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Enviado: Sex Mar 31, 2023 11:30 am
por J.Ricardo
A OTAN renasceu graças a Russia que mostrou que era muito mais fraca do que imaginavam.


Enviado: Sex Mar 31, 2023 11:35 am
por cabeça de martelo
J.Ricardo escreveu: Sex Mar 31, 2023 11:30 am A OTAN renasceu graças a Russia que mostrou que era muito mais fraca do que imaginavam.
Renasceu e reforçou-se MUITO!



Enviado: Sex Mar 31, 2023 11:37 am
por J.Ricardo
Sim, hoje a OTAN voltou a relevância que tinha na Guerra Fria.


Enviado: Sáb Abr 01, 2023 7:50 am
por Suetham
cabeça de martelo escreveu: Sex Mar 31, 2023 11:35 am
J.Ricardo escreveu: Sex Mar 31, 2023 11:30 am A OTAN renasceu graças a Russia que mostrou que era muito mais fraca do que imaginavam.
Renasceu e reforçou-se MUITO!

Olhando esse mapa, fica ainda mais evidente a vulnerabilidade de Kaliningrado, mesmo com o mapa não destacando a Suécia, ainda assim, o Mar Báltico já virou um lago da OTAN, sendo que há 40 anos atrás era um lago soviético. Com o espaço aéreo da Europa bloqueado, as aeronaves russas vão ter pegar a rota de São Petersburgo e entrar no Mar Báltico para seguir em direção à Kaliningrado. Anteriormente, a Rússia tinha colocado 3 MiG-31K em alerta 24 horas com Kinzhal na base aérea de Chkalovsk, no enclave. É bem possível que a Rússia reforce cada vez mais o enclave, inclusive com armas nucleares.


Enviado: Sáb Abr 01, 2023 9:07 am
por Suetham
https://noticias.r7.com/internacional/f ... a-31032023
EUA exibem helicópteros que levam jipes, disparam morteiros e posicionam snipers perto da Rússia


Enviado: Seg Abr 03, 2023 2:11 pm
por LM


Enviado: Seg Abr 03, 2023 11:17 pm
por Suetham

https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your ... t-learned/
The U.S. Air Force sent F-35s to defend NATO. Here’s what it learned

https://eurasiantimes.com/f-35s-struggl ... jets-hunt/
Russian S-300 ‘Deceiving’ F-35 Fighters As US Stealth Jets ‘Hunt’ For Kremlin’s Defense Systems – USAF Commander


Enviado: Ter Abr 04, 2023 7:49 pm
por EduClau
Aniversario de criação, cumprindo o que prometeu:



Enviado: Ter Abr 04, 2023 8:54 pm
por Suetham
https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/internacio ... o-da-otan/
Finlândia entra oficialmente para Otan; fronteira entre Rússia e aliança dobra

A entrada da Finlândia praticamente dobra a extensão da fronteira da aliança militar com a Rússia, adicionando cerca de 1.300 quilômetros. Antes desta terça-feira, cinco membros da Otan compartilhavam fronteira terrestre com a Rússia.


Enviado: Qua Abr 05, 2023 12:59 pm
por cabeça de martelo
High-altitude capability system now selected


5.4.2023 14.16

The new system selected for building high-altitude capability for ground-based air defence will be David´s Sling Weapon System. Through the new system, GBAD high-altitude capability will be enhanced and its areal coverage increased.

Minister of Defence Antti Kaikkonen has authorised the Finnish Defence Forces to procure the Israel Ministry of Defense's (IMOD) 'David’s Sling Weapon System' for the purposes of GBAD high-altitude capability building from defence company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.

The system will enable building better high-altitude capability for ground-based air defence and significantly increase its areal coverage. The capability to be procured will form part of the whole air defence entity.

The minimum altitude requirement for the system was set at 15 kilometres in the request for quotations. The new surface-to-air missile system will enable interception at relevant altitudes. The subsystems to be procured will include the missile launchers, radars and missiles, as well as systems integration.

The procurement seeking to support high-altitude capability building has been prepared by the project on high-altitude capability for ground-based air defence since 2017. In the year 2020, the request for quotations was sent to altogether five defence companies, and, in 2022, Barak-MX and David’s Sling were chosen for the second round of negotiations. Following the evaluation of the final quotations, the Finnish Defence Forces proposed that the procurement contract be awarded to deliver David´s Sling Weapon System.

- The system to be procured stands for a modern and highly capable missile system that meets our strict specifications requirements. Excellently suited for the needs of Finland’s air defence, the system will also be fully NATO-compatible, Inspector of Ground-Based Air Defence, Colonel Mikko Mäntynen from the Army Command says.

The David's Sling Weapon System is jointly developed by IMOD Directorate of Defense Research and Development's (DDR&D), Israeli Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency. The procurement deal is for the David's Sling Weapon System from prime contractor Rafael, including Stunner interceptors, launchers, and datalinks, alongside sensors which will be supplied by IAI's Elta division. The system will be manufactured and integrated as a collaboration between Israeli, American and Finnish contractors, led by Rafael and Raytheon.

- The system will significantly strengthen the capability of Finland’s air defence. Together with the commissioning of the F-35 and the already fielded ground-based air defence systems in service, the air defence of Finland will be very substantial on the European scale, Commander of the Finnish Air Force, Major General Juha-Pekka Keränen points out.

The total value of the procurement excluding the VAT will be c. EUR 316 million comprising the main procurement contract and immediately redeemable option. Additionally, at a later stage, the capability building will require further acquisitions of unit equipment materiel. The funding will come from the annual development programme instrument and from the additional funding allocated for the Finnish Defence Forces.

The capability that is to be fielded in the late 2020s will be used for defending all of Finland. The main training locality of service personnel and persons liable for military service will be the Helsinki Air Defence Regiment at the Armoured Brigade.

https://maavoimat.fi/en/-/high-altitude ... w-selected


Enviado: Qua Abr 05, 2023 10:19 pm
por Suetham
https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/1 ... nland-join
Map: What will NATO look like with Finland and Sweden included?

https://www.dw.com/pt-br/turquia-o-comp ... a-65226957
Turquia, o complicado aliado do Ocidente na Otan


Enviado: Sex Abr 07, 2023 5:08 pm
por Suetham

https://oglobo.globo.com/mundo/noticia/ ... otan.ghtml
Finlândia adiciona artilharia poderosa, Exército treinado e tecnologia de ponta à Otan


Enviado: Sáb Abr 08, 2023 5:52 am
por P44


Enviado: Sáb Abr 08, 2023 5:53 am
por P44
Suetham escreveu: Sex Abr 07, 2023 5:08 pm

https://oglobo.globo.com/mundo/noticia/ ... otan.ghtml
Finlândia adiciona artilharia poderosa, Exército treinado e tecnologia de ponta à Otan
Putin Master Strategist 💪


Enviado: Sex Abr 21, 2023 6:32 am
por P44
Helsinki Welcomes First SNMG1 Ships Since Joining NATO
7 hours ago SeaWaves Press


On their first port visit to Finland since the country became the thirty-first member of the Alliance, ships from Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) received a warm welcome as they arrived in the capital Helsinki.

German Navy flagship FGS Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and the NRP Bartolomeu Dias of the Portuguese Navy, visited Helsinki after first exercising at sea with the Finnish Navy.

SNMG1 conducted a PASSEX with the Finland Navy’s MHC Purunpää, demonstrating solidarity and collaboration between allies and their continuing commitment to collective defense at sea. This was the first joint maritime exercise with NATO’s newest member, Finland.

“Every exercise, like training with Finnish Navy, sends a strong signal in terms of multinational cooperation,” said Rear Admiral Marx, Commander Task Group SNMG1. “It is also a gathering of friends and allies, demonstrating cohesion and good seamanship both internally and externally. Together we show that NATO is ready and standing as one and we are as ready for tomorrow as we are for today!

“It is an honor for me to be here in Helsinki,” he continued, “for many years, troops from Finland and NATO countries have worked side-by-side as partners. Now we stand together as Allies to demonstrate that our common security will remain ironclad.”

As part of reassurance and vigilance measures, SNMG1 regularly patrols the Baltic Sea including the Gulf of Finland, to maintain Maritime Situational Awareness in order to reassure and deter.

https://seawaves.com/2023/04/18/helsink ... ning-nato/