O Cavour custou metade.luis F. Silva escreveu:Construction quickly fell behind schedule as the project was starved of funding, which was worsened by the economic recession in the early 1990s.[citation needed] Total costs for the vessel would top €3 billion. Work on the ship was suspended altogether on four occasions: 1990, 1991, 1993 and 1995.[3] The ship was commissioned on 18 May 2001, five years behind the projected deadline.
Nem a Royal Navy está suportando o "peso"que é manter porta-aviões, e propvavelmente terá apenas 1 futuramente.
No caso de prota-aviões, quem tem 1 não tem nehum.
A MB planeja ter 2 P. As de 50 Ton.
Eu tenho minhas dúvidas se ela chegará a ter 2 desse tamanho.
Seria bem melhor ela apostar em P. As menores, como o Cavour, mais baratos de construir e operar, garantindo 2, ao invés de partir para os de 50 T.