Marinha de Taiwan

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Re: Marinha de Taiwan

#46 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Sex Nov 20, 2020 3:44 pm

Um probleminha a mais para Pequim, além dos subnuc americanos caçando na área.



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Re: Marinha de Taiwan

#47 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Dez 29, 2020 8:59 am

ROCS Hai Shih (SS-791) during a celebration at Keelung Port summer 2019. Formerly USS Cutlass (SS-478), she is the oldest operational submarine in the world, at some 76 years young, although primarily used for training.

Triste sina ter nascido português 👎
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Re: Marinha de Taiwan

#48 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Mar 12, 2021 1:21 pm

Triste sina ter nascido português 👎
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Re: Marinha de Taiwan

#49 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Jan 13, 2022 10:39 am

Triste sina ter nascido português 👎
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Re: Marinha de Taiwan

#50 Mensagem por Viking » Sex Abr 15, 2022 4:41 pm

Taiwan’s New Domestic Frigate Project Hits Roadblock ... roadblock/

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Re: Marinha de Taiwan

#51 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sex Jul 07, 2023 10:31 am

Taiwan Navy's receives new Tuo Chiang class corvette Fu Chiang

According to information published by CNA on June 24, 2023, marking a significant milestone in Taiwan's efforts to strengthen its asymmetric warfare capabilities, the second Tuo Chiang-class corvette Fu Chiang has successfully completed its testing phase and is now an integral part of the navy fleet.

Artist rendering of a Tuo Chiang class corvette. (Picture source: ROC Navy)

The Tuo Chiang-class journey began with the "Tuo Chiang (PGG-618)" prototype that entered service in 2015. Over the years, considerable improvements and modifications have been made, leading to the creation of the first production ship of the class, the "Ta Chiang," which became combat-ready in December 2020.

Following in its wake, the "Fu Chiang" and "Hsu Chiang" were launched in September of last year and February of this year, respectively. The fleet will soon expand with an unnamed fourth vessel of the Tuojiang-class, currently under construction.

The "Fu Chiang" has passed all necessary tests at the Lungteh Shipbuilding Company and has officially joined the navy. Its inclusion significantly amplifies the navy's surface warfare capabilities and represents a robust response to potential mainland China threats.

Technical data

The Tuo Chiang-class vessels are moderately sized, with a displacement of 567 tonnes at full load for the standard hull, and 685 tonnes for the improved hull.

The standard hull measures 60.4m (198ft 2in) in length on cushion, while the improved hull version is slightly longer at 65m (213ft 3in). The beam of the standard model is 14m (45ft 11in), with the improved hull having a slightly wider beam at 14.8m (48ft 7in). The draught of the standard hull is 2.3m (7ft 7in), whereas the improved hull has a draught of 2.1m (6ft 11in).

The propulsion system of these ships includes two MTU 20V 4000 M93L diesel engines rated at 4,300 kW (5,800 hp), alongside four MJP CSU 850 waterjets. The improved hull model doubles these specifications. When fully armed, these vessels can achieve a speed of 45 knots (83 km/h; 52 mph).

Each Tuo Chiang-class vessel is designed to accommodate a crew of 41. They are equipped with navigational radar, CS/SPG-6N(S) surface search radar, CS/SPG-6N(T) fire control radar, CS/MPQ-90 Sea Bee Eye surface search and fire control AESA type radar (for Ta Chiang and onwards), STIR 1.2 EO Mk2 fire control radar (for Ta Chiang and onwards), and a variable depth sonar. The ships also carry 12 counter-IR/RF chaff dispensers as part of their electronic warfare and decoy systems.

In terms of armament, the original Tuo Chiang version carries eight Hsiung Feng II, eight Hsiung Feng III, one Otobreda 76mm gun, one Phalanx CIWS, two 12.7mm Browning M2HB, and two Mark 32 triple torpedo launchers.

The Ta Chiang onwards version changes its arsenal to include 16 TC-2N, eight Hsiung Feng II, four Hsiung Feng III, one Otobreda 76mm gun, one Phalanx CIWS, and two 12.7mm Browning M2HB.

The Flight II onwards variant includes 16 TC-2N, four Hsiung Feng II, eight Hsiung Feng III, one Otobreda 76mm gun, one Phalanx CIWS or one Sea Oryx, and two 12.7mm Browning M2HB.

:arrow: ... hiang.html

TC-2N - ... -2n-tc-2n/

Hsiung Feng II -

Hsiung Feng III - ... catalog=30

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: Marinha de Taiwan

#52 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Qui Set 28, 2023 1:24 pm

Algumas imagens do novo submarino

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Re: Marinha de Taiwan

#53 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sex Out 27, 2023 10:30 pm

DPP’s Chao Tian-lin to cooperate if investigated
ACCUSATIONS: As some KMT lawmakers alleged Chao Tian-lin passed classified materials to China, Chao said he would cooperate and urged Ma Wen-chun to do the same
By Hsieh Chun-lin and Jason Pan / Staff reporters

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Chao Tian-lin (趙天麟) yesterday said he was willing to cooperate with any national security investigation into his affair with a Chinese woman, but added that Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Ma Wen-chun (馬文君) should also be investigated for allegedly leaking national security secrets, and she should also cooperate.

Taking questions from reporters at the legislature in Taipei yesterday, Chao denied he had leaked national secrets, while reiterating his decision to end his re-election bid, which he announced on Tuesday night, following media reports that he had an extramarital affair with a Chinese woman surnamed Zhang (張), and photos of the two kissing became public.

“I have apologized and admitted to wrongdoing in my personal life, but without any evidence, KMT lawmakers accused me — by exaggerating the matter to the highest level — of betraying the nation,” Chao said. “I shall cooperate with any judicial investigation into national security leaks, and I urge Ma to do the same.”

Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Chao Tian-lin, center, is surrounded by reporters before attending a legislative session in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Tien Yu-hua, Taipei Times

Ma and other KMT lawmakers alleged that Chao passed classified materials from the legislature’s Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee to China.

Separately, DPP caucus secretary-general Chuang Jui-hsiung (莊瑞雄) yesterday said that Ma had “betrayed the nation, seriously damaging national security,” and demanded that she not seek re-election.

Chuang said that Ma had interfered with the indigenous defense submarine project, by trying to prevent it from progressing by cutting its budget.

Ma had admitted that she had handed over classified materials related to the project to the South Korean representative office in Taiwan, which Chuang said resulted in the arrest and incarceration of several technicians working for South Korean contractor SI Innotec.

“During legislative sessions, Ma did not focus on scrutinizing the submarine construction or other military projects. Instead, she piled insults on military officials and defense experts, along with many staff members and technicians working to complete the first indigenous submarine,” DPP Legislator Lin Ching-yi (林靜儀) said.

Lin also said that videos of Ma speaking at the legislature are being used by China as propaganda to attack Taiwan’s government and military.

“Ma passed on classified project materials to South Korean officials to derail our submarines, which are to protect Taiwanese from a military invasion. Is this not treason?” Lin said. “During a classified legislative committee meeting to review the submarine blueprint and budget, Ma was talking on the phone. Is this not leaking national secrets? When someone does these things, they should be stripped of their rights and authority as a legislator right away.” ... 2003808244

Inimigo interno, o cara tentou impedir que Taiwan produzisse um submarino nacional, como não conseguiu frear o programa distribuiu informações confidencias do sub para os sul coreanos e chineses.

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Re: Marinha de Taiwan

#54 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sáb Out 28, 2023 8:02 pm

Tradutor Google
O "Stinger Missile Launcher" vazou para o arsenal da gangue! O 4º sargento da 66ª Brigada de Fuzileiros Navais foi exposto a roubo de importantes produtos militares

Editor: Chen Yujun 24/10/2023 08:16

Quatro sargentos da 66ª Brigada de Fuzileiros Navais foram recentemente considerados culpados de roubar os mais avançados "lançadores de mísseis Stinger" do exército nacional e vazá-los para arsenais de gangues, causando choque ao Ministério da Defesa Nacional! Em resposta, o Ministério Público do Distrito de Taoyuan instruiu a Estação de Transferência da Cidade de Taoyuan e a Divisão de Segurança Militar do Ministério da Defesa Nacional a se dividirem em três grupos na noite de ontem (23) e prenderem um capitão e três suboficiais. Os suspeitos continuam sob interrogatório durante a noite., não está descartado que outras pessoas estejam envolvidas no caso.

De acordo com uma reportagem exclusiva da China Times News Network, quando uma equipe de inspeção descobriu recentemente um arsenal de gangues, ficou chocada ao encontrar máscaras de gás e tubos de lançamento para mísseis Stinger, a arma antiaérea de baixa altitude mais avançada do exército nacional. o Ministério da Defesa Nacional ficou extremamente chocado e cooperou imediatamente.Inspeção e coordenação para cooperar com investigação e investigação. Rastreando a origem e verificando os números dos lotes, descobriu-se que o lote de produtos militares era suspeito de ter saído da 66ª Brigada do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais de Guishan.

O Departamento de Inspeção do Distrito de Taoyuan instruiu um grande número de funcionários da Estação de Transferência da Cidade de Taoyuan e do Escritório de Defesa e Segurança do Ministério da Defesa Nacional para revistar o 66º Batalhão de Artilharia de Defesa Aérea da Brigada de Fuzileiros Navais em Guishan na noite passada. Mais tarde, eles rastrearam um capitão oficial de inteligência, um sargento-mor e dois O sargento estava envolvido em sérias suspeitas e quatro sargentos foram presos e trazidos de volta para investigação. Todo o caso ainda está sob investigação. Não está descartado que mais oficiais e soldados estejam envolvidos, e isso está sendo esclarecido pela investigação.

A 66ª Brigada de Fuzileiros Navais, conhecida como a elite do exército nacional e responsável pela guarda do centro de Taipei, revelou recentemente que um comandante de batalhão de artilharia casado teve um caso extraconjugal. Ele não apenas engravidou uma internauta, mas também forçou-a a fazer um aborto. No final, ela foi punida com dois grandes deméritos. Depois de ser eliminada, e agora que estourou um grande incidente de roubo de produtos militares, o Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais parece estar cheio de problemas.
