PaK Fa News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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Re: PaK Fa News

#121 Mensagem por crubens » Qui Ago 07, 2008 11:43 am

Carlos Mathias escreveu:O povo do KKKKK tem memória curta e seletiva.
Tanto quanto o povo da vodka !!! :twisted:

"Tudo que é necessário para que o mal triunfe, é que os homens de bem nada façam". Edmund Burke

'O que me preocupa não é o grito dos maus, é o silêncio dos bons.' Martin Luther King

Carlos Mathias

Re: PaK Fa News

#122 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qui Ago 07, 2008 11:44 am

Nãããããããããã... Tem não.

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Re: PaK Fa News

#123 Mensagem por crubens » Qui Ago 07, 2008 11:46 am


"Tudo que é necessário para que o mal triunfe, é que os homens de bem nada façam". Edmund Burke

'O que me preocupa não é o grito dos maus, é o silêncio dos bons.' Martin Luther King

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Re: PaK Fa News

#124 Mensagem por Penguin » Sáb Ago 16, 2008 8:03 am

Fifth Generation Indo-Russian Fighter Aircraft to be Ready by 2017


Dated 13/8/2008
The fifth generation Indo-Russian fighter aircraft will be ready for induction by 2017, says Air Chief Marshal Fali H Major, while pointing out that the Indian Air Force's (IAF) squadron strength has grown after plummeting to an all-time low.

"An inter governmental agreement (IGA) between India and Russia has been signed for the co-development of the fifth generation fighter aircraft and the induction into the IAF is expected to start from 2017 onwards," Major said in an interview. The fifth generation combat aircraft will be in addition to the 126 medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) that the IAF is set to acquire.

The IAF chief outlined plans to increase the combat strength and strategic reach of the IAF. He said the number of squadrons in the 75-year-old IAF had seen an increase after hitting a low of 29. "Every air force goes through this phase (of depleting squadrons). Long gestation periods for acquiring equipment and aircraft also add to the situation. However, the number of squadrons have marked an increase from 29 (a couple of years ago) to 33.5 squadrons," said Major.

The sanctioned strength for the IAF - the world's fourth largest air force - is 39.5 squadrons. Major, who was appointed IAF chief on March 31, 2007, expressed the hope that various acquisitions would be fast-tracked with the new Defence Procurement Procedures-2008 (DPP-2008) in place. The IAF chief stressed that it plans to acquire equipment and develop capability to change the profile of the organisation and meet the challenge of depleting squadrons. The IAF has begun training its personnel and developing doctrines for strategic and operational deployment.

"To be able to protect far-flung areas, the IAF needs to be capable of 'strategic reach'. The Sukhoi-30 MKI procurement is on fast track to replace phased-out fleets. The induction of the MMRCA and LCA (Light Combat Aircraft) would partially bring up the force levels," Major said. He himself has the distinction of having 7,765 hours of flying experience and commanding a helicopter unit that took part in operations in Siachen - the world's highest battlefield - and an MI-17 squadron during the Indian Peace Keeping Force operations in Sri Lanka.

The IAF chief expressed satisfaction over Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) projects, including the LCA-Tejas. LCA, India's second indigenous aircraft, has been under development in Bangalore for the last couple of decades. There were demands for more powerful engines for the LCA on the grounds that the General Electric engines would not be able to provide adequate thrust to the aircraft. But Major said: "The LCA project is shaping up well and the LCA may be ready for induction by 2011."

IAF is also working on the modernisation and upgradation of its transport and helicopter fleets. "IAF proposes to procure 80 medium lift helicopters from Rosoboron Export, Russia, to raise six new helicopter units and the deliveries are expected to be completed by 2013. "IAF is also processing a case for procurement of 22 attack helicopters for which bids will be submitted by September," Major elaborated.

The IAF has signed contracts for 38 Advanced Light Helicopters (ALH)-Dhruv and 16 armed ALH. It is also in the process of procuring fully equipped light utility helicopters to replace the Chetak and Cheetah helicopters.

To increase its reach, the IAF has acquired air-to-air refuellers and plans to acquire more. "The airlift capability of IAF is being enhanced and we are in the process of inducting the C-130J Hercules for special operations and developing with medium transport aircraft in collaboration with Russia," Major added.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
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Re: PaK Fa News

#125 Mensagem por Sintra » Seg Ago 18, 2008 6:33 pm

Repararam que o suposto "Mig I 2000" é na realidade o velhissimo Izdelije33? :shock:
Pior, os tipos da Indiadefence ao "roubarem" o desenho ao Matej cortaram a parte aonde aparece claramente " Izdelije33 (project 412)" :!:

Budweiser 'beer' is like making love in a canoe - 'F***** close to water'...
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Re: PaK Fa News

#126 Mensagem por Bolovo » Seg Ago 18, 2008 6:39 pm

hihihi é verdade


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Re: PaK Fa News

#127 Mensagem por deschamps » Seg Ago 18, 2008 6:41 pm

o desenho tá

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Re: PaK Fa News

#128 Mensagem por saullo » Seg Ago 18, 2008 8:04 pm

O engraçado é que esses dois modelos têm entradas de ar bem baixas, tipo chupa-pedra, parecidas com o F-16 que muita gente desce o sarrafo. :roll:


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Re: PaK Fa News

#129 Mensagem por knigh7 » Qua Ago 20, 2008 5:10 am

Russia Finally Agrees to Full Transfer of Technology of T-90 Tanks to India

Daily News & Updates
India Defence Premium
Dated 19/8/2008
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The Russian Federation has finally agreed to transfer key technology for the advanced T-90 tanks enabling Indian armament factories to now go ahead with production of these weapon platforms indigenously.

"Russians have finally agreed to supply specifications of the T-90 tank barrels by end of this year," a top Defence ministry official confirmed today after the two-day long intensive deliberations between the two countries. The delay in providing the specifications had held up the indigenous production of the T-90 tanks at the Avadi Heavy Vehicles Factory.

India and Russia have signed agreements for delivery of almost 1,200 T-90 tanks at a cost of a staggering US 1.2 billion dollars. The deal, concluded in three tranches over the past five years, also specifies transfer of technology for production of another 1,000 to 1,500 tanks in India.

At the 8th meeting of the Indo-Russian working group on shipbuilding, aviation and land systems, Moscow also agreed to full product support for indigenous production of these tanks. "The Russian side have agreed that the delivery schedule mutually accepted by the two countries in June this year would be maintained," the official said.

With this crucial agreement, it has become apparent that the Indian army would continue to rely on the Russian tanks as its main battle tanks. This is significant as the indigenous Arjun tanks have yet to pass the crucial induction trials. Though the Ordnance Factories Board had concluded the technology transfer agreement with Russia way back in 2001, Moscow's reluctance to part with key barrel specifications had held up the indigenous production of the tanks.

At the meeting co-chaired by Ajay Acharya, Additional Secretary, Defence Production, and his Russian counterpart Karavaev Igor Evgeniyevich, New Delhi also submitted its technical requirements for the joint development of a futuristic 5th generation fighter aircraft. Though the aircraft design is yet to be finalized, the two countries have agreed to step up efforts to ensure that the new fighter enters flying service by 2015.
The key working group met within the framework of the Indo-Russian intergovernmental commission military technical cooperation and also took up issues for supply of Russian sub-systems for India's new range of P-17A warships. "The talks were held in a highly professional manner. Sides expressed their readiness to take all the necessary measures to further develop cooperation on a mutually beneficial basis," Defence Ministry spokesman Sitanshu Kar said.

Russia has also agreed to open cooperation with the blue chip public sector undertaking Hindustan Aeronautics Limited as an offset partner for future programs.

Carlos Mathias

Re: PaK Fa News

#130 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qua Ago 20, 2008 11:05 am

O engraçado é que esses dois modelos têm entradas de ar bem baixas, tipo chupa-pedra, parecidas com o F-16 que muita gente desce o sarrafo. :roll:

Não é não, porque na verdade o desenho que esteve na página da KNAAPO é diferente.


Re: PaK Fa News

#131 Mensagem por PRick » Qua Ago 20, 2008 11:52 am

Pelo menos não faltam desenhos, tem para todo gosto. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Já está marcado o primeiro vôo do protótipo?

[ ]´s

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Re: PaK Fa News

#132 Mensagem por Bourne » Qua Ago 20, 2008 1:27 pm

PRick escreveu:Pelo menos não faltam desenhos, tem para todo gosto. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Já está marcado o primeiro vôo do protótipo?

[ ]´s
Que protótipo???????

Carlos Mathias

Re: PaK Fa News

#133 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qua Ago 20, 2008 1:28 pm

Inveja e falta de informação nunca são bons argumentos num debate. Blá, blá, blá.

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Re: PaK Fa News

#134 Mensagem por Bourne » Qua Ago 20, 2008 1:31 pm

Mais tem protótipo????

A pergunta é séria, pô....

Carlos Mathias

Re: PaK Fa News

#135 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qua Ago 20, 2008 1:38 pm

Ah é séria? Eu tô pensando se respondo e depois leio um monte de coisas do tipo "...mas o painel é azul", "mas acontece que o acordo coma Rússia não diz nada sobre caça de 54ºG, só um caça encalhado com uma âncora de petroleiro pode ser escolhido e blá, blá, blá."

É sério mesmo ou vai continuar a bobeirada? Se continuar, eu continuo também com a bobeira. Se for sério, podemos debater sobre essa questão de protótipos, se tem ou não, se vai sair...
New Delhi also submitted its technical requirements for the joint development of a futuristic 5th generation fighter aircraft. Though the aircraft design is yet to be finalized, the two countries have agreed to step up efforts to ensure that the new fighter enters flying service by 2015.
A data de 2015 é mais do que razoável, e creio que haja sim um protótipo em construção. Mas assim como no SU-35BM, ninguém vai ver nada até o momento em que estiver pronto e muito provavelmente voando.

Eu só lembro que quando primeiro se falou do BM, muitos disseram que jamais sairia, que isso e aquilo. Hoje está aí, concorrendo ao FX-2.
