear devices (still considered a viable
option by the military through at least 1986)

Replace the huge Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) submarine
communication system operating in Michigan and Wisconsin with a new
and more compact technology

Be used to replace the over-the-horizon radar system that was
once planned for the current location of HAARP, with a more flexible
and accurate system

Provide a way to wipe out communications over an extremely large
area, while keeping the military's own communications systems working

Provide a wide area earth-penetrating tomography which, if
combined with the computing abilities of EMASS and Cray computers,
would make it possible to verify many parts of nuclear
nonproliferation and peace agreements

Be a tool for geophysical probing to find oil, gas and mineral
deposits over a large area

Be used to detect incoming low-level planes and cruise missiles,
making other technologies obsolete

The above abilities seem like a good idea to all who believe in sound
national defense, and to those concerned about cost-cutting. However,
the possible uses which the HAARP records do not explain, and which
can only be found in Air Force, Army, Navy and other federal agency
records, are alarming. Moreover, effects from the reckless use of
these power levels in our natural shield -- the ionosphere -- could be
cataclysmic according to some scientists.

Two Alaskans put it bluntly. A founder of the NO HAARP movement, Clare
Zickuhr, says "The military is going to give the ionosphere a big kick
and see what happens."
The military failed to tell the public that they do not know what
exactly will happen, but a Penn State science article brags about that
uncertainty. Macho science? The HAARP project uses the largest energy
levels yet played with by what Begich and Manning call "the big boys
with their new toys." HAARP is an experiment in the sky, and
experiments are done to find out something not already known.
Independent scientists told Begich and Manning that a HAARP-type
"skybuster" with its unforeseen effects could be an act of global

HAARP History
The patents described below were the package of ideas which were
originally controlled by ARCO Power Technologies Incorporated (APTI),
a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield Company, one of the biggest oil
companies in the world. APTI was the contractor that built the HAARP
facility. ARCO sold this subsidiary, the patents and the second phase
construction contract to E-Systems in June 1994.

E-Systems is one of the biggest intelligence contractors in the world
-- doing work for the CIA, defense intelligence organizations and
others. $1.8 billion of their annual sales are to these organizations,
with $800 million for black projects -- projects so secret that even
the United States Congress isn't told how the money is being spent.
E-Systems was bought out by Raytheon, which is one of the largest
defense contractors in the world. In 1994 Raytheon was listed as
number forty-two on the Fortune 500 list of companies. Raytheon has
thousands of patents, some of which will be valuable in the HAARP
project. The twelve patents below are the backbone of the HAARP
project, and are now buried among the thousands of others held in the
name of Raytheon. Bernard J. Eastlund's U.S. Patent # 4,686,605,
"Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere,
Ionosphere; and/or Magnetosphere," was sealed for a year under a
government Secrecy Order.

The Eastlund ionospheric heater was different; the radio frequency
(RF) radiation was concentrated and focused to a point in the
ionosphere. This difference throws an unprecedented amount of energy
into the ionosphere. The Eastlund device would allow a concentration
of one watt per cubic centimeter, compared to others only able to
deliver about one millionth of one watt.

This huge difference could lift and change the ionosphere in the ways
necessary to create futuristic effects described in the patent.
According to the patent, the work of Nikola Tesla in the early 1900's
formed the basis of the research.

What would this technology be worth to ARCO, the owner of the patents?
They could make enormous profits by beaming electrical power from a
powerhouse in the gas fields to the consumer without wires.

For a time, HAARP researchers could not prove that this was one of the
intended uses for HAARP. In April, 1995, however, Begich found other
patents, connected with a "key personnel" list for APTI. Some of these
new APTI patents were indeed a wireless system for sending electrical
power. Eastlund's patent said the technology can confuse or completely
disrupt airplanes' and missiles' sophisticated guidance systems.
Further, this ability to spray large areas of Earth with
electromagnetic waves of varying frequencies, and to control changes
in those waves, makes it possible to knock out communications on land
or sea as well as in the air.

The patent said:

"Thus, this invention provides the ability to put unprecedented
amounts of power in the Earth's atmosphere at strategic locations and
to maintain the power injection level particularly if random pulsing
is employed, in a manner far more precise and better controlled than
heretofore accomplished by the prior art, particularly by detonation
of nuclear devices of various yields at various altitudes... "

"...it is possible not only to interfere with third party
communications but to take advantage of one or more such beams to
carry out a communications network even though the rest of the world's
communications are disrupted. Put another way, what is used to disrupt
another's communications can be employed by one knowledgeable of this
invention as a communication network at the same time."

"... large regions of the atmosphere could be lifted to an
unexpectedly high altitude so that missiles encounter unexpected and
unplanned drag forces with resultant destruction."

"Weather modification is possible by, for example, altering upper
atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of
atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device.

... molecular modifications of the atmosphere can take place so
that positive environmental effects can be achieved. Besides actually
changing the molecular composition of an atmospheric region, a
particular molecule or molecules can be chosen for increased presence.
For example, ozone, nitrogen, etc., concentrations in the atmosphere
could be artificially increased."

Begich found eleven other APTI Patents. They told how to make "Nuclear-
sized Explosions without Radiation," Power-beaming systems, over-the-
horizon radar, detection systems for missiles carrying nuclear
warheads, electromagnetic pulses previously produced by thermonuclear
weapons and other Star-Wars tricks. This cluster of patents underlay
the HAARP weapon system.

Related research by Begich and Manning uncovered bizarre schemes. For
example, Air Force documents revealed that a system had been developed
for manipulating and disturbing human mental processes through pulsed
radio-frequency radiation (the stuff of HAARP) over large geographical
areas. The most telling material about this technology came from
writings of Zbigniew Brzezinski (former National Security Advisory to
U.S. President Carter) and J.F. MacDonald (science advisor to U.S.
President Johnson and a professor of Geophysics at UCLA), as they
wrote about use of power-beaming transmitters for geophysical and
environmental warfare. The documents showed how these effects might be
caused, and the negative effects on human heath and thinking.

The mental-disruption possibilities for HAARP are the most disturbing.
More than 40 pages of the book, with dozens of footnotes, chronicle
the work of Harvard professors, military planners and scientists as
they plan and test this use of the electromagnetic technology. For
example, one of the papers describing this use was from the
International Red Cross in Geneva. It even gave the frequency ranges
where these effects could occur -- the same ranges which HAARP is
capable of broadcasting.

The following statement was made more than twenty-five years ago in a
book by Brzezinski which he wrote while a professor at Columbia

"Political strategists are tempted to exploit research on the
brain and human behavior. Geophysicist Gordon J.F. MacDonald, a
specialist in problems of warfare, says accurately-timed, artificially-
excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations
that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the
earth ... in this way one could develop a system that would seriously
impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected
regions over an extended period"

" ... no matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the
environment to manipulate behavior for national advantages, to some,
the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within
the next few decades."

In 1966, MacDonald was a member of the President's Science Advisory
Committee and later a member of the President's Council on
Environmental Quality. He published papers on the use of environmental
control technologies for military purposes. The most profound comment
he made as a geophysicist was, "the key to geophysical warfare is the
identification of environmental instabilities to which the addition of
a small amount of energy would release vastly greater amounts of
energy." While yesterday's geophysicists predicted today's advances,
are HAARP program managers delivering on the vision?

The geophysicists recognized that adding energy to the environmental
soup could have large effects. However, humankind has already added
substantial amounts of electromagnetic energy into our environment
without understanding what might constitute critical mass. The book by
Begich and Manning raises questions:

* Have these additions been without effect, or is there a
cumulative amount beyond which irreparable damage can be done?
* Is HAARP another step in a journey from which we cannot turn
* Are we about to embark on another energy experiment which
unleashes another set of demons from Pandora's box?

As early as 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski predicted a "more controlled and
directed society" would gradually appear, linked to technology. This
society would be dominated by an elite group which impresses voters by
allegedly superior scientific know-how. Angels Don't Play This HAARP
further quotes Brzezinski:

"Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this
elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the
latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping
society under close surveillance and control. Technical and scientific
momentum would then feed on the situation it exploits," Brzezinski

His forecasts proved accurate. Today, a number of new tools for the
"elite" are emerging, and the temptation to use them increases
steadily. The policies to permit the tools to be used are already in
place. How could the United States be changed, bit by bit, into the
predicted highly-controlled technosociety? Among the "steppingstones"
Brzezinski expected were persisting social crises and use of the mass
media to gain the public's confidence.

In another document prepared by the government, the U.S. Air Force
claims: "The potential applications of artificial electromagnetic
fields are wide-ranging and can be used in many military or quasi-
military situations... Some of these potential uses include dealing
with terrorist groups, crowd control, controlling breaches of security
at military installations, and antipersonnel techniques in tactical
warfare. In all of these cases the EM (electromagnetic) systems would
be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or
perceptual distortion or disorientation. In addition, the ability of
individuals to function could be degraded to such a point that they
would be combat ineffective. Another advantage of electromagnetic
systems is that they can provide coverage over large areas with a
single system. They are silent and countermeasures to them may be
difficult to develop... One last area where electromagnetic radiation
may prove of some value is in enhancing abilities of individuals for
anomalous phenomena."

Do these comments point to uses already somewhat developed? The author
of the government report refers to an earlier Air Force document about
the uses of radio frequency radiation in combat situations. (Here
Begich and Manning note that HAARP is the most versatile and the
largest radio-frequency-radiation transmitter in the world.)

The United States Congressional record deals with the use of HAARP for
penetrating the earth with signals bounced off of the ionosphere.
These signals are used to look inside the planet to a depth of many
kilometers in order to locate underground munitions, minerals and
tunnels. The U.S. Senate set aside $15 million dollars in 1996 to
develop this ability alone -- earth-penetrating-tomography. The
problem is that the frequency needed for earth-penetrating radiation
is within the frequency range most cited for disruption of human
mental functions. It may also have profound effects on migration
patterns of fish and wild animals which rely on an undisturbed energy
field to find their routes.

As if electromagnetic pulses in the sky and mental disruption were not
enough, T. Eastlund bragged that the super-powerful ionospheric heater
could control weather.

Begich and Manning brought to light government documents indicating
that the military has weather-control technology. When HAARP is
eventually built to its full power level, it could create weather
effects over entire hemispheres. If one government experiments with
the world's weather patterns, what is done in one place will impact
everyone else on the planet. Angels Don't Play This HAARP explains a
principle behind some of Nikola Tesla's inventions -- resonance --
which affect planetary systems.

Bubble of Electric Particles
Angels Don't Play This HAARP includes interviews with independent
scientists such as Elizabeth Rauscher. She has a Ph.D., a long and
impressive career in high-energy physics, and has been published in
prestigious science journals and books. Rauscher commented on HAARP.
"You're pumping tremendous energy into an extremely delicate molecular
configuration that comprises these multi-layers we call the
&QUOTThe ionosphere is prone to catalytic reactions," she explained,
"if a small part is changed, a major change in the ionosphere can

In describing the ionosphere as a delicately balanced system, Dr.
Rauscher shared her mental picture of it -- a soap-bubble-like sphere
surrounding Earth's atmosphere, with movements swirling over the
surface of the bubble. If a big enough hole is punched through it, she
predicts, it could pop.

Slicing the Ionosphere
Physicist Daniel Winter, Ph.D., of Waynesville, North Carolina, says,
"HAARP high-frequency emissions can couple with longwave (extremely-
low-frequency, or ELF) pulses the Earth grid uses to distribute
information as vibrations to synchronize dances of life in the
biosphere." Dan terms this geomagnetic action 'Earth's information
bloodstream,' and says it is likely that coupling of HAARP HF (high-
frequency) with natural ELF can cause unplanned, unsuspected side

David Yarrow of Albany, New York, is a researcher with a background in
electronics. He described possible interactions of HAARP radiation
with the ionosphere and Earth's magnetic grid: "HAARP will not burn
holes in the ionosphere. That is a dangerous understatement of what
HAARP's giant gigawatt beam will do. Earth is spinning relative to
thin electric shells of the multilayer membrane of ion-o-speres that
absorb and shield Earth's surface from intense solar radiation,
including charged particle storms in solar winds erupting from the
sun. Earth's axial spin means that HAARP -- in a burst lasting more
than a few minutes -- will slice through the ionosphere like a
microwave knife. This produces not a hole but a long tear -- an

Crudely Plucking the Strings
Second concept: As Earth rotates, HAARP will slice across the
geomagnetic flux, a donut-shaped spool of magnetic strings -- like
longitude meridians on maps.
HAARP may not 'cut' these strings in Gaia's magnetic mantle, but will
pulse each thread with harsh, out-of-harmony high frequencies. These
noisy impulses will vibrate geomagnetic flux lines, sending vibrations
all through the geomagnetic web. "

"The image comes to mind of a spider on its web. An insect lands, and
the web's vibrations alert the spider to possible prey. HAARP will be
a man-made microwave finger poking at the web, sending out confusing
signals, if not tearing holes in the threads. "
"Effects of this interference with symphonies of Gaia's geomagnetic
harp are unknown, and I suspect barely thought of. Even if thought of,
the intent (of HAARP) is to learn to exploit any effects, not to play
in tune to global symphonies. "

Among other researchers quoted is Paul Schaefer of Kansas City. His
degree is in electrical engineering and he spent four years building
nuclear weapons. "But most of the theories that we have been taught by
scientists to believe in seem to be falling apart," he says. He talks
about imbalances already caused by the industrial and atomic age,
especially by radiation of large numbers of tiny, high-velocity
particles "like very small spinning tops" into our environment. The
unnatural level of motion of highly-energetic particles in the
atmosphere and in radiation belts surrounding Earth is the villain in
the weather disruptions, according to this model, which describes an
Earth discharging its buildup of heat, relieving stress and regaining
a balanced condition through earthquakes and volcanic action.

Feverish Earth
"One might compare the abnormal energetic state of the Earth and its
atmosphere to a car battery which has become overcharged with the
normal flow of energy jammed up, resulting in hot spots, electrical
arcing, physical cracks and general turbulence as the pent-up energy
tries to find some place to go."

In a second analogy, Schaefer says "Unless we desire the death of our
planet, we must end the production of unstable particles which are
generating the earth's fever. A first priority to prevent this
disaster would be to shut down all nuclear power plants and end the
testing of atomic weapons, electronic warfare and 'Star Wars'."
Meanwhile, the military builds its biggest ionospheric heater yet, to
deliberately create more instabilities in a huge plasma layer -- the
ionosphere -- and to rev up the energy level of charged particles.

Electronic Rain From The Sky
They have published papers about electron precipitation from the
magnetosphere (the outer belts of charged particles which stream
toward Earth's magnetic poles) caused by man-made very low frequency
electromagnetic waves. "These precipitated particles can produce
secondary ionization, emit X-rays, and cause significant perturbation
in the lower ionosphere."

Two Stanford University radio scientists offer evidence of what
technology can do to affect the sky by making waves on earth; they
showed that very low frequency radio waves can vibrate the
magnetosphere and cause high-energy particles to cascade into Earth's
atmosphere. By turning the signal on or off, they could stop the flow
of energetic particles.

Weather Control
Avalanches of energy dislodged by such radio waves could hit us hard.
Their work suggests that technicians could control global weather by
sending relatively small 'signals' into the Van Allen belts (radiation
belts around Earth). Thus Tesla's resonance effects can control
enormous energies by tiny triggering signals.
The Begich/ Manning book asks whether that knowledge will be used by
war-oriented or biosphere-oriented scientists.

The military has had about twenty years to work on weather warfare
methods, which it euphemistically calls weather modification. For
example, rainmaking technology was taken for a few test rides in
Vietnam. The U.S. Department of Defense sampled lightning and
hurricane manipulation studies in Project Skyfire and Project
Stormfury. And they looked at some complicated technologies that would
give big effects. Angels Don't Play This HAARP cites an expert who
says the military studied both lasers and chemicals which they figured
could damage the ozone layer over an enemy. Looking at ways to cause
earthquakes, as well as to detect them, was part of the project named
Prime Argus, decades ago. The money for that came from the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA, now under the acronym ARPA.)
In 1994 the Air Force revealed its Spacecast 2020 master plan which
includes weather control. Scientists have experimented with weather
control since the 1940's, but Spacecast 2020 noted that "using
environmental modification techniques to destroy, damage or injure
another state are prohibited." Having said that, the Air Force claimed
that advances in technology "compels a reexamination of this sensitive
and potentially risky topic."

40 Years of Zapping the Sky?

As far back as 1958, the chief White House advisor on weather
modification, Captain Howard T. Orville, said the U.S. defense
department was studying "ways to manipulate the charges of the earth
and sky and so affect the weather" by using an electronic beam to
ionize or de-ionize the atmosphere over a given area.

In 1966, Professor Gordon J. F. MacDonald was associate director of
the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of
California, Los Angeles, was a member of the President's Science
Advisory Committee, and later a member of the President's Council on
Environmental Quality.

He published papers on the use of environmental-control technologies
for military purposes. MacDonald made a revealing comment: "The key to
geophysical warfare is the identification of environmental
instabilities to which the addition of a small amount of energy would
release vastly greater amounts of energy. " World-recognized scientist
MacDonald had a number of ideas for using the environment as a weapon
system and he contributed to what was, at the time, the dream of a
futurist. When he wrote his chapter, "How To Wreck The Environment,"
for the book Unless Peace Comes, he was not kidding around. In it he
describes the use of weather manipulation, climate modification, polar
ice cap melting or destabilization, ozone depletion techniques,
earthquake engineering, ocean wave control and brain wave manipulation
using the planet's energy fields.

He also said that these types of weapons would be developed and, when
used, would be virtually undetectable by their victims. Is HAARP that
weapon? The military's intention to do environmental engineering is
well documented, U.S. Congress' subcommittee hearings on Oceans and
International Environment looked into military weather and climate
modification conducted in the early 1970's. "What emerged was an
awesome picture of far-ranging research and experimentation by the
Department of Defense into ways environmental tampering could be used
as a weapon," said another author cited in Angles Don't Play This

The revealed secrets surprised legislators. Would an inquiry into the
state of the art of electromagnetic manipulation surprise lawmakers
today? They may find out that technologies developed out of the HAARP
experiments in Alaska could deliver on Gordon MacDonald's vision
because leading-edge scientists are describing global weather as not
only air pressure and thermal systems, but also as an electrical

Small Input - Big Effect

HAARP zaps the ionosphere where it is relatively unstable. A point to
remember is that the ionosphere is an active electrical shield
protecting the planet from the constant bombardment of high-energy
particles from space. This conducting plasma, along with Earth's
magnetic field, traps the electrical plasma of space and holds it back
from going directly to the earth's surface, says Charles Yost of
Dynamic Systems, Leicester, North Carolina. "If the ionosphere is
greatly disturbed, the atmosphere below is subsequently disturbed."

Another scientist interviewed said there is a super-powerful
electrical connection between the ionosphere and the part of the
atmosphere where our weather comes onstage, the lower atmosphere.

One man-made electrical effect -- power line harmonic resonance --
causes fallout of charged particles from the Van Allen (radiation)
belts, and the falling ions cause ice crystals (which precipitate rain
clouds). What about HAARP? Energy blasted upward from an ionospheric
heater is not much compared to the total in the ionosphere, but HAARP
documents admit that thousandfold-greater amounts of energy can be
released in the ionosphere than injected. As with MacDonald's "key to
geophysical warfare," "nonlinear" effects (described in the literature
about the ionospheric heater) mean small input and large output.
Astrophysicist Adam Trombly told Manning that an acupuncture model is
one way to look at the possible effect of multi-gigawatt pulsing of
the ionosphere. If HAARP hits certain points, those parts of the
ionosphere could react in surprising ways.

Smaller ionospheric heaters such as the one at Arecibo are underneath
relatively placid regions of the ionosphere, compared to the dynamic
movements nearer Earth's magnetic poles. That adds another uncertainty
to HAARP -- the unpredictable and lively upper atmosphere near the
North Pole.

HAARP experimenters do not impress commonsense Alaskans such as
Barbara Zickuhr, who says "They're like boys playing with a sharp
stick, finding a sleeping bear and poking it in the butt to see what's
going to happen."

Could They Short-Circuit Earth?
Earth as a spherical electrical system is a fairly well-accepted
model. However, those experimenters who want to make unnatural power
connections between parts of this system might not be thinking of
possible consequences. Electrical motors and generators can be caused
to wobble when their circuits are affected. Could human activities
cause a significant change in a planet's electrical circuit or
electrical field? A paper in the respected journal Science deals with
manmade ionization from radioactive material, but perhaps it could
also be studied with HAARP-type skybusters in mind:

"For example, while changes in the earth's electric field resulting
from a solar flare modulating conductivity may have only a barely
detectable effect on meteorology, the situation may be different in
regard to electric field changes caused by manmade ionization... "
Meteorology, of course, is the study of the atmosphere and weather.
ionization is what happens when a higher level of power is zapped into
atoms and knocks electrons off the atoms. The resulting charged
particles are the stuff of HAARP. "One look at the weather should tell
us that we are on the wrong path," says Paul Schaefer, commenting on
HAARP-type technologies.

Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology is about
the military's plan to manipulate that which belongs to the world --
the ionosphere. The arrogance of the United States government in this
is not without precedent.

Atmospheric nuclear tests had similar goals. More recently, China and
France put their people's money to destructive use in underground
nuclear tests. It was recently reported that the US government spent
$3 trillion dollars on its nuclear program since its beginnings in the
1940's. What new breakthroughs in life science could have been made
with all the money spent on death?

Begich, Manning, Roderick and others believe that democracies need to
be founded on openness, rather than the secrecy which surrounds so
much military science. Knowledge used in developing revolutionary
weapons could be used for healing and helping mankind. Because they
are used in new weapons, discoveries are classified and suppressed.
When they do appear in the work of other independent scientists, the
new ideas are often frustrated or ridiculed, while military research
laboratories continue to build their new machines for the killing

However, the book by Manning and Begich gives hope that the military
industrial academic bureaucratic Goliath can be affected by the
combined power of determined individuals and the alternative press.
Becoming informed is the first step to empowerment.


Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 12:11 pm
por DELTA22
Olha a M**** ai... :evil: :evil: :evil:
Recebi pelo twitter:
Cerca de mil pessoas protestam em Brasília contra a construção de Belo Monte. Entre elas: o diretor de Avatar e a atriz Sigourney Weaver.

3 minutes ago via HootSuite

Complementando, recebi:

O protesto faz parte das mobilizações do encontro da Juventude do Movimento de Atingidos por Barragem

half a minute ago via HootSuite


Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 12:14 pm
por Marino
Do Pravda, transcrito no Noticiário Naval :evil: :evil: :evil: :

Washington Plans New Military Bases in Brazil and Peru to Contain

Eva Golinger

On the eve of the first visit of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
to Venezuela and the completion of agreements to enhance the defense
capacity of the Venezuelan government, Washington moves its pieces to
recover military domination in the region. Venezuela is preparing to
welcome Vladimir Putin, who will implement several agreements.


These will include the delivery of Mi-17 helicopters and the purchase
of 92 Russian T-72 tanks and Smerch multiple rocket launchers, the
U.S. aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson "walks the shores of Peru
conducting joint exercises with the Peruvian Air Force and Navy." The
aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson - the third largest in the Pentagon -
is accompanied by an attack fleet consisting of several assault ships,
destroyers, air components and anti-submarine helicopters.

Pentagon spokesmen have claimed that Washington carries out these
military maneuvers in the region routinely. The U.S. military presence
has been increasing alarmingly in the hemisphere since 2006, when
Venezuela established defense relations with Russia.

It was then that the U.S. government classified Venezuela as a country
"that does not cooperate sufficiently with the fight against
terrorism" and imposed a ban on the sale of arms and defense equipment
to the country. As a result, the government of Hugo Chavez had to find
another partner that was not subject to pressure from Washington.
Venezuela, a country then dependent on the Americans, on defense, had
two options: allow its military to weaken and the country become
unable to defend itself or find other countries not subject to the
agenda of Washington who also possess the technological capability to
meet its defense needs.

Up until now, Venezuela bought Russian weapons totaling $4 billion,
and maintains projects on energy and transfer of technology with the
government of Russia to seek closer relations between two mega-
producers of oil and gas.


The Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced a visit to Brazil in
April to pursue plans for creating a joint military base in Rio de
Janeiro to "monitor drug trafficking in the region." The base, which
may be part of an axis between the United States, Portugal and Brazil,
will cover the area of the South Atlantic and to serve multinational
cooperation "against drug trafficking and terrorism."


Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 12:15 pm
por Marino
DELTA22 escreveu:Olha a M**** ai... :evil: :evil: :evil:
Recebi pelo twitter:
Cerca de mil pessoas protestam em Brasília contra a construção de Belo Monte. Entre elas: o diretor de Avatar e a atriz Sigourney Weaver.

3 minutes ago via HootSuite
viewtopic.php?f=11&t=15812&start=165 :evil: :evil: :evil:


Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 12:18 pm
por DELTA22
Deslocado para o link! :wink:


Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 2:25 pm
por renam oliveira
Marinho seria esse o documentário?

E o HAARP na Russia.


Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 2:52 pm
por Marino
Sim, é este o documentário.


Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 5:10 pm
por Junker
Lula e Berlusconi assinam amplo acordo de cooperação
12 de abril de 2010 * 16h50

O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e o primeiro-ministro da Itália, Silvio Berlusconi, assinaram nesta segunda-feira um acordo de cooperação em temas econômicos, ambientais e militares após um encontro bilateral em Washington.

Segundo eles, o plano estabelece um diálogo "de alto nível" entre Brasil e Itália em assuntos como o combate à pobreza, a mudança climática, o meio ambiente e o desenvolvimento sustentável.

A iniciativa também cria um marco de cooperação no desarmamento e na não-proliferação de armas nucleares, que é o assunto da cúpula convocada pelos Estados Unidos e que levou Lula e Berlusconi a Washington.

Os dois governantes, que se reuniram hoje na residência do embaixador do Brasil em Washington, participarão nesta noite do jantar que dará início à cúpula junto com representantes de outros 45 países. O encontro dedicado ao controle do material atômico chega ao fim na terça-feira.

EFE - Agência EFE


Enviado: Seg Abr 12, 2010 7:17 pm
por Sterrius
impressão minha ou "nunca na historia desse pais" ( :lol: ) tivemos tantos acordos de todos os tipos, inclusive militares?


Enviado: Ter Abr 13, 2010 4:57 am
por tflash
Sarkozy não renuncia às armas nucleares
Por Redacção

O presidente francês garantiu, em entrevista à “CBS”, que não vai renunciar às armas nucleares por este ser o «garante de segurança» da França.

«Não poderei renunciar a esta arma a não ser como uma medida em que esteja certo que o mundo esteja estabilizado e em segurança», disse Nicolas Sarkozy, citado pela TSF, explicando que nunca utilizaria o seu arsenal nuclear para «atacar» ninguém.

«Acompanharemos todas as medidas para lutar contra o terrorismo nuclear, apoiaremos todas as medidas de redução de armas nucleares e conservaremos o mínimo estrito para assegurar a segurança do nosso país», reiterou o chefe de Estado, que está em Washington para participar na conferência sobre o nuclear que envolve vários outros chefes de Estado.

Sobre as sanções ao Irão, Nicolas Sarkozy diz que está será uma «questão para os próximos dias ou semanas».
http://jn.sapo.pt/paginainicial/pais/co ... id=1542476