Página 88 de 173

Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Sex Dez 29, 2017 12:20 pm
por Túlio
Tikuna escreveu:Por mim que feche o EAS e apodreça.

O que vai apodrecer - claro, não é grande novidade - são os bilhões que caparam dos meus, dos teus, dos impostos de todo mundo. Como se já não me bastasse pagar por um porto em Cuba...

Tikuna escreveu:E Túlio, essa sua assinatura tá grande e chata demais.


POWS, é a Panzerlied, hôme!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Sex Dez 29, 2017 3:58 pm
por FCarvalho
Túlio escreveu:Enquanto a gloriosa MdG (Marinha da Guanabara) bravateia que vai fazer naviozinho estrangeiro, se der, no subdimensionado e lotado AMRJ (para os subs fizeram um novinho...em Itaguaí, RJ, claro), lá em Pernambuco (por óbvio, território estrangeiro para a Guanabara) um estaleiro capaz de fazer até NAe, chamado EAS (Estaleiro Atlântico Sul), bem mais novo do que qualquer belonave da MdG, está perto de fechar por falta de encomendas...
Túlio, até onde eu entendi o RFP da marinha, os ofertantes deverão construir as CCT no Brasil, seja no AMRJ, em estaleiros brasileiros parceiros ou de sua propriedade.

Portanto, vai se olhar primeiro nesta questão a infraestrutura e a capacidade técnica do estaleiro em acatar os requisitos do projeto da MB, e claro, da empresa ganhadora. O resto vem depois.

O EAS poderá ser aproveitado, ou não, dependendo das escolhas que forem feitas. A MB não pretende parar neste primeiro lote. Neste sentido, quem quiser mesmo levar essa conta para casa, vai ter que investir aqui de qualquer jeito. Com ou sem lava-jato.

Aliás, é bom separar as coisas. Quem está encrencada é a construtora e não o estaleiro.


Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Sex Dez 29, 2017 4:47 pm
por FCarvalho
pmicchi escreveu:
FCarvalho escreveu: (...) Uma corveta, e aqui tem-se que ter sempre em mente isso, é um navio feito para escoltar navios mercantes, FT anfíbias, patrulha/policiamento da ZEE, mostrar bandeira na vizinhança, etc, etc. Assim, seu armamento principal deve antes de mais nada assegurar-lhe a auto-defesa e a defesa de curto alcance das missões nas quais está engajada. (...)
Escolta de navios mercantes, no estilo Segunda Guerra Mundial, não faz mais sentido hoje em dia. Alem disso, uma ou duas fragatas podem muito pouco na proteção de um "comboio mercante" contra um submarino oceânico equipado MANs e torpedos de longo alcance - na hipótese improvável de usar esses meios caríssimos para atacar alvos civis e da ainda mais improvável de se organizar os navios mercantes em comboios. O uso de meios passivos de detecção de longo alcance e meios aéreos é muito mais eficiente que espalhar fragatas e corvetas pelo oceano.
pmicchi, tens de levar em conta um ou dois pontos quanto a isso: primeiro, nosso comercio exterior é praticamente dependente do tráfego mercante no AS, e principalmente na nossa ZEE, onde se concentra um grande fluxo das rotas oriundas do Atlântico Norte e Caribe, e as que vem do Chile e Africa do Sul. Se não formos capazes sequer de assegurar minimamente a proteção desse tráfego, então melhor baixar bandeira antes mesmo de começar qualquer discussão com alguém. Isso pode e deve ser feito por navios do calado de Corvetas e NaPaOc, que nestas horas vira navio de guerra também. E dependendo do projeto, se for modular, podem prover bons meios de proteção também. Ambas podem ser construídas em maior quantidade. No mais o uso de "meios passivos de detecção de longo alcance e meios aéreos" é complementar e não substituto dos navios. Por isso que entendendo que uma classe intermediária entre os NAPA 500 BR e os NaPaOC BR deveria ser projetado também. São navios capazes de fazer-se ao mar onde os menores não chegam e permanecer em vigilância por longo tempo ajudando assim a economizar meios maiores para outras missões, como a de caçar subs nucleares e convencionais no AS. Além de, obviamente, fazer o controle de área marítima e projeção de poder neste mesmo AS, fora da nossa ZEE. segundo que o SIGAAZ provê essa solução dual para a proteção da nossa ZEE e o controle e vigilância do AS. Uma esquadra equilibrada se faz com navios, aviões e subs em quantidade e qualidade adequados as nossas necessidades. E elas são bem grandes, e vão muito além da nossa ZEE. A proteção ao tráfego marítimo é só um entre muitos pontos importantes a se verificar na definição do nosso poder naval.

Patrulhamento e outras missões de tempo de paz podem ser feitas por Navios Patrulha muito mais baratos de adquirir e operar, com armamento leve.
Concordo. Por isso hoje defende uma marinha menor mas mais capaz e com meios modernos e efetivos. No caso, ela só precisa admitir que a criação e manutenção de uma guarda costeira não constituirá uma ameaça a sua existência enquanto tal e nem aos seus projetos. Uma guarda costeira pode perfeitamente utilizar navios de patrulhas das mais diferentes tonelagens, e em tempos conflituosos, somam-se ao poder naval nacional. Mas tem que convencer um pessoal lá em Brasília de que podemos fazer isso e ainda mante uma marinha de guerra em dia com as suas obrigações.

Para as fragatas e corvetas resta apenas a escolta da própria esquadra de guerra, nas missões que lhe forem atribuídas. O tamanho e capacidades da nossa esquadra não demanda muitos navios para essa função.
A esquadra, como coloquei acima, deve ser formada essencialmente em suas FT por fragatas de 4 a 7 mil tons e atuar principalmente fora da nossa ZEE, ou seja, nas nossas zonas de interesse do AS. Corvetas poderiam também fazer isso, mas o fariam com menor desempenho e mais carência de meios e recursos. O que precisamos é de uma esquadra equilibrada com muitos navios baratos de se fazer e operar na ZEE, e um núcleo forte o bastante para fazer-se ao além mar quando e onde necessário. 16 Corvetas era o número mágico que a MB planejava para o futuro da classe Inhaúma. Mas sabemos no que deu. Conquanto, isso não significa que a partir de agora, se aprendemos alguma coisa com nossos erros, não possamos novamente buscar tal expectativa. Com certeza há quem acredite que isso seja muito para o Brasil, dada a sua realidade, mas eu acredito que ele seja plenamente factível.

Muito da quantidade de unidades que se comenta a necessidade (12, 16, etc) poderiam ser, na verdade, navios muito mais simples do as CV-03 e poderiam ser construídos localmente com muito poucos sensores e armamentos importados.
A MB planejava 30 navios de escolta como sendo o mínimo necessário para cumprir devidamente as suas obrigações constitucionais. E isso já nos anos 60's. Não é um número cabalístico e nem inventado. É algo que se tem/teve como objetivo técnico e operacional tendo-se em mente os desafios que vislumbramos pela frente. Então, se podemos fazer aqui através do projeto da CCT até 16 corvetas entre 2 e 3 mil tons, porque não podemos, mais para a frente, construir nas mesmas bases daquele projeto 14 navios entre 4 e 7 mil tons? Qual a impossibilidade? Econômica? Política? Todas elas tem solução e sabemos quais são. São todas contornáveis. A questão principal é: queremos mesmo uma MB com 30 navios? E se quisermos, estamos dispostos a assumir as responsabilidades por uma marinha de águas azuis em um país com os pés de barro e uma mente tosca? A ver.
Muitos de nós aqui consideram hoje que a marinha está morta e enterrada pelas escolhas que fez no passado. Mas esse RFP das CV-3 parece ter lançado luzes sobre o que era apenas sombra na nossa esquadra. Vamos esperar para ver mais à frente se esse novo caminho trilhado vingará ou se será somente mais do mesmo do que vimos até agora.

Dedos cruzados e muita sorte para todos nós.


Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Sex Dez 29, 2017 10:00 pm
por Marechal-do-ar
Túlio escreveu:Ué, mas então acabou o PROSUB e ninguém me avisou, cupincha? Tem uma tale de Odebrecht no meio, se não me engano...
O PROSUB é anterior a Lava Jato, então, segue, por hora...

Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Sex Dez 29, 2017 10:19 pm
por Tikuna
Túlio escreveu: O que vai apodrecer - claro, não é grande novidade - são os bilhões que caparam dos meus, dos teus, dos impostos de todo mundo. Como se já não me bastasse pagar por um porto em Cuba...
E é novidade nossos impostos indo pro lixo?

Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Sex Dez 29, 2017 10:28 pm
por Túlio
Tikuna escreveu:
Túlio escreveu: O que vai apodrecer - claro, não é grande novidade - são os bilhões que caparam dos meus, dos teus, dos impostos de todo mundo. Como se já não me bastasse pagar por um porto em Cuba...
E é novidade nossos impostos indo pro lixo?
Resposta irretorquível. De fato, escrevi besteira. Não editei porque achei que ias me dar uma colher de chá, sacumé, fim de ano... :mrgreen: :oops: :mrgreen: :oops: :mrgreen:

Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Sáb Dez 30, 2017 12:53 pm
por FCarvalho
E por não ser novidade pode-se considerar aceitável e/ou normal?

Não é porque somos uma repúblicas de bananas e de miquinhos amestrados que vamos baixar o nível a tal ponto de aceitação.


Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Sáb Dez 30, 2017 5:07 pm
por J.Ricardo
É aqui em banânia a grande maioria da população acredita que"governo" é uma entidade que tem uma maquininha de produzir dinheiro, não consegue, por algum bloqueio, associar que o governo é financiado por nós, os contribuintes, e por isso, em todos os discursos nunca somos sitados como contribuintes, e sim como "povo". O dia que a massa consumidora de funk, futebol e novelas perceber que essa bagaça é tocada pelo que ela paga de impostos no arroz, no óleo e afins, quem sabe a coisa muda um pouco...

Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Sáb Dez 30, 2017 5:22 pm
Sei que vai ser aquela choradeira porque você~e colocou esta fragata ai e tal mas la vai.

Admiral Gorshkov Class Frigate Project 22350 (Project 22356 – export variant)


Admiral Gorshkov Class frigates (project 22350) are being built by Severnaya Verf OJSC for the Russian Navy. The new multirole, long-range frigates can be deployed in anti-submarine warfare and escort operations.

In October 2005 the Russian MoD placed an order with Severnaya Verf for the construction of the lead frigate, Admiral Sergei Gorshkov. It was named after the commander-in-chief of the Soviet Navy. The frigate is the first long-range maritime surface vessel being built for the Russian Navy in 15 years.


The Project 22350 Admiral Gorshkov-class lead frigate will undergo new trials in the Gulf of Finland in mid-May and enter service in the Russian Navy by the yearend, United Shipbuilding Corporation President Alexey Rakhmanov said on Wednesday.

“The Admiral Gorshkov lead frigate will set out for planned running trials in mid-May. The Navy will receive the Project 22350 newest lead frigate on time – at the end of this year,” Rakhmanov said.

The frigate that has been under construction at Severnaya Verf (Northern Shipyard) in St. Petersburg in northwest Russia, sailed for its first sea trials in the Gulf of Finland on November 18, 2014. After that, the shipyard’s spokesman said the lead vessel would undergo a new stage of trials in late January 2015.

Some media earlier reported about faults in the Admiral Gorshkov’s power unit. However, the shipyard rejected the media reports, saying there were “no problems” with the power unit and “the ship performed well at the trials.”

At the same time, a tender was opened on the state purchases website on Tuesday for fulfilling works to rebuild the gas turbine engine for order 921 of Project 22350 (the Admiral Gorshkov frigate) on the premises of the Saturn research and production association acting as the sole supplier.

Severnaya Verf is the client of these works estimated at 135 million rubles ($2.7 million) and scheduled to be finished by December 2016.

“The purchase cost indicated in the materials includes a set of various works as part of the enterprise’s operational activity,” the United Shipbuilding Corporation president said, commenting on the information posted on the state purchases website.

The keel of the Admiral Sergei Gorshkov, the first of the two frigates being built, was laid in Severnaya Verf Shipyard in St Petersburg in February 2006. It was floated out of the launch dock in October 2010.

The Admiral Kasatonov, the second Project 22350 frigate, was set afloat at the Northern Wharf in Russian northern capital St. Petersburg on Friday. Lead ship of the project, the Admiral Gorshkov, is already at sea trials. The Navy plans to take it into service in 2015, the chief commander said earlier on Friday.

Project 22350 frigates will be brought into service of the Northern Fleet which faces tasks in the Arctic Region, moreover, these warships should provide for Russian military presence in other areas of the world ocean, Chirkov added. “Therefore, the class of ships destined for action in far sea areas should be upgraded,” the admiral said.

Project 22350 frigates displace 4.5 thousand tons and can speed at 29 knots (53.7 kph). In particular, these vessels are armed with 16 Onyx and Kalibr missiles as well as the Poliment-Redut air defense missile system.

The vessel is scheduled to join the Russian Navy in November 2013. Construction of the second frigate, Admiral Kasatonov, began in November 2009. The vessel is expected to be delivered by 2014. The keel for the third ship, Admiral Golovko, was laid in February 2012.

The Russian Navy intends to build 20 vessels of the Gorshkov Class. Six frigates are to be delivered by 2020. The new ships will serve the Baltic, Black Sea, Northern and Pacific fleets.

“Severnaya verf”, Sankt-Peterburg


The Russian Navy will receive two Project 22350 frigates by late 2020 that will feature a new antiaircraft missile/artillery system with several types of missiles, including a long-distance air defense missile, Russia’s Defense Ministry Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday.

“The third thematic issue is devoted to developing an antiaircraft missile/artillery system and a long-distance antiaircraft missile. By late 2020, the Navy will receive two most advanced Project 22350 frigates armed with the Kalibr and Oniks modern strike complexes,” the defense minister said during a conference call.


A series of six Project 22350 frigtates is expected to join the Russian Navy by 2025, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said during a conference call on Wednesday. “Six ships of this type are expected to join the Navy by 2025. They will be furnished with modern armament and advanced control systems,” Shoigu said.

The next generation frigates with increased displacement and reinforced armament suite will be based on the Project 22350 frigates, the President of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Alexey Rakhmanov told TASS. Russia`s Minister of Defense, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu said previously that the Project 22350 frigates would form the Russian Navy`s backbone.

The Northern fleet began the final phase of testing project 22350 frigate “Admiral Gorshkov”, said Friday the chief a press-services of the fleet Vadim Serga. The Northern fleet has set out to ensure the final phase of the test, the lead frigate of project 22350 “Admiral Gorshkov”. The crew of the ship and ensuring naval forces out to ranges of combat training of the Northern fleet in the Barents sea, where started the implementation of the test program.

Design of the Russian Navy’s frigates


In July 2003 Russian Naval Command approved the basic design of the frigate. It was developed by FSUE Severnoye PKB (Northern Design and Development Bureau) in St Petersburg. The design is based on the Talwar / Krivak IV Class frigate developed by Russia for India and incorporates stealth technology.

Scale model of an improved Project 22350 frigate on display during IMDS 2017. Note the increased number of VLS cells, just in front of the bridge and in front of the helicopter hangar. It also features the new generation integrated mast of the same family as the one fitted aboard the new Project 20385 corvette

Modernized frigates of project 22350 have more powerful armaments and can operate as destroyers, United Shipbuilding Corporation Vice President for military shipbuilding and Northern Shipyard Director General Igor Ponomarev told TASS during the IMDS 2017 naval show.

“The warships have stronger arms and bigger displacement. They can operate differently than frigates and engage as destroyers,” he said.

Modernized frigates of project 22350 have more powerful armaments and can operate as destroyers, United Shipbuilding Corporation Vice President for military shipbuilding and Northern Shipyard Director General Igor Ponomarev told TASS during the IMDS 2017 naval show.

“The warships have stronger arms and bigger displacement. They can operate differently than frigates and engage as destroyers,” he said.

Modernized frigates of project 22350 have more powerful armaments and can operate as destroyers, United Shipbuilding Corporation Vice President for military shipbuilding and Northern Shipyard Director General Igor Ponomarev told TASS during the IMDS 2017 naval show.

“The warships have stronger arms and bigger displacement. They can operate differently than frigates and engage as destroyers,” he said.

According to navyrecognition.com it will feature increased VLS cells and an the new generation integrated mast fitted aboard the new Project 20385 corvette.

Main mast – bastion

An important feature of the new ship – the presence of so-called “optronic mast”, which includes radar systems and systems for various applications, greatly increasing the possibility of corvettes for the detection and tracking of air and sea targets of the enemy, their defeat. In particular, the mast is allowed to refuse a single antenna station fire-control radar “Puma”.

Furke-E (Russia, Improved Cross Round) 5P-27M «Furke-2»

Antenna post radar “Furke-E” housed in radome on top of mast

Furke-E” development NIIRT Concern PVO “Almaz-Antei” The range of radio waves – E Radar detection of the total air and surface targets and target housed in a dome on the top mast.

TTX given in three trim levels radar “Furke-E” (ist. – NIIRT booklet):



Range Review 60Km 150Km 60Km

Sector Review azimuth 360 degrees 360 degrees 360 degrees

Sector Review in elevation 6 degrees 4° 15 degrees

Detection Range of sea targets 0.95 radio horizon 0.95 radio horizon 0.95 radio horizon

The detection range of aereial target with EPR1 sq.m 60Km 120Km 60/52Km

War emergency power

Range Review 40Km 150Km 60Km

Sector Review azimuth 360 degrees 360 degrees 360 degrees

Sector Review in elevation 60 degrees 80 degrees 60 degrees

Height 15Km 20 Km _

The detection range of aereial target with EPR1 sq.m 30Km 75Km 52Km

Detection range RCC ESR of 0.02m at a height of 5m 10Km 12/14Km 12Km

Suppression of reflections from a fixed underlyng surface 50/55dB 50/55dB 50/55dB

Accuracy of coordinate measuring range 50m 50m 50m

Accuracy of coordinate measuring azimuth 4-6 points rangefinder 4-6 points rangefinder 3-4 points rangefinder

Accuracy of coordinate measuring elevation 8-9 points rangefinder 5-7 points rangefinder -

Range resolution 150/200m 150/200m 150/200m

Azimuth discrimination 3.2 degrees 3.2 degrees -

Number of simultaneously tracked targets 100 200 50

Energy comsuption 8KW 25KW 7.5KW

Weigth of antenna post 420Kg 890Kg 90Kg

Weigth of the entire radar equipment 1100Kg 2450Kg 860Kg

Mean time before failure 850 Hours 850 Hours 850 Hours


Multi-purpose navy radar system “Zaslon”


Multi-purpose navy radar system “Zaslon” is designed for:

Additionally, “Zaslon” navy radar can ensure radio monitoring in short-wave and VHF wavelength bands.


“Zaslon” navy radar ensures solution of the following tasks:

Use of directional pattern electronic scanning, special modes and algorithms of target surveillance, acquisition and tracking in “Zaslon” navy radar ensures short response time, high throughput rate, exact target designation accuracy, and thus highly efficient use of mating systems’ possibilities.

“Zaslon” navy radar has substantial possibilities for update, since design of its component parts allows changing the equipment components and tasks to be solved, depending on the ship purpose. “Zaslon” navy radar capacities are adaptable to various functions to be fulfilled in combat conditions.

RLK “Zaslon” on project 20385 ships (4 X-band, 4 S-band ,AESA, 200 km range, datalink for 9M96D)


In IMDS-2015 the company SEC “Barrier” has introduced multi-function radar system “Barrier” for advanced surface ships of the Russian Navy. It includes radar system S band and X band radar and other radio-electronic means. All systems are installed in integrated design bashennomachtovuyu IBMX ship and are related to the regular means of the ship. The company showed at IMDS-2015 full-size model AESA radar X band unit MF RFCs “Barrier.” The figure at the Salon video mast mounted on a corvette type “20382 project”. The complex is able to detect air targets with RCS = 1 sq. m at a distance of 75 km and a low-flying in the 0.9-0.95 range radio horizon. The number of defined target coordinates – 3. The maximum detection range of the emitted radio-electronic systems of up to 300 km, the number of tracked targets – more than 100. This system is capable of producing active interference in the area of up to 360 degrees. in the frequency range of X and Ku.

5P-20K-A «Monument-A» radar complex for aerial and surface targets


Main mast – It has a 4 face Poliment 5P-20K multi-function S-band AESA radar which can search and track aerial and surface targets as well as provide guidance to the SAMs.


Gorshkov Class frigates are designed to operate in multi-threat environments and are equipped with long-range surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles, which can attack multiple targets simultaneously.


The frigates have an overall length of 130m, a beam of 16m and a draft of 16m. They have operational ranges of more than 4,000 miles and a displacement of 4,500t. The maximum speed of the vessels is 30kt. They can accommodate about 200 crew members.

Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Sáb Dez 30, 2017 6:57 pm

Countermeasures / sensor technology

Gorshkov Class frigates are fitted with 3D air search radars, Puma fire control radars and sonar suites with hull-mounted LF sonar and LF VDS sonar. They are also equipped with Garpun-BAL SSM targeting and SAM control systems.



The control system is purposed for control of shipboard artillery gunnery of 30-130mm caliber and unguided rocket weapons of 122-300mm caliber applicable to air, surface and shore targets (including low-flying air-to-ship missile a.k.a. sea-skimmer) in all ranges, by means of ballistic ammunition unitary loading. It also provides circular and sector scanning, auto-acquisition of air, surface and shore targets observed by the radar.


Furke 4 3D radar


Furke-4 volume search radar which is uniquely mounted on top of the main radar itself. This prevents interference and allows both radars to have unobstructed search capability. Furke-4 is placed at the very top so it is in a good position to look further beyond the horizon limit with no ship clutter to worry, most likely it would do a combined Air/Surface search capability , handling of targets to Poliment or to firecontrol system of Antiship missile , GUNS , CIWS SAM etc …and in secondary role it would do target guidance if required. Having different band for radar would have it own advantage too and Furke/Poliment would compliment each other.

5P-10E Radar Control System




Implementation of complex phase-shift keyed radar impulses with variable base in RCS, availability of optical-electronic target acquisition and tracking aids built into antenna station, as well as several other engineering solutions provide automatic adjustment to target situation and high-noise immunity of RCS.
RCS software obtains intuitive interface which provides solutions to artillery system automatic control in all operation modes.

Radio-electronic coordinator subsystem provides coordinates measurement and output of target movement parameters, includes radar-location and optical-electronic channel. Provides circular and sector scanning and autonomous target acquisition in off the line (standby) mode.

Power supply subsystem provides devices with necessary identification scheme of double current supply voltage and includes primary and secondary power supply hardware.


Monolit 34K1 radar


The Dome holds the Monolit 34K1 radar is used for Anti-Ship missile guidance and surface search

Poliment 5P-20K multi-function S-band AESA radar


Main mast – It has a 4 face Poliment 5P-20K multi-function S-band AESA radar which can search and track aerial and surface targets as well as provide guidance to the SAMs.

Properties: Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) [Side Info], Non-Coperative Target Recognition (NCTR) – Jet Engine Modulation [Class Info], Continous Tracking Capability [Phased Array Radar], Moving Target Indicator (MTI), Pulse Doppler Radar (Full LDSD Capability), Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA)

3P96-2 [Poliment-Redoute] – (SA-N-21 FCR, AESA) Radar
Role: Radar, FCR, Surface-to-Air & Surface-to-Surface, Medium-Range
Max Range: 148.2 km

Zarya M bow mounted sonar


Type: Hull Sonar, Active/Passive Altitude Max: 0 m
Range Max: 9.3 km Altitude Min: 0 m
Range Min: 0 km Generation: Early 2010s
Bull Nose [MGK-335EM-03 Zarya-3] – Hull Sonar, Active/Passive
Role: Hull Sonar, Active/Passive Search & Track
Max Range: 9.3 km

Pal-N navigation radars


3 x Pal-N navigation radars Designed to carry out surface surveillance, ensure navigation safety and supply radar information to other shipborne systems. The radar operates in a circular scan mode including a covert emission mode. It detects surface targets, automatically locks on to them and tracks them, generates dynamic parameters of targets, automatically resolves collision avoidance problems, generates recommendations for a tactical maneuver, supplies information to associated shipborne systems, and records the gathered information. Maximum target detection range, km: cruiser, destroyer at least 40, boat 20, buoy 8 to 10, Minimum target detection range 25 m, Single scan time, 3 to 6 sec, Resolution: direction, deg not worse than 1, range not worse than 25 m, MRSE: bearing, mil 0.8, range 15m, Maximum number of targets tracked simultaneously 50, Weight, kg, max 300.


ommunications: Vigstar Centaurus-NM

Electro-Optical Systems: 2 × MTK-201M and 2 × 5P-520

MTK-201M Electro-Optical Systems


The system is designed for day and night viewing, detection and identification of air, surface and coastal targets, capture and automatic tracking of targets, determine the angular coordinates, distance and speed of tracked targets.


This complex is part of the on-board equipment of a new generation of Russian corvettes.
On the project 20380 corvettes set modification multifunctional television complex of ITC-201M2.2.


Branch to develop optoelectronic systems of marine and terrestrial purpose of “Production Association” Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant “under the leadership of NI Sheynikova conducted the development and testing of innovative systems sector review for surface ships WF. Creating a product MTK-201M-C1 significantly increase the target detection range and improve the defenses of the ship.



5P-520 Electro-Optical System



OECS provides maximum possible level of automation for all firing control processes.

Electro-optical targeting device includes electro-optical unit, remote control stand with video display unit and power supply units. Standby above-deck targeting device is a sighting column equipped with laser rangefinder binoculars. OECS is available in five versions, of which:
a-is a standard one;
b-is the most small-sized.

Fire control module provides automatic fire control by current target coordinates, coming from electro-optical targeting device or from shipboard target acquisition systems, as well as interface with shipboard systems and operation results recording. The fire control module software obtains intuitive interface providing artillery system automatic control in all operation modes.


Combat system: Sigma/Sigma 22350

EW Suite: Prosvet-M
2 × PU KT-308
8 × PU KT-216

Special Russian complex interference CT-308


he complex jamming CT-308 is designed to protect ships at least some class of all defense lines against various types of missiles with homing radar, electro-optical and combined type. According to its features and the introduction of protection is not inferior zabugornom analogues, and certain features and superior to them. Certainly, the data interfering systems, when installed on the ships of the Russian Navy, only enhance the vitality and sustainability of Russian ships. The very formulation of interference, even for experienced sailors is ecstasy and excitement that then read about ordinary people. Surface ship Kuta typical cluster of fireworks. But in fact this is the “decoys” that produces system to protect against modern weapons of the enemy. The basis of such complexes is the zenith armament ship. EW is based on the destabilization of the information field of the signal of the enemy, using for this interference, which surpass those of the protected surface ship. One of the important problems in the performance of tasks by jamming make complex clutter. They are placed without the introduction of active energy sources.


The composition of CT-308:
— rocket launchers PU-SC or starting PU RMS. Carrier-based variant — two 6-barrel unit CK / CK-MH. Suspended option — 12-barrel unit. Ammunition — rockets combined type UPC-51 missiles masking type PZM-51. Ship depends on the class number of launchers of the complex, in the main complex goes 2-4 in PU;

— 10-chargers launchers PU-1716 mortar type. Ammunition — SB-50, COM-50 interference optical type SR-50 radar interference type and SMZ-50 Type masking noise. Ship depends on the class number of launchers of the complex, in the main complex data sets of up to 10 MPs;

— ammo ammunition launchers;
— control panel, which is located at the command post;
— hardware to calculate the parameter of shooting;
— instrument units for inductive input characteristics of the fuses for launching projectiles;
— Isolator unit that distributes power in the complex.

The entire interior of the electric CT-308 created by modern components. The equipment provides the necessary interface to CICS ship, ensures reliable operation of the entire complex at least some weather and climate in all criteria. Shooting and management can be carried out off-line on their own devices, and in the general mode of the automatic SU EW ship.

The time required for loading PU complex CT-308 — a bit less than 15 minutes. Ready for use with full operational capability — up to 10 seconds. Transfer to a full BG from traveling — 90 seconds. Ammunition interference are warhead cassette. In BC a string of cassettes are placed, and can be different gear cassettes. Operation of the “first cassette” of ammunition (released from the mortar launchers) — 30 meters. Rate of Fire — 200 rounds / min. Operation of the “first cassette” of ammunition (released from the reactive PU) — 30-1000 meters. These fuses in ammunition injected immediately before application of the induction method. Rate of fire 400 rounds / min. The complex is served by only one person.

8 × PU KT-216


AZ-SO-50/AZ-SOM-50 rounds


These rockets are designed to protect small, medium and large displacement ships against guided weapons at close ranges by setting up distracting decoy targets. The rockets are launched from the KT-216 launcher of the PK-10 shipboard system.

The following three types of the caliber rockets are developed and series produced:

SR-50 radar jamming rocket;
SO-50 optronic jamming rocket;
SK-50 combined jamming rocket.

Basic characteristics
SR-50 SO-50 SOM-50
Caliber, mm 120 120 120
Length, mm 1,226 1,226 1,226
Weight, kg
– rocket 25.5 25 25
– payload 11 7.3 9.1
Payload type chaff IR, laser chaff, IR, laser
Operating temperature range, ° C from -40 to +50

Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Sáb Dez 30, 2017 7:52 pm

Weapons and armaments of the multirole long-range frigates


The Admiral Gorshkov Class vessels are equipped with a new 130mm gun mount, a 30mm close-in weapon system (CIWS) gun and eight SS-NX-26 Yakhont anti-ship cruise missiles. Yakhont missiles can be fired against a group of naval surface vessels and single vessels.

Other weapon systems include a Medvedka-2 ASW (anti-submarine warfare) system and a Hurricane medium-range surface-to-air defence missile system. The vessels can also be fitted with 21in torpedo tubes to carry torpedoes.


Gorshkov is the only Russian combat ship to be equipped with BrahMos missiles. BrahMos is a supersonic cruise missile developed by the BrahMos Aerospace, a collaboration between Russia and India.

The missile has a range of 180 miles (290km) and is capable of carrying a conventional warhead of up to 660lb.

Ground and sea targets can be successfully hit by the missile while travelling at an altitude as low as ten metres (30ft) and at a speed of Mach 2.8, three times faster than the US-made subsonic Tomahawk cruise missile. The Russian Navy plans to equip the ship with six BrahMos missiles.

1 × 130mm Amethyst/Arsenal A-192M naval gun with rate of fire of 45 rds per minute [7]
16 (2 × 8) UKSK VLS cells fitted with P-800 Oniks (SS-N-26) and/or Kalibr missile system (SS-N-27)
32 (4 × 8) Redut VLS cells housing 9M96, 9M96M, 9M96D/9M96DM(M2) family of missiles and/or quad-packed 9M100 short range missiles
2 × Palash CIWS
2 × 4 330mm torpedo tubes for Paket-NK anti-torpedo/anti-submarine torpedoes
2 × 14.5mm MTPU pedestal machine guns

A-192M -130-mm naval gun mount


Features gun mount A-192m: – a new generation of artillery systems, unified, lightweight, modular design; – gun mounts odnoorudiynaya tower, fully automated, consisting of two modules: the firing rotating module attached to the equalized-ring-ship; Module for placement of electrical and hydraulic equipment and electro-optical guidance system equipment is placed in aggregate ship compartment; – the barrel-monoblock with muzzle brake, horizontal wedges, hydraulic rammer, hydropneumatic recoil device and pneumatic recuperator; – cooling liquid barrel produced in between firing pumping water through the bore; – ammunition for automatic feeding is vertical drums, arranged in a rotating AU firing module. Make-up drum is made in between the firing of the semi-automatic system cabling mechanical bark-feeding (CPM) of artpogreba;


– Automation, control and monitoring (Sauk) UE provides synchronization of work feeders shots with the work of artillery machine, control the initial state mechanisms and AC systems before shooting and diagnostics in case of failure during the shooting; – guidance artillery systems, and fire control, select the type of shot carried out remotely, in automatic mode from the radar 5P10 control system or from a remote optoelectronic module (OEM) based on the GOES-140 gyro-stabilized system – used ammunition – unitary ballistic explosive and anti-aircraft missiles (ALS), used in the AK-130 and high-precision artillery shells unconventional kind of firing on shore and surface targets; – AU can be easily adapted to the system of multi-purpose weapons of surface ships with a displacement of 1500 tons or more. The number of personnel during combat service – 3 people. The persistence of the barrel – 2500 shots.


Research Engineering Institute (THEM), belongs to the group “Tehmash”, is developing artillery shells with intelligent, programmable fuses for naval artillery, which will bring the enemy ship down with one shot, he said in July 2015 Head Valeriy Lebedev Institute office. He noted that the use of these shots will significantly increase the effectiveness of firing on marine, coastal and air targets, thus reducing the consumption of ammunition at the goal defeat. “The global trend that we follow – is the creation of intelligent fuses that allow a projectile blasting in optimal time and spatial coordinates, “- said Lebedev. According to him, for example, in contact with such a projectile into the vehicle will first be overcome by the thickness of his body, then carried the projectile blasting with optimal deceleration


Complex Developer Design “Amethyst” Office

Developer gun mount KB “Arsenal”

Caliber, mm 130

Number of trunks 1

Type loader unitary, automatic

trunk Type monoblock shutter type horizontal wedge

A-192-5P-10E Artillery System



• The system provides all-weather capability and simultaneous firing of two gun mounts to two targets under corresponding configuration. Gun mount ammunition ready to automatic firing of 22 shells. Gun mount is equipped with shells auto-feed system from ship hold.
• High-noise immunity of the system is achieved by means of using radar control system with automatic time-space adaptation based on digital processing of coherent radar impulses with variable base and electro-optical channel.
• The system operability is supported by general shipborne target acquisition systems and autonomous targets detection mode.
• Improved attack potential in combat against stream of attacking sea skimmers is achieved due to capability of simultaneous tracking of up to 4 targets, firing data generation on two most hazardous targets and swift fire transfer to the successive targets in the stream. The system is capable of high quality meteoballistic preparation of fire, zero hits measurements and automatic faults correction during firing to air and surface targets. The system includes automatic operability control and troubleshooting system, as well as operation process documentation facilities.


16 (2 × 8) UKSK VLS cells fitted with P-800 Oniks (SS-N-26) and/or Kalibr missile system (SS-N-27)

This new class of Russian frigates incorporate best weapons and sensors that the Russian industry can produce.

The Admiral Gorshkov class is equipped with a 16-cell Vertical Launch System (VLS) for a mix of Kalibr-NK land attack cruise missiles (range 2 500 km), P-800 Oniks anti-ship missiles (range 300-500 km) and 91RTE2 anti-submarine missiles (missile drops torpedo 50 km away).

2 × 8 UKSK VLS cells just in front of bridge fitted with P-800 Oniks (SS-N-26) and/or Kalibr missile system (SS-N-27) and behind main gun 32 (4 × 8) Redut VLS cells housing 9M96, 9M96M, 9M96D/9M96DM(M2) family of missiles and/or quad-packed 9M100 short range missiles.


P-800 Oniks (SS-N-26) anti-ship missile Já especificado anteriormente

3M54T (SS-N-27) anti-ship missile


3M54T is deployed on surface ships equipped with VLS launchers and thrust vectoring boosters. The performances are the same as the 3M54.

Its basic length is 8.22 m (27.0 ft.), with a 200 kg (440 lb.) warhead. The range is 440–660 km (270–410 mi). The missile is a sea-skimmer with supersonic terminal speed (Mach 2.9) and a flight altitude of 4.6 metres (15 ft.) at its final stage.

The Kalibr 3M-54 (NATO codename – «Sizzler», SS-N-30A) is a long-range, low-flying cruise missile capable of carrying conventional or nuclear warheads. It has land-attack, anti-ship and anti-submarine variants. The missile has a second stage that performs a supersonic sprint in the terminal approach to the target, reducing the time that target’s defense systems have to react.

The Kalibr is designed to share common parts between the surface and submarine-launched variants but each missile consists of different components, for example, the booster. The missile can be launched from a surface ship with a Vertical Launched System (VLS) and a booster with thrust vectoring capability. The missile launched from a submarine torpedo tube can use a conventional booster instead. The air launched version is held in a container to be dropped after the missile is fired. During its terminal phase, the missile locates its target through a mix of coordinates and onboard image recognition, essentially matching an uploaded image of the target to what the missile sees in front of it. If all goes to plan, the missile’s 1,000-pound payload of high-explosive is then guided straight to the target for a violent impact.

3M14T land attack missile


3M14T is the inertial guidance surface ship-launched land attack variant with VLS launched missile and thrust vectoring booster. The basic length is 8.9 m (29 ft.); its warhead weight and other performance are the same as the 3M14K. 26 3M14T cruise missiles of this variant were fired from four surface ships in the Caspian Sea on 7 October 2015.

Originated From: Russia
Possessed By: Russia
Alternate Name: 3M-54, Kalibr
Class: Sea-launched Land Attack Cruise Missile
Basing: Ship/Submarine-based
Length: 6.2 m
Payload: 450 kg warhead:
Propulsion: Turbojet
Range: 1,500-2,500 km
Status: Operational
In Service: 2015-present

91RE2 anti-submarine torpedo


The 91RE2 is a surface-launched, rocket-assisted, anti-submarine torpedo similar to ASROC: length of 6.5 m, weight is 1300 kg, range is 40 km, warhead is 76 kg, maximum speed is Mach 2.0. Anti-submarine missile 91RE2 is intended to arm surface ships equipped with standardized launchers 3C-14E or 3C-14PE. 91RE2 run at all speeds ship carrier. Booster rocket 91RE2 less powerful than rocket 91RE1, it provides output of ship missiles launcher and climb. In the design point of the second stage separation is carried out, which splashed down on a parachute, and then searches for and guidance on underwater target (see diagram application). The firing range – 40 km. Prelaunch time is 10 seconds.


relaunch missile 91RE2 formation and entering the flight tasks performed universal control system (CS) missile complex 3R-14H. It is an automated system that operates in real time as part of the combat information control system (CICS) ship carrier. The ships 11356 installed CICS “requirement-M”, developed NPF “Meridian”.

anti-submarine missiles and 91re1 91re2CICS “requirement-M” is an open, distributed adaptive computing system. Pairing SU missile system with CICS performed on the digital channel LAN using special devices interface. According to the targeting and commands from CICS “requirement-M” and navigating complex ship carrier SU missile system generates data for firing controls prelaunch preparation and launch missiles of various purposes from the complex, as well as procedural checks of complex systems and missiles. Information on the status of the missile system, ammunition available, its use plans, control commands transmitted in graphical and tabular form on the workstations (AWS) CICS “requirement-M.” It provides centralized management of all weapons systems ship with a view to their optimal use in solving various combat missions, including the management of the ship fighting against the use of submarines and anti-submarine weapons. All appliances in the composition SU missile system (except the remote control missiles) – bespultovye, maintenance-free, in the spray – and waterproof performance. Equipment fire – and explosion-proof, requires no cooling during operation.


APR-3ME or small-sized homing torpedo


APR-3ME or small-sized homing torpedo MPT-1UME (weight-300 kg, a diameter of 324 mm, length 3000 mm, weight-60kg warhead). APR-3ME and MPT-1UME belong to the third generation anti-submarine weapons, and provide an independent search and detection of underwater targets in silent mode, speedy rapprochement with it and defeat it before executing evasive maneuvers and counter.
– 3M-54E 3M-54E1 3M-14E 91RE1 91RE2
Length [m] 8.22 6.2 6.2 8.0 6.5
Diameter [m] 0.533 0.533 0.533 0.533 0.533
Launch Weight [kg] 2,300 1,780 1,780 2,050 1,300
Maximum Range [km] 220 300 300 50 40
Speed [Mach] Depends on flight mode
Subsonic Mode: Mach 0.6 – 0.8, Supersonic Mode: Mach 2.9 0.6 – 0.8
Terminal Stage Speed for the 3M-54E1 0.6 – 0.8
Terminal Stage Speed for the 3M-14E 2.5
Ballistic Stage Speed for the 91RE1 2.0
Ballistic Stage Speed for the 91RE2
Warhead Weight [kg] 200 400 400 76 76
Control System Inertial + Active Radar Homing Inertial + Active Radar Homing Inertial Inertial Inertial
Flight Path Low-Flying Low-Flying Ballistic Ballistic Ballistic


MOSCOW, December 19. /TASS/. The deployment of Tsirkon new anti-ship hypersonic cruise missiles on the Russian Navy’s corvettes and frigates is envisaged by Russia’s state armament plan for 2018-2027, a source in the country’s defense industry told TASS on Tuesday.

“The naval component of the new state armament plan prioritizes building Project 20385 and 20386 corvettes and Project 23350 and 23350M frigates with precision weapons that include Kalibr-NK cruise missiles and Tsirkon hypersonic missiles,” the source said.

TASS does not yet have an official confirmation of this information.

32 (4 × 8) Redut VLS cells housing 9M96, 9M96M, 9M96D/9M96DM(M2) family of missiles and/or quad-packed 9M100 short range missiles
Redut VLS for 16 9M96E


Combat power of the modernized craft greatly enhanced by introducing into the arms of a new universal missile complex “Caliber-NK” (instead of anti-ship complex “Uran”) with a uniform 8-cell launcher for several types of missiles – anti-shooting and coastal targets. Anti-aircraft weaponry corvette enhanced anti-aircraft missile system, 9M96 missiles (supplied from 16 missiles).

9M96 anti-aircraft missile


he S-400 Triumph also launches 9M96E and 9M96E2 medium range ground-to-air missiles. Designed for direct impact, the missiles can strike fast moving targets such as fighter aircraft with a high hit probability. The maximum range of the 9M96 missile is 120km.

9M100 short range missiles

The 9M100 is a short-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) being developed by the Fakel Design Bureau, part of Almaz-Antey concern, for new air defenses that should be in place within Russia by 2015. It is targeted at countering the latest generation of fighter aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, guided bombs, supersonic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) which pose a grave threat to ground forces and key facilities. The highly maneuverable 9M100 missile is being designed for launch by means of a vertical launching system (VLS). As of early 2010 the 9M100 missile system is associated with Vityaz medium-range air defense system and might be the primary weapon for the Morfei short-range air defense system.

The 9M100 guidance system combines an inertial navigation system (INS) with an infrared seeker along with a contact and proximity fuze which ignites the warhead. Such a guidance system means that the 9M100 missile is a fire-and-forget weapon capable of engaging multiple targets simultaneously. The solid propellant rocket motor features thrust vectoring control providing outstanding maneuverability.

Diameter: 125 millimeter (4.92 inch)
Length: 2.50 meter (98 inch)
Max Range: 10 kilometer (5.40 nautical mile)


2 × Palash CIWS Já especificado aqui.



2 × 4 330mm torpedo tubes for Paket-NK anti-torpedo/anti-submarine torpedoes


The Paket-E/NK small-sized anti-submarine system with anti-torpedo is designed:

– to engage (destroy) submarines in ship’s close-in zone (when carrying out submarine warfare tasks)

– to destroy torpedoes, attacking the ship (when carrying out anti-torpedo defence tasks)

The complete set of the Paket-E/NK comprises:

– Paket-E control system

– rotating or fixed launching units

– Paket-AE specialized target designation sonar

– combat modules mounted on the launchin unit


Depending on missions assigned to the surface ship, its launching units can house combat modules armed with different combinations of small-sized heat-seeking torpedoes and/or anti-torpedoes, both in nomenclature and in quantity.

The small-sized heat-seeking torpedo is designed to engage enemy submarines, and the anti-torpedo is designed to intercept and destroy attacking torpedoes. Both are housed in unified transport-launch containers.


Characteristic basic as:

Torpedo caliber, mm: 324

Effective anti-submarine defence zone, m: up to 10000

Effective anti-torpedo defence zone, m: 100-800

The Paket-E/NK system can operate independently or be integrated into ship’s antisubmarine/anti-torpedo defence system, solving a number of tasks in fully automatic or automated modes, such as:

– generation of target designation data for small-sized heat-seeking torpedoes, based on data, provided by ship’s sonar systems and posts

– detection and classification of attacking torpedoes, determination of their movement parameters, and generation of target designation data for anti-torpedoes

– pre-launch preparation of combat modules, generation and transfer of firing data to them, launching of anti-torpedoes and/or small-sized heat-seeking torpedoes


– launching units control

The Paket-E/NK system is a radically new weapon system, allowing surface ships to solve ASW/anti-torpedo defence tasks with high effectiveness, and to increase substantially their survivability.

The delivery set of the Paket-E/NK small-sized antisubmarine/anti-torpedo system is customer-defined.

An automated testing and trouble-shooting system can be delivered for combat modules operational support. Source ktrv.ru

Type: Torpedo Weight: 235 kg
Length: 2.6 m Span: 0.324 m
Diameter: 0.324 Generation: None
Properties: Search Pattern, Bearing-Only Launch (BOL)
Targets: Submarine, Torpedo
Torpedo Seeker – (Paket-NK, Small-Caliber, 50kts) Hull Sonar, Active/Passive
Torpedo Seeker, Active/Passive Shallow Water
Max Range: 1.9 km
Paket-NK [MTT ASW] – (Russia) Torpedo
Subsurface Max: 7.4 km.

2 × 14.5mm MTPU pedestal machine guns


Propulsion and power of the Admiral Gorshkov Class vessels


The frigates are equipped with combined gas turbine and gas turbine (COGAG) propulsion systems. The two cruise gas turbines and two boost gas turbines will be connected through two shafts.DA91 Gas Turbine (First 2 Frigates)

Gas Turbine (First 2 Frigates)


Gas turbine engine UGT 15000+

Three-shaft gas turbine

Compressors: axial 9-stage LPC, 10-stage HPC

Combustion chamber is a can-annular 16-liner counterflow chamber

Compressor turbines are axial single-stage engines

Power turbine is an axial 4-stage engine

The turbine start up is fulfilled by means of the rotor spinning with two AC electric starters of 30kW continuous power

Saturn M90FR gas turbine engine


Saturn M90FR gas turbine engine with a maximum power of 27,500 hp, the M55R power plant includes the 5,200-hp 10D49 diesel engine from the Kolomna Machinebuilding Plant and the RO55R reduction gearbox

Parameters Values
Power on the nominal mode (in the conditions of the ship) Number Ne., h.p./kw 27 500/20 220
Specific fuel consumption on the nominal mode Xie of number, kg / l.s.ch. (kg/kWh) 0,170 (0,230)
Power on the mode of 80% of rated power (in the conditions of the ship) Ne of 80%., h.p./kw 22 000/16 200
Specific fuel consumption on the mode of 80% of rated power Xie 80%ny., kg / l.s.ch. (kg/kWh) 0,178 (0,242)
Air consumption on an entrance to the compressor on the nominal mode Ge, kg/s 72

10D49 diesel engine


M55R Propulsion Plant



The COGAG propulsion is more efficient than combined diesel and gas (CODAG) and combined diesel or gas (CODOG) propulsion systems. The COGAG system delivers more economical transit at cruise speeds. The propulsion system provides a maximum speed of 30kt.

General characteristics – Project 22350
Displacement (tons):
Standard: 4500
Full load: 5400
Dimensions (m):
Length: 135
Beam: 16
Draft: 4,5
Speed (knots): 29
Range: 4000 nmi
Autonomy (days): 30
Propulsion: 2×32700 hp M55R diesel-and-gas-turbines engines (27500 hp M90FR gas turbine, 5200 hp 10D49 diesel), 2 fixed pitch propellers, 4×1000 kW ADG-1000NK diesel-generators
Armament: 1 Ka-27 helicopter
2×8 3S14-22350 VLS (3K14 «Kalibr-NK» guided missile complex, 3K55 «Onyx» anti-ship missile complex (P-160 anti-ship missiles (3M55)) – 16 missiles)
4×8 3S973K96 «Redut» SAM system VLS (32 9M96 missiles) – «Poliment» fire control system
1×1 130 mm A-192M «Armat» – 5P-10 «Puma» fire control system
2 3R99 «Palash» modules – 2x(2×6 30 mm)
2×1 14,5 mm MTPU
2×4 330 mm SM-588 torpedo tubes – «Paket-A» anti-submarine system (MTT torpedoes, M-15 anti-torpedoes)
Electronics: 5P-20K «Monument» radar complex, 5P-27 «Furke-4» air/surface search radar, MR-231-2 navigation radar, TK-28 ESM radar system, «Grach» visual optical jammer station, «Zarya-3.3» sonar complex, 3.3», «Minotavr-ISPN»sonar, «Sigma-22350» combat information control system, «Tsentavr-NM-1» satellite communication system, «Chardsh-22350» navigation complex
«Prosvet-M» decoy RL system (2? KT-308 launchers, 8 KT-216 launchers)

Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Sáb Dez 30, 2017 9:27 pm
Logo coloco a Meko 200.

Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Sáb Dez 30, 2017 10:50 pm
por FCarvalho
Um lindo e doce sonho de verão... pena que venha em cirílico. :roll:


Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Dom Dez 31, 2017 9:59 am

Fragata da classe do valor (MEKO A-200SAN) - Marinha da África do Sul


The South African Valour-class frigates are the major surface ships of the South African Navy. Their German manufacturer designates these warships as the MEKO A-200SAN type, member of its MEKO family of naval ships. They were designed and built using principles of stealthy design, including the extensive use of “X-form” structure design in which right angles and vertical surfaces are avoided, and techniques to reduce the infrared signature, such as expelling pre-cooled exhaust gasses just above the waterline. Blohm + Voss, the designers, claim that this class has the radar signature of a vessel one-half her size, 75% less infrared emissions than previous designs, as well as a 20% lower life-cycle cost, 25% lower displacement, and 30% fewer crewmen.



The MEKO ships of the South African Navy are collectively called the Valour class, and each commemorates an incident of conspicuous bravery. “The symbolism, however, is not in the battle itself, and who the victors were, but the extreme valour shown by the forces involved — both the victors and the defeated” said navy spokesman Commander Brian Stockton




Frigates are designed to be capable of conducting sustained operations at sea, and they are designed to negotiate sea conditions such as those found off the South African coast. These frigates are designed to carry up to two AgustaWestland SuperLynx 300 helicopters, which will significantly improve and extend its surveillance, operational and sea rescue capabilities. They are be capable of day or night operations in conditions up to Sea State 6

AgustaWestland SuperLynx 300 helicopters. The ship can accommodate 2 SuperLynx

Routine tasks will include:
Regular patrols for the protection of marine resources against poaching and pollution in the country’s Economic Exclusion Zone
Law enforcement at sea with respect to piracy and the smuggling of drugs, weapons and other contraband
Peace and civil support missions could include:
Search and rescue (SAR) missions as far south as the Prince Edward island group
Evacuating of civilians from coastal areas in times of emergency or crisis
Providing gunfire and other support for land forces, as well as the transport of limited equipment and personnel in support of land action, especially during peacekeeping missions.
Typical wartime duties could include:
Defensive sea surveillance
Combat Search and Rescue
Special operations
Mine-laying and other sea-denial missions


An Umkhonto missile being fired from a Valour-class frigate

The ships of the Valour class are equipped with an assortment of multi-purpose weapons, each fulfilling a vital role in naval warfare including anti-surface, anti-aircraft and anti-submarine warfare. The ships’ primary anti-surface armament is its MM40 Block 2 Exocet anti-ship missile launchers which give them an anti-ship capability with a range in excess of 72 kilometres (45 mi). According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the Navy is planning to upgrade these missiles to Block 3 standard, giving them an effective range of 180 kilometres (110 mi). For closer surface threats the ship can use its OTO Melara 76 mm main gun (range of 16–40 km, depending on the type of ammunition utilised). It is also equipped with a twin Denel 35mm Dual Purpose Gun, two Mk1 Oerlikon 20 mm cannons and two 12.7 mm Rogue remotely operated guns to engage surface targets accurately within a 4 km range.

OTO Melara 76 mm main gun


The Oto-Melara / Oto-Breda 76/62SR 76mm (3-inches) 62-caliber Super Rapid gun is a lightweight, automatic loading, rapid fire naval gun system used against shore, sea and air targets.

Manufacturer: 1963-2001 Oto-Melara / 2001- OtoBreda
Produced: Compact: 1963- / Super Rapid: 1988-

Technical data:
Caliber: 3 inches / 76,2 mm
Barrel lenght: 186 inches / 4,72 meters (= 62 caliber)
Weight: 7900kg, empty (Super Rapid)
Shell: 76 x 900 mm / 12,34 kilograms
Elevation: – 15° to + 85°
Traverse: 360°
Rate of fire: Compact: 85 rpm / Super Rapid: selectable from single shot up to 120 rpm
Muzzle Velocity: 925 m/s (1100 m/s – DART)
Magazine: Compact: 80 rounds / SR: 85 rounds

16 kilometers with standard ammunition
20 km with extended range ammunition
up to 40 km with VULCANO ammunition

OTO Melara 76 mm main gun (range of 16–40 km, depending on the type of ammunition utilised)
– Compact
– Super Rapid
– Stealth casing
– DAVIDE/STRALES radio frequency guidance system for DART guided ammunition

– HE (high explosive) – 6,296kg / Range 16km / effective range 8km (4km vs. air targets at elev. 85°)
– MOM (multi-role OTO munition)
– PFF (pre-formed fragmentation) – anti-missile ammunition
– SAPOM (semi-armored piercing OTO munition) – 6,35kg / Range 16km
– SAPOMER (semi-armored piercing OTO munition, extended range) – Range 20km
– DART (driven ammunition reduced time of flight) – sub-calibre guided ammunition against multiple targets
(missiles and maneuvering targets at sea) 4,2kg in barrel / 3,5kg in flight / 660mm lenght / effective range >8km
– VULCANO (76mm unguided and guided extended range ammunition) – under development

Source seaforces.org

Twin Denel 35mm Dual Purpose Gun


1 x twin Denel 35mm Dual Purpose Gun 35×228mm NATO gas-operated rate of fire 2 × 550rpm, effective range 4,000 metres (4,400 yd) (air target) maximum range 6,000 metres (6,600 yd) (surface target), Belt 2×240 rounds (one belt for each cannon), Targeting system Radar and/or Optronic (IR and Visible)

Mk1 Oerlikon 20 mm cannon

2 x Mk1 Oerlikon 20 mm cannons

12.7 mm Rogue remotely operated gun

2 x 12.7 mm Rogue remotely operated guns to engage surface targets accurately within a 4 km range

For anti-aircraft and missile defense purposes the frigates are equipped with a 16 to 32 cell Umkhonto-IR Block 2 VLS, which is capable of engaging aerial targets at a range of 15 kilometres (9.3 mi). The frigate’s twin Denel 35mm Dual Purpose Gun CIWS can also destroy incoming missiles and enemy aircraft which have penetrated the ship’s outer defences, within a range of 4–6 kilometres (2.5–3.7 mi) using Advanced Hit Efficiency And Destruction (AHEAD) 35×228mm NATO ammunition. The ships are also equipped with 4 324 mm (12.8 in) torpedo tubes, which can be utilised to engage submarines.

Umkhonto-IR Block 2

Umkhonto-IR Block 2 range 15 km to 20 km flight altitude 8 km (5.0 mi) speed Approx. Mach 2 guidance All-aspect infra-red, command update fire and forget, launch platform VLS

Equipped with 4 324 mm (12.8 in) torpedo tubes for ASW

Systems and Sensors

The frigates were built to a modern stealth design to avoid enemy radar and infrared detection. In addition to these features, the Meko A-200 SAN class is distinctive with a very new propulsion system which is composed by a water-jet drive, in addition to two propellers. Its CODAG-WARP system (COmbined Diesel And Gas turbine-WAter jet and Refined Propellers) consist of a steerable propeller and a water jet. The power is provided by a combination of diesel engines and gas turbines. The propulsion plant can be operated in four modes:


I – Economical mode: One diesel engine driving both shafts, maximum propeller speed: 150 rpm.
II – Maneuvering mode: Both diesel enginess driving both shafts, maximum propeller speed: 200 rpm.
III. CODAG-WARP: Both diesel engines and the gas turbines turned on, maximum propeller speed: 215 rpm.
IV – Gas turbine only: Gas turbines powering water jet only.


These frigates are expected to spend about 80% of their at-sea time in modes I and II.


B+V Simplex Compact stabiliser system

This class of warship is conspicuous for a lack of any funnels. To add to their stealth characteristics, the exhaust fumes from the Meko A200’s gas turbines and diesel engines are cooled by spraying water into the exhaust duct and then expelled just above the ship’s waterline, making the frigate almost invisible to most infrared detectors. In 2004, the project officer Rear Admiral (J.G.) Johnny Kamerman explained that the ships’ design features incorporated stealth characteristics that gave the Valour-class very low radar, acoustic, and magnetic signatures. “It is the first major warship in the world with a horizontal exhaust and water jet propulsion, and has an X-form outer hull,” he said. Its manufacturers added that the design has the radar cross-section of a missile patrol boat, a 75% lower infrared signature than previous designs, as well as a 20% lower life-cycle cost, 25% less displacement and 30% fewer crewmen. The lack of funnels also frees up desirable room amidships for armaments, crew quarters, and store rooms.


This class’s combat-management system (CMS), which apparently accounts for about 40 percent of each warship’s cost, was purchased from the Thales Detexis company. The Tavitac system is also fitted to the French Navy’s La Fayette-class frigates, and updated versions are aboard the Saudi Arabian F3000-class air-defence frigates, and the French nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. Kamerman said that he was very proud of the ships’ combat system and the South African ingenuity that went into their design. “Seventy-five percent of the combat suite is home-grown. It’s the largest local-content percentage of all the defence packages. The local content makes testing and integration so much easier. The foreign stuff must be done in a tight time-frame and flying their experts here is expensive. The guys who built our radars are just 40 km away in Stellenbosch,” Kamerman said of Reutech Radar Systems, one of the contractors. Local content also speeded up repair and maintenance. “It is local support in-country, not a local capacity created artificially or a bunch of foreigners flown in.”

Reutech Radar System


Reutech optical radar tracker (ORT)


The vessel’s surveillance radar is the MMR-3D NG G-band multirole radar from Thales Naval France. The MRR-3D has a lightweight phased array antenna and operates as both a surveillance radar and a self-defence system sensor, with automatic mode switching.

MMR-3D NG G-band multirole radar

MMR-3D NG G-band multirole radar from Thales Naval France

In surface surveillance mode, the MRR-3D NG can detect low and medium-level targets at ranges of up to 140 km and in long-range 3D air surveillance mode targets up to 180 km. In the self-defence mode, it can detect and track any threat within a radius of 60 km.

Planned upgrades
Upgrading to the Exocet MM40 Block 3 standard. The South African Navy is planning (as of May 2013) to upgrade its anti-ship missile capability in order to strike surface targets from 180 km away


Exocet MM40 Block 3 It has an improved range—in excess of 180 kilometres (97 nautical miles)—through the use of a turbojet engine, and includes four air intakes to provide a continuous airflow to the power plant during high-G manoeuvers.


The hangar and flight-deck design enables a wide range of helicopter options to fit requirements such as: two Westland Super Lynx helicopters (for up to sea state six day and night operations); or one Westland Super Lynx helicopter plus two UAVs; or one Atlas Oryx (for up to sea state five day or night operations); or one Denel Rooivalk (for up to sea state five day or night operation).


Two Westland Super Lynx helicopters or


One Atlas Oryx (for up to sea state five day or night operations)or


One Denel Rooivalk (for up to sea state five day or night operation)

General characteristics
Type: Guided missile frigate
Displacement: 3700 tons
Length: ·107.3 m (352 ft) at waterline
·121 m (397 ft) overall

Beam: 16.34 m (53.6 ft)
Draught: 5.95 m (19.5 ft)
Propulsion: ·CODAG WARP
·2 MTU 16V 1163 TB93 diesel engines, 5,920 kilowatts (7,940 hp) each, 2 shafts for cruise;

·1 General Electric LM2500, 20,000 kilowatts (27,000 hp)

·1 waterjet

Speed: 28 knots (52 km/h; 32 mph)
Range: 8,000 nautical miles (15,000 km) at 16 knots (30 km/h; 18 mph)
Endurance: 28 days
Complement: 152 (incl aircrew)
Sensors and
processing systems: ·Surveillance Radar: Thales Naval France MRR-3D NG G-band multi-role radar
·Optical Radar Tracker: 2 Reutech RTS 6400 monopulse X-band (I/J bands) combined radar and optronics trackers

·Electro-optical Tracker: Reutech Electro-optical tracker

·Identification Friend or Foe: Tellumat Integrated Naval IFF system

·Target Designation Sights: M-Tek Target Designation Sights

·Sonar: Thales UMS4132 Kingklip sonar

·Obstacle avoidance sonar: MDS 3060

Electronic warfare
& decoys: ·ESM/ECM: Saab Grintek Avitronics SME 100/200 ESM (Intercept and Jammer) & ELINT
·Decoys: 2 Saab Grintek Avitronics MRL Super Barricade chaff launchers (96 decoys)

Armament: ·Anti-ship missiles: 8 MBDA MM 40 Exocet Block 2 surface-to-surface missiles (mounted in two four-cell launchers)
·Surface-to-Air: 16 Umkhonto surface-to-air missiles in a 16 cell Vertical launching system, can be increased to 32

·Naval Guns: 1 Otobreda 76 mm gun

·1 Denel 35mm Dual Purpose Gun(CIWS)

·2 Mk1 Oerlikon 20 mm cannon

·2 12.7 mm Rogue remotely operated guns

·ASW: 4 324 mm (12.8 in) torpedo tubes

Armour: Welded GL-D36 steel
Aircraft carried: 2 SuperLynx 300, 1 Atlas Oryx, 2AgustaWestland AW109, 1 Denel Rooivalk or various UAVs (Planned)
Aviation facilities: ·Flight deck
·Enclosed hangar

Re: CV 3 - Terceiro projeto de corveta

Enviado: Dom Dez 31, 2017 2:02 pm
por Ilya Ehrenburg
FCarvalho escreveu:Um lindo e doce sonho de verão... pena que venha em cirílico. :roll:

Pois é... Esta futurística e super armada 22350 jamais exibirá pavilhão brasileiro, ainda que apareça com o preço mais competitivo, pois todos sabemos que na Gloriosa a alergia aos eslavos é fatal. Mata.