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Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Qui Abr 09, 2009 11:08 am
por usskelvin
O su-35bm nada mais é que um F-15 SE.

A diferença é que o F-15 SE talvez acabe tendo um ou dois esquadrões.

Me parece realmente curioso como o F-15SE não tem vantagem alguma, mas o Su-35bm, seu equívalente, não pairam os mesmos comentários.

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Qui Abr 09, 2009 11:24 am
por Carlos Mathias
Quem disse que não tem vantagem alguma? Vamos pegar esse louco e botar na cruz logo!

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Qui Abr 09, 2009 11:27 am
por Sintra
Carlos Mathias escreveu:Quem disse que não tem vantagem alguma? Vamos pegar esse louco e botar na cruz logo!

Andas a tirar um curso intensivo de "Forúmear" (acabei de inventar o verbo :mrgreen: ) com o Talha e com o "Morcefake" (AKA "Morcego")?! :twisted:

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Qui Abr 09, 2009 2:15 pm
por Carlos Mathias

Sintra, eu quero saber quem foi o criminoso que disse que o F-15SEamém não tem vantagem alguma.
Comprei um machado novo e uma corda boa.

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Sex Abr 10, 2009 7:07 pm
por Sintra
Carlos Mathias escreveu:KKKKKK

Sintra, eu quero saber quem foi o criminoso que disse que o F-15SEamém não tem vantagem alguma.
Comprei um machado novo e uma corda boa.

Fui eu... :oops:

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Sex Abr 10, 2009 8:00 pm
por Carlos Mathias
Ajoelhai ó herege!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vais ardeire na caldeira da Boeing!!!!!!!!!!

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Ter Abr 21, 2009 12:27 pm
por P44
First JSF Fighter Jet Will Cost EUR 110 Million

(Source: Dutch News; issued April 20, 2009)

The first [Dutch] test Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) jet will cost almost just under EUR 110m which is within budget, says junior defence minister Jack de Vries in a letter to parliament on Monday, reports the Trouw.

The letter comes two days before MPs are to decide whether or not to approve the purchase of two JSF aircraft.

Selecting a replacement for the defence department’s current fleet of fighter jets is a long-running and controversial issue within the government.

Until now the actual price of the JSF has been unclear, reports the Trouw. Clarity on price is a prerequisite for two of the three coalition parties, Labour and the orthodox ChritenUnie, to vote in favour of the acquisition, the paper says.

The JSF is made by US manufacturer Lockheed Martin. Saab is a contender for the contract.

MPs will decide on Wednesday whether to buy the first of the two test JSFs which will be used for a series of extensive trials. The second will not be ordered until next year, says the Trouw. (ends)

Statement to Parliament on the Price of the First JSF Test Aircraft

(Source: Dutch Ministry of Defence; dated April 17, released April 20, 2009)

(Issued in Dutch only; unofficial translation by defense-aerospace.com)

I hereby inform you concerning the price of the first F-35 test aircraft.

This price amounts to EUR 109.9 million at 2007 prices. This price remains within previous estimates.

On 29 February 2008, the House was informed in commercial confidence (ref: DMO/DB/2008001692) that, according to estimates, the price would amount to EUR 110.6 million at 2007 prices.

That is equivalent to EUR 113.9 million at 2008 prices. The current price in 2008 prices is EUR 113.2 million.

All cost figures are based on an exchange rate of 0.83 euros to the US dollar.

Before the American government and the manufacturers can sign the contract concerning the LRIP 3 aircraft, some details must still be finalized concerning the engine of the STOVL (Short Take-Off, Vertical Landing) version of the F-35.

This has no influence on the price of the Dutch CTOL (conventional take-off and landing) aircraft.

The State Secretary for Defence
Dr. J.G. de Vries


Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Ter Abr 21, 2009 12:38 pm
por P44
Brevemente perto de si, um JSF CHINÊS!!!! :twisted: :twisted:

China denies claims it hacked into Pentagon computers

Cyber spies have broken into the Pentagon and stolen details of the new Joint Strike Fighter, the most expensive fighter jet in history, according to reports.

By Malcolm Moore in Shanghai
Last Updated: 1:39PM BST 21 Apr 2009

The $300 billion (£206bn) jet is being developed by Lockheed Martin and will be bought by eight other countries, including the UK.

However, the Wall Street Journal reported that hackers had broken into the project and siphoned off "several terabytes of data related to design and electronics systems".

The leak could make it easier to defend against the plane, also known as the F35 Lightning II. However, the spies could not access the most sensitive material, which is kept on computers that are not connected to the internet.

Former US officials said the attacks appear to have originated in China, but there is scant concrete evidence because it is easy to mask identities online.

Chinese officials reacted angrily to the accusation, and a spokesman for the foreign ministry said: "China has not changed its stance on hacking. China has always been against hacking and we have cracked down very hard on hacking. This is not a Chinese phenomenon. It happens everywhere in the world."

Attacks on the Pentagon are common, but are said to have escalated dramatically in the past six months, and coincide with growing speculation about China's role in cyber espionage.

A report issued by the Pentagon last month said the Chinese military has made "steady progress" in its online warfare capabilities, a key field in which China can compete with the US.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington called the report "a product of the Cold War mentality" and said accusations of cyber crime were being spread to inflame opinion against China.

At the end of last month, researchers at several universities discovered the existence of GhostNet, a vast internet espionage network that was siphoning information from sensitive computers in 103 countries. One third of its targets were based in embassies, news media and NGOs. The researchers said the majority of GhostNet's attacks originated from within China but stopped short of accusing Beijing of responsibility.

The security of the Joint Strike Fighter may have been breached before, according to a Pentagon report in 2008. The report said that "the advanced aviation and weapons technology for the JSF programme may have been compromised" because the Defence Department had not kept a close enough eye on the 1,200 contractors involved in the mammoth process. At the time, BAE Systems, the UK arms company, was named as one contractor that might have allowed details to leak. BAE denied that any information on the jet had been compromised.

The UK intends to use the Joint Strike Fighter as a replacement for the Harrier jump jet. More than 2,400 jets will be built in total.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... uters.html

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Ter Abr 21, 2009 1:44 pm
por soultrain
Hackers Swipe Terabytes of Sensitive Pentagon Data
By Roy Mark

Article Rating:starstarstarstarstar / 5

There are 2 user comments on this Security story.

Computer spies again hit the U.S., this time targeting sensitive data involving the $300 billion Joint Strike Fighter project. The most expensive Pentagon weapons system ever developed, the program involves 7.5 million lines of code, of which hackers made off with several terabytes.

With President Obama's review of U.S. cyber-security due this week, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that unknown hackers have infiltrated the Pentagon's most expensive weapons program. The incident follows reports that computer spies have also hit the U.S. power grid and the Air Force's air traffic control system.

The latest hack involves the Pentagon's $300 billion Joint Strike Fighter project, where it is reported that intruders successfully managed to grab several terabytes of data, including information about the design and electronics systems of the program. Although the hack could allow the thieves to better defend against the Joint Strike Fighter, Pentagon officials said the most sensitive data about the program was untouched, since it is stored on a computer not connected to the Internet.

Resource Library:

A Secure System is a Well Managed System
How the Recession Is Threatening Your Network, and What You Can Do To Protect Yo
Protecting Sensitive and Confidential Information with Endpoint Security
Realizing the Benefits of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
The Wall Street Journal quoted unnamed sources who claimed the attacks originated from China, although Pentagon officials said it is very easy to mask such attacks and no actual proof exists of Chinese involvement. The Chinese Embassy in Washington denied the allegations.

Also known as the F-35 Lightening II, the Joint Strike Fighter is being developed by Lockheed Martin for the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps, and the British Royal Navy. A stealth, supersonic multirole fighter, the F-35 relies on 7.5 million lines of code, more than three times the code employed on any other fighter plane.

The hackers infiltrated the system through network vulnerabilities of several contractors working on the project. In addition to Lockheed Martin, other contractors working on the fighter plane include Northrup Grumman and BAE Systems. The spies encrypted the data as it was being stolen, leaving Pentagon officials unable to account for all of the data that may have been stolen.

Currently, the United States has no centralized government or military office responsible for cyber-security. Shortly after taking office, Obama ordered his National Security and Homeland Security advisers to conduct a 60-day review of the U.S. government's cyber-security plans, programs and activities. The review, which is due as early as this week, is headed by Melissa Hathaway, who served as the national cyber-security coordinator under former President Bush.

Hathaway was also named a senior director at the National Security Council, and numerous media accounts have mentioned her as a top candidate to serve as Obama's cyber-security chief. A former Booz Allen consultant, Hathaway led a group that developed Bush's National Cybersecurity Initiative.

On several occasions while campaigning for the presidency, Obama stressed the importance of beefing up the United States' cyber-security efforts while at the same time protecting privacy rights. At a campaign stop in Indiana, Obama said, "We need to build the capacity to identify, isolate and respond to any cyber-attack. And we need to develop new standards for the cyber-security that protects our most important infrastructure, from electrical grids to sewage systems, from air traffic control to our markets."

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Ter Abr 21, 2009 1:46 pm
21/04/2009 - 11h52
Piratas virtuais furtam dados sobre avião de caça nos EUA

da Folha Online

Piratas virtuais invadiram os computadores do Pentágono e tiveram acesso a dados do projeto de construção do avião caça Joint Strike Fighter, um dos mais caros já empreendidos pelo Departamento de Defesa dos EUA, orçado em US$ 300 bilhões. A informação foi divulgada nesta terça-feira (21) pelo "Wall Street Journal".

De acordo com a publicação, os piratas virtuais entraram no sistema e fizeram o download de "vários terabytes" de dados relacionados ao desenho e a sistemas eletrônicos do avião, fazendo com que fique mais fácil combatê-lo. O jornal afirma que não há informação específica sobre a identidade dos invasores e a magnitude dos danos causados por essas operações.
Jornal afirma que piratas virtuais tiveram acesso a dados do desenho e dos sistemas elétricos do Joint Strike Fighter
Jornal afirma que piratas virtuais tiveram acesso a dados do desenho e dos sistemas elétricos do Joint Strike Fighter

Um ex-oficial envolvido com o assunto afirma que o volume de ataques do gênero --ou as ações detectadas pelo governo-- cresceram muito nos últimos seis meses, em um fenômeno sem precedentes.

A administração de Barack Obama está tomando medidas para conter essa escaladas, inclusive contratando piratas virtuais. A ideia é contratar pessoas que exercem esse tipo de atividade para que elas ajudem a melhorar a segurança das redes de comunicação do país.

O secretário de Defesa do país, Robert Gates, afirmou que o Pentágono quer aumentar de 80 para 250, até 2011, o número de especialistas no assunto treinados por ano.

Após denúncias de que os Estados Unidos não estão bem preparados para ataques virtuais, a Casa Branca fez um estudo sobre como o governo pode usar a tecnologia para melhorar a segurança em áreas que vão da rede elétrica até a cobrança de impostos, passando por sistemas de controle aéreo e do mercado de ações.

Enquanto o país tem estratégias claras para agir no caso de um ataque aéreo, por exemplo, não há algo similar no que se refere à área digital. 'Nós claramente não estamos preparados como deveríamos', afirmou David Powner, diretor de tecnologia do Government Accountability Office (GAO --o braço investigativo do Congresso norte-americano).

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Ter Abr 21, 2009 1:56 pm
por LEO
Esses chineses, hein :twisted: :lol: É só brincadeira essa parte, hein!

Resta saber (se um dia saberemos) se estes dados roubados foram apenas peças de um quebra cabeça completamente aleatórias entre si ou não.

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Ter Abr 21, 2009 2:40 pm
por Skyway
Deram muito mole.

A china agora recebe de graça uma transferência de tecnologia que vale MUITO.

Fizeram o trabalho suado de desenvolver tecnologias para a China.

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Ter Abr 21, 2009 4:51 pm
por Bourne
E as piratarias que os EUa fazem com a China??? Ou será que os norte-americanos não fuçam nos computadores chineses e de todo o mundo? :roll:

Vacilou, perrrrdeu cumpadi!!!

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Ter Abr 21, 2009 10:16 pm
por Glauber Prestes
Mas que idéia de gerico colocar esse tipo de coisa online... eu tentaria deixar tudo off...

Re: F-35 News

Enviado: Qua Abr 22, 2009 12:06 am
por Guilhermerb
o legal a noticia saiu na globo agora dei muita risada com ela......essa impresa me trinca os ovos